import argparse import textwrap from .call import Call from .client import Open, Show, ConsumeNothing, ConsumeMemory, LeakMemory, ConsumeCPU from .benchmarks import Bench, BenchRead, BenchFieldsViewGet, BenchDummy, BenchLogin from .bench_sale_mrp import BenchSaleMrp from . import common from . import conf # Not really server-side (in the `for` below). from . import cron from . import drop from . import initialize from . import model from . import module from . import read from . import run_tests from . import scaffold from . import uninstall from . import update from . import web command_list_server = (conf, cron, drop, initialize, model, module, read, run_tests, scaffold, uninstall, update, web, ) command_list_client = (Call, Open, Show, ConsumeNothing, ConsumeMemory, LeakMemory, ConsumeCPU, Bench, BenchRead, BenchFieldsViewGet, BenchDummy, BenchLogin, BenchSaleMrp, ) def main_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage=argparse.SUPPRESS, description=textwrap.fill(textwrap.dedent("""\ OpenERP Command provides a set of command-line tools around the OpenERP framework: openobject-server. All the tools are sub-commands of a single oe executable.""")), epilog="""Use --help to get information about the command.""", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) description = [] for x in command_list_server: description.append(x.__name__[len(__package__)+1:]) if x.__doc__: description.extend([ ":\n", textwrap.fill(str(x.__doc__).strip(), subsequent_indent=' ', initial_indent=' '), ]) description.append("\n\n") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title="Available commands", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, description="".join(description[:-1]), ) # Server-side commands. for x in command_list_server: x.add_parser(subparsers) # Client-side commands. TODO one per .py file. for x in command_list_client: x(subparsers) return parser