# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenERP SA (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## """ Experimental script for conversion between OpenERP's XML serialization format and the new YAML serialization format introduced in OpenERP 6.0. Intended to be used as a quick preprocessor for converting data/test files, then to be fine-tuned manually. """ import yaml import logging from lxml import etree __VERSION__ = '0.0.2' def toString(value): value='"' + value + '"' return value class XmlTag(etree.ElementBase): def _to_yaml(self): child_tags = [] for node in self: if hasattr(node, '_to_yaml'): child_tags.append(node._to_yaml()) return self.tag(attrib=self.attrib, child_tags=child_tags) class YamlTag(object): """ Superclass for constructors of custom tags defined in yaml file. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.attrib = self.__dict__.get('attrib', {}) self.child_tags = self.__dict__.get('child_tags', '') def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __getattr__(self, attr): return None def __repr__(self): for k,v in self.attrib.iteritems(): if str(v) and str(v)[0] in ['[', '{', '#', '*', '(']: self.attrib[k] = toString(self.attrib[k]).replace("'", '') st = self.yaml_tag + ' ' + str(self.attrib) return st # attrib tags class ref(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!ref' def __init__(self, expr="False"): self.expr = expr def __repr__(self): return "'%s'"%str(self.expr) class Eval(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!eval' def __init__(self, expr="False"): self.expr = expr def __repr__(self): value=str(self.expr) if value.find("6,") != -1: value = eval(str(eval(value))) value=value[0][2] value = [[value]] else: try: value=int(value) except: if value and value[0] in ['[', '{', '#', '*', '(']: value = value.replace('"', r'\"') value = toString(value) else: try: value = eval(value) except Exception: pass return value class Search(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!ref' # test tag class xml_test(XmlTag): def _to_yaml(self): expr = self.attrib.get('expr') text = self.text if text: expr = expr + ' == ' + '"%s"'%text return [[expr]] class xml_data(etree.ElementBase): def _to_yaml(self): value = self.attrib.get('noupdate', "0") return data(value) # field tag: class xml_field(etree.ElementBase): def _to_yaml(self): field = ' ' + self.attrib.pop('name','unknown') if self.attrib.get('search', None): value = Search(attrib=self.attrib, child_tags='').__repr__() else: attr = (self.attrib.get('ref', None) and 'ref') or (self.attrib.get('eval', None) and 'eval') or 'None' value = Eval(self.attrib.get(attr, self.text)).__repr__() or '' return {field: value} # value tag class xml_value(etree.ElementBase): def _to_yaml(self): if self.attrib.get('eval', None): key, val = 'eval', '"'+self.attrib.get('eval')+'"' elif self.attrib.get('model', None): key, val = 'model', self.attrib.get('model') val=val.replace("'",'""') self.attrib.pop(key) d={} for k,v in self.attrib.iteritems(): if k == 'search': v = '"' + v + '"' k='--' + k v=v.replace("'",'""') d[k] = v if d: ls=[[{key:val},dict(d)]] else: ls=[[{key:val}]] return ls # data tag class data(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!context' def __init__(self, noupdate="0"): self.child_tags = {' noupdate':noupdate} def __repr__(self): return "!!context" # Record tag class Record(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!record' class xml_record(XmlTag): tag=Record def _to_yaml(self): child_tags = {} for node in self: if hasattr(node, '_to_yaml'): child_tags.update(node._to_yaml()) return Record(attrib=self.attrib, child_tags=child_tags) # ir_set tag class Ir_Set(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!ir_set' def __repr__(self): st = self.yaml_tag return st class xml_ir_set(XmlTag): tag=Ir_Set def _to_yaml(self): child_tags = {} for node in self: if hasattr(node, '_to_yaml'): child_tags.update(node._to_yaml()) return Ir_Set(attrib=self.attrib, child_tags=child_tags) # workflow tag class Workflow(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!workflow' class xml_workflow(XmlTag): tag=Workflow # function tag class Function(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!function' class xml_function(XmlTag): tag=Function # function tag class Assert(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!assert' class xml_assert(XmlTag): tag=Assert # menuitem tagresult.append(yaml.safe_dump(obj, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True).replace("'",'')) class MenuItem(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!menuitem' class xml_menuitem(XmlTag): tag=MenuItem # act_window tag class ActWindow(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!act_window' class xml_act_window(XmlTag): tag=ActWindow # report tag class Report(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!report' class xml_report(XmlTag): tag=Report # deletes tag class Delete(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!delete' class xml_delete(XmlTag): tag=Delete # python tag class Python(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!python' class xml_python(XmlTag): tag=Python # context tag class Context(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!context' class xml_context(XmlTag): tag=Context # url tag class Url(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!url' class xml_url(XmlTag): tag=Url # delete tag class Delete(YamlTag): yaml_tag = u'!delete' class xml_delete(XmlTag): tag=Delete def represent_data(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_mapping(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:map', [('!'+str(data), data.child_tags)]) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(Record, represent_data) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(data, represent_data) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(Workflow, represent_data) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(Function, represent_data) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(Assert, represent_data) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(MenuItem, represent_data) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(Ir_Set, represent_data) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(Python, represent_data) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(Context, represent_data) class MyLookup(etree.CustomElementClassLookup): def lookup(self, node_type, document, namespace, name): if node_type=='element': return { 'data': xml_data, 'record': xml_record, 'field': xml_field, 'workflow': xml_workflow, 'function': xml_function, 'value': xml_value, 'assert': xml_assert, 'test': xml_test, 'menuitem': xml_menuitem, 'act_window': xml_act_window, 'report': xml_report, 'delete': xml_delete, 'python': xml_python, 'context': xml_context, 'url': xml_url, 'ir_set': xml_ir_set, }.get(name, None) elif node_type=='comment': return None#xml_comment return None class xml_parse(object): def __init__(self): self.context = {} def parse(self, fname): parser = etree.XMLParser() parser.setElementClassLookup(MyLookup()) result = [] self.root = etree.XML(file(fname).read(), parser) for data in self.root: if hasattr(data, '_to_yaml'): obj = data._to_yaml() if obj.yaml_tag == '!context': result.append(yaml.dump(str(obj)).replace("'",'').split('\n')[0]) result.append(yaml.dump(obj.child_tags, default_flow_style=False).replace("'",'')) else: result.append(yaml.safe_dump(obj, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True).replace("'",'')) self.context.update(data.attrib) for tag in data: if tag.tag == etree.Comment: result.append(tag) else: if hasattr(tag, '_to_yaml'): obj = tag._to_yaml() if not obj.child_tags: result.append(yaml.dump('!'+str(obj), default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, width=999).replace("'",'')) else: result.append(yaml.safe_dump(obj, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, width=999).replace('\n:', ':\n').replace("'",'')) print "# Experimental OpenERP xml-to-yml conversion! (v%s)"%__VERSION__ print "# Please use this as a first conversion/preprocessing step," print "# not as a production-ready tool!" for record in result: if type(record) != type(''): record=str(record) l= record.split("\n") for line in l: print '#' + str(line) continue record=str(record) record = record.replace('- --',' ') #for value tag record = record.replace('!!', '- \n !') #for all parent tags record = record.replace('- - -', ' -') #for many2many fields record = record.replace('? ', '') #for long expressions record = record.replace('""', "'") #for string-value under value tag print record if __name__=='__main__': import optparse import sys parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage = '%s file.xml' % sys.argv[0]) (opt, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") fname = sys.argv[1] p = xml_parse() p.parse(fname)