# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import threading import openerp.osv.orm # TODO use openerp.exceptions import openerp.pooler import openerp.release import openerp.tools import security _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) RPC_VERSION_1 = { 'server_version': openerp.release.version, 'server_version_info': openerp.release.version_info, 'server_serie': openerp.release.serie, 'protocol_version': 1, } def dispatch(method, params): if method in ['login', 'about', 'timezone_get', 'get_server_environment', 'login_message','get_stats', 'check_connectivity', 'list_http_services', 'version', 'authenticate']: pass elif method in ['get_available_updates', 'get_migration_scripts', 'set_loglevel', 'get_os_time', 'get_sqlcount']: passwd = params[0] params = params[1:] security.check_super(passwd) else: raise Exception("Method not found: %s" % method) fn = globals()['exp_' + method] return fn(*params) def exp_login(db, login, password): # TODO: legacy indirection through 'security', should use directly # the res.users model res = security.login(db, login, password) msg = res and 'successful login' or 'bad login or password' _logger.info("%s from '%s' using database '%s'", msg, login, db.lower()) return res or False def exp_authenticate(db, login, password, user_agent_env): res_users = openerp.pooler.get_pool(db).get('res.users') return res_users.authenticate(db, login, password, user_agent_env) def exp_version(): return RPC_VERSION_1 def exp_about(extended=False): """Return information about the OpenERP Server. @param extended: if True then return version info @return string if extended is False else tuple """ info = _('See http://openerp.com') if extended: return info, openerp.release.version return info def exp_timezone_get(db, login, password): return openerp.tools.misc.get_server_timezone() def exp_get_available_updates(contract_id, contract_password): import openerp.tools.maintenance as tm try: rc = tm.remote_contract(contract_id, contract_password) if not rc.id: raise tm.RemoteContractException('This contract does not exist or is not active') return rc.get_available_updates(rc.id, openerp.modules.get_modules_with_version()) except tm.RemoteContractException, e: raise openerp.osv.orm.except_orm('Migration Error', str(e)) def exp_get_migration_scripts(contract_id, contract_password): import openerp.tools.maintenance as tm try: rc = tm.remote_contract(contract_id, contract_password) if not rc.id: raise tm.RemoteContractException('This contract does not exist or is not active') if rc.status != 'full': raise tm.RemoteContractException('Can not get updates for a partial contract') _logger.info('starting migration with contract %s', rc.name) zips = rc.retrieve_updates(rc.id, openerp.modules.get_modules_with_version()) from shutil import rmtree, copytree, copy backup_directory = os.path.join(openerp.tools.config['root_path'], 'backup', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M')) if zips and not os.path.isdir(backup_directory): _logger.info('create a new backup directory to store the old modules: %s', backup_directory) os.makedirs(backup_directory) for module in zips: _logger.info('upgrade module %s', module) mp = openerp.modules.get_module_path(module) if mp: if os.path.isdir(mp): copytree(mp, os.path.join(backup_directory, module)) if os.path.islink(mp): os.unlink(mp) else: rmtree(mp) else: copy(mp + 'zip', backup_directory) os.unlink(mp + '.zip') try: try: base64_decoded = base64.decodestring(zips[module]) except Exception: _logger.error('unable to read the module %s', module) raise zip_contents = StringIO(base64_decoded) zip_contents.seek(0) try: try: openerp.tools.extract_zip_file(zip_contents, openerp.tools.config['addons_path'] ) except Exception: _logger.error('unable to extract the module %s', module) rmtree(module) raise finally: zip_contents.close() except Exception: _logger.error('restore the previous version of the module %s', module) nmp = os.path.join(backup_directory, module) if os.path.isdir(nmp): copytree(nmp, openerp.tools.config['addons_path']) else: copy(nmp+'.zip', openerp.tools.config['addons_path']) raise return True except tm.RemoteContractException, e: raise openerp.osv.orm.except_orm('Migration Error', str(e)) except Exception, e: _logger.exception('Exception in get_migration_script:') raise def exp_get_server_environment(): os_lang = '.'.join( [x for x in locale.getdefaultlocale() if x] ) if not os_lang: os_lang = 'NOT SET' environment = '\nEnvironment Information : \n' \ 'System : %s\n' \ 'OS Name : %s\n' \ %(platform.platform(), platform.os.name) if os.name == 'posix': if platform.system() == 'Linux': lsbinfo = os.popen('lsb_release -a').read() environment += '%s'% lsbinfo else: environment += 'Your System is not lsb compliant\n' environment += 'Operating System Release : %s\n' \ 'Operating System Version : %s\n' \ 'Operating System Architecture : %s\n' \ 'Operating System Locale : %s\n'\ 'Python Version : %s\n'\ 'OpenERP-Server Version : %s'\ %(platform.release(), platform.version(), platform.architecture()[0], os_lang, platform.python_version(), openerp.release.version) return environment def exp_login_message(): return openerp.tools.config.get('login_message', False) def exp_set_loglevel(loglevel, logger=None): # TODO Previously, the level was set on the now deprecated # `openerp.netsvc.Logger` class. return True def exp_get_stats(): res = "OpenERP server: %d threads\n" % threading.active_count() res += netsvc.Server.allStats() return res def exp_list_http_services(): return http_server.list_http_services() def exp_check_connectivity(): return bool(sql_db.db_connect('postgres')) def exp_get_os_time(): return os.times() def exp_get_sqlcount(): if not logging.getLogger('openerp.sql_db').isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _logger.warning("Counters of SQL will not be reliable unless logger openerp.sql_db is set to level DEBUG or higer.") return sql_db.sql_counter # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: