# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests for the configuration file/command-line arguments. """ # This test should be run from its directory. # TODO A configmanager object cannot parse multiple times a config file # and/or the command line, preventing to 'reload' a configuration. import os import config config_file_00 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'test-config-values-00.conf') # 1. No config file, no command-line arguments (a.k.a. default values) conf = config.configmanager() conf.parse_config() assert conf['osv_memory_age_limit'] == 1.0 assert os.path.join(conf['root_path'], 'addons') == conf['addons_path'] # 2. No config file, some command-line arguments conf = config.configmanager() # mess with the optparse.Option definition to allow an invalid path conf.casts['addons_path'].action = 'store' conf.parse_config(['--addons-path=/xyz/dont-exist', '--osv-memory-age-limit=2.3']) assert conf['osv_memory_age_limit'] == 2.3 assert conf['addons_path'] == '/xyz/dont-exist' # 3. Config file, no command-line arguments conf = config.configmanager() conf.parse_config(['-c', config_file_00]) assert conf['osv_memory_age_limit'] == 3.4 # 4. Config file, and command-line arguments conf = config.configmanager() conf.parse_config(['-c', config_file_00, '--osv-memory-age-limit=2.3']) assert conf['osv_memory_age_limit'] == 2.3