openerp.base_import = function (instance) { var QWeb = instance.web.qweb; var _t = instance.web._t; var _lt = instance.web._lt; /** * Safari does not deal well at all with raw JSON data being * returned. As a result, we're going to cheat by using a * pseudo-jsonp: instead of getting JSON data in the iframe, we're * getting a ``script`` tag which consists of a function call and * the returned data (the json dump). * * The function is an auto-generated name bound to ``window``, * which calls back into the callback provided here. * * @param {Object} form the form element (DOM or jQuery) to use in the call * @param {Object} attributes jquery.form attributes object * @param {Function} callback function to call with the returned data */ function jsonp(form, attributes, callback) { attributes = attributes || {}; var options = {jsonp: _.uniqueId('import_callback_')}; window[options.jsonp] = function () { delete window[options.jsonp]; callback.apply(null, arguments); }; if ('data' in attributes) { _.extend(, options); } else { _.extend(attributes, {data: options}); } _.extend(attributes, { dataType: 'script', }); $(form).ajaxSubmit(attributes); } // if true, the 'Import', 'Export', etc... buttons will be shown instance.web.ListView.prototype.defaults.import_enabled = true; instance.web.ListView.include({ load_list: function () { var self = this; var add_button = false; if (!this.$buttons) { add_button = true; } this._super.apply(this, arguments); if(add_button) { this.$buttons.on('click', '.oe_list_button_import', function() { self.do_action({ type: 'ir.actions.client', tag: 'import', params: { model: self.dataset.model } }, { on_reverse_breadcrumb: function () { self.reload(); }, }); return false; }); } } }); instance.web.client_actions.add( 'import', 'instance.web.DataImport'); instance.web.DataImport = instance.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'ImportView', opts: [ {name: 'encoding', label: _lt("Encoding:"), value: 'utf-8'}, {name: 'separator', label: _lt("Separator:"), value: ','}, {name: 'quoting', label: _lt("Quoting:"), value: '"'} ], events: { // 'change .oe_import_grid input': 'import_dryrun', 'change .oe_import_file': 'loaded_file', 'click .oe_import_file_reload': 'loaded_file', 'change input.oe_import_has_header, .oe_import_options input': 'settings_changed', 'click a.oe_import_toggle': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $el = $(; ($ ? $ : $el.parent().next()) .toggle(); }, 'click .oe_import_report a.oe_import_report_count': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('oe_import_report_showmore'); }, 'click .oe_import_moreinfo_action a': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // #data will parse the attribute on its own, we don't like // that sort of things var action = JSON.parse($('data-action')); // FIXME: when JS-side clean_action action.views = _(action.views).map(function (view) { var id = view[0], type = view[1]; return [ id, type !== 'tree' ? type : action.view_type === 'form' ? 'list' : 'tree' ]; }); this.do_action(_.extend(action, { target: 'new', flags: { search_view: true, display_title: true, pager: true, list: {selectable: false} } })); }, // buttons 'click .oe_import_validate': 'validate', 'click .oe_import_import': 'import', 'click .oe_import_cancel': function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.exit(); } }, init: function (parent, action) { var self = this; this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.res_model = action.params.model; // import object id = null; this.Import = new instance.web.Model('base_import.import'); }, start: function () { var self = this; this.setup_encoding_picker(); return $.when( this._super(),'create', [{ 'res_model': this.res_model }]).done(function (id) { = id; self.$('input[name=import_id]').val(id); }) ) }, setup_encoding_picker: function () { this.$('input.oe_import_encoding').select2({ width: '160px', query: function (q) { var make = function (term) { return {id: term, text: term}; }; var suggestions = ('utf-8 utf-16 windows-1252 latin1 latin2 big5 ' + 'gb18030 shift_jis windows-1251 koir8_r').split(/\s+/), make); if (q.term) { suggestions.unshift(make(q.term)); } q.callback({results: suggestions}); }, initSelection: function (e, c) { return c({id: 'utf-8', text: 'utf-8'}); } }).select2('val', 'utf-8'); }, import_options: function () { var self = this; var options = { headers: this.$('input.oe_import_has_header').prop('checked') }; _(this.opts).each(function (opt) { options[] = self.$('input.oe_import_' +; }); return options; }, //- File & settings change section onfile_loaded: function () { this.$('.oe_import_button, .oe_import_file_reload') .prop('disabled', true); if (!this.$('input.oe_import_file').val()) { return; } this.$el.removeClass('oe_import_preview oe_import_error'); jsonp(this.$el, { url: '/base_import/set_file' }, this.proxy('settings_changed')); }, onpreviewing: function () { var self = this; this.$('.oe_import_button, .oe_import_file_reload') .prop('disabled', true); this.$el.addClass('oe_import_with_file'); // TODO: test that write // succeeded? this.$el.removeClass('oe_import_preview_error oe_import_error'); this.$el.toggleClass( 'oe_import_noheaders', !this.$('input.oe_import_has_header').prop('checked')); 'parse_preview', [, this.import_options()]) .done(function (result) { var signal = result.error ? 'preview_failed' : 'preview_succeeded'; self[signal](result); }); }, onpreview_error: function (event, from, to, result) { this.$('.oe_import_options').show(); this.$('.oe_import_file_reload').prop('disabled', false); this.$el.addClass('oe_import_preview_error oe_import_error'); this.$('.oe_import_error_report').html( QWeb.render('ImportView.preview.error', result)); }, onpreview_success: function (event, from, to, result) { this.$('.oe_import_import').removeClass('oe_highlight'); this.$('.oe_import_validate').addClass('oe_highlight'); this.$('.oe_import_button, .oe_import_file_reload') .prop('disabled', false); this.$el.addClass('oe_import_preview'); this.$('table').html(QWeb.render('ImportView.preview', result)); if (result.headers.length === 1) { this.$('.oe_import_options').show(); this.onresults(null, null, null, [{ type: 'warning', message: _t("A single column was found in the file, this often means the file separator is incorrect") }]); } var $fields = this.$('.oe_import_fields input'); this.render_fields_matches(result, $fields); var data = this.generate_fields_completion(result); var item_finder = function (id, items) { items = items || data; for (var i=0; i < items.length; ++i) { var item = items[i]; if ( === id) { return item; } var val; if (item.children && (val = item_finder(id, item.children))) { return val; } } return ''; }; $fields.select2({ allowClear: true, minimumInputLength: 0, data: data, initSelection: function (element, callback) { var default_value = element.val(); if (!default_value) { callback(''); return; } callback(item_finder(default_value)); }, width: 'resolve', dropdownCssClass: 'oe_import_selector' }); }, generate_fields_completion: function (root) { var basic = []; var regulars = []; var o2m = []; function traverse(field, ancestors, collection) { var subfields = field.fields; var field_path = ancestors.concat(field); var label = _(field_path).pluck('string').join(' / '); var id = _(field_path).pluck('name').join('/'); // If non-relational, m2o or m2m, collection is regulars if (!collection) { if ( === 'id') { collection = basic } else if (_.isEmpty(subfields) || _.isEqual(_.pluck(subfields, 'name'), ['id', '.id'])) { collection = regulars; } else { collection = o2m; } } collection.push({ id: id, text: label, required: field.required }); for(var i=0, end=subfields.length; i%s', _.str.escapeHTML(msg)); } if (msg instanceof Array) { return _.str.sprintf( '
', _.str.escapeHTML(_t("Here are the possible values:")), _(msg).map(function (msg) { return '
  • ' + _.str.escapeHTML(msg) + '
  • '; }).join('')); } // Final should be object, action descriptor return [ '
    ', _.str.sprintf('', _.str.escapeHTML(JSON.stringify(msg))), _.str.escapeHTML( _t("Get all possible values")), '', '
    ' ].join('') }, })); }, }); // FSM-ize DataImport StateMachine.create({ target: instance.web.DataImport.prototype, events: [ { name: 'loaded_file', from: ['none', 'file_loaded', 'preview_error', 'preview_success', 'results'], to: 'file_loaded' }, { name: 'settings_changed', from: ['file_loaded', 'preview_error', 'preview_success', 'results'], to: 'previewing' }, { name: 'preview_failed', from: 'previewing', to: 'preview_error' }, { name: 'preview_succeeded', from: 'previewing', to: 'preview_success' }, { name: 'validate', from: 'preview_success', to: 'validating' }, { name: 'validate', from: 'results', to: 'validating' }, { name: 'validated', from: 'validating', to: 'results' }, { name: 'import', from: ['preview_success', 'results'], to: 'importing' }, { name: 'import_succeeded', from: 'importing', to: 'imported'}, { name: 'import_failed', from: 'importing', to: 'results' } ] }) };