account_followup.followup.line.tree account_followup.followup.line account_followup.followup.line.form account_followup.followup.line
account_followup.followup.form account_followup.followup

To remind customers of paying their invoices, you can define different actions depending on how severely overdue the customer is. These actions are bundled into follow-up levels that are triggered when the due date of an invoice has passed a certain number of days. If there are other overdue invoices for the same customer, the actions of the most overdue invoice will be executed.

account_followup.followup.tree account_followup.followup account_followup.followup Payment Follow-ups ir.actions.act_window account_followup.followup form

Click to define follow-up levels and their related actions.

For each step, specify the actions to be taken and delay in days. It is possible to use print and e-mail templates to send specific messages to the customer.

account.move.line.partner.tree account.move.line account.move.line.form.followup account.move.line