openerp.base.list = function (openerp) { openerp.base.views.add('list', 'openerp.base.ListView'); openerp.base.ListView = openerp.base.View.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.ListView# */ { defaults: { // records can be selected one by one 'selectable': true, // list rows can be deleted 'deletable': true, // whether the column headers should be displayed 'header': true, // display addition button, with that label 'addable': "New", // whether the list view can be sorted, note that once a view has been // sorted it can not be reordered anymore 'sortable': true, // whether the view rows can be reordered (via vertical drag & drop) 'reorderable': true }, /** * Core class for list-type displays. * * As a view, needs a number of view-related parameters to be correctly * instantiated, provides options and overridable methods for behavioral * customization. * * See constructor parameters and method documentations for information on * the default behaviors and possible options for the list view. * * @constructs * @param view_manager * @param session An OpenERP session object * @param element_id the id of the DOM elements this view should link itself to * @param {openerp.base.DataSet} dataset the dataset the view should work with * @param {String} view_id the listview's identifier, if any * @param {Object} options A set of options used to configure the view * @param {Boolean} [options.selectable=true] determines whether view rows are selectable (e.g. via a checkbox) * @param {Boolean} [options.header=true] should the list's header be displayed * @param {Boolean} [options.deletable=true] are the list rows deletable * @param {null|String} [options.addable="New"] should the new-record button be displayed, and what should its label be. Use ``null`` to hide the button. * @param {Boolean} [options.sortable=true] is it possible to sort the table by clicking on column headers * @param {Boolean} [options.reorderable=true] is it possible to reorder list rows * * @borrows openerp.base.ActionExecutor#execute_action as #execute_action */ init: function(view_manager, session, element_id, dataset, view_id, options) { this._super(session, element_id); this.view_manager = view_manager || new openerp.base.NullViewManager(); this.dataset = dataset; this.model = dataset.model; this.view_id = view_id; this.columns = []; this.options = _.extend({}, this.defaults, options || {}); this.flags = this.view_manager.flags || {}; this.set_groups(new openerp.base.ListView.Groups(this)); if (this.dataset instanceof openerp.base.DataSetStatic) { this.groups.datagroup = new openerp.base.StaticDataGroup(this.dataset); } }, /** * Set a custom Group construct as the root of the List View. * * @param {openerp.base.ListView.Groups} groups */ set_groups: function (groups) { var self = this; if (this.groups) { $(this.groups).unbind("selected deleted action row_link"); delete this.groups; } this.groups = groups; $(this.groups).bind({ 'selected': function (e, ids, records) { self.do_select(ids, records); }, 'deleted': function (e, ids) { self.do_delete(ids); }, 'action': function (e, action_name, id, callback) { self.do_action(action_name, id, callback); }, 'row_link': function (e, id, dataset) { self.do_activate_record(dataset.index, id, dataset); } }); }, /** * View startup method, the default behavior is to set the ``oe-listview`` * class on its root element and to perform an RPC load call. * * @returns {$.Deferred} loading promise */ start: function() { this.$element.addClass('oe-listview'); return this.reload_view(); }, /** * Called after loading the list view's description, sets up such things * as the view table's columns, renders the table itself and hooks up the * various table-level and row-level DOM events (action buttons, deletion * buttons, selection of records, [New] button, selection of a given * record, ...) * * Sets up the following: * * * Processes arch and fields to generate a complete field descriptor for each field * * Create the table itself and allocate visible columns * * Hook in the top-level (header) [New|Add] and [Delete] button * * Sets up showing/hiding the top-level [Delete] button based on records being selected or not * * Sets up event handlers for action buttons and per-row deletion button * * Hooks global callback for clicking on a row * * Sets up its sidebar, if any * * @param {Object} data wrapped fields_view_get result * @param {Object} data.fields_view fields_view_get result (processed) * @param {Object} data.fields_view.fields mapping of fields for the current model * @param {Object} data.fields_view.arch current list view descriptor * @param {Boolean} grouped Is the list view grouped */ on_loaded: function(data, grouped) { var self = this; this.fields_view = data.fields_view; //this.log(this.fields_view); = "" + this.fields_view.arch.attrs.string; this.setup_columns(this.fields_view.fields, grouped); if (!this.fields_view.sorted) { this.fields_view.sorted = {}; } this.$element.html(QWeb.render("ListView", this)); // Head hook this.$element.find('#oe-list-add') .click(this.do_add_record) .attr('disabled', grouped && this.options.editable); this.$element.find('#oe-list-delete') .attr('disabled', true) .click(this.do_delete_selected); this.$element.find('thead').delegate('th[data-id]', 'click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); self.dataset.sort($(this).data('id')); // TODO: should only reload content (and set the right column to a sorted display state) self.reload_view(); }); this.view_manager.sidebar.set_toolbar(data.fields_view.toolbar); }, /** * Sets up the listview's columns: merges view and fields data, move * grouped-by columns to the front of the columns list and make them all * visible. * * @param {Object} fields fields_view_get's fields section * @param {Boolean} [grouped] Should the grouping columns (group and count) be displayed */ setup_columns: function (fields, grouped) { var domain_computer = openerp.base.form.compute_domain; var noop = function () { return {}; }; var field_to_column = function (field) { var name =; var column = _.extend({id: name, tag: field.tag}, field.attrs, fields[name]); // attrs computer if (column.attrs) { var attrs = JSON.parse(column.attrs); column.attrs_for = function (fields) { var result = {}; for (var attr in attrs) { result[attr] = domain_computer(attrs[attr], fields); } return result; }; } else { column.attrs_for = noop; } return column; }; this.columns.splice(0, this.columns.length); this.columns.push.apply( this.columns, _(this.fields_view.arch.children).map(field_to_column)); if (grouped) { this.columns.unshift({ id: '_group', tag: '', string: "Group", meta: true, attrs_for: function () { return {}; } }, { id: '_count', tag: '', string: '#', meta: true, attrs_for: function () { return {}; } }); } this.visible_columns = _.filter(this.columns, function (column) { return column.invisible !== '1'; }); this.aggregate_columns = _(this.visible_columns) .map(function (column) { if (column.type !== 'integer' && column.type !== 'float') { return {}; } var aggregation_func = column['group_operator'] || 'sum'; if (!column[aggregation_func]) { return {}; } return { field:, type: column.type, 'function': aggregation_func, label: column[aggregation_func] }; }); }, /** * Used to handle a click on a table row, if no other handler caught the * event. * * The default implementation asks the list view's view manager to switch * to a different view (by calling * :js:func:`~openerp.base.ViewManager.on_mode_switch`), using the * provided record index (within the current list view's dataset). * * If the index is null, ``switch_to_record`` asks for the creation of a * new record. * * @param {Number|null} index the record index (in the current dataset) to switch to * @param {String} [view="form"] the view type to switch to */ select_record:function (index, view) { view = view || 'form'; this.dataset.index = index; _.delay(_.bind(function () { if(this.view_manager) { this.view_manager.on_mode_switch(view); } }, this)); }, do_show: function () { this.$; if (this.hidden) { this.$element.find('table').append( this.groups.apoptosis().render()); this.hidden = false; } this.view_manager.sidebar.do_refresh(true); }, do_hide: function () { this.$element.hide(); this.hidden = true; }, /** * Reloads the list view based on the current settings (dataset & al) * * @param {Boolean} [grouped] Should the list be displayed grouped */ reload_view: function (grouped) { var self = this; this.dataset.offset = 0; this.dataset.limit = false; var callback = function (field_view_get) { self.on_loaded(field_view_get, grouped); }; if (this.embedded_view) { return $.Deferred().then(callback).resolve({fields_view: this.embedded_view}); } else { return this.rpc('/base/listview/load', { model: this.model, view_id: this.view_id, context: this.dataset.context, toolbar: !!this.flags.sidebar }, callback); } }, /** * re-renders the content of the list view */ reload_content: function () { this.$element.find('table').append( this.groups.apoptosis().render( $.proxy(this, 'compute_aggregates'))); }, /** * Event handler for a search, asks for the computation/folding of domains * and contexts (and group-by), then reloads the view's content. * * @param {Array} domains a sequence of literal and non-literal domains * @param {Array} contexts a sequence of literal and non-literal contexts * @param {Array} groupbys a sequence of literal and non-literal group-by contexts * @returns {$.Deferred} fold request evaluation promise */ do_search: function (domains, contexts, groupbys) { return this.rpc('/base/session/eval_domain_and_context', { domains: domains, contexts: contexts, group_by_seq: groupbys }, $.proxy(this, 'do_actual_search')); }, /** * Handler for the result of eval_domain_and_context, actually perform the * searching * * @param {Object} results results of evaluating domain and process for a search */ do_actual_search: function (results) { this.dataset.context = results.context; this.dataset.domain = results.domain; this.groups.datagroup = new openerp.base.DataGroup( this.session, this.model, results.domain, results.context, results.group_by); if (_.isEmpty(results.group_by) && !results.context['group_by_no_leaf']) { results.group_by = null; } this.reload_view(!!results.group_by).then( $.proxy(this, 'reload_content')); }, /** * Handles the signal to delete a line from the DOM * * @param {Array} ids the id of the object to delete */ do_delete: function (ids) { if (!ids.length) { return; } var self = this; return $.when(this.dataset.unlink(ids)).then(function () { self.reload_content(); }); }, /** * Handles the signal indicating that a new record has been selected * * @param {Array} ids selected record ids * @param {Array} records selected record values */ do_select: function (ids, records) { this.$element.find('#oe-list-delete') .attr('disabled', !ids.length); if (!records.length) { this.compute_aggregates(); return; } this.compute_aggregates(_(records).map(function (record) { return {count: 1, values: record}; })); }, /** * Handles action button signals on a record * * @param {String} name action name * @param {Object} id id of the record the action should be called on * @param {Function} callback should be called after the action is executed, if non-null */ do_action: function (name, id, callback) { var action = _.detect(this.columns, function (field) { return === name; }); if (!action) { return; } this.execute_action( action, this.dataset, this.session.action_manager, id, function () { if (callback) { callback(); } }); }, /** * Handles the activation of a record (clicking on it) * * @param {Number} index index of the record in the dataset * @param {Object} id identifier of the activated record * @param {openerp.base.DataSet} dataset dataset in which the record is available (may not be the listview's dataset in case of nested groups) */ do_activate_record: function (index, id, dataset) { var self = this; _.extend(this.dataset, { domain: dataset.domain, context: dataset.context }).read_slice([], 0, false, function () { self.select_record(index); }); }, /** * Handles signal for the addition of a new record (can be a creation, * can be the addition from a remote source, ...) * * The default implementation is to switch to a new record on the form view */ do_add_record: function () { this.select_record(null); }, /** * Handles deletion of all selected lines */ do_delete_selected: function () { this.do_delete(this.groups.get_selection().ids); }, /** * Computes the aggregates for the current list view, either on the * records provided or on the records of the internal * :js:class:`~openerp.base.ListView.Group`, by calling * :js:func:``. * * Then displays the aggregates in the table through * :js:method:`~openerp.base.ListView.display_aggregates`. * * @param {Array} [records] */ compute_aggregates: function (records) { var columns = _(this.aggregate_columns).filter(function (column) { return column['function']; }); if (_.isEmpty(columns)) { return; } if (_.isEmpty(records)) { records = this.groups.get_records(); } var count = 0, sums = {}; _(columns).each(function (column) { sums[column.field] = 0; }); _(records).each(function (record) { count += record.count || 1; _(columns).each(function (column) { var field = column.field; switch (column['function']) { case 'sum': sums[field] += record.values[field]; break; case 'avg': sums[field] += record.count * record.values[field]; break; } }); }); var aggregates = {}; _(columns).each(function (column) { var field = column.field; switch (column['function']) { case 'sum': aggregates[field] = sums[field]; break; case 'avg': aggregates[field] = sums[field] / count; break; } }); this.display_aggregates(aggregates); }, display_aggregates: function (aggregation) { var $footer_cells = this.$element.find('.oe-list-footer'); _(this.aggregate_columns).each(function (column) { if (!column['function']) { return; } var pattern = (column.type == 'integer') ? '%d' : '%.2f'; $footer_cells.filter(_.sprintf('[data-field=%s]', column.field)) .text(_.sprintf(pattern, aggregation[column.field])); }); } // TODO: implement reorder (drag and drop rows) }); openerp.base.ListView.List = Class.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.ListView.List# */{ /** * List display for the ListView, handles basic DOM events and transforms * them in the relevant higher-level events, to which the list view (or * other consumers) can subscribe. * * Events on this object are registered via jQuery. * * Available events: * * `selected` * Triggered when a row is selected (using check boxes), provides an * array of ids of all the selected records. * `deleted` * Triggered when deletion buttons are hit, provide an array of ids of * all the records being marked for suppression. * `action` * Triggered when an action button is clicked, provides two parameters: * * * The name of the action to execute (as a string) * * The id of the record to execute the action on * `row_link` * Triggered when a row of the table is clicked, provides the index (in * the rows array) and id of the selected record to the handle function. * * @constructs * @param {Object} opts display options, identical to those of :js:class:`openerp.base.ListView` */ init: function (group, opts) { var self = this; = group; this.options = opts.options; this.columns = opts.columns; this.dataset = opts.dataset; this.rows = opts.rows; this.$_element = $('') .appendTo(document.body) .delegate('th.oe-record-selector', 'click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var selection = self.get_selection(); $(self).trigger( 'selected', [selection.ids, selection.records]); }) .delegate('td.oe-record-delete button', 'click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $row = $('tr'); $(self).trigger('deleted', [[self.row_id($row)]]); }) .delegate('td.oe-field-cell button', 'click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var $target = $(e.currentTarget), field = $target.closest('td').data('field'), $row = $target.closest('tr'), record_id = self.row_id($row), index = self.row_position($row); $(self).trigger('action', [field, record_id, function () { self.reload_record(index, true); }]); }) .delegate('tr', 'click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); self.dataset.index = self.row_position(e.currentTarget); self.row_clicked(e); }); }, row_clicked: function () { $(this).trigger( 'row_link', [this.rows[this.dataset.index], this.dataset]); }, render: function () { if (this.$current) { this.$current.remove(); } this.$current = this.$_element.clone(true); this.$current.empty().append(QWeb.render('ListView.rows', this)); }, get_fields_view: function () { // deep copy of view var view = $.extend(true, {},; _(view.arch.children).each(function (widget) { widget.attrs.nolabel = true; if (widget.tag === 'button') { delete widget.attrs.string; } }); view.arch.attrs.col = 2 * view.arch.children.length; return view; }, /** * Gets the ids of all currently selected records, if any * @returns {Object} object with the keys ``ids`` and ``records``, holding respectively the ids of all selected records and the records themselves. */ get_selection: function () { if (!this.options.selectable) { return []; } var rows = this.rows; var result = {ids: [], records: []}; this.$current.find('th.oe-record-selector input:checked') .closest('tr').each(function () { var record = {}; _(rows[$(this).data('index')].data).each(function (obj, key) { record[key] = obj.value; }); result.ids.push(; result.records.push(record); }); return result; }, /** * Returns the index of the row in the list of rows. * * @param {Object} row the selected row * @returns {Number} the position of the row in this.rows */ row_position: function (row) { return $(row).data('index'); }, /** * Returns the identifier of the object displayed in the provided table * row * * @param {Object} row the selected table row * @returns {Number|String} the identifier of the row's object */ row_id: function (row) { return this.rows[this.row_position(row)]; }, /** * Death signal, cleans up list */ apoptosis: function () { if (!this.$current) { return; } this.$current.remove(); this.$current = null; this.$_element.remove(); }, get_records: function () { return _(this.rows).map(function (row) { var record = {}; _( (obj, key) { record[key] = obj.value; }); return {count: 1, values: record}; }); }, /** * Transforms a record from what is returned by a dataset read (a simple * mapping of ``$fieldname: $value``) to the format expected by list rows * and form views: * * data: { * $fieldname: { * value: $value * } * } * * This format allows for the insertion of a bunch of metadata (names, * colors, etc...) * * @param {Object} record original record, in dataset format * @returns {Object} record displayable in a form or list view */ transform_record: function (record) { // TODO: colors handling var form_data = {}, form_record = {data: form_data}; _(record).each(function (value, key) { form_data[key] = {value: value}; }); return form_record; }, /** * Reloads the record at index ``row_index`` in the list's rows. * * By default, simply re-renders the record. If the ``fetch`` parameter is * provided and ``true``, will first fetch the record anew. * * @param {Number} record_index index of the record to reload * @param {Boolean} fetch fetches the record from remote before reloading it */ reload_record: function (record_index, fetch) { var self = this; var read_p = null; if (fetch) { // save index to restore it later, if already set var old_index = this.dataset.index; this.dataset.index = record_index; read_p = this.dataset.read_index( _.filter(_.pluck(this.columns, 'name'), _.identity), function (record) { var form_record = self.transform_record(record); self.rows.splice(record_index, 1, form_record); self.dataset.index = old_index; } ) } return $.when(read_p).then(function () { self.$current.children().eq(record_index) .replaceWith(self.render_record(record_index)); }) }, /** * Renders a list record to HTML * * @param {Number} record_index index of the record to render in ``this.rows`` * @returns {String} QWeb rendering of the selected record */ render_record: function (record_index) { return QWeb.render('ListView.row', { columns: this.columns, options: this.options, row: this.rows[record_index], row_parity: (record_index % 2 === 0) ? 'even' : 'odd', row_index: record_index }); } // drag and drop }); openerp.base.ListView.Groups = Class.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.ListView.Groups# */{ passtrough_events: 'action deleted row_link', /** * Grouped display for the ListView. Handles basic DOM events and interacts * with the :js:class:`~openerp.base.DataGroup` bound to it. * * Provides events similar to those of * :js:class:`~openerp.base.ListView.List` */ init: function (view) { this.view = view; this.options = view.options; this.columns = view.columns; this.datagroup = null; this.sections = []; this.children = {}; }, pad: function ($row) { if (this.options.selectable) { $row.append(''); } }, make_fragment: function () { return document.createDocumentFragment(); }, /** * Returns a DOM node after which a new tbody can be inserted, so that it * follows the provided row. * * Necessary to insert the result of a new group or list view within an * existing groups render, without losing track of the groups's own * elements * * @param {HTMLTableRowElement} row the row after which the caller wants to insert a body * @returns {HTMLTableSectionElement} element after which a tbody can be inserted */ point_insertion: function (row) { var $row = $(row); var red_letter_tboday = $row.closest('tbody')[0]; var $next_siblings = $row.nextAll(); if ($next_siblings.length) { var $root_kanal = $('').insertAfter(red_letter_tboday); $root_kanal.append($next_siblings); this.elements.splice( _.indexOf(this.elements, red_letter_tboday), 0, $root_kanal[0]); } return red_letter_tboday; }, open: function (point_insertion) { this.render().insertAfter(point_insertion); }, close: function () { this.apoptosis(); }, /** * Prefixes ``$node`` with floated spaces in order to indent it relative * to its own left margin/baseline * * @param {jQuery} $node jQuery object to indent * @param {Number} level current nesting level, >= 1 * @returns {jQuery} the indentation node created */ indent: function ($node, level) { return $('') .css({'float': 'left', 'white-space': 'pre'}) .text(new Array(level).join(' ')) .prependTo($node); }, render_groups: function (datagroups) { var self = this; var placeholder = this.make_fragment(); _(datagroups).each(function (group) { if (self.children[group.value]) { self.children[group.value].apoptosis(); delete self.children[group.value]; } var child = self.children[group.value] = new openerp.base.ListView.Groups(self.view, { options: self.options, columns: self.columns }); self.bind_child_events(child); child.datagroup = group; var $row = $(''); if (group.openable) { $ (e) { if (!$'open')) { $'open', true) .find('span.ui-icon') .removeClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-e') .addClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-s');; } else { $row.removeData('open') .find('span.ui-icon') .removeClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-s') .addClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-e'); child.close(); } }); } placeholder.appendChild($row[0]); var $group_column = $('').appendTo($row); if (group.grouped_on) { // Don't fill this if group_by_no_leaf but no group_by $group_column .text((group.value instanceof Array ? group.value[1] : group.value)); if (group.openable) { // Make openable if not terminal group & group_by_no_leaf $group_column .prepend(''); } } self.indent($group_column, group.level); // count column $('').text(group.length).appendTo($row); self.pad($row); _(self.columns).chain() .filter(function (column) {return !column.invisible;}) .each(function (column) { if (column.meta) { // do not do anything } else if ( in group.aggregates) { var value = group.aggregates[]; var format; if (column.type === 'integer') { format = "%.0f"; } else if (column.type === 'float') { format = "%.2f"; } $('') .text(_.sprintf(format, value)) .appendTo($row); } else { $row.append(''); } }); }); return placeholder; }, bind_child_events: function (child) { var $this = $(this), self = this; $(child).bind('selected', function (e) { // can have selections spanning multiple links var selection = self.get_selection(); $this.trigger(e, [selection.ids, selection.records]); }).bind(this.passtrough_events, function (e) { // additional positional parameters are provided to trigger as an // Array, following the event type or event object, but are // provided to the .bind event handler as *args. // Convert our *args back into an Array in order to trigger them // on the group itself, so it can ultimately be forwarded wherever // it's supposed to go. var args =, 1); $$this, e, args); }); }, render_dataset: function (dataset) { var rows = [], list = new openerp.base.ListView.List(this, { options: this.options, columns: this.columns, dataset: dataset, rows: rows }); this.bind_child_events(list); var d = new $.Deferred(); dataset.read_slice( _.filter(_.pluck(, function(x) {return x.tag == "field";}), 'name'), _.identity), 0, false, function (records) { var form_records = _(records).map( $.proxy(list, 'transform_record')); rows.splice(0, rows.length); rows.push.apply(rows, form_records); list.render(); d.resolve(list); }); return d.promise(); }, render: function (post_render) { var self = this; var $element = $(''); this.elements = [$element[0]]; this.datagroup.list(function (groups) { $element[0].appendChild( self.render_groups(groups)); if (post_render) { post_render(); } }, function (dataset) { self.render_dataset(dataset).then(function (list) { self.children[null] = list; self.elements = [list.$current.replaceAll($element)[0]]; if (post_render) { post_render(); } }); }); return $element; }, /** * Returns the ids of all selected records for this group, and the records * themselves */ get_selection: function () { var ids = [], records = []; _(this.children) .each(function (child) { var selection = child.get_selection(); ids.push.apply(ids, selection.ids); records.push.apply(records, selection.records); }); return {ids: ids, records: records}; }, apoptosis: function () { _(this.children).each(function (child) { child.apoptosis(); }); this.children = {}; $(this.elements).remove(); return this; }, get_records: function () { if (_(this.children).isEmpty()) { return { count: this.datagroup.length, values: this.datagroup.aggregates } } return _(this.children).chain() .map(function (child) { return child.get_records(); }).flatten().value(); } }); }; // vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: