openerp.web_process = function (instance) { var QWeb = instance.web.qweb, _t = instance.web._t; instance.web.ViewManager.include({ start: function() { this._super(); this.process_check(); this.process_help = this.action ? : 'Help: Not Defined'; this.model = this.dataset.model; if(this.action) this.process_model = this.action.res_model; else this.process_model = this.model; }, process_check: function() { var self = this, grandparent = this.getParent() && this.getParent().getParent(), view = this.views[this.views_src[0].view_type], $process_view = this.$element.find('.oe-process-view'); if (!(grandparent instanceof instance.web.WebClient) || !(view.view_type === this.views_src[0].view_type && view.view_id === this.views_src[0].view_id)) { $process_view.hide(); return; } $ { self.initialize_process_view(); }); }, initialize_process_view: function() { var self = this; this.record_id = false; if(this.active_view == 'form') { this.record_id = this.views[this.active_view]; } $.when(, this.get_process_object()).pipe(function(help, process) { self.process_help = help; if(process && process.length) { if(process.length > 1) { self.process_selection = process; } else { self.process_id = process[0][0], self.process_title = process[0][1]; } } return $.Deferred().resolve(); }).pipe(function() { var def = $.Deferred(); if(self.process_id) { self.graph_get().done(function(res) { self.process_notes = res.notes; self.process_title =; self.process_subflows = _(res.nodes).chain() .filter(function (node) { return node['subflow'] !== false; }) .uniq(false, function (node) { return node['subflow'][0]; }).value(); self.process_related = res.related; def.resolve(res); }); } else def.resolve(); return def.promise(); }).done(function(res) { $.when(self.render_process_view()).done(function() { if(res) self.draw_process_graph(res); }); }); }, graph_get: function() { var self = this; var def = $.Deferred(); this.process_id = parseInt(this.process_id, 10); this.process_dataset .call("graph_get",[this.process_id, this.model || this.dataset.model, this.record_id, [80,80,150,100]]) .done(function(res) { self.process_dataset .call("search_by_model",[self.model || self.dataset.model,self.session.context]) .done( function(r) { res['related'] = r; def.resolve(res); }); }); return def.promise(); }, help : function() { var def = $.Deferred(); if(!this.subflow_model) { def.resolve(this.action ? (!=false ? : 'Help: Not Defined') : 'Help: Not Defined'); } else { var dataset = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(this, "ir.actions.act_window", this.session.context, []); dataset .read_slice(['help'], { domain: [ ['res_model', '=', this.subflow_model], ['name', 'ilike', this.subflow_name] ] } ).done(function(res) { def.resolve( || 'Help: Not Defined'); }); } return def.promise(); }, get_process_object : function() { var self = this, def = $.Deferred(); if(this.process_id) return def.resolve().promise(); this.process_dataset = new instance.web.DataSet(this, "process.process", this.session.context); this.process_dataset .call("search_by_model", [self.process_model,self.session.context]) .done(function(res) { if (!res.length) { self.process_model = false; self.get_process_object().done(def.resolve); } else { def.resolve(res); } }) .fail(def.reject); return def.promise(); }, render_process_view : function() { this.$element.html(QWeb.render("ProcessView", this)); var self = this; this.$element.find('#edit_process').click(function() { self.edit_process_view(); }); var $parent = this.getParent().$element; $parent.find('#change_process').click(function() { self.process_selection = false, self.process_id = $parent.find('#select_process').val(), self.process_title = $.trim($parent.find('#select_process option:selected').text()); self.initialize_process_view(); }); this.$element.find(".process_subflow").click(function() { self.process_id =; self.initialize_process_view(); }); }, draw_process_graph : function(res) { var self = this, process_graph = new Graph(); var process_renderer = function(r, n) { var clip_rect = "".concat(n.node.x,",",n.node.y,",150,100"); //Image part var bg = n.node.kind == "subflow" ? "node-subflow" : "node"; bg = n.node.gray ? bg + "-gray" : bg; bg = ? 'node-current': bg; var img_src = '/web_process/static/src/img/'+ bg + '.png'; r['image'](img_src, n.node.x, n.node.y,150, 100) .attr({"clip-rect": clip_rect}) .mousedown(function() { return false; }); //Node var process_node = r['rect'](n.node.x, n.node.y, 150, 100).attr({stroke: "none"}); // Node text var process_node_text = r.text(n.node.x, n.node.y, ( .attr({"fill": "#fff", "font-weight": "bold", "cursor": "pointer"}); process_node_text.translate((process_node.getBBox().width / 2) + 5, 10); if(n.node.subflow) { { self.process_id = n.node.subflow[0]; self.subflow_model = n.node.model; self.subflow_name =; self.initialize_process_view(); }); } //Node Description var new_notes = n.node.notes; if(n.node.notes.length > 25) { var to; var temp_str = new_notes = ''; var from = to = 0; while (1) { from = 25; temp_str = n.node.notes.substr(to ,25); if (temp_str.lastIndexOf(" ") < 25 && temp_str.length >= 25) { from = temp_str.lastIndexOf(" "); } new_notes += "\n" + n.node.notes.substr(to , from); if(new_notes.length > n.node.notes.length) break; to += from; } } if(n.node.res) new_notes = + '\n' + new_notes; r.text(n.node.x+85, n.node.y+50, (new_notes)); r['image']('/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-info.png', n.node.x+20, n.node.y+70, 16, 16) .attr({"cursor": "pointer", "title": "Help"}) .click(function() { || "" + n.node.model); }); if( { r['image']('/web/static/src/img/icons/gtk-jump-to.png', n.node.x+115, n.node.y+70, 16, 16) .attr({"cursor": "pointer", "title":}) .click(function() { self.jump_to_view(n.node.res_model,; }); } var process_set = r.set().push(process_node); process_set.mousedown(function() { return false; }); return process_set; }; _.each(res['nodes'],function(node, node_id) { node['res_model'] = self.model, node['res_id'] = false, node['id'] = node_id; process_graph.addNode(, {node: node,render: process_renderer}); }); _.each(res['transitions'], function(transitions) { var src = res['nodes'][transitions['source']]; var dst = res['nodes'][transitions['target']]; // make active transitions['active'] = && !dst.gray; process_graph.addEdge(,, {directed : true}); }); var width = $(document).width(); var height = $(document).height(); var layouter = new Graph.Layout.Ordered(process_graph); var render_process_graph = new Graph.Renderer.Raphael('process_canvas', process_graph, width, height); }, jump_to_view: function(model, id) { var self = this; var dataset = new instance.web.DataSet(this, 'ir.values', this.session.context);'get', ['action', 'tree_but_open',[['', id]], dataset.context], function(res) { var action = res[0][res[0].length - 1]; self.rpc("/web/action/load", { action_id:, context: dataset.context }, function(result) { var action_manager = new instance.web.ActionManager(self); action_manager.replace(self.$element); action_manager.do_action(result.result); }); }); }, edit_process_view: function() { var self = this; var action_manager = new instance.web.ActionManager(this); var dialog = new instance.web.Dialog(this, { width: 800, buttons : [ {text: _t("Cancel"), click: function() { $(this).dialog('destroy'); }}, {text: _t("Save"), click: function() { var form_view = action_manager.inner_viewmanager.views.form.controller; form_view.do_save(function() { self.initialize_process_view(); }); $(this).dialog('destroy'); }} ] }).open(); action_manager.appendTo(dialog.$element); action_manager.do_action({ res_model : 'process.process', res_id: self.process_id, views : [[false, 'form']], type : 'ir.actions.act_window', flags : { search_view: false, sidebar : false, views_switcher : false, action_buttons : false, pager: false } }); } }); }; // vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: