Sales Orders sale.order account.analytic.account

Click to create a quotation that can be converted into a sales order.

Use sale orders to track everything that should be invoiced at a fix price on a contract.

account.analytic.account.invoice.form.inherit account.analytic.account {'required': [('type','=','contract'),'|','|',('fix_price_invoices','=',True), ('invoice_on_timesheets', '=', True), ('recurring_invoices', '=', True)]}

When reinvoicing costs, OpenERP uses the pricelist of the contract which uses the price defined on the product related (e.g timesheet products are defined on each employee).

account.analytic.account.form.template.required account.analytic.account {'required': [('type','=','contract')], 'invisible': [('type','in',['view', 'normal','template'])]} account.analytic.account.list.contract account.analytic.account account.analytic.account Contracts account.analytic.account form tree,form {'default_type':'contract', 'search_default_open':1, 'search_default_pending':1, 'default_manager_id':uid} [('type','=','contract')]

Click to create a new contract.

Use contracts to follow tasks, issues, timesheets or invoicing based on work done, expenses and/or sales orders. OpenERP will automatically manage the alerts for the renewal of the contracts to the right salesperson.

Time & Materials to Invoice account.analytic.line form tree,form [('invoice_id','=',False)] {'search_default_to_invoice': 1}

You will find here timesheets and purchases you did for contracts that can be reinvoiced to the customer. If you want to record new activities to invoice, you should use the timesheet menu instead.

Contracts to Renew account.analytic.account form tree,form {'search_default_manager_id':uid, 'search_default_pending':1, 'search_default_renew':1} [('type','=','contract')]

Click to define a new contract.

You will find here the contracts to be renewed because the end date is passed or the working effort is higher than the maximum authorized one.

OpenERP automatically sets contracts to be renewed in a pending state. After the negociation, the salesman should close or renew pending contracts.

Contract Template ir.actions.act_window account.analytic.account form tree,form [('type','=','template')] {'search_default_type':'template','default_type' : 'template'}

Click here to create a template of contract.

Templates are used to prefigure contract/project that can be selected by the salespeople to quickly configure the terms and conditions of the contract.