account.voucher search account.voucher search account.voucher.payment.low.priority.form account.voucher form 1
account.voucher.payment.form account.voucher form
Supplier Payment account.voucher form [('journal_id.type', 'in', ['bank', 'cash']), ('type','=','payment')] {'type':'payment'} current The supplier payment form allows you to track the payment you do to your suppliers. When you select a supplier, the payment method and an amount for the payment, OpenERP will propose to reconcile your payment with the open supplier invoices or bills. tree form account.voucher.receipt.form account.voucher form
Customer Payment account.voucher form [('journal_id.type', 'in', ['bank', 'cash']), ('type','=','receipt')] {'type':'receipt'} current Sales payment allows you to register the payments you receive from your customers. In order to record a payment, you must enter the customer, the payment method (=the journal) and the payment amount. OpenERP will propose to you automatically the reconciliation of this payment with the open invoices or sales receipts. tree form