# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import logging from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter from osv import osv, fields from tools.translate import _ import netsvc from tools import ustr import pooler class res_config_configurable(osv.osv_memory): ''' Base classes for new-style configuration items Configuration items should inherit from this class, implement the execute method (and optionally the cancel one) and have their view inherit from the related res_config_view_base view. ''' _name = 'res.config' _inherit = 'ir.wizard.screen' __logger = logging.getLogger(_name) def get_current_progress(self, cr, uid, context=None): '''Return a description the current progress of configuration: a tuple of (non_open_todos:int, total_todos: int) ''' return itemgetter('done', 'total')( self.pool.get('ir.actions.todo').progress(cr, uid, context=context)) def _progress(self, cr, uid, context=None): closed, total = self.get_current_progress(cr, uid, context=context) if total: return round(closed*100./total) return 100. _columns = dict( progress = fields.float('Configuration Progress', readonly=True), ) _defaults = dict( progress = _progress, ) def _next_action(self, cr, uid, context=None): Todos = self.pool['ir.actions.todo'] self.__logger.info('getting next %s', Todos) active_todos = Todos.browse(cr, uid, Todos.search(cr, uid, ['&', ('type', '=', 'automatic'), ('state','=','open')]), context=context) user_groups = set(map( lambda g: g.id, self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, [uid], context=context)[0].groups_id)) valid_todos_for_user = [ todo for todo in active_todos if not todo.groups_id or bool(user_groups.intersection(( group.id for group in todo.groups_id))) ] if valid_todos_for_user: return valid_todos_for_user[0] return None def _next(self, cr, uid, context=None): self.__logger.info('getting next operation') next = self._next_action(cr, uid, context=context) self.__logger.info('next action is %s', next) if next: res = next.action_launch(context=context) res['nodestroy'] = False return res self.__logger.info('all configuration actions have been executed') current_user_menu = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid).menu_id # return the action associated with the menu return self.pool.get(current_user_menu.type).read(cr, uid, current_user_menu.id) def start(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): return self.next(cr, uid, ids, context) def next(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Returns the next todo action to execute (using the default sort order) """ return self._next(cr, uid, context=context) def execute(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Method called when the user clicks on the ``Next`` button. Execute *must* be overloaded unless ``action_next`` is overloaded (which is something you generally don't need to do). If ``execute`` returns an action dictionary, that action is executed rather than just going to the next configuration item. """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Configuration items need to implement execute') def cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Method called when the user click on the ``Skip`` button. ``cancel`` should be overloaded instead of ``action_skip``. As with ``execute``, if it returns an action dictionary that action is executed in stead of the default (going to the next configuration item) The default implementation is a NOOP. ``cancel`` is also called by the default implementation of ``action_cancel``. """ pass def action_next(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Action handler for the ``next`` event. Sets the status of the todo the event was sent from to ``done``, calls ``execute`` and -- unless ``execute`` returned an action dictionary -- executes the action provided by calling ``next``. """ next = self.execute(cr, uid, ids, context=context) if next: return next return self.next(cr, uid, ids, context=context) def action_skip(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Action handler for the ``skip`` event. Sets the status of the todo the event was sent from to ``skip``, calls ``cancel`` and -- unless ``cancel`` returned an action dictionary -- executes the action provided by calling ``next``. """ next = self.cancel(cr, uid, ids, context=context) if next: return next return self.next(cr, uid, ids, context=context) def action_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Action handler for the ``cancel`` event. That event isn't generated by the res.config.view.base inheritable view, the inherited view has to overload one of the buttons (or add one more). Sets the status of the todo the event was sent from to ``cancel``, calls ``cancel`` and -- unless ``cancel`` returned an action dictionary -- executes the action provided by calling ``next``. """ next = self.cancel(cr, uid, ids, context=context) if next: return next return self.next(cr, uid, ids, context=context) res_config_configurable() class res_config_installer(osv.osv_memory): """ New-style configuration base specialized for addons selection and installation. Basic usage ----------- Subclasses can simply define a number of _columns as fields.boolean objects. The keys (column names) should be the names of the addons to install (when selected). Upon action execution, selected boolean fields (and those only) will be interpreted as addons to install, and batch-installed. Additional addons ----------------- It is also possible to require the installation of an additional addon set when a specific preset of addons has been marked for installation (in the basic usage only, additionals can't depend on one another). These additionals are defined through the ``_install_if`` property. This property is a mapping of a collection of addons (by name) to a collection of addons (by name) [#]_, and if all the *key* addons are selected for installation, then the *value* ones will be selected as well. For example:: _install_if = { ('sale','crm'): ['sale_crm'], } This will install the ``sale_crm`` addon if and only if both the ``sale`` and ``crm`` addons are selected for installation. You can define as many additionals as you wish, and additionals can overlap in key and value. For instance:: _install_if = { ('sale','crm'): ['sale_crm'], ('sale','project'): ['project_mrp'], } will install both ``sale_crm`` and ``project_mrp`` if all of ``sale``, ``crm`` and ``project`` are selected for installation. Hook methods ------------ Subclasses might also need to express dependencies more complex than that provided by additionals. In this case, it's possible to define methods of the form ``_if_%(name)s`` where ``name`` is the name of a boolean field. If the field is selected, then the corresponding module will be marked for installation *and* the hook method will be executed. Hook methods take the usual set of parameters (cr, uid, ids, context) and can return a collection of additional addons to install (if they return anything, otherwise they should not return anything, though returning any "falsy" value such as None or an empty collection will have the same effect). Complete control ---------------- The last hook is to simply overload the ``modules_to_install`` method, which implements all the mechanisms above. This method takes the usual set of parameters (cr, uid, ids, context) and returns a ``set`` of addons to install (addons selected by the above methods minus addons from the *basic* set which are already installed) [#]_ so an overloader can simply manipulate the ``set`` returned by ``res_config_installer.modules_to_install`` to add or remove addons. Skipping the installer ---------------------- Unless it is removed from the view, installers have a *skip* button which invokes ``action_skip`` (and the ``cancel`` hook from ``res.config``). Hooks and additionals *are not run* when skipping installation, even for already installed addons. Again, setup your hooks accordingly. .. [#] note that since a mapping key needs to be hashable, it's possible to use a tuple or a frozenset, but not a list or a regular set .. [#] because the already-installed modules are only pruned at the very end of ``modules_to_install``, additionals and hooks depending on them *are guaranteed to execute*. Setup your hooks accordingly. """ _name = 'res.config.installer' _inherit = 'res.config' __logger = logging.getLogger(_name) _install_if = {} def already_installed(self, cr, uid, context=None): """ For each module, check if it's already installed and if it is return its name :returns: a list of the already installed modules in this installer :rtype: [str] """ return map(attrgetter('name'), self._already_installed(cr, uid, context=context)) def _already_installed(self, cr, uid, context=None): """ For each module (boolean fields in a res.config.installer), check if it's already installed (either 'to install', 'to upgrade' or 'installed') and if it is return the module's browse_record :returns: a list of all installed modules in this installer :rtype: [browse_record] """ modules = self.pool.get('ir.module.module') selectable = [field for field in self._columns if type(self._columns[field]) is fields.boolean] return modules.browse( cr, uid, modules.search(cr, uid, [('name','in',selectable), ('state','in',['to install', 'installed', 'to upgrade'])], context=context), context=context) def modules_to_install(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ selects all modules to install: * checked boolean fields * return values of hook methods. Hook methods are of the form ``_if_%(addon_name)s``, and are called if the corresponding addon is marked for installation. They take the arguments cr, uid, ids and context, and return an iterable of addon names * additionals, additionals are setup through the ``_install_if`` class variable. ``_install_if`` is a dict of {iterable:iterable} where key and value are iterables of addon names. If all the addons in the key are selected for installation (warning: addons added through hooks don't count), then the addons in the value are added to the set of modules to install * not already installed """ base = set(module_name for installer in self.read(cr, uid, ids, context=context) for module_name, to_install in installer.iteritems() if module_name != 'id' if type(self._columns[module_name]) is fields.boolean if to_install) hooks_results = set() for module in base: hook = getattr(self, '_if_%s'%(module), None) if hook: hooks_results.update(hook(cr, uid, ids, context=None) or set()) additionals = set( module for requirements, consequences \ in self._install_if.iteritems() if base.issuperset(requirements) for module in consequences) return (base | hooks_results | additionals).difference( self.already_installed(cr, uid, context)) def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields_list, context=None): ''' If an addon is already installed, check it by default ''' defaults = super(res_config_installer, self).default_get( cr, uid, fields_list, context=context) return dict(defaults, **dict.fromkeys( self.already_installed(cr, uid, context=context), True)) def fields_get(self, cr, uid, fields=None, context=None, write_access=True): """ If an addon is already installed, set it to readonly as res.config.installer doesn't handle uninstallations of already installed addons """ fields = super(res_config_installer, self).fields_get( cr, uid, fields, context, write_access) for name in self.already_installed(cr, uid, context=context): if name not in fields: continue fields[name].update( readonly=True, help= ustr(fields[name].get('help', '')) + _('\n\nThis addon is already installed on your system')) return fields def execute(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): modules = self.pool.get('ir.module.module') to_install = list(self.modules_to_install( cr, uid, ids, context=context)) self.__logger.info('Selecting addons %s to install', to_install) modules.state_update( cr, uid, modules.search(cr, uid, [('name','in',to_install)]), 'to install', ['uninstalled'], context=context) cr.commit() #TOFIX: after remove this statement, installation wizard is fail new_db, self.pool = pooler.restart_pool(cr.dbname, update_module=True) res_config_installer() DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = 'You are using an addon using old-style configuration '\ 'wizards (ir.actions.configuration.wizard). Old-style configuration '\ 'wizards have been deprecated.\n'\ 'The addon should be migrated to res.config objects.' class ir_actions_configuration_wizard(osv.osv_memory): ''' Compatibility configuration wizard The old configuration wizard has been replaced by res.config, but in order not to break existing but not-yet-migrated addons, the old wizard was reintegrated and gutted. ''' _name='ir.actions.configuration.wizard' _inherit = 'res.config' __logger = logging.getLogger(_name) def _next_action_note(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): next = self._next_action(cr, uid) if next: # if the next one is also an old-style extension, you never know... if next.note: return next.note return _("Click 'Continue' to configure the next addon...") return _("Your database is now fully configured.\n\n"\ "Click 'Continue' and enjoy your OpenERP experience...") _columns = { 'note': fields.text('Next Wizard', readonly=True), } _defaults = { 'note': _next_action_note, } def execute(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): self.__logger.warn(DEPRECATION_MESSAGE) ir_actions_configuration_wizard() # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: