Critic First downvote bronze Critic First downvote count boolean higher [('vote', '=', '-1')] True Critic once personal never True [('karma', '>', 0)] inprogress forum 1 Disciplined Deleted own post with 3 or more upvotes bronze Disciplined Delete own post with 3 or more upvotes count boolean higher [('vote_count', '>=', 3), ('active', '=', False)] True Disciplined once personal never True [('karma', '>', 0)] inprogress forum 1 Editor First edit gold Editor First edit of answer or question count boolean higher True Editor once personal never True [('karma', '>', 0)] inprogress forum 1 Supporter First upvote gold Supporter First upvote count boolean higher [('vote', '=', '1')] True Supporter once personal never True [('karma', '>', 0)] inprogress forum 1 Peer Pressure Deleted own post with 3 or more downvotes gold Peer Pressure Delete own post with 3 or more down votes count boolean higher [('vote_count', '<=', -3), ('active', '=', False)] True Peer Pressure once personal never True [('karma', '>', 0)] inprogress forum 1