584.0 1 Tiny ERP Integration 216.0 1 10 Study + Prototype 264.0 20 Specific Developements 104.0 30 Install, data import, configuration 38.0 BoM, After sales returns, interventions. Tracability. Specific adaptation to MRP 16.0 Data importation + Doc 16.0 Modifications asked by the customer. 16.0 0 Customer analysis + Architecture 15 8.0 Internal testing + Software Install 2007-06-06 17 16.0 2 Analysis, Data Importation 20 16.0 Parameters 20 1 32.0 Start of the doc redaction + MRP 25 1 24.0 MRP Tests 29 48.0 MRP; functionnal layer 30 24.0 Products Adaptation 30 24.0 Install + Super User Training 30 1 32.0 Customer docs 30 24.0 Development of the presentation layer 40 32.0 Free Time 40 50.0 Specific tests 40 24.0 Sale module 40 32.0 In house trainings 2007-06-06 50 1 24.0 Validation + latest modifications. 50 24.0 Adaptations buy module 60 16.0 Presentation of the software. 60 24.0 Adaptations Stock module 70 24.0 Latest in house tests