# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import ast import base64 import csv import glob import itertools import operator import os import re import simplejson import time import xmlrpclib import zlib from xml.etree import ElementTree from cStringIO import StringIO import babel.messages.pofile import web.common openerpweb = web.common.http #---------------------------------------------------------- # OpenERP Web web Controllers #---------------------------------------------------------- def concat_xml(file_list): """Concatenate xml files return (concat,timestamp) concat: concatenation of file content timestamp: max(os.path.getmtime of file_list) """ root = None files_timestamp = 0 for fname in file_list: ftime = os.path.getmtime(fname) if ftime > files_timestamp: files_timestamp = ftime xml = ElementTree.parse(fname).getroot() if root is None: root = ElementTree.Element(xml.tag) #elif root.tag != xml.tag: # raise ValueError("Root tags missmatch: %r != %r" % (root.tag, xml.tag)) for child in xml.getchildren(): root.append(child) return ElementTree.tostring(root, 'utf-8'), files_timestamp def concat_files(file_list, reader=None): """ Concatenate file content return (concat,timestamp) concat: concatenation of file content, read by `reader` timestamp: max(os.path.getmtime of file_list) """ if reader is None: def reader(f): with open(f) as fp: return fp.read() files_content = [] files_timestamp = 0 for fname in file_list: ftime = os.path.getmtime(fname) if ftime > files_timestamp: files_timestamp = ftime files_content.append(reader(fname)) files_concat = "".join(files_content) return files_concat,files_timestamp html_template = """ OpenERP %(css)s %(js)s """ class WebClient(openerpweb.Controller): _cp_path = "/web/webclient" def server_wide_modules(self, req): addons = [i for i in req.config.server_wide_modules if i in openerpweb.addons_manifest] return addons def manifest_glob(self, req, addons, key): if addons is None: addons = self.server_wide_modules(req) else: addons = addons.split(',') for addon in addons: manifest = openerpweb.addons_manifest.get(addon, None) if not manifest: continue # ensure does not ends with / addons_path = os.path.join(manifest['addons_path'], '')[:-1] globlist = manifest.get(key, []) for pattern in globlist: for path in glob.glob(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(addons_path, addon, pattern))): yield path, path[len(addons_path):] def manifest_list(self, req, mods, extension): if not req.debug: path = '/web/webclient/' + extension if mods is not None: path += '?mods=' + mods return [path] return ['%s?debug=%s' % (wp, os.path.getmtime(fp)) for fp, wp in self.manifest_glob(req, mods, extension)] @openerpweb.jsonrequest def csslist(self, req, mods=None): return self.manifest_list(req, mods, 'css') @openerpweb.jsonrequest def jslist(self, req, mods=None): return self.manifest_list(req, mods, 'js') @openerpweb.jsonrequest def qweblist(self, req, mods=None): return self.manifest_list(req, mods, 'qweb') @openerpweb.httprequest def css(self, req, mods=None): files = list(self.manifest_glob(req, mods, 'css')) file_map = dict(files) rx_import = re.compile(r"""@import\s+('|")(?!'|"|/|https?://)""", re.U) rx_url = re.compile(r"""url\s*\(\s*('|"|)(?!'|"|/|https?://)""", re.U) def reader(f): """read the a css file and absolutify all relative uris""" with open(f) as fp: data = fp.read() web_path = file_map[f] web_dir = os.path.dirname(web_path) data = re.sub( rx_import, r"""@import \1%s/""" % (web_dir,), data, ) data = re.sub( rx_url, r"""url(\1%s/""" % (web_dir,), data, ) return data content,timestamp = concat_files((f[0] for f in files), reader) # TODO use timestamp to set Last mofified date and E-tag return req.make_response(content, [('Content-Type', 'text/css')]) @openerpweb.httprequest def js(self, req, mods=None): files = [f[0] for f in self.manifest_glob(req, mods, 'js')] content,timestamp = concat_files(files) # TODO use timestamp to set Last mofified date and E-tag return req.make_response(content, [('Content-Type', 'application/javascript')]) @openerpweb.httprequest def qweb(self, req, mods=None): files = [f[0] for f in self.manifest_glob(req, mods, 'qweb')] content,timestamp = concat_xml(files) # TODO use timestamp to set Last mofified date and E-tag return req.make_response(content, [('Content-Type', 'text/xml')]) @openerpweb.httprequest def home(self, req, s_action=None, **kw): js = "\n ".join(''%i for i in self.manifest_list(req, None, 'js')) css = "\n ".join(''%i for i in self.manifest_list(req, None, 'css')) r = html_template % { 'js': js, 'css': css, 'modules': simplejson.dumps(self.server_wide_modules(req)), 'init': 'new s.web.WebClient("oe").start();', } return r @openerpweb.jsonrequest def translations(self, req, mods, lang): lang_model = req.session.model('res.lang') ids = lang_model.search([("code", "=", lang)]) if ids: lang_obj = lang_model.read(ids[0], ["direction", "date_format", "time_format", "grouping", "decimal_point", "thousands_sep"]) else: lang_obj = None if lang.count("_") > 0: separator = "_" else: separator = "@" langs = lang.split(separator) langs = [separator.join(langs[:x]) for x in range(1, len(langs) + 1)] transs = {} for addon_name in mods: transl = {"messages":[]} transs[addon_name] = transl for l in langs: addons_path = openerpweb.addons_manifest[addon_name]['addons_path'] f_name = os.path.join(addons_path, addon_name, "po", l + ".po") if not os.path.exists(f_name): continue try: with open(f_name) as t_file: po = babel.messages.pofile.read_po(t_file) except: continue for x in po: if x.id and x.string: transl["messages"].append({'id': x.id, 'string': x.string}) return {"modules": transs, "lang_parameters": lang_obj} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def version_info(self, req): return { "version": web.common.release.version } class Database(openerpweb.Controller): _cp_path = "/web/database" @openerpweb.jsonrequest def get_list(self, req): proxy = req.session.proxy("db") dbs = proxy.list() h = req.httprequest.headers['Host'].split(':')[0] d = h.split('.')[0] r = req.config.dbfilter.replace('%h', h).replace('%d', d) dbs = [i for i in dbs if re.match(r, i)] return {"db_list": dbs} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def progress(self, req, password, id): return req.session.proxy('db').get_progress(password, id) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def create(self, req, fields): params = dict(map(operator.itemgetter('name', 'value'), fields)) create_attrs = ( params['super_admin_pwd'], params['db_name'], bool(params.get('demo_data')), params['db_lang'], params['create_admin_pwd'] ) try: return req.session.proxy("db").create(*create_attrs) except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: if e.faultCode and isinstance(e.faultCode, str)\ and e.faultCode.split(':')[0] == 'AccessDenied': return {'error': e.faultCode, 'title': 'Database creation error'} return { 'error': "Could not create database '%s': %s" % ( params['db_name'], e.faultString), 'title': 'Database creation error' } @openerpweb.jsonrequest def drop(self, req, fields): password, db = operator.itemgetter( 'drop_pwd', 'drop_db')( dict(map(operator.itemgetter('name', 'value'), fields))) try: return req.session.proxy("db").drop(password, db) except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: if e.faultCode and e.faultCode.split(':')[0] == 'AccessDenied': return {'error': e.faultCode, 'title': 'Drop Database'} return {'error': 'Could not drop database !', 'title': 'Drop Database'} @openerpweb.httprequest def backup(self, req, backup_db, backup_pwd, token): try: db_dump = base64.b64decode( req.session.proxy("db").dump(backup_pwd, backup_db)) return req.make_response(db_dump, [('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream; charset=binary'), ('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' + backup_db + '.dump"')], {'fileToken': int(token)} ) except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: if e.faultCode and e.faultCode.split(':')[0] == 'AccessDenied': return 'Backup Database|' + e.faultCode return 'Backup Database|Could not generate database backup' @openerpweb.httprequest def restore(self, req, db_file, restore_pwd, new_db): try: data = base64.b64encode(db_file.read()) req.session.proxy("db").restore(restore_pwd, new_db, data) return '' except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: if e.faultCode and e.faultCode.split(':')[0] == 'AccessDenied': raise Exception("AccessDenied") @openerpweb.jsonrequest def change_password(self, req, fields): old_password, new_password = operator.itemgetter( 'old_pwd', 'new_pwd')( dict(map(operator.itemgetter('name', 'value'), fields))) try: return req.session.proxy("db").change_admin_password(old_password, new_password) except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: if e.faultCode and e.faultCode.split(':')[0] == 'AccessDenied': return {'error': e.faultCode, 'title': 'Change Password'} return {'error': 'Error, password not changed !', 'title': 'Change Password'} class Session(openerpweb.Controller): _cp_path = "/web/session" @openerpweb.jsonrequest def login(self, req, db, login, password): req.session.login(db, login, password) ctx = req.session.get_context() if req.session._uid else {} return { "session_id": req.session_id, "uid": req.session._uid, "context": ctx, "db": req.session._db, "login": req.session._login } @openerpweb.jsonrequest def get_session_info(self, req): req.session.assert_valid(force=True) return { "uid": req.session._uid, "context": req.session.get_context() if req.session._uid else False, "db": req.session._db, "login": req.session._login } @openerpweb.jsonrequest def change_password (self,req,fields): old_password, new_password,confirm_password = operator.itemgetter('old_pwd', 'new_password','confirm_pwd')( dict(map(operator.itemgetter('name', 'value'), fields))) if not (old_password.strip() and new_password.strip() and confirm_password.strip()): return {'error':'All passwords have to be filled.','title': 'Change Password'} if new_password != confirm_password: return {'error': 'The new password and its confirmation must be identical.','title': 'Change Password'} try: if req.session.model('res.users').change_password( old_password, new_password): return {'new_password':new_password} except: return {'error': 'Original password incorrect, your password was not changed.', 'title': 'Change Password'} return {'error': 'Error, password not changed !', 'title': 'Change Password'} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def sc_list(self, req): return req.session.model('ir.ui.view_sc').get_sc( req.session._uid, "ir.ui.menu", req.session.eval_context(req.context)) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def get_lang_list(self, req): try: return { 'lang_list': (req.session.proxy("db").list_lang() or []), 'error': "" } except Exception, e: return {"error": e, "title": "Languages"} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def modules(self, req): # Compute available candidates module loadable = openerpweb.addons_manifest.iterkeys() loaded = req.config.server_wide_modules candidates = [mod for mod in loadable if mod not in loaded] # Compute active true modules that might be on the web side only active = set(name for name in candidates if openerpweb.addons_manifest[name].get('active')) # Retrieve database installed modules Modules = req.session.model('ir.module.module') installed = set(module['name'] for module in Modules.search_read( [('state','=','installed'), ('name','in', candidates)], ['name'])) # Merge both return list(active | installed) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def eval_domain_and_context(self, req, contexts, domains, group_by_seq=None): """ Evaluates sequences of domains and contexts, composing them into a single context, domain or group_by sequence. :param list contexts: list of contexts to merge together. Contexts are evaluated in sequence, all previous contexts are part of their own evaluation context (starting at the session context). :param list domains: list of domains to merge together. Domains are evaluated in sequence and appended to one another (implicit AND), their evaluation domain is the result of merging all contexts. :param list group_by_seq: list of domains (which may be in a different order than the ``contexts`` parameter), evaluated in sequence, their ``'group_by'`` key is extracted if they have one. :returns: a 3-dict of: context (``dict``) the global context created by merging all of ``contexts`` domain (``list``) the concatenation of all domains group_by (``list``) a list of fields to group by, potentially empty (in which case no group by should be performed) """ context, domain = eval_context_and_domain(req.session, web.common.nonliterals.CompoundContext(*(contexts or [])), web.common.nonliterals.CompoundDomain(*(domains or []))) group_by_sequence = [] for candidate in (group_by_seq or []): ctx = req.session.eval_context(candidate, context) group_by = ctx.get('group_by') if not group_by: continue elif isinstance(group_by, basestring): group_by_sequence.append(group_by) else: group_by_sequence.extend(group_by) return { 'context': context, 'domain': domain, 'group_by': group_by_sequence } @openerpweb.jsonrequest def save_session_action(self, req, the_action): """ This method store an action object in the session object and returns an integer identifying that action. The method get_session_action() can be used to get back the action. :param the_action: The action to save in the session. :type the_action: anything :return: A key identifying the saved action. :rtype: integer """ saved_actions = req.httpsession.get('saved_actions') if not saved_actions: saved_actions = {"next":0, "actions":{}} req.httpsession['saved_actions'] = saved_actions # we don't allow more than 10 stored actions if len(saved_actions["actions"]) >= 10: del saved_actions["actions"][min(saved_actions["actions"].keys())] key = saved_actions["next"] saved_actions["actions"][key] = the_action saved_actions["next"] = key + 1 return key @openerpweb.jsonrequest def get_session_action(self, req, key): """ Gets back a previously saved action. This method can return None if the action was saved since too much time (this case should be handled in a smart way). :param key: The key given by save_session_action() :type key: integer :return: The saved action or None. :rtype: anything """ saved_actions = req.httpsession.get('saved_actions') if not saved_actions: return None return saved_actions["actions"].get(key) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def check(self, req): req.session.assert_valid() return None def eval_context_and_domain(session, context, domain=None): e_context = session.eval_context(context) # should we give the evaluated context as an evaluation context to the domain? e_domain = session.eval_domain(domain or []) return e_context, e_domain def load_actions_from_ir_values(req, key, key2, models, meta): context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) Values = req.session.model('ir.values') actions = Values.get(key, key2, models, meta, context) return [(id, name, clean_action(req, action)) for id, name, action in actions] def clean_action(req, action, do_not_eval=False): action.setdefault('flags', {}) context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) eval_ctx = req.session.evaluation_context(context) if not do_not_eval: # values come from the server, we can just eval them if isinstance(action.get('context'), basestring): action['context'] = eval( action['context'], eval_ctx ) or {} if isinstance(action.get('domain'), basestring): action['domain'] = eval( action['domain'], eval_ctx ) or [] else: if 'context' in action: action['context'] = parse_context(action['context'], req.session) if 'domain' in action: action['domain'] = parse_domain(action['domain'], req.session) if 'type' not in action: action['type'] = 'ir.actions.act_window_close' if action['type'] == 'ir.actions.act_window': return fix_view_modes(action) return action # I think generate_views,fix_view_modes should go into js ActionManager def generate_views(action): """ While the server generates a sequence called "views" computing dependencies between a bunch of stuff for views coming directly from the database (the ``ir.actions.act_window model``), it's also possible for e.g. buttons to return custom view dictionaries generated on the fly. In that case, there is no ``views`` key available on the action. Since the web client relies on ``action['views']``, generate it here from ``view_mode`` and ``view_id``. Currently handles two different cases: * no view_id, multiple view_mode * single view_id, single view_mode :param dict action: action descriptor dictionary to generate a views key for """ view_id = action.get('view_id', False) if isinstance(view_id, (list, tuple)): view_id = view_id[0] # providing at least one view mode is a requirement, not an option view_modes = action['view_mode'].split(',') if len(view_modes) > 1: if view_id: raise ValueError('Non-db action dictionaries should provide ' 'either multiple view modes or a single view ' 'mode and an optional view id.\n\n Got view ' 'modes %r and view id %r for action %r' % ( view_modes, view_id, action)) action['views'] = [(False, mode) for mode in view_modes] return action['views'] = [(view_id, view_modes[0])] def fix_view_modes(action): """ For historical reasons, OpenERP has weird dealings in relation to view_mode and the view_type attribute (on window actions): * one of the view modes is ``tree``, which stands for both list views and tree views * the choice is made by checking ``view_type``, which is either ``form`` for a list view or ``tree`` for an actual tree view This methods simply folds the view_type into view_mode by adding a new view mode ``list`` which is the result of the ``tree`` view_mode in conjunction with the ``form`` view_type. TODO: this should go into the doc, some kind of "peculiarities" section :param dict action: an action descriptor :returns: nothing, the action is modified in place """ if 'views' not in action: generate_views(action) id_form = None for index, (id, mode) in enumerate(action['views']): if mode == 'form': id_form = id break if id_form is not None: action['views'].insert(index + 1, (id_form, 'page')) if action.pop('view_type', 'form') != 'form': return action action['views'] = [ [id, mode if mode != 'tree' else 'list'] for id, mode in action['views'] ] return action class Menu(openerpweb.Controller): _cp_path = "/web/menu" @openerpweb.jsonrequest def load(self, req): return {'data': self.do_load(req)} def do_load(self, req): """ Loads all menu items (all applications and their sub-menus). :param req: A request object, with an OpenERP session attribute :type req: < session -> OpenERPSession > :return: the menu root :rtype: dict('children': menu_nodes) """ Menus = req.session.model('ir.ui.menu') # menus are loaded fully unlike a regular tree view, cause there are # less than 512 items context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) menu_ids = Menus.search([], 0, False, False, context) menu_items = Menus.read(menu_ids, ['name', 'sequence', 'parent_id'], context) menu_root = {'id': False, 'name': 'root', 'parent_id': [-1, '']} menu_items.append(menu_root) # make a tree using parent_id menu_items_map = dict((menu_item["id"], menu_item) for menu_item in menu_items) for menu_item in menu_items: if menu_item['parent_id']: parent = menu_item['parent_id'][0] else: parent = False if parent in menu_items_map: menu_items_map[parent].setdefault( 'children', []).append(menu_item) # sort by sequence a tree using parent_id for menu_item in menu_items: menu_item.setdefault('children', []).sort( key=lambda x:x["sequence"]) return menu_root @openerpweb.jsonrequest def action(self, req, menu_id): actions = load_actions_from_ir_values(req,'action', 'tree_but_open', [('ir.ui.menu', menu_id)], False) return {"action": actions} class DataSet(openerpweb.Controller): _cp_path = "/web/dataset" @openerpweb.jsonrequest def fields(self, req, model): return {'fields': req.session.model(model).fields_get(False, req.session.eval_context(req.context))} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def search_read(self, req, model, fields=False, offset=0, limit=False, domain=None, sort=None): return self.do_search_read(req, model, fields, offset, limit, domain, sort) def do_search_read(self, req, model, fields=False, offset=0, limit=False, domain=None , sort=None): """ Performs a search() followed by a read() (if needed) using the provided search criteria :param req: a JSON-RPC request object :type req: openerpweb.JsonRequest :param str model: the name of the model to search on :param fields: a list of the fields to return in the result records :type fields: [str] :param int offset: from which index should the results start being returned :param int limit: the maximum number of records to return :param list domain: the search domain for the query :param list sort: sorting directives :returns: A structure (dict) with two keys: ids (all the ids matching the (domain, context) pair) and records (paginated records matching fields selection set) :rtype: list """ Model = req.session.model(model) context, domain = eval_context_and_domain( req.session, req.context, domain) ids = Model.search(domain, 0, False, sort or False, context) # need to fill the dataset with all ids for the (domain, context) pair, # so search un-paginated and paginate manually before reading paginated_ids = ids[offset:(offset + limit if limit else None)] if fields and fields == ['id']: # shortcut read if we only want the ids return { 'ids': ids, 'records': map(lambda id: {'id': id}, paginated_ids) } records = Model.read(paginated_ids, fields or False, context) records.sort(key=lambda obj: ids.index(obj['id'])) return { 'ids': ids, 'records': records } @openerpweb.jsonrequest def read(self, req, model, ids, fields=False): return self.do_search_read(req, model, ids, fields) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def get(self, req, model, ids, fields=False): return self.do_get(req, model, ids, fields) def do_get(self, req, model, ids, fields=False): """ Fetches and returns the records of the model ``model`` whose ids are in ``ids``. The results are in the same order as the inputs, but elements may be missing (if there is no record left for the id) :param req: the JSON-RPC2 request object :type req: openerpweb.JsonRequest :param model: the model to read from :type model: str :param ids: a list of identifiers :type ids: list :param fields: a list of fields to fetch, ``False`` or empty to fetch all fields in the model :type fields: list | False :returns: a list of records, in the same order as the list of ids :rtype: list """ Model = req.session.model(model) records = Model.read(ids, fields, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) record_map = dict((record['id'], record) for record in records) return [record_map[id] for id in ids if record_map.get(id)] @openerpweb.jsonrequest def load(self, req, model, id, fields): m = req.session.model(model) value = {} r = m.read([id], False, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) if r: value = r[0] return {'value': value} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def create(self, req, model, data): m = req.session.model(model) r = m.create(data, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) return {'result': r} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def save(self, req, model, id, data): m = req.session.model(model) r = m.write([id], data, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) return {'result': r} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def unlink(self, req, model, ids=()): Model = req.session.model(model) return Model.unlink(ids, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) def call_common(self, req, model, method, args, domain_id=None, context_id=None): has_domain = domain_id is not None and domain_id < len(args) has_context = context_id is not None and context_id < len(args) domain = args[domain_id] if has_domain else [] context = args[context_id] if has_context else {} c, d = eval_context_and_domain(req.session, context, domain) if has_domain: args[domain_id] = d if has_context: args[context_id] = c for i in xrange(len(args)): if isinstance(args[i], web.common.nonliterals.BaseContext): args[i] = req.session.eval_context(args[i]) if isinstance(args[i], web.common.nonliterals.BaseDomain): args[i] = req.session.eval_domain(args[i]) return getattr(req.session.model(model), method)(*args) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def call(self, req, model, method, args, domain_id=None, context_id=None): return self.call_common(req, model, method, args, domain_id, context_id) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def call_button(self, req, model, method, args, domain_id=None, context_id=None): action = self.call_common(req, model, method, args, domain_id, context_id) if isinstance(action, dict) and action.get('type') != '': return {'result': clean_action(req, action)} return {'result': False} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def exec_workflow(self, req, model, id, signal): r = req.session.exec_workflow(model, id, signal) return {'result': r} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def default_get(self, req, model, fields): Model = req.session.model(model) return Model.default_get(fields, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def name_search(self, req, model, search_str, domain=[], context={}): m = req.session.model(model) r = m.name_search(search_str+'%', domain, '=ilike', context) return {'result': r} class DataGroup(openerpweb.Controller): _cp_path = "/web/group" @openerpweb.jsonrequest def read(self, req, model, fields, group_by_fields, domain=None, sort=None): Model = req.session.model(model) context, domain = eval_context_and_domain(req.session, req.context, domain) return Model.read_group( domain or [], fields, group_by_fields, 0, False, dict(context, group_by=group_by_fields), sort or False) class View(openerpweb.Controller): _cp_path = "/web/view" def fields_view_get(self, req, model, view_id, view_type, transform=True, toolbar=False, submenu=False): Model = req.session.model(model) context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) fvg = Model.fields_view_get(view_id, view_type, context, toolbar, submenu) # todo fme?: check that we should pass the evaluated context here self.process_view(req.session, fvg, context, transform, (view_type == 'kanban')) if toolbar and transform: self.process_toolbar(req, fvg['toolbar']) return fvg def process_view(self, session, fvg, context, transform, preserve_whitespaces=False): # depending on how it feels, xmlrpclib.ServerProxy can translate # XML-RPC strings to ``str`` or ``unicode``. ElementTree does not # enjoy unicode strings which can not be trivially converted to # strings, and it blows up during parsing. # So ensure we fix this retardation by converting view xml back to # bit strings. if isinstance(fvg['arch'], unicode): arch = fvg['arch'].encode('utf-8') else: arch = fvg['arch'] if transform: evaluation_context = session.evaluation_context(context or {}) xml = self.transform_view(arch, session, evaluation_context) else: xml = ElementTree.fromstring(arch) fvg['arch'] = web.common.xml2json.Xml2Json.convert_element(xml, preserve_whitespaces) for field in fvg['fields'].itervalues(): if field.get('views'): for view in field["views"].itervalues(): self.process_view(session, view, None, transform) if field.get('domain'): field["domain"] = parse_domain(field["domain"], session) if field.get('context'): field["context"] = parse_context(field["context"], session) def process_toolbar(self, req, toolbar): """ The toolbar is a mapping of section_key: [action_descriptor] We need to clean all those actions in order to ensure correct round-tripping """ for actions in toolbar.itervalues(): for action in actions: if 'context' in action: action['context'] = parse_context( action['context'], req.session) if 'domain' in action: action['domain'] = parse_domain( action['domain'], req.session) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def add_custom(self, req, view_id, arch): CustomView = req.session.model('ir.ui.view.custom') CustomView.create({ 'user_id': req.session._uid, 'ref_id': view_id, 'arch': arch }, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) return {'result': True} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def undo_custom(self, req, view_id, reset=False): CustomView = req.session.model('ir.ui.view.custom') context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) vcustom = CustomView.search([('user_id', '=', req.session._uid), ('ref_id' ,'=', view_id)], 0, False, False, context) if vcustom: if reset: CustomView.unlink(vcustom, context) else: CustomView.unlink([vcustom[0]], context) return {'result': True} return {'result': False} def transform_view(self, view_string, session, context=None): # transform nodes on the fly via iterparse, instead of # doing it statically on the parsing result parser = ElementTree.iterparse(StringIO(view_string), events=("start",)) root = None for event, elem in parser: if event == "start": if root is None: root = elem self.parse_domains_and_contexts(elem, session) return root def parse_domains_and_contexts(self, elem, session): """ Converts domains and contexts from the view into Python objects, either literals if they can be parsed by literal_eval or a special placeholder object if the domain or context refers to free variables. :param elem: the current node being parsed :type param: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :param session: OpenERP session object, used to store and retrieve non-literal objects :type session: openerpweb.openerpweb.OpenERPSession """ for el in ['domain', 'filter_domain']: domain = elem.get(el, '').strip() if domain: elem.set(el, parse_domain(domain, session)) elem.set(el + '_string', domain) for el in ['context', 'default_get']: context_string = elem.get(el, '').strip() if context_string: elem.set(el, parse_context(context_string, session)) elem.set(el + '_string', context_string) @openerpweb.jsonrequest def load(self, req, model, view_id, view_type, toolbar=False): return self.fields_view_get(req, model, view_id, view_type, toolbar=toolbar) def parse_domain(domain, session): """ Parses an arbitrary string containing a domain, transforms it to either a literal domain or a :class:`web.common.nonliterals.Domain` :param domain: the domain to parse, if the domain is not a string it is assumed to be a literal domain and is returned as-is :param session: Current OpenERP session :type session: openerpweb.openerpweb.OpenERPSession """ if not isinstance(domain, (str, unicode)): return domain try: return ast.literal_eval(domain) except ValueError: # not a literal return web.common.nonliterals.Domain(session, domain) def parse_context(context, session): """ Parses an arbitrary string containing a context, transforms it to either a literal context or a :class:`web.common.nonliterals.Context` :param context: the context to parse, if the context is not a string it is assumed to be a literal domain and is returned as-is :param session: Current OpenERP session :type session: openerpweb.openerpweb.OpenERPSession """ if not isinstance(context, (str, unicode)): return context try: return ast.literal_eval(context) except ValueError: return web.common.nonliterals.Context(session, context) class ListView(View): _cp_path = "/web/listview" def process_colors(self, view, row, context): colors = view['arch']['attrs'].get('colors') if not colors: return None color = [ pair.split(':')[0] for pair in colors.split(';') if eval(pair.split(':')[1], dict(context, **row)) ] if not color: return None elif len(color) == 1: return color[0] return 'maroon' class TreeView(View): _cp_path = "/web/treeview" @openerpweb.jsonrequest def action(self, req, model, id): return load_actions_from_ir_values( req,'action', 'tree_but_open',[(model, id)], False) class SearchView(View): _cp_path = "/web/searchview" @openerpweb.jsonrequest def load(self, req, model, view_id): fields_view = self.fields_view_get(req, model, view_id, 'search') return {'fields_view': fields_view} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def fields_get(self, req, model): Model = req.session.model(model) fields = Model.fields_get(False, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) for field in fields.values(): # shouldn't convert the views too? if field.get('domain'): field["domain"] = parse_domain(field["domain"], req.session) if field.get('context'): field["context"] = parse_context(field["context"], req.session) return {'fields': fields} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def get_filters(self, req, model): Model = req.session.model("ir.filters") filters = Model.get_filters(model) for filter in filters: filter["context"] = req.session.eval_context(parse_context(filter["context"], req.session)) filter["domain"] = req.session.eval_domain(parse_domain(filter["domain"], req.session)) return filters @openerpweb.jsonrequest def save_filter(self, req, model, name, context_to_save, domain): Model = req.session.model("ir.filters") ctx = web.common.nonliterals.CompoundContext(context_to_save) ctx.session = req.session ctx = ctx.evaluate() domain = web.common.nonliterals.CompoundDomain(domain) domain.session = req.session domain = domain.evaluate() uid = req.session._uid context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) to_return = Model.create_or_replace({"context": ctx, "domain": domain, "model_id": model, "name": name, "user_id": uid }, context) return to_return @openerpweb.jsonrequest def add_to_dashboard(self, req, menu_id, action_id, context_to_save, domain, view_mode, name=''): ctx = web.common.nonliterals.CompoundContext(context_to_save) ctx.session = req.session ctx = ctx.evaluate() domain = web.common.nonliterals.CompoundDomain(domain) domain.session = req.session domain = domain.evaluate() dashboard_action = load_actions_from_ir_values(req, 'action', 'tree_but_open', [('ir.ui.menu', menu_id)], False) if dashboard_action: action = dashboard_action[0][2] if action['res_model'] == 'board.board' and action['views'][0][1] == 'form': # Maybe should check the content instead of model board.board ? view_id = action['views'][0][0] board = req.session.model(action['res_model']).fields_view_get(view_id, 'form') if board and 'arch' in board: xml = ElementTree.fromstring(board['arch']) column = xml.find('./board/column') if column: new_action = ElementTree.Element('action', { 'name' : str(action_id), 'string' : name, 'view_mode' : view_mode, 'context' : str(ctx), 'domain' : str(domain) }) column.insert(0, new_action) arch = ElementTree.tostring(xml, 'utf-8') return req.session.model('ir.ui.view.custom').create({ 'user_id': req.session._uid, 'ref_id': view_id, 'arch': arch }, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) return False class Binary(openerpweb.Controller): _cp_path = "/web/binary" @openerpweb.httprequest def image(self, req, model, id, field, **kw): Model = req.session.model(model) context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) try: if not id: res = Model.default_get([field], context).get(field) else: res = Model.read([int(id)], [field], context)[0].get(field) image_data = base64.b64decode(res) except (TypeError, xmlrpclib.Fault): image_data = self.placeholder(req) return req.make_response(image_data, [ ('Content-Type', 'image/png'), ('Content-Length', len(image_data))]) def placeholder(self, req): addons_path = openerpweb.addons_manifest['web']['addons_path'] return open(os.path.join(addons_path, 'web', 'static', 'src', 'img', 'placeholder.png'), 'rb').read() @openerpweb.httprequest def saveas(self, req, model, id, field, fieldname, **kw): Model = req.session.model(model) context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) if id: res = Model.read([int(id)], [field, fieldname], context)[0] else: res = Model.default_get([field, fieldname], context) filecontent = base64.b64decode(res.get(field, '')) if not filecontent: return req.not_found() else: filename = '%s_%s' % (model.replace('.', '_'), id) if fieldname: filename = res.get(fieldname, '') or filename return req.make_response(filecontent, [('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'), ('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + filename)]) @openerpweb.httprequest def upload(self, req, callback, ufile): # TODO: might be useful to have a configuration flag for max-length file uploads try: out = """""" data = ufile.read() args = [ufile.content_length, ufile.filename, ufile.content_type, base64.b64encode(data)] except Exception, e: args = [False, e.message] return out % (simplejson.dumps(callback), simplejson.dumps(args)) @openerpweb.httprequest def upload_attachment(self, req, callback, model, id, ufile): context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) Model = req.session.model('ir.attachment') try: out = """""" attachment_id = Model.create({ 'name': ufile.filename, 'datas': base64.encodestring(ufile.read()), 'res_model': model, 'res_id': int(id) }, context) args = { 'filename': ufile.filename, 'id': attachment_id } except Exception, e: args = { 'error': e.message } return out % (simplejson.dumps(callback), simplejson.dumps(args)) class Action(openerpweb.Controller): _cp_path = "/web/action" @openerpweb.jsonrequest def load(self, req, action_id, do_not_eval=False): Actions = req.session.model('ir.actions.actions') value = False context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) action_type = Actions.read([action_id], ['type'], context) if action_type: ctx = {} if action_type[0]['type'] == 'ir.actions.report.xml': ctx.update({'bin_size': True}) ctx.update(context) action = req.session.model(action_type[0]['type']).read([action_id], False, ctx) if action: value = clean_action(req, action[0], do_not_eval) return {'result': value} @openerpweb.jsonrequest def run(self, req, action_id): return clean_action(req, req.session.model('ir.actions.server').run( [action_id], req.session.eval_context(req.context))) class Export(View): _cp_path = "/web/export" @openerpweb.jsonrequest def formats(self, req): """ Returns all valid export formats :returns: for each export format, a pair of identifier and printable name :rtype: [(str, str)] """ return sorted([ controller.fmt for path, controller in openerpweb.controllers_path.iteritems() if path.startswith(self._cp_path) if hasattr(controller, 'fmt') ], key=operator.itemgetter(1)) def fields_get(self, req, model): Model = req.session.model(model) fields = Model.fields_get(False, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) return fields @openerpweb.jsonrequest def get_fields(self, req, model, prefix='', parent_name= '', import_compat=True, parent_field_type=None, exclude=None): if import_compat and parent_field_type == "many2one": fields = {} else: fields = self.fields_get(req, model) if import_compat: fields.pop('id', None) else: fields['.id'] = fields.pop('id', {'string': 'ID'}) fields_sequence = sorted(fields.iteritems(), key=lambda field: field[1].get('string', '')) records = [] for field_name, field in fields_sequence: if import_compat and (exclude and field_name in exclude): continue if import_compat and field.get('readonly'): # If none of the field's states unsets readonly, skip the field if all(dict(attrs).get('readonly', True) for attrs in field.get('states', {}).values()): continue id = prefix + (prefix and '/'or '') + field_name name = parent_name + (parent_name and '/' or '') + field['string'] record = {'id': id, 'string': name, 'value': id, 'children': False, 'field_type': field.get('type'), 'required': field.get('required'), 'relation_field': field.get('relation_field')} records.append(record) if len(name.split('/')) < 3 and 'relation' in field: ref = field.pop('relation') record['value'] += '/id' record['params'] = {'model': ref, 'prefix': id, 'name': name} if not import_compat or field['type'] == 'one2many': # m2m field in import_compat is childless record['children'] = True return records @openerpweb.jsonrequest def namelist(self,req, model, export_id): # TODO: namelist really has no reason to be in Python (although itertools.groupby helps) export = req.session.model("ir.exports").read([export_id])[0] export_fields_list = req.session.model("ir.exports.line").read( export['export_fields']) fields_data = self.fields_info( req, model, map(operator.itemgetter('name'), export_fields_list)) return [ {'name': field['name'], 'label': fields_data[field['name']]} for field in export_fields_list ] def fields_info(self, req, model, export_fields): info = {} fields = self.fields_get(req, model) # To make fields retrieval more efficient, fetch all sub-fields of a # given field at the same time. Because the order in the export list is # arbitrary, this requires ordering all sub-fields of a given field # together so they can be fetched at the same time # # Works the following way: # * sort the list of fields to export, the default sorting order will # put the field itself (if present, for xmlid) and all of its # sub-fields right after it # * then, group on: the first field of the path (which is the same for # a field and for its subfields and the length of splitting on the # first '/', which basically means grouping the field on one side and # all of the subfields on the other. This way, we have the field (for # the xmlid) with length 1, and all of the subfields with the same # base but a length "flag" of 2 # * if we have a normal field (length 1), just add it to the info # mapping (with its string) as-is # * otherwise, recursively call fields_info via graft_subfields. # all graft_subfields does is take the result of fields_info (on the # field's model) and prepend the current base (current field), which # rebuilds the whole sub-tree for the field # # result: because we're not fetching the fields_get for half the # database models, fetching a namelist with a dozen fields (including # relational data) falls from ~6s to ~300ms (on the leads model). # export lists with no sub-fields (e.g. import_compatible lists with # no o2m) are even more efficient (from the same 6s to ~170ms, as # there's a single fields_get to execute) for (base, length), subfields in itertools.groupby( sorted(export_fields), lambda field: (field.split('/', 1)[0], len(field.split('/', 1)))): subfields = list(subfields) if length == 2: # subfields is a seq of $base/*rest, and not loaded yet info.update(self.graft_subfields( req, fields[base]['relation'], base, fields[base]['string'], subfields )) else: info[base] = fields[base]['string'] return info def graft_subfields(self, req, model, prefix, prefix_string, fields): export_fields = [field.split('/', 1)[1] for field in fields] return ( (prefix + '/' + k, prefix_string + '/' + v) for k, v in self.fields_info(req, model, export_fields).iteritems()) #noinspection PyPropertyDefinition @property def content_type(self): """ Provides the format's content type """ raise NotImplementedError() def filename(self, base): """ Creates a valid filename for the format (with extension) from the provided base name (exension-less) """ raise NotImplementedError() def from_data(self, fields, rows): """ Conversion method from OpenERP's export data to whatever the current export class outputs :params list fields: a list of fields to export :params list rows: a list of records to export :returns: :rtype: bytes """ raise NotImplementedError() @openerpweb.httprequest def index(self, req, data, token): model, fields, ids, domain, import_compat = \ operator.itemgetter('model', 'fields', 'ids', 'domain', 'import_compat')( simplejson.loads(data)) context = req.session.eval_context(req.context) Model = req.session.model(model) ids = ids or Model.search(domain, 0, False, False, context) field_names = map(operator.itemgetter('name'), fields) import_data = Model.export_data(ids, field_names, context).get('datas',[]) if import_compat: columns_headers = field_names else: columns_headers = [val['label'].strip() for val in fields] return req.make_response(self.from_data(columns_headers, import_data), headers=[('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % self.filename(model)), ('Content-Type', self.content_type)], cookies={'fileToken': int(token)}) class CSVExport(Export): _cp_path = '/web/export/csv' fmt = ('csv', 'CSV') @property def content_type(self): return 'text/csv;charset=utf8' def filename(self, base): return base + '.csv' def from_data(self, fields, rows): fp = StringIO() writer = csv.writer(fp, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) writer.writerow(fields) for data in rows: row = [] for d in data: if isinstance(d, basestring): d = d.replace('\n',' ').replace('\t',' ') try: d = d.encode('utf-8') except: pass if d is False: d = None row.append(d) writer.writerow(row) fp.seek(0) data = fp.read() fp.close() return data class ExcelExport(Export): _cp_path = '/web/export/xls' fmt = ('xls', 'Excel') @property def content_type(self): return 'application/vnd.ms-excel' def filename(self, base): return base + '.xls' def from_data(self, fields, rows): import xlwt workbook = xlwt.Workbook() worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('Sheet 1') for i, fieldname in enumerate(fields): worksheet.write(0, i, str(fieldname)) worksheet.col(i).width = 8000 # around 220 pixels style = xlwt.easyxf('align: wrap yes') for row_index, row in enumerate(rows): for cell_index, cell_value in enumerate(row): if isinstance(cell_value, basestring): cell_value = re.sub("\r", " ", cell_value) if cell_value is False: cell_value = None worksheet.write(row_index + 1, cell_index, cell_value, style) fp = StringIO() workbook.save(fp) fp.seek(0) data = fp.read() fp.close() return data class Reports(View): _cp_path = "/web/report" POLLING_DELAY = 0.25 TYPES_MAPPING = { 'doc': 'application/vnd.ms-word', 'html': 'text/html', 'odt': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'pdf': 'application/pdf', 'sxw': 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer', 'xls': 'application/vnd.ms-excel', } @openerpweb.httprequest def index(self, req, action, token): action = simplejson.loads(action) report_srv = req.session.proxy("report") context = req.session.eval_context( web.common.nonliterals.CompoundContext( req.context or {}, action[ "context"])) report_data = {} report_ids = context["active_ids"] if 'report_type' in action: report_data['report_type'] = action['report_type'] if 'datas' in action: if 'ids' in action['datas']: report_ids = action['datas'].pop('ids') report_data.update(action['datas']) report_id = report_srv.report( req.session._db, req.session._uid, req.session._password, action["report_name"], report_ids, report_data, context) report_struct = None while True: report_struct = report_srv.report_get( req.session._db, req.session._uid, req.session._password, report_id) if report_struct["state"]: break time.sleep(self.POLLING_DELAY) report = base64.b64decode(report_struct['result']) if report_struct.get('code') == 'zlib': report = zlib.decompress(report) report_mimetype = self.TYPES_MAPPING.get( report_struct['format'], 'octet-stream') return req.make_response(report, headers=[ ('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s.%s"' % (action['report_name'], report_struct['format'])), ('Content-Type', report_mimetype), ('Content-Length', len(report))], cookies={'fileToken': int(token)}) class Import(View): _cp_path = "/web/import" def fields_get(self, req, model): Model = req.session.model(model) fields = Model.fields_get(False, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) return fields @openerpweb.httprequest def detect_data(self, req, csvfile, csvsep=',', csvdel='"', csvcode='utf-8', jsonp='callback'): try: data = list(csv.reader( csvfile, quotechar=str(csvdel), delimiter=str(csvsep))) except csv.Error, e: csvfile.seek(0) return '' % ( jsonp, simplejson.dumps({'error': { 'message': 'Error parsing CSV file: %s' % e, # decodes each byte to a unicode character, which may or # may not be printable, but decoding will succeed. # Otherwise simplejson will try to decode the `str` using # utf-8, which is very likely to blow up on characters out # of the ascii range (in range [128, 256)) 'preview': csvfile.read(200).decode('iso-8859-1')}})) try: return '' % ( jsonp, simplejson.dumps( {'records': data[:10]}, encoding=csvcode)) except UnicodeDecodeError: return '' % ( jsonp, simplejson.dumps({ 'message': u"Failed to decode CSV file using encoding %s, " u"try switching to a different encoding" % csvcode })) @openerpweb.httprequest def import_data(self, req, model, csvfile, csvsep, csvdel, csvcode, jsonp, meta): modle_obj = req.session.model(model) skip, indices, fields = operator.itemgetter('skip', 'indices', 'fields')( simplejson.loads(meta)) error = None if not (csvdel and len(csvdel) == 1): error = u"The CSV delimiter must be a single character" if not indices and fields: error = u"You must select at least one field to import" if error: return '' % ( jsonp, simplejson.dumps({'error': {'message': error}})) # skip ignored records data_record = itertools.islice( csv.reader(csvfile, quotechar=str(csvdel), delimiter=str(csvsep)), skip, None) # if only one index, itemgetter will return an atom rather than a tuple if len(indices) == 1: mapper = lambda row: [row[indices[0]]] else: mapper = operator.itemgetter(*indices) data = None error = None try: # decode each data row data = [ [record.decode(csvcode) for record in row] for row in itertools.imap(mapper, data_record) # don't insert completely empty rows (can happen due to fields # filtering in case of e.g. o2m content rows) if any(row) ] except UnicodeDecodeError: error = u"Failed to decode CSV file using encoding %s" % csvcode except csv.Error, e: error = u"Could not process CSV file: %s" % e # If the file contains nothing, if not data: error = u"File to import is empty" if error: return '' % ( jsonp, simplejson.dumps({'error': {'message': error}})) try: (code, record, message, _nope) = modle_obj.import_data( fields, data, 'init', '', False, req.session.eval_context(req.context)) except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: error = {"message": u"%s, %s" % (e.faultCode, e.faultString)} return '' % ( jsonp, simplejson.dumps({'error':error})) if code != -1: return '' % ( jsonp, simplejson.dumps({'success':True})) msg = u"Error during import: %s\n\nTrying to import record %r" % ( message, record) return '' % ( jsonp, simplejson.dumps({'error': {'message':msg}}))