Demo Portal User portal portal -- Mr Demo Portal Our company's first blog-post ! Hello, and welcome to our company's portal !

It is a great pleasure to announce you the creation of our portal by writing this first news! As you may have seen, a new discussion group is now present under your 'My groups' menu: Company's News. We will post news about the company and its employees in this discussion group. Moreover, we will be able to communicate with our partners that are given the opportunity to join us in our portal.

A new era of communication has begun! Feel free to post your feelings about our portal by replying on this message!

comment As your first portal member, I am very pleased to be able to be able to communicate directly with you. Be sure I'll read all news carefully!

comment That's good news! As said by Demo Portal User in the previous post, I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

comment This feature is really great! We will be able to communicate directly to our partners!
