#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import with_statement import functools import logging import os import sys import traceback import uuid import xmlrpclib import simplejson import werkzeug.datastructures import werkzeug.exceptions import werkzeug.urls import werkzeug.utils import werkzeug.wrappers import werkzeug.wsgi import ast import nonliterals import http # import backendlocal as backend import backendrpc as backend __all__ = ['Root', 'jsonrequest', 'httprequest', 'Controller', 'WebRequest', 'JsonRequest', 'HttpRequest'] #----------------------------------------------------------- # Globals (wont move into a pool) #----------------------------------------------------------- applicationsession = {} addons_module = {} addons_manifest = {} controllers_class = {} controllers_object = {} controllers_path = {} #---------------------------------------------------------- # OpenERP Web RequestHandler #---------------------------------------------------------- class WebRequest(object): """ Parent class for all OpenERP Web request types, mostly deals with initialization and setup of the request object (the dispatching itself has to be handled by the subclasses) :param request: a wrapped werkzeug Request object :type request: :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.BaseRequest` :param config: configuration object .. attribute:: applicationsession an application-wide :class:`~collections.Mapping` .. attribute:: httprequest the original :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Request` object provided to the request .. attribute:: httpsession a :class:`~collections.Mapping` holding the HTTP session data for the current http session .. attribute:: config config parameter provided to the request object .. attribute:: params :class:`~collections.Mapping` of request parameters, not generally useful as they're provided directly to the handler method as keyword arguments .. attribute:: session_id opaque identifier for the :class:`backend.OpenERPSession` instance of the current request .. attribute:: session :class:`~backend.OpenERPSession` instance for the current request .. attribute:: context :class:`~collections.Mapping` of context values for the current request .. attribute:: debug ``bool``, indicates whether the debug mode is active on the client """ def __init__(self, request, config): self.applicationsession = applicationsession self.httprequest = request self.httpresponse = None self.httpsession = request.session self.config = config def init(self, params): self.params = dict(params) # OpenERP session setup self.session_id = self.params.pop("session_id", None) or uuid.uuid4().hex self.session = self.httpsession.setdefault( self.session_id, backend.OpenERPSession( self.config.server_host, self.config.server_port)) self.context = self.params.pop('context', None) self.debug = self.params.pop('debug', False) != False class JsonRequest(WebRequest): """ JSON-RPC2 over HTTP. Sucessful request:: --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": {"session_id": "SID", "context": {}, "arg1": "val1" }, "id": null} <-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "res1": "val1" }, "id": null} Request producing a error:: --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": {"session_id": "SID", "context": {}, "arg1": "val1" }, "id": null} <-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": {"code": 1, "message": "End user error message.", "data": {"code": "codestring", "debug": "traceback" } }, "id": null} """ def dispatch(self, controller, method, requestf=None, request=None): """ Calls the method asked for by the JSON-RPC2 request :param controller: the instance of the controller which received the request :param method: the method which received the request :param requestf: a file-like object containing an encoded JSON-RPC2 request :param request: a JSON-RPC2 request :returns: an utf8 encoded JSON-RPC2 reply """ response = {"jsonrpc": "2.0" } error = None try: # Read POST content or POST Form Data named "request" if requestf: self.jsonrequest = simplejson.load(requestf, object_hook=nonliterals.non_literal_decoder) else: self.jsonrequest = simplejson.loads(request, object_hook=nonliterals.non_literal_decoder) self.init(self.jsonrequest.get("params", {})) if self.debug or 1: print "--> %s.%s %s" % (controller.__class__.__name__, method.__name__, self.jsonrequest) response['id'] = self.jsonrequest.get('id') response["result"] = method(controller, self, **self.params) except backend.OpenERPUnboundException: error = { 'code': 100, 'message': "OpenERP Session Invalid", 'data': { 'type': 'session_invalid', 'debug': traceback.format_exc() } } except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: error = { 'code': 200, 'message': "OpenERP Server Error", 'data': { 'type': 'server_exception', 'fault_code': e.faultCode, 'debug': "Client %s\nServer %s" % ( "".join(traceback.format_exception("", None, sys.exc_traceback)), e.faultString) } } except Exception: logging.getLogger('openerp.JSONRequest.dispatch').exception\ ("An error occured while handling a json request") error = { 'code': 300, 'message': "OpenERP WebClient Error", 'data': { 'type': 'client_exception', 'debug': "Client %s" % traceback.format_exc() } } if error: response["error"] = error if self.debug or 1: print "<--", response print content = simplejson.dumps(response, cls=nonliterals.NonLiteralEncoder) return werkzeug.wrappers.Response( content, headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ('Content-Length', len(content))]) def jsonrequest(f): """ Decorator marking the decorated method as being a handler for a JSON-RPC request (the exact request path is specified via the ``$(Controller._cp_path)/$methodname`` combination. If the method is called, it will be provided with a :class:`JsonRequest` instance and all ``params`` sent during the JSON-RPC request, apart from the ``session_id``, ``context`` and ``debug`` keys (which are stripped out beforehand) """ @functools.wraps(f) def json_handler(controller, request, config): return JsonRequest(request, config).dispatch( controller, f, requestf=request.stream) json_handler.exposed = True return json_handler class HttpRequest(WebRequest): """ Regular GET/POST request """ def dispatch(self, controller, method): self.init(dict(self.httprequest.args, **self.httprequest.form)) akw = {} for key, value in self.httprequest.args.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, basestring) and len(value) < 1024: akw[key] = value else: akw[key] = type(value) if self.debug or 1: print "%s --> %s.%s %r" % (self.httprequest.method, controller.__class__.__name__, method.__name__, akw) r = method(controller, self, **self.params) if self.debug or 1: if isinstance(r, werkzeug.wrappers.BaseResponse): print '<--', r else: print "<--", 'size:', len(r) print return r def make_response(self, data, headers=None, cookies=None): """ Helper for non-HTML responses, or HTML responses with custom response headers or cookies. While handlers can just return the HTML markup of a page they want to send as a string if non-HTML data is returned they need to create a complete response object, or the returned data will not be correctly interpreted by the clients. :param basestring data: response body :param headers: HTTP headers to set on the response :type headers: ``[(name, value)]`` :param collections.Mapping cookies: cookies to set on the client """ response = werkzeug.wrappers.Response(data, headers=headers) if cookies: for k, v in cookies.iteritems(): response.set_cookie(k, v) return response def not_found(self, description=None): """ Helper for 404 response, return its result from the method """ return werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound(description) def httprequest(f): """ Decorator marking the decorated method as being a handler for a normal HTTP request (the exact request path is specified via the ``$(Controller._cp_path)/$methodname`` combination. If the method is called, it will be provided with a :class:`HttpRequest` instance and all ``params`` sent during the request (``GET`` and ``POST`` merged in the same dictionary), apart from the ``session_id``, ``context`` and ``debug`` keys (which are stripped out beforehand) """ @functools.wraps(f) def http_handler(controller, request, config): return HttpRequest(request, config).dispatch(controller, f) http_handler.exposed = True return http_handler class ControllerType(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super(ControllerType, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) controllers_class["%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)] = cls class Controller(object): __metaclass__ = ControllerType class Root(object): """Root WSGI application for the OpenERP Web Client. :param options: mandatory initialization options object, must provide the following attributes: ``server_host`` (``str``) hostname of the OpenERP server to dispatch RPC to ``server_port`` (``int``) RPC port of the OpenERP server ``serve_static`` (``bool | None``) whether this application should serve the various addons's static files ``storage_path`` (``str``) filesystem path where HTTP session data will be stored ``dbfilter`` (``str``) only used in case the list of databases is requested by the server, will be filtered by this pattern """ def __init__(self, options): self.root = werkzeug.urls.Href('/web/webclient/home') self.config = options self.session_cookie = 'sessionid' self.addons = {} static_dirs = self._load_addons() if options.serve_static: self.dispatch = werkzeug.wsgi.SharedDataMiddleware( self.dispatch, static_dirs) if options.session_storage: if not os.path.exists(options.session_storage): os.mkdir(options.session_storage, 0700) self.session_storage = options.session_storage def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """ Handle a WSGI request """ return self.dispatch(environ, start_response) def dispatch(self, environ, start_response): """ Performs the actual WSGI dispatching for the application, may be wrapped during the initialization of the object. Call the object directly. """ request = werkzeug.wrappers.Request(environ) request.parameter_storage_class = werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableDict if request.path == '/': return werkzeug.utils.redirect( self.root(request.args), 301)( environ, start_response) elif request.path == '/mobile': return werkzeug.utils.redirect( '/web_mobile/static/src/web_mobile.html', 301)( environ, start_response) handler = self.find_handler(*(request.path.split('/')[1:])) if not handler: response = werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound() else: with http.session(request, self.session_storage, self.session_cookie) as session: result = handler( request, self.config) if isinstance(result, basestring): response = werkzeug.wrappers.Response( result, headers=[('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'), ('Content-Length', len(result))]) else: response = result response.set_cookie(self.session_cookie, session.sid) return response(environ, start_response) def _load_addons(self): """ Loads all addons at the specified addons path, returns a mapping of static URLs to the corresponding directories """ statics = {} addons_path = self.config.addons_path if addons_path not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, addons_path) for module in os.listdir(addons_path): if module not in addons_module: manifest_path = os.path.join(addons_path, module, '__openerp__.py') if os.path.isfile(manifest_path): manifest = ast.literal_eval(open(manifest_path).read()) print "Loading", module m = __import__(module) addons_module[module] = m addons_manifest[module] = manifest statics['/%s/static' % module] = \ os.path.join(addons_path, module, 'static') for k, v in controllers_class.items(): if k not in controllers_object: o = v() controllers_object[k] = o if hasattr(o, '_cp_path'): controllers_path[o._cp_path] = o return statics def find_handler(self, *l): """ Tries to discover the controller handling the request for the path specified by the provided parameters :param l: path sections to a controller or controller method :returns: a callable matching the path sections, or ``None`` :rtype: ``Controller | None`` """ if len(l) > 1: for i in range(len(l), 1, -1): ps = "/" + "/".join(l[0:i]) if ps in controllers_path: c = controllers_path[ps] rest = l[i:] or ['index'] meth = rest[0] m = getattr(c, meth) if getattr(m, 'exposed', False): print "Dispatching to", ps, c, meth, m return m return None