/*--------------------------------------------------------- * OpenERP Web chrome *---------------------------------------------------------*/ openerp.web.chrome = function(openerp) { var QWeb = openerp.web.qweb; openerp.web.Notification = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.Notification# */{ template: 'Notification', identifier_prefix: 'notification-', init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); openerp.notification = this; }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.notify({ speed: 500, expires: 1500 }); }, notify: function(title, text) { this.$element.notify('create', { title: title, text: text }); }, warn: function(title, text) { this.$element.notify('create', 'oe_notification_alert', { title: title, text: text }); } }); openerp.web.Dialog = openerp.web.OldWidget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.Dialog# */{ dialog_title: "", identifier_prefix: 'dialog', /** * @constructs openerp.web.Dialog * @extends openerp.web.OldWidget * * @param parent * @param dialog_options */ init: function (parent, dialog_options) { var self = this; this._super(parent); this.dialog_options = { modal: true, width: 'auto', min_width: 0, max_width: '100%', height: 'auto', min_height: 0, max_height: '100%', autoOpen: false, buttons: {}, beforeClose: function () { self.on_close(); } }; for (var f in this) { if (f.substr(0, 10) == 'on_button_') { this.dialog_options.buttons[f.substr(10)] = this[f]; } } if (dialog_options) { this.set_options(dialog_options); } }, set_options: function(options) { options = options || {}; options.width = this.get_width(options.width || this.dialog_options.width); options.min_width = this.get_width(options.min_width || this.dialog_options.min_width); options.max_width = this.get_width(options.max_width || this.dialog_options.max_width); options.height = this.get_height(options.height || this.dialog_options.height); options.min_height = this.get_height(options.min_height || this.dialog_options.min_height); options.max_height = this.get_height(options.max_height || this.dialog_options.max_width); if (options.width !== 'auto') { if (options.width > options.max_width) options.width = options.max_width; if (options.width < options.min_width) options.width = options.min_width; } if (options.height !== 'auto') { if (options.height > options.max_height) options.height = options.max_height; if (options.height < options.min_height) options.height = options.min_height; } if (!options.title && this.dialog_title) { options.title = this.dialog_title; } _.extend(this.dialog_options, options); }, get_width: function(val) { return this.get_size(val.toString(), $(window.top).width()); }, get_height: function(val) { return this.get_size(val.toString(), $(window.top).height()); }, get_size: function(val, available_size) { if (val === 'auto') { return val; } else if (val.slice(-1) == "%") { return Math.round(available_size / 100 * parseInt(val.slice(0, -1), 10)); } else { return parseInt(val, 10); } }, start: function () { this.$dialog = $(this.$element).dialog(this.dialog_options); this._super(); return this; }, open: function(dialog_options) { // TODO fme: bind window on resize if (this.template) { this.$element.html(this.render()); } this.set_options(dialog_options); this.$dialog.dialog(this.dialog_options).dialog('open'); return this; }, close: function() { // Closes the dialog but leave it in a state where it could be opened again. this.$dialog.dialog('close'); }, on_close: function() { }, stop: function () { // Destroy widget this.close(); this.$dialog.dialog('destroy'); this._super(); } }); openerp.web.CrashManager = openerp.web.CallbackEnabled.extend({ init: function() { this._super(); openerp.connection.on_rpc_error.add(this.on_rpc_error); }, on_rpc_error: function(error) { this.error = error; if (error.data.fault_code) { var split = ("" + error.data.fault_code).split('\n')[0].split(' -- '); if (split.length > 1) { error.type = split.shift(); error.data.fault_code = error.data.fault_code.substr(error.type.length + 4); } } if (error.code === 200 && error.type) { this.on_managed_error(error); } else { this.on_traceback(error); } }, on_managed_error: function(error) { $('
' + QWeb.render('DialogWarning', {error: error}) + '
').dialog({ title: "OpenERP " + _.str.capitalize(error.type), buttons: { Ok: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); }, on_traceback: function(error) { var dialog = new openerp.web.Dialog(this, { title: "OpenERP " + _.str.capitalize(error.type), autoOpen: true, width: '90%', height: '90%', min_width: '800px', min_height: '600px', buttons: { Ok: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }).start(); dialog.$element.html(QWeb.render('DialogTraceback', {error: error})); } }); openerp.web.Loading = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.Loading# */{ template: 'Loading', /** * @constructs openerp.web.Loading * @extends openerp.web.Widget * * @param parent * @param element_id */ init: function(parent) { this._super(parent); this.count = 0; this.blocked_ui = false; this.session.on_rpc_request.add_first(this.on_rpc_event, 1); this.session.on_rpc_response.add_last(this.on_rpc_event, -1); }, on_rpc_event : function(increment) { var self = this; if (!this.count && increment === 1) { // Block UI after 3s this.long_running_timer = setTimeout(function () { self.blocked_ui = true; $.blockUI(); }, 3000); } this.count += increment; if (this.count > 0) { //this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Loading", {})); this.$element.html("Loading ("+this.count+")"); this.$element.show(); this.widget_parent.$element.addClass('loading'); } else { this.count = 0; clearTimeout(this.long_running_timer); // Don't unblock if blocked by somebody else if (self.blocked_ui) { this.blocked_ui = false; $.unblockUI(); } this.$element.fadeOut(); this.widget_parent.$element.removeClass('loading'); } } }); openerp.web.Database = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.Database# */{ /** * @constructs openerp.web.Database * @extends openerp.web.Widget * * @param parent * @param element_id * @param option_id */ init: function(parent, element_id, option_id) { this._super(parent, element_id); this.$option_id = $('#' + option_id); this.unblockUIFunction = $.unblockUI; }, start: function() { this._super(); this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Database", this)); var self = this; var fetch_db = this.rpc("/web/database/get_list", {}, function(result) { self.db_list = result.db_list; }); var fetch_langs = this.rpc("/web/session/get_lang_list", {}, function(result) { if (result.error) { self.display_error(result); return; } self.lang_list = result.lang_list; }); $.when(fetch_db, fetch_langs).then(function () {self.do_create();}); this.$element.find('#db-create').click(this.do_create); this.$element.find('#db-drop').click(this.do_drop); this.$element.find('#db-backup').click(this.do_backup); this.$element.find('#db-restore').click(this.do_restore); this.$element.find('#db-change-password').click(this.do_change_password); this.$element.find('#back-to-login').click(function() { self.hide(); }); }, stop: function () { this.hide(); this.$option_id.empty(); this.$element .find('#db-create, #db-drop, #db-backup, #db-restore, #db-change-password, #back-to-login') .unbind('click') .end() .empty(); this._super(); }, show: function () { this.$element.closest(".openerp") .removeClass("login-mode") .addClass("database_block"); }, hide: function () { this.$element.closest(".openerp") .addClass("login-mode") .removeClass("database_block") }, /** * Converts a .serializeArray() result into a dict. Does not bother folding * multiple identical keys into an array, last key wins. * * @param {Array} array */ to_object: function (array) { var result = {}; _(array).each(function (record) { result[record.name] = record.value; }); return result; }, /** * Waits until the new database is done creating, then unblocks the UI and * logs the user in as admin * * @param {Number} db_creation_id identifier for the db-creation operation, used to fetch the current installation progress * @param {Object} info info fields for this database creation * @param {String} info.db name of the database being created * @param {String} info.password super-admin password for the database */ wait_for_newdb: function (db_creation_id, info) { var self = this; self.rpc('/web/database/progress', { id: db_creation_id, password: info.password }, function (result) { var progress = result[0]; // I'd display a progress bar, but turns out the progress status // the server report kind-of blows goats: it's at 0 for ~75% of // the installation, then jumps to 75%, then jumps down to either // 0 or ~40%, then back up to 75%, then terminates. Let's keep that // mess hidden behind a not-very-useful but not overly weird // message instead. if (progress < 1) { setTimeout(function () { self.wait_for_newdb(db_creation_id, info); }, 500); return; } var admin = result[1][0]; setTimeout(function () { self.widget_parent.do_login( info.db, admin.login, admin.password); self.stop(); self.unblockUI(); }); }); }, /** * Blocks UI and replaces $.unblockUI by a noop to prevent third parties * from unblocking the UI */ blockUI: function () { $.blockUI(); $.unblockUI = function () {}; }, /** * Reinstates $.unblockUI so third parties can play with blockUI, and * unblocks the UI */ unblockUI: function () { $.unblockUI = this.unblockUIFunction; $.unblockUI(); }, /** * Displays an error dialog resulting from the various RPC communications * failing over themselves * * @param {Object} error error description * @param {String} error.title title of the error dialog * @param {String} error.error message of the error dialog */ display_error: function (error) { return $('
').dialog({ modal: true, title: error.title, buttons: { Ok: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }).html(error.error); }, do_create: function() { var self = this; self.$option_id.html(QWeb.render("Database.CreateDB", self)); self.$option_id.find("form[name=create_db_form]").validate({ submitHandler: function (form) { var fields = $(form).serializeArray(); self.blockUI(); self.rpc("/web/database/create", {'fields': fields}, function(result) { if (result.error) { self.unblockUI(); self.display_error(result); return; } self.db_list.push(self.to_object(fields)['db_name']); self.db_list.sort(); self.widget_parent.set_db_list(self.db_list); var form_obj = self.to_object(fields); self.wait_for_newdb(result, { password: form_obj['super_admin_pwd'], db: form_obj['db_name'] }); }); } }); }, do_drop: function() { var self = this; self.$option_id.html(QWeb.render("DropDB", self)); self.$option_id.find("form[name=drop_db_form]").validate({ submitHandler: function (form) { var $form = $(form), fields = $form.serializeArray(), $db_list = $form.find('select[name=drop_db]'), db = $db_list.val(); if (!confirm("Do you really want to delete the database: " + db + " ?")) { return; } self.rpc("/web/database/drop", {'fields': fields}, function(result) { if (result.error) { self.display_error(result); return; } $db_list.find(':selected').remove(); self.db_list.splice(_.indexOf(self.db_list, db, true), 1); self.widget_parent.set_db_list(self.db_list); self.do_notify("Dropping database", "The database '" + db + "' has been dropped"); }); } }); }, do_backup: function() { var self = this; self.$option_id .html(QWeb.render("BackupDB", self)) .find("form[name=backup_db_form]").validate({ submitHandler: function (form) { self.blockUI(); self.session.get_file({ form: form, error: function (body) { var error = body.firstChild.data.split('|'); self.display_error({ title: error[0], error: error[1] }); }, complete: $.proxy(self, 'unblockUI') }); } }); }, do_restore: function() { var self = this; self.$option_id.html(QWeb.render("RestoreDB", self)); self.$option_id.find("form[name=restore_db_form]").validate({ submitHandler: function (form) { self.blockUI(); $(form).ajaxSubmit({ url: '/web/database/restore', type: 'POST', resetForm: true, success: function (body) { // TODO: ui manipulations // note: response objects don't work, but we have the // HTTP body of the response~~ // If empty body, everything went fine if (!body) { return; } if (body.indexOf('403 Forbidden') !== -1) { self.display_error({ title: 'Access Denied', error: 'Incorrect super-administrator password' }) } else { self.display_error({ title: 'Restore Database', error: 'Could not restore the database' }) } }, complete: $.proxy(self, 'unblockUI') }); } }); }, do_change_password: function() { var self = this; self.$option_id.html(QWeb.render("Change_DB_Pwd", self)); self.$option_id.find("form[name=change_pwd_form]").validate({ messages: { old_pwd: "Please enter your previous password", new_pwd: "Please enter your new password", confirm_pwd: { required: "Please confirm your new password", equalTo: "The confirmation does not match the password" } }, submitHandler: function (form) { self.rpc("/web/database/change_password", { 'fields': $(form).serializeArray() }, function(result) { if (result.error) { self.display_error(result); return; } self.do_notify("Changed Password", "Password has been changed successfully"); }); } }); } }); openerp.web.Login = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.Login# */{ remember_credentials: true, template: "Login", identifier_prefix: 'oe-app-login-', /** * @constructs openerp.web.Login * @extends openerp.web.Widget * * @param parent * @param element_id */ init: function(parent) { this._super(parent); this.has_local_storage = typeof(localStorage) != 'undefined'; this.selected_db = null; this.selected_login = null; if (this.has_local_storage && this.remember_credentials) { this.selected_db = localStorage.getItem('last_db_login_success'); this.selected_login = localStorage.getItem('last_login_login_success'); if (jQuery.deparam(jQuery.param.querystring()).debug != undefined) { this.selected_password = localStorage.getItem('last_password_login_success'); } } var qs = jQuery.deparam(jQuery.param.querystring()); if (qs.db) { this.selected_db = qs.db; } if (qs.login) { this.selected_login = qs.login; } }, start: function() { var self = this; this.database = new openerp.web.Database( this, "oe_database", "oe_db_options"); this.database.start(); this.$element.find('#oe-db-config').click(function() { self.database.show(); }); this.$element.find("form").submit(this.on_submit); this.rpc("/web/database/get_list", {}, function(result) { self.set_db_list(result.db_list); }, function(error, event) { if (error.data.fault_code === 'AccessDenied') { event.preventDefault(); } }); }, stop: function () { this.database.stop(); this._super(); }, set_db_list: function (list) { this.$element.find("[name=db]").replaceWith( openerp.web.qweb.render('Login_dblist', { db_list: list, selected_db: this.selected_db})) }, on_login_invalid: function() { this.$element.closest(".openerp").addClass("login-mode"); }, on_login_valid: function() { this.$element.closest(".openerp").removeClass("login-mode"); }, on_submit: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $e = this.$element; var db = $e.find("form [name=db]").val(); var login = $e.find("form input[name=login]").val(); var password = $e.find("form input[name=password]").val(); this.do_login(db, login, password); }, /** * Performs actual login operation, and UI-related stuff * * @param {String} db database to log in * @param {String} login user login * @param {String} password user password */ do_login: function (db, login, password) { var self = this; this.session.session_login(db, login, password, function() { if(self.session.session_is_valid()) { if (self.has_local_storage) { if(self.remember_credentials) { localStorage.setItem('last_db_login_success', db); localStorage.setItem('last_login_login_success', login); if (jQuery.deparam(jQuery.param.querystring()).debug != undefined) { localStorage.setItem('last_password_login_success', password); } } else { localStorage.setItem('last_db_login_success', ''); localStorage.setItem('last_login_login_success', ''); localStorage.setItem('last_password_login_success', ''); } } self.on_login_valid(); } else { self.$element.addClass("login_invalid"); self.on_login_invalid(); } }); }, do_ask_login: function(continuation) { this.on_login_invalid(); this.$element .removeClass("login_invalid"); this.on_login_valid.add({ position: "last", unique: true, callback: continuation || function() {} }); }, on_logout: function() { this.session.logout(); } }); openerp.web.Header = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.Header# */{ template: "Header", identifier_prefix: 'oe-app-header-', /** * @constructs openerp.web.Header * @extends openerp.web.Widget * * @param parent */ init: function(parent) { this._super(parent); this.qs = "?" + jQuery.param.querystring(); this.$content = $(); this.update_promise = $.Deferred().resolve(); }, start: function() { this._super(); }, do_update: function () { var self = this; var fct = function() { self.$content.remove(); if (!self.session.uid) return; var func = new openerp.web.Model(self.session, "res.users").get_func("read"); return func(self.session.uid, ["name", "company_id"]).pipe(function(res) { self.$content = $(QWeb.render("Header-content", {widget: self, user: res})); self.$content.appendTo(self.$element); self.$element.find(".logout").click(self.on_logout); self.$element.find("a.preferences").click(self.on_preferences); self.$element.find(".about").click(self.on_about); return self.shortcut_load(); }); }; this.update_promise = this.update_promise.pipe(fct, fct); }, on_about: function() { var self = this; self.rpc("/web/webclient/version_info", {}).then(function(res) { var $help = $(QWeb.render("About-Page", {version_info: res})); $help.dialog({autoOpen: true, modal: true, width: 960, title: "About"}); }); }, shortcut_load :function(){ var self = this, sc = self.session.shortcuts, shortcuts_ds = new openerp.web.DataSet(this, 'ir.ui.view_sc'); // TODO: better way to communicate between sections. // sc.bindings, because jquery does not bind/trigger on arrays... if (!sc.binding) { sc.binding = {}; $(sc.binding).bind({ 'add': function (e, attrs) { shortcuts_ds.create(attrs, function (out) { $('
  • ', { 'data-shortcut-id':out.result, 'data-id': attrs.res_id }).text(attrs.name) .appendTo(self.$element.find('.oe-shortcuts ul')); attrs.id = out.result; sc.push(attrs); }); }, 'remove-current': function () { var menu_id = self.session.active_id; var $shortcut = self.$element .find('.oe-shortcuts li[data-id=' + menu_id + ']'); var shortcut_id = $shortcut.data('shortcut-id'); $shortcut.remove(); shortcuts_ds.unlink([shortcut_id]); var sc_new = _.reject(sc, function(shortcut){ return shortcut_id === shortcut.id}); sc.splice(0, sc.length); sc.push.apply(sc, sc_new); } }); } return this.rpc('/web/session/sc_list', {}, function(shortcuts) { sc.splice(0, sc.length); sc.push.apply(sc, shortcuts); self.$element.find('.oe-shortcuts') .html(QWeb.render('Shortcuts', {'shortcuts': shortcuts})) .undelegate('li', 'click') .delegate('li', 'click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var id = $(this).data('id'); self.session.active_id = id; self.rpc('/web/menu/action', {'menu_id':id}, function(ir_menu_data) { if (ir_menu_data.action.length){ self.on_action(ir_menu_data.action[0][2]); } }); }); }); }, on_action: function(action) { }, on_preferences: function(){ var self = this; var action_manager = new openerp.web.ActionManager(this); var dataset = new openerp.web.DataSet (this,'res.users',this.context); dataset.call ('action_get','',function (result){ self.rpc('/web/action/load', {action_id:result}, function(result){ action_manager.do_action(_.extend(result['result'], { res_id: self.session.uid, res_model: 'res.users', flags: { action_buttons: false, search_view: false, sidebar: false, views_switcher: false, pager: false } })); }); }); this.dialog = new openerp.web.Dialog(this,{ modal: true, title: 'Preferences', width: 600, height: 500, buttons: { "Change password": function(){ self.change_password(); }, Cancel: function(){ $(this).dialog('destroy'); }, Save: function(){ var inner_viewmanager = action_manager.inner_viewmanager; inner_viewmanager.views[inner_viewmanager.active_view].controller.do_save() .then(function() { self.dialog.stop(); window.location.reload(); }); } } }); this.dialog.start().open(); action_manager.appendTo(this.dialog); action_manager.render(this.dialog); }, change_password :function() { var self = this; this.dialog = new openerp.web.Dialog(this,{ modal : true, title : 'Change Password', width : 'auto', height : 'auto' }); this.dialog.start().open(); this.dialog.$element.html(QWeb.render("Change_Pwd", self)); this.dialog.$element.find("form[name=change_password_form]").validate({ submitHandler: function (form) { self.rpc("/web/session/change_password",{ 'fields': $(form).serializeArray() }, function(result) { if (result.error) { self.display_error(result); return; } else { self.session.logout(); } }); } }); }, display_error: function (error) { return $('
    ').dialog({ modal: true, title: error.title, buttons: { Ok: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }).html(error.error); }, on_logout: function() { } }); openerp.web.Menu = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.Menu# */{ /** * @constructs openerp.web.Menu * @extends openerp.web.Widget * * @param parent * @param element_id * @param secondary_menu_id */ init: function(parent, element_id, secondary_menu_id) { this._super(parent, element_id); this.secondary_menu_id = secondary_menu_id; this.$secondary_menu = $("#" + secondary_menu_id); this.menu = false; this.folded = false; if (window.localStorage) { this.folded = localStorage.getItem('oe_menu_folded') === 'true'; } this.float_timeout = 700; }, start: function() { this.$secondary_menu.addClass(this.folded ? 'oe_folded' : 'oe_unfolded'); }, do_reload: function() { this.rpc("/web/menu/load", {}, this.on_loaded); }, on_loaded: function(data) { this.data = data; this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Menu", { widget : this })); this.$secondary_menu.html(QWeb.render("Menu.secondary", { widget : this })); this.$element.add(this.$secondary_menu).find("a").click(this.on_menu_click); this.$secondary_menu.find('.oe_toggle_secondary_menu').click(this.on_toggle_fold); }, on_toggle_fold: function() { this.$secondary_menu.toggleClass('oe_folded').toggleClass('oe_unfolded'); if (this.folded) { this.$secondary_menu.find('.oe_secondary_menu.active').show(); } else { this.$secondary_menu.find('.oe_secondary_menu').hide(); } this.folded = !this.folded; if (window.localStorage) { localStorage.setItem('oe_menu_folded', this.folded.toString()); } }, on_menu_click: function(ev, id) { id = id || 0; var $clicked_menu, manual = false; if (id) { // We can manually activate a menu with it's id (for hash url mapping) manual = true; $clicked_menu = this.$element.find('a[data-menu=' + id + ']'); if (!$clicked_menu.length) { $clicked_menu = this.$secondary_menu.find('a[data-menu=' + id + ']'); } } else { $clicked_menu = $(ev.currentTarget); id = $clicked_menu.data('menu'); } if (this.do_menu_click($clicked_menu, manual) && id) { this.session.active_id = id; this.rpc('/web/menu/action', {'menu_id': id}, this.on_menu_action_loaded); } if (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); } return false; }, do_menu_click: function($clicked_menu, manual) { var $sub_menu, $main_menu, active = $clicked_menu.is('.active'), sub_menu_visible = false; if (this.$secondary_menu.has($clicked_menu).length) { $sub_menu = $clicked_menu.parents('.oe_secondary_menu'); $main_menu = this.$element.find('a[data-menu=' + $sub_menu.data('menu-parent') + ']'); } else { $sub_menu = this.$secondary_menu.find('.oe_secondary_menu[data-menu-parent=' + $clicked_menu.attr('data-menu') + ']'); $main_menu = $clicked_menu; } sub_menu_visible = $sub_menu.is(':visible'); this.$secondary_menu.find('.oe_secondary_menu').hide(); $('.active', this.$element.add(this.$secondary_menu)).removeClass('active'); $main_menu.add($clicked_menu).add($sub_menu).addClass('active'); if (!(this.folded && manual)) { this.do_show_secondary($sub_menu, $main_menu); } if ($main_menu != $clicked_menu) { if ($clicked_menu.is('.submenu')) { $sub_menu.find('.submenu.opened').each(function() { if (!$(this).next().has($clicked_menu).length && !$(this).is($clicked_menu)) { $(this).removeClass('opened').next().hide(); } }); $clicked_menu.toggleClass('opened').next().toggle(); } else if ($clicked_menu.is('.leaf')) { $sub_menu.toggle(!this.folded); return true; } } else if (this.folded) { if (active && sub_menu_visible) { $sub_menu.hide(); return true; } return manual; } else { return true; } return false; }, do_show_secondary: function($sub_menu, $main_menu) { var self = this; if (this.folded) { var css = $main_menu.position(), fold_width = this.$secondary_menu.width() + 2, window_width = $(window).width(); css.top += 33; css.left -= Math.round(($sub_menu.width() - $main_menu.width()) / 2); css.left = css.left < fold_width ? fold_width : css.left; if ((css.left + $sub_menu.width()) > window_width) { delete(css.left); css.right = 1; } $sub_menu.css(css); $sub_menu.mouseenter(function() { clearTimeout($sub_menu.data('timeoutId')); }).mouseleave(function(evt) { var timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { if (self.folded) { $sub_menu.hide(); } }, self.float_timeout); $sub_menu.data('timeoutId', timeoutId); }); } $sub_menu.show(); }, on_menu_action_loaded: function(data) { var self = this; if (data.action.length) { var action = data.action[0][2]; self.on_action(action); } else { self.on_action({type: 'null_action'}); } }, on_action: function(action) { } }); openerp.web.WebClient = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.WebClient */{ /** * @constructs openerp.web.WebClient * @extends openerp.web.Widget * * @param element_id */ init: function(element_id) { this._super(null, element_id); openerp.webclient = this; var params = {}; if(jQuery.param != undefined && jQuery.deparam(jQuery.param.querystring()).kitten != undefined) { this.$element.addClass("kitten-mode-activated"); } this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Interface", params)); this.notification = new openerp.web.Notification(this); this.loading = new openerp.web.Loading(this); this.crashmanager = new openerp.web.CrashManager(); this.header = new openerp.web.Header(this); this.login = new openerp.web.Login(this); this.header.on_logout.add(this.login.on_logout); this.header.on_action.add(this.on_menu_action); this.session.on_session_invalid.add(this.login.do_ask_login); this.session.on_session_valid.add_last(this.header.do_update); this.session.on_session_invalid.add_last(this.header.do_update); this.session.on_session_valid.add_last(this.on_logged); this.menu = new openerp.web.Menu(this, "oe_menu", "oe_secondary_menu"); this.menu.on_action.add(this.on_menu_action); this.url_internal_hashchange = false; this.url_external_hashchange = false; jQuery(window).bind('hashchange', this.on_url_hashchange); }, start: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.notification.prependTo(this.$element); this.loading.appendTo($('#oe_loading')); this.header.appendTo($("#oe_header")); this.session.start(); this.login.appendTo($('#oe_login')); this.menu.start(); }, do_reload: function() { this.session.session_restore(); this.menu.do_reload(); }, do_notify: function() { var n = this.notification; n.notify.apply(n, arguments); }, do_warn: function() { var n = this.notification; n.warn.apply(n, arguments); }, on_logged: function() { this.menu.do_reload(); if(this.action_manager) this.action_manager.stop(); this.action_manager = new openerp.web.ActionManager(this); this.action_manager.appendTo($("#oe_app")); this.action_manager.do_url_set_hash.add_last(this.do_url_set_hash); // if using saved actions, load the action and give it to action manager var parameters = jQuery.deparam(jQuery.param.querystring()); if (parameters["s_action"] != undefined) { var key = parseInt(parameters["s_action"], 10); var self = this; this.rpc("/web/session/get_session_action", {key:key}, function(action) { self.action_manager.do_action(action); }); } else if (openerp._modules_loaded) { // TODO: find better option than this this.load_url_state() } else { this.session.on_modules_loaded.add({ callback: $.proxy(this, 'load_url_state'), unique: true, position: 'last' }) } }, /** * Loads state from URL if any, or checks if there is a home action and * loads that, assuming we're at the index */ load_url_state: function () { var self = this; // TODO: add actual loading if there is url state to unpack, test on window.location.hash // not logged in if (!this.session.uid) { return; } self.action_manager.do_action({type: 'ir.actions.client', tag: 'default_home'}); }, default_home: function () { }, /** * Bundles the execution of the home action * * @param {Number} action action id * @param {openerp.web.DataSet} dataset action executor */ execute_home_action: function (action, dataset) { var self = this; this.rpc('/web/action/load', { action_id: action, context: dataset.get_context() }, function (meh) { var action = meh.result; action.context = _.extend(action.context || {}, { active_id: false, active_ids: [false], active_model: dataset.model }); self.action_manager.do_action(action); }); }, do_url_set_hash: function(url) { if(!this.url_external_hashchange) { this.url_internal_hashchange = true; jQuery.bbq.pushState(url); } }, on_url_hashchange: function() { if(this.url_internal_hashchange) { this.url_internal_hashchange = false; } else { var url = jQuery.deparam.fragment(); this.url_external_hashchange = true; this.action_manager.on_url_hashchange(url); this.url_external_hashchange = false; } }, on_menu_action: function(action) { this.action_manager.do_action(action); }, do_about: function() { } }); }; // vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: