(function () { 'use strict'; openerp.Tour.register({ id: 'shop_customize', name: "Customize the page and search a product", path: '/shop', mode: 'test', steps: [ { title: "open customize menu", element: '#customize-menu-button', }, { title: "click on 'Product Attribute's Filters'", element: "#customize-menu a:contains(Product Attribute's Filters)", }, { title: "select product attribute memory 16 Go", element: 'form.js_attributes label:contains(16 Go) input:not(:checked)', }, { title: "check the selection", waitFor: 'form.js_attributes label:contains(16 Go) input:checked', }, { title: "select ipod", waitNot: '.oe_website_sale .oe_product_cart:eq(2)', element: '.oe_product_cart a:contains("iPod")', }, { title: "finish", waitFor: 'form[action="/shop/cart/update"] label:contains(32 Go) input', } ] }); openerp.Tour.register({ id: 'shop_buy_product', name: "Try to buy products", path: '/shop', mode: 'test', steps: [ { title: "select ipod", element: '.oe_product_cart a:contains("iPod")', }, { title: "select ipod 32Go", waitFor: '#product_detail', element: 'label:contains(32 Go) input', }, { title: "click on add to cart", waitFor: 'label:contains(32 Go) input[checked]', element: 'form[action="/shop/cart/update"] .btn', }, { title: "add suggested", waitNot: '#cart_products:contains("[A8767] Apple In-Ear Headphones")', element: 'form[action="/shop/cart/update"] .btn-link:contains("Add to Cart")', }, { title: "add one more iPod", waitFor: '.my_cart_quantity:contains(2)', element: '#cart_products tr:contains("32 Go") a.js_add_cart_json:eq(1)', }, { title: "remove Headphones", waitFor: '#cart_products tr:contains("32 Go") input.js_quantity[value=2]', element: '#cart_products tr:contains("Apple In-Ear Headphones") a.js_add_cart_json:first', }, { title: "set one iPod", waitNot: '#cart_products tr:contains("Apple In-Ear Headphones")', element: '#cart_products input.js_quantity', sampleText: '1', }, { title: "go to checkout", waitFor: '#cart_products input.js_quantity[value=1]', element: 'a[href="/shop/checkout"]', }, { title: "test with input error", element: 'form[action="/shop/confirm_order"] .btn:contains("Confirm")', onload: function (tour) { $("input[name='phone']").val(""); }, }, { title: "test without input error", waitFor: 'form[action="/shop/confirm_order"] .has-error', element: 'form[action="/shop/confirm_order"] .btn:contains("Confirm")', onload: function (tour) { if ($("input[name='name']").val() === "") $("input[name='name']").val("website_sale-test-shoptest"); if ($("input[name='email']").val() === "") $("input[name='email']").val("website_sale_test_shoptest@websitesaletest.optenerp.com"); $("input[name='phone']").val("123"); $("input[name='street']").val("123"); $("input[name='city']").val("123"); $("input[name='zip']").val("123"); $("select[name='country_id']").val("21"); }, }, { title: "select payment", element: '#payment_method label:has(img[title="Wire Transfer"]) input', }, { title: "Pay Now", waitFor: '#payment_method label:has(input:checked):has(img[title="Wire Transfer"])', element: '.oe_sale_acquirer_button .btn[type="submit"]:visible', }, { title: "finish", waitFor: '.oe_website_sale:contains("Thank you for your order")', } ] }); }());