#---------------------------------------------------------- # Convert #---------------------------------------------------------- import re import StringIO,xml.dom.minidom import osv,ir,pooler import csv import os.path import misc import netsvc from config import config # Number of imported lines between two commit (see convert_csv_import()): COMMIT_STEP = 500 class ConvertError(Exception): def __init__(self, doc, orig_excpt): self.d = doc self.orig = orig_excpt def __str__(self): return 'Exception:\n\t%s\nUsing file:\n%s' % (self.orig, self.d) def _eval_xml(self,node, pool, cr, uid, idref): if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: return node.data.encode("utf8") elif node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if node.nodeName in ('field','value'): t = node.getAttribute('type') or 'char' if len(node.getAttribute('search')): f_search = node.getAttribute("search").encode('utf-8') f_model = node.getAttribute("model").encode('ascii') f_use = node.getAttribute("use").encode('ascii') f_name = node.getAttribute("name").encode('utf-8') if len(f_use)==0: f_use = "id" q = eval(f_search, idref) ids = pool.get(f_model).search(cr, uid, q) if f_use<>'id': ids = map(lambda x: x[f_use], pool.get(f_model).read(cr, uid, ids, [f_use])) _cols = pool.get(f_model)._columns if (f_name in _cols) and _cols[f_name]._type=='many2many': return ids f_val = False if len(ids): f_val = ids[0] if isinstance(f_val, tuple): f_val = f_val[0] return f_val a_eval = node.getAttribute('eval') if len(a_eval): import time idref['time'] = time import release idref['version'] = release.version.rsplit('.', 1)[0] idref['ref'] = lambda x: self.id_get(cr, False, x) try: import pytz except: logger = netsvc.Logger() logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'could not find pytz library') class pytzclass(object): all_timezones=[] pytz=pytzclass() idref['pytz'] = pytz return eval(a_eval, idref) if t == 'xml': def _process(s, idref): m = re.findall('[^%]%\((.*?)\)[ds]', s) for id in m: if not id in idref: idref[id]=self.id_get(cr, False, id) return s % idref txt = '\n'+_process("".join([i.toxml().encode("utf8") for i in node.childNodes]), idref) # txt = '\n'+"".join([i.toxml().encode("utf8") for i in node.childNodes]) % idref return txt if t in ('char', 'int', 'float'): d = "" for n in [i for i in node.childNodes]: d+=str(_eval_xml(self,n,pool,cr,uid,idref)) if t == 'int': d = d.strip() if d=='None': return None else: d=int(d.strip()) elif t=='float': d=float(d.strip()) return d elif t in ('list','tuple'): res=[] for n in [i for i in node.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE and i.nodeName=='value')]: res.append(_eval_xml(self,n,pool,cr,uid,idref)) if t=='tuple': return tuple(res) return res elif node.nodeName=="getitem": for n in [i for i in node.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE)]: res=_eval_xml(self,n,pool,cr,uid,idref) if not res: raise LookupError elif node.getAttribute('type') in ("int", "list"): return res[int(node.getAttribute('index'))] else: return res[node.getAttribute('index').encode("utf8")] elif node.nodeName=="function": args = [] a_eval = node.getAttribute('eval') if len(a_eval): idref['ref'] = lambda x: self.id_get(cr, False, x) args = eval(a_eval, idref) for n in [i for i in node.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE)]: args.append(_eval_xml(self,n, pool, cr, uid, idref)) model = pool.get(node.getAttribute('model')) method = node.getAttribute('name') res = getattr(model, method)(cr, uid, *args) return res escape_re = re.compile(r'(? 64: self.logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'id: %s is to long (max: 64)'%xml_id) def _tag_delete(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): d_model = rec.getAttribute("model") d_search = rec.getAttribute("search") ids = self.pool.get(d_model).search(cr,self.uid,eval(d_search)) if len(ids): self.pool.get(d_model).unlink(cr, self.uid, ids) #self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._unlink(cr, self.uid, d_model, ids, direct=True) return False def _tag_report(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): res = {} for dest,f in (('name','string'),('model','model'),('report_name','name')): res[dest] = rec.getAttribute(f).encode('utf8') assert res[dest], "Attribute %s of report is empty !" % (f,) for field,dest in (('rml','report_rml'),('xml','report_xml'),('xsl','report_xsl')): if rec.hasAttribute(field): res[dest] = rec.getAttribute(field).encode('utf8') if rec.hasAttribute('auto'): res['auto'] = eval(rec.getAttribute('auto')) if rec.hasAttribute('sxw'): sxw_content = misc.file_open(rec.getAttribute('sxw')).read() res['report_sxw_content'] = sxw_content if rec.hasAttribute('header'): res['header'] = eval(rec.getAttribute('header')) res['multi'] = rec.hasAttribute('multi') and eval(rec.getAttribute('multi')) xml_id = rec.getAttribute('id').encode('utf8') self._test_xml_id(xml_id) id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, "ir.actions.report.xml", self.module, res, xml_id, mode=self.mode) self.idref[xml_id] = id if not rec.hasAttribute('menu') or eval(rec.getAttribute('menu')): keyword = str(rec.getAttribute('keyword') or 'client_print_multi') keys = [('action',keyword),('res_model',res['model'])] value = 'ir.actions.report.xml,'+str(id) replace = rec.hasAttribute('replace') and rec.getAttribute("replace") self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, 'action', keyword, res['name'], [res['model']], value, replace=replace, isobject=True, xml_id=xml_id) return False def _tag_function(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): _eval_xml(self,rec, self.pool, cr, self.uid, self.idref) return False def _tag_wizard(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): string = rec.getAttribute("string").encode('utf8') model = rec.getAttribute("model").encode('utf8') name = rec.getAttribute("name").encode('utf8') xml_id = rec.getAttribute('id').encode('utf8') self._test_xml_id(xml_id) multi = rec.hasAttribute('multi') and eval(rec.getAttribute('multi')) res = {'name': string, 'wiz_name': name, 'multi':multi} id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, "ir.actions.wizard", self.module, res, xml_id, mode=self.mode) self.idref[xml_id] = id # ir_set if not rec.hasAttribute('menu') or eval(rec.getAttribute('menu')): keyword = str(rec.getAttribute('keyword') or 'client_action_multi') keys = [('action',keyword),('res_model',model)] value = 'ir.actions.wizard,'+str(id) replace = rec.hasAttribute('replace') and rec.getAttribute("replace") self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, 'action', keyword, string, [model], value, replace=replace, isobject=True, xml_id=xml_id) return False def _tag_act_window(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): name = rec.hasAttribute('name') and rec.getAttribute('name').encode('utf-8') xml_id = rec.getAttribute('id').encode('utf8') self._test_xml_id(xml_id) type = rec.hasAttribute('type') and rec.getAttribute('type').encode('utf-8') or 'ir.actions.act_window' view_id = False if rec.hasAttribute('view'): view_id = self.id_get(cr, 'ir.actions.act_window', rec.getAttribute('view').encode('utf-8')) domain = rec.hasAttribute('domain') and rec.getAttribute('domain').encode('utf-8') context = rec.hasAttribute('context') and rec.getAttribute('context').encode('utf-8') or '{}' res_model = rec.getAttribute('res_model').encode('utf-8') src_model = rec.hasAttribute('src_model') and rec.getAttribute('src_model').encode('utf-8') view_type = rec.hasAttribute('view_type') and rec.getAttribute('view_type').encode('utf-8') or 'form' view_mode = rec.hasAttribute('view_mode') and rec.getAttribute('view_mode').encode('utf-8') or 'tree,form' usage = rec.hasAttribute('usage') and rec.getAttribute('usage').encode('utf-8') res = {'name': name, 'type': type, 'view_id': view_id, 'domain': domain, 'context': context, 'res_model': res_model, 'src_model': src_model, 'view_type': view_type, 'view_mode': view_mode, 'usage': usage } id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, 'ir.actions.act_window', self.module, res, xml_id, mode=self.mode) self.idref[xml_id] = id if src_model: keyword = 'client_action_relate' keys = [('action', keyword), ('res_model', res_model)] value = 'ir.actions.act_window,'+str(id) replace = rec.hasAttribute('replace') and rec.getAttribute('replace') self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, 'action', keyword, xml_id, [src_model], value, replace=replace, isobject=True, xml_id=xml_id) # TODO add remove ir.model.data return False def _tag_ir_set(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): if not self.mode=='init': return False res = {} for field in [i for i in rec.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE and i.nodeName=="field")]: f_name = field.getAttribute("name").encode('utf-8') f_val = _eval_xml(self,field,self.pool, cr, self.uid, self.idref) res[f_name] = f_val self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, res['key'], res['key2'], res['name'], res['models'], res['value'], replace=res.get('replace',True), isobject=res.get('isobject', False), meta=res.get('meta',None)) return False def _tag_workflow(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): model = str(rec.getAttribute('model')) wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow") wf_service.trg_validate(self.uid, model, self.id_get(cr, model, rec.getAttribute('ref')), str(rec.getAttribute('action')), cr) return False def _tag_menuitem(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): rec_id = rec.getAttribute("id").encode('ascii') self._test_xml_id(rec_id) m_l = map(escape, escape_re.split(rec.getAttribute("name").encode('utf8'))) pid = False for idx, menu_elem in enumerate(m_l): if pid: cr.execute('select id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id=%d and name=%s', (pid, menu_elem)) else: cr.execute('select id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id is null and name=%s', (menu_elem,)) res = cr.fetchone() if idx==len(m_l)-1: # we are at the last menu element/level (it's a leaf) values = {'parent_id': pid,'name':menu_elem} if rec.hasAttribute('action'): a_action = rec.getAttribute('action').encode('utf8') a_type = rec.getAttribute('type').encode('utf8') or 'act_window' icons = { "act_window": 'STOCK_NEW', "report.xml": 'STOCK_PASTE', "wizard": 'STOCK_EXECUTE', } values['icon'] = icons.get(a_type,'STOCK_NEW') if a_type=='act_window': a_id = self.id_get(cr, 'ir.actions.%s'% a_type, a_action) cr.execute('select view_type,view_mode,name,view_id from ir_act_window where id=%d', (int(a_id),)) action_type,action_mode,action_name,view_id = cr.fetchone() if view_id: cr.execute('SELECT type FROM ir_ui_view WHERE id=%d', (int(view_id),)) action_mode, = cr.fetchone() cr.execute('SELECT view_mode FROM ir_act_window_view WHERE act_window_id=%d ORDER BY sequence LIMIT 1', (int(a_id),)) if cr.rowcount: action_mode, = cr.fetchone() if action_type=='tree': values['icon'] = 'STOCK_INDENT' elif action_mode and action_mode.startswith('tree'): values['icon'] = 'STOCK_JUSTIFY_FILL' elif action_mode and action_mode.startswith('graph'): values['icon'] = 'terp-graph' elif action_mode and action_mode.startswith('calendar'): values['icon'] = 'terp-calendar' if not values['name']: values['name'] = action_name if rec.hasAttribute('sequence'): values['sequence'] = int(rec.getAttribute('sequence')) if rec.hasAttribute('icon'): values['icon'] = str(rec.getAttribute('icon')) if rec.hasAttribute('groups'): g_names = rec.getAttribute('groups').split(',') groups_value = [] groups_obj = self.pool.get('res.groups') for group in g_names: if group.startswith('-'): id = groups_obj.search(cr, self.uid, [('name', '=', group[1:])])[0] groups_value.append((3, id)) else: id = groups_obj.search(cr, self.uid, [('name', '=', group)])[0] groups_value.append((4, id)) values['groups_id'] = groups_value xml_id = rec.getAttribute('id').encode('utf8') self._test_xml_id(xml_id) pid = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, 'ir.ui.menu', self.module, values, xml_id, idx==len(m_l)-1, mode=self.mode, res_id=res and res[0] or False) elif res: # the menuitem already exists pid = res[0] xml_id = idx==len(m_l)-1 and rec.getAttribute('id').encode('utf8') try: npid = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update_dummy(cr, self.uid, 'ir.ui.menu', self.module, xml_id, idx==len(m_l)-1) except: print 'Menu Error', self.module, xml_id, idx==len(m_l)-1 else: # the menuitem does't exist but we are in branch (not a leaf) pid = self.pool.get('ir.ui.menu').create(cr, self.uid, {'parent_id' : pid, 'name' : menu_elem}) if rec_id and pid: self.idref[rec_id] = pid if rec.hasAttribute('action') and pid: a_action = rec.getAttribute('action').encode('utf8') a_type = rec.getAttribute('type').encode('utf8') or 'act_window' a_id = self.id_get(cr, 'ir.actions.%s' % a_type, a_action) action = "ir.actions.%s,%d" % (a_type, a_id) self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(cr, self.uid, 'action', 'tree_but_open', 'Menuitem', [('ir.ui.menu', int(pid))], action, True, True, xml_id=rec_id) return ('ir.ui.menu', pid) def _tag_assert(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): rec_model = rec.getAttribute("model").encode('ascii') model = self.pool.get(rec_model) assert model, "The model %s does not exist !" % (rec_model,) rec_id = rec.getAttribute("id").encode('ascii') self._test_xml_id(rec_id) id = self.id_get(cr, False, rec_id) if data_node.getAttribute('noupdate') and not self.mode == 'init': for test in [i for i in rec.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE and i.nodeName=="test")]: f_expr = test.getAttribute("expr").encode('utf-8') class d(dict): def __getitem__(self2, key): return getattr(model.browse(cr, self.uid, id), key) def _tag_record(self, cr, rec, data_node=None): rec_model = rec.getAttribute("model").encode('ascii') model = self.pool.get(rec_model) assert model, "The model %s does not exist !" % (rec_model,) rec_id = rec.getAttribute("id").encode('ascii') self._test_xml_id(rec_id) # if not rec_id and not data_node.getAttribute('noupdate'): # print "Warning", rec_model if data_node.getAttribute('noupdate') and not self.mode == 'init': # check if the xml record has an id string if rec_id: id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update_dummy(cr, self.uid, rec_model, self.module, rec_id) # check if the resource already existed at the last update if id: # if it existed, we don't update the data, but we need to # know the id of the existing record anyway self.idref[rec_id] = id return None else: # if the resource didn't exist if rec.getAttribute("forcecreate"): # we want to create it, so we let the normal "update" behavior happen pass else: # otherwise do nothing return None else: # otherwise it is skipped return None res = {} for field in [i for i in rec.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE and i.nodeName=="field")]: #TODO: most of this code is duplicated above (in _eval_xml)... f_name = field.getAttribute("name").encode('utf-8') f_ref = field.getAttribute("ref").encode('ascii') f_search = field.getAttribute("search").encode('utf-8') f_model = field.getAttribute("model").encode('ascii') if not f_model and model._columns.get(f_name,False): f_model = model._columns[f_name]._obj f_use = field.getAttribute("use").encode('ascii') or 'id' f_val = False if len(f_search): q = eval(f_search, self.idref) field = [] assert f_model, 'Define an attribute model="..." in your .XML file !' f_obj = self.pool.get(f_model) # browse the objects searched s = f_obj.browse(cr, self.uid, f_obj.search(cr, self.uid, q)) # column definitions of the "local" object _cols = self.pool.get(rec_model)._columns # if the current field is many2many if (f_name in _cols) and _cols[f_name]._type=='many2many': f_val = [(6, 0, map(lambda x: x[f_use], s))] elif len(s): # otherwise (we are probably in a many2one field), # take the first element of the search f_val = s[0][f_use] elif len(f_ref): if f_ref=="null": f_val = False else: f_val = self.id_get(cr, f_model, f_ref) else: f_val = _eval_xml(self,field, self.pool, cr, self.uid, self.idref) if model._columns.has_key(f_name): if isinstance(model._columns[f_name], osv.fields.integer): f_val = int(f_val) res[f_name] = f_val id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(cr, self.uid, rec_model, self.module, res, rec_id or False, not data_node.getAttribute('noupdate'), noupdate=data_node.getAttribute('noupdate'), mode=self.mode ) if rec_id: self.idref[rec_id] = id return rec_model, id def id_get(self, cr, model, id_str): if id_str in self.idref: return self.idref[id_str] mod = self.module if '.' in id_str: mod,id_str = id_str.split('.') result = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._get_id(cr, self.uid, mod, id_str) return self.pool.get('ir.model.data').read(cr, self.uid, [result], ['res_id'])[0]['res_id'] def parse(self, xmlstr): d = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr) de = d.documentElement for n in [i for i in de.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE and i.nodeName=="data")]: for rec in n.childNodes: if rec.nodeType == rec.ELEMENT_NODE: if rec.nodeName in self._tags: try: self._tags[rec.nodeName](self.cr, rec, n) except: self.logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_INFO, '\n'+rec.toxml()) self.cr.rollback() raise self.cr.commit() return True def __init__(self, cr, module, idref, mode): self.logger = netsvc.Logger() self.mode = mode self.module = module self.cr = cr self.idref = idref self.pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) # self.pool = osv.osv.FakePool(module) self.uid = 1 self._tags = { 'menuitem': self._tag_menuitem, 'record': self._tag_record, 'assert': self._tag_assert, 'report': self._tag_report, 'wizard': self._tag_wizard, 'delete': self._tag_delete, 'ir_set': self._tag_ir_set, 'function': self._tag_function, 'workflow': self._tag_workflow, 'act_window': self._tag_act_window, } # # Import a CSV file: # quote: " # delimiter: , # encoding: UTF8 # def convert_csv_import(cr, module, fname, csvcontent, idref=None, mode='init', noupdate=False): if not idref: idref={} model = ('.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]).split('-'))[0] #remove folder path from model head, model = os.path.split(model) pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) input=StringIO.StringIO(csvcontent) reader = csv.reader(input, quotechar='"', delimiter=',') fields = reader.next() if not (mode == 'init' or 'id' in fields): return uid = 1 datas = [] for line in reader: datas.append( map(lambda x:x.decode('utf8').encode('utf8'), line)) if len(datas) > COMMIT_STEP: pool.get(model).import_data(cr, uid, fields, datas,mode, module,noupdate) cr.commit() datas=[] if datas: pool.get(model).import_data(cr, uid, fields, datas,mode, module,noupdate) cr.commit() # # xml import/export # def convert_xml_import(cr, module, xmlstr, idref=None, mode='init'): if not idref: idref={} obj = xml_import(cr, module, idref, mode) obj.parse(xmlstr) del obj return True def convert_xml_export(res): uid=1 pool=pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) cr=pooler.db.cursor() idref = {} d = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "terp", None) de = d.documentElement data=d.createElement("data") de.appendChild(data) de.appendChild(d.createTextNode('Some textual content.')) cr.commit() cr.close()