= function(instance) { var QWeb = instance.web.qweb, _t = instance.web._t, _lt = instance.web._lt; _.mixin({ sum: function (obj) { return _.reduce(obj, function (a, b) { return a + b; }, 0); } }); /** @namespace */ var my = = {}; var B = Backbone; my.FacetValue = B.Model.extend({ }); my.FacetValues = B.Collection.extend({ model: my.FacetValue }); my.Facet = B.Model.extend({ initialize: function (attrs) { var values = attrs.values; delete attrs.values; B.Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.values = new my.FacetValues(values || []); this.values.on('add remove change reset', function () { this.trigger('change', this); }, this); }, get: function (key) { if (key !== 'values') { return, key); } return this.values.toJSON(); }, set: function (key, value) { if (key !== 'values') { return, key, value); } this.values.reset(value); }, toJSON: function () { var out = {}; var attrs = this.attributes; for(var att in attrs) { if (!attrs.hasOwnProperty(att) || att === 'field') { continue; } out[att] = attrs[att]; } out.values = this.values.toJSON(); return out; } }); my.SearchQuery = B.Collection.extend({ model: my.Facet, initialize: function () { B.Collection.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments); this.on('change', function (facet) { if(!facet.values.isEmpty()) { return; } this.remove(facet); }, this); }, add: function (values, options) { options || (options = {}); if (!(values instanceof Array)) { values = [values]; } _(values).each(function (value) { var model = this._prepareModel(value, options); var previous = this.detect(function (facet) { return facet.get('category') === model.get('category') && facet.get('field') === model.get('field'); }); if (previous) { previous.values.add(model.get('values')); return; }, model, options); }, this); return this; }, toggle: function (value, options) { options || (options = {}); var facet = this.detect(function (facet) { return facet.get('category') === value.category && facet.get('field') === value.field; }); if (!facet) { return this.add(value, options); } var changed = false; _(value.values).each(function (val) { var already_value = facet.values.detect(function (v) { return v.get('value') === val.value && v.get('label') === val.label; }); // toggle value if (already_value) { facet.values.remove(already_value, {silent: true}); } else { facet.values.add(val, {silent: true}); } changed = true; }); // "Commit" changes to values array as a single call, so observers of // change event don't get misled by intermediate incomplete toggling // states facet.trigger('change', facet); return this; } }); my.InputView = instance.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'SearchView.InputView', start: function () { var self = this; var p = this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.on('focus', this.proxy('onFocus')); this.$element.on('blur', this.proxy('onBlur')); return p; }, onFocus: function () { this.getParent().$element.trigger('focus'); }, onBlur: function () { this.$element.text(''); this.getParent().$element.trigger('blur'); } }); my.FacetView = instance.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'SearchView.FacetView', init: function (parent, model) { this._super(parent); this.model = model; this.model.on('change', this.model_changed, this); }, destroy: function () {'change', this.model_changed, this); this._super(); }, start: function () { var self = this; this.$element.on('click', function (e) { if ($('.oe_facet_remove')) { self.model.destroy(); return false; } self.$element.focus(); e.stopPropagation(); }); this.$element.on('keydown', function (e) { var keys = $.ui.keyCode; switch (e.which) { case keys.BACKSPACE: case keys.DELETE: self.model.destroy(); return false; } }); var $e = self.$element.find('> span:last-child'); var q = $.when(this._super()); return q.pipe(function () { var values = (value) { return new my.FacetValueView(self, value).appendTo($e); }); return $.when.apply(null, values); }); }, model_changed: function () { this.$element.text(this.$element.text() + '*'); } }); my.FacetValueView = instance.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'SearchView.FacetView.Value', init: function (parent, model) { this._super(parent); this.model = model; this.model.on('change', this.model_changed, this); }, destroy: function () {'change', this.model_changed, this); this._super(); }, model_changed: function () { this.$element.text(this.$element.text() + '*'); } }); instance.web.SearchView = instance.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends instance.web.SearchView# */{ template: "SearchView", /** * @constructs instance.web.SearchView * @extends instance.web.Widget * * @param parent * @param dataset * @param view_id * @param defaults * @param hidden */ init: function(parent, dataset, view_id, defaults, hidden) { this._super(parent); this.dataset = dataset; this.model = dataset.model; this.view_id = view_id; this.defaults = defaults || {}; this.has_defaults = !_.isEmpty(this.defaults); this.inputs = []; this.controls = {}; this.hidden = !!hidden; this.headless = this.hidden && !this.has_defaults; this.filter_data = {}; this.input_subviews = []; this.ready = $.Deferred(); }, start: function() { var self = this; var p = this._super(); this.setup_global_completion(); this.query = new my.SearchQuery() .on('add change reset remove', this.proxy('do_search')) .on('add change reset remove', this.proxy('renderFacets')); if (this.hidden) { this.$element.hide(); } if (this.headless) { this.ready.resolve(); } else { var load_view = this.rpc("/web/searchview/load", { model: this.model, view_id: this.view_id, context: this.dataset.get_context() }); // FIXME: local eval of domain and context to get rid of special endpoint var filters = this.rpc('/web/searchview/get_filters', { model: this.model }).then(function (filters) { self.custom_filters = filters; }); $.when(load_view, filters) .pipe(function (load) { return load[0]; }) .pipe(this.on_loaded) .fail(function () { self.ready.reject.apply(null, arguments); }); } this.$element.on('click', '.oe_searchview_clear', function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); self.query.reset(); }); this.$element.on('click', '.oe_searchview_unfold_drawer', function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); self.$element.toggleClass('oe_searchview_open_drawer'); }); // Focus last input if the view itself is clicked this.$element.on('click', function (e) { if ( === self.$element[0]) { self.$element.find('.oe_searchview_input:last').focus(); } }); // focusing class on whole searchview, :focus is not transitive this.$element.on('focus', function () { self.$element.addClass('oe_focused'); }); this.$element.on('blur', function () { self.$element.removeClass('oe_focused'); }); // when the completion list opens/refreshes, automatically select the // first completion item so if the user just hits [RETURN] or [TAB] it // automatically selects it this.$element.on('autocompleteopen', function () { var menu = self.$'autocomplete').menu; menu.activate( $.Event({ type: "mouseenter" }), menu.element.children().first()); }); return $.when(p, this.ready); }, show: function () { this.$; }, hide: function () { this.$element.hide(); }, /** * Sets up thingie where all the mess is put? */ select_for_drawer: function () { return _(this.inputs).filter(function (input) { return input.in_drawer(); }); }, /** * Sets up search view's view-wide auto-completion widget */ setup_global_completion: function () { var self = this; // autocomplete only correctly handles being initialized on the actual // editable element (and only an element with a @value in 1.8 e.g. // input or textarea), cheat by setting val() on $element this.$element.on('keydown', function () { // keydown is triggered *before* the element's value is set, so // delay this. Pray that setTimeout are executed in FIFO (if they // have the same delay) as autocomplete uses the exact same trick. // FIXME: brittle as fuck setTimeout(function () { self.$element.val(self.currentInputValue()); }, 0); }); this.$element.autocomplete({ source: this.proxy('complete_global_search'), select: this.proxy('select_completion'), focus: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }, html: true, minLength: 1, delay: 0 }).data('autocomplete')._renderItem = function (ul, item) { // item of completion list var $item = $( "
  • " ) .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .appendTo( ul ); if (item.facet !== undefined) { // regular completion item return $item.append( (item.label) ? $('').html(item.label) : $('').text(item.value)); } return $item.text(item.label) .css({ borderTop: '1px solid #cccccc', margin: 0, padding: 0, zoom: 1, 'float': 'left', clear: 'left', width: '100%' }); }; }, /** * Gets value out of the currently focused "input" (a * div[contenteditable].oe_searchview_input) */ currentInputValue: function () { return this.$element.find('div.oe_searchview_input:focus').text(); }, /** * Provide auto-completion result for req.term (an array to `resp`) * * @param {Object} req request to complete * @param {String} req.term searched term to complete * @param {Function} resp response callback */ complete_global_search: function (req, resp) { $.when.apply(null, _(this.inputs).chain() .invoke('complete', req.term) .value()).then(function () { resp(_(_(arguments).compact()).flatten(true)); }); }, /** * Action to perform in case of selection: create a facet (model) * and add it to the search collection * * @param {Object} e selection event, preventDefault to avoid setting value on object * @param {Object} ui selection information * @param {Object} ui.item selected completion item */ select_completion: function (e, ui) { e.preventDefault(); this.query.add(ui.item.facet); }, renderFacets: function () { var self = this; var $e = this.$element.find('div.oe_searchview_facets'); _.invoke(this.input_subviews, 'destroy'); this.input_subviews = []; var i = new my.InputView(this); i.appendTo($e); this.input_subviews.push(i); this.query.each(function (facet) { var f = new my.FacetView(this, facet); f.appendTo($e); self.input_subviews.push(f); var i = new my.InputView(this); i.appendTo($e); self.input_subviews.push(i); }, this); }, /** * Builds a list of widget rows (each row is an array of widgets) * * @param {Array} items a list of nodes to convert to widgets * @param {Object} fields a mapping of field names to (ORM) field attributes * @param {String} [group_name] name of the group to put the new controls in */ make_widgets: function (items, fields, group_name) { group_name = group_name || null; if (!(group_name in this.controls)) { this.controls[group_name] = []; } var self = this, group = this.controls[group_name]; var filters = []; _.each(items, function (item) { if (filters.length && item.tag !== 'filter') { group.push(new, this)); filters = []; } switch (item.tag) { case 'separator': case 'newline': break; case 'filter': filters.push(new, this)); break; case 'group': self.make_widgets(item.children, fields, item.attrs.string); break; case 'field': group.push(this.make_field(item, fields[item['attrs'].name])); // filters self.make_widgets(item.children, fields, group_name); break; } }, this); if (filters.length) { group.push(new, this)); } }, /** * Creates a field for the provided field descriptor item (which comes * from fields_view_get) * * @param {Object} item fields_view_get node for the field * @param {Object} field fields_get result for the field * @returns */ make_field: function (item, field) { var obj = [item.attrs.widget, field.type]); if(obj) { return new (obj) (item, field, this); } else {'Unknown field type ' + field.type); console.error('View node', item);'View field', field);'In view', this); console.groupEnd(); return null; } }, on_loaded: function(data) { var self = this; this.fields_view = data.fields_view; if (data.fields_view.type !== 'search' || data.fields_view.arch.tag !== 'search') { throw new Error(_.str.sprintf( "Got non-search view after asking for a search view: type %s, arch root %s", data.fields_view.type, data.fields_view.arch.tag)); } this.make_widgets( data.fields_view['arch'].children, data.fields_view.fields); // add Filters to this.inputs, need view.controls filled var filters = new; // add Advanced to this.inputs var advanced = new; // build drawer var drawer_started = $.when.apply( null, _(this.select_for_drawer()).invoke( 'appendTo', this.$element.find('.oe_searchview_drawer'))); // load defaults var defaults_fetched = $.when.apply(null, _(this.inputs).invoke( 'facet_for_defaults', this.defaults)).then(function () { self.query.reset(_(arguments).compact(), {silent: true}); self.renderFacets(); }); return $.when(drawer_started, defaults_fetched) .then(function () { self.ready.resolve(); }) }, /** * Handle event when the user make a selection in the filters management select box. */ on_filters_management: function(e) { var self = this; var select = this.$element.find(".oe_search-view-filters-management"); var val = select.val(); switch(val) { case 'advanced_filter': this.extended_search.on_activate(); break; case 'add_to_dashboard': this.on_add_to_dashboard(); break; case 'manage_filters': this.do_action({ res_model: 'ir.filters', views: [[false, 'list'], [false, 'form']], type: 'ir.actions.act_window', context: {"search_default_user_id": this.session.uid, "search_default_model_id": this.dataset.model}, target: "current", limit : 80 }); break; case 'save_filter': var data = this.build_search_data(); var context = new instance.web.CompoundContext(); _.each(data.contexts, function(x) { context.add(x); }); var domain = new instance.web.CompoundDomain(); _.each(, function(x) { domain.add(x); }); var groupbys = _.pluck(data.groupbys, "group_by").join(); context.add({"group_by": groupbys}); var dial_html = QWeb.render("SearchView.managed-filters.add"); var $dial = $(dial_html); instance.web.dialog($dial, { modal: true, title: _t("Filter Entry"), buttons: [ {text: _t("Cancel"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }}, {text: _t("OK"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); var name = $(this).find("input").val(); self.rpc('/web/searchview/save_filter', { model: self.dataset.model, context_to_save: context, domain: domain, name: name }).then(function() { self.reload_managed_filters(); }); }} ] }); break; case '': this.do_clear(); } if (val.slice(0, 4) == "get:") { val = val.slice(4); val = parseInt(val, 10); var filter = this.managed_filters[val]; this.do_clear(false).then(_.bind(function() { select.val('get:' + val); var groupbys = []; var group_by = filter.context.group_by; if (group_by) { groupbys = group_by instanceof Array ? group_by : group_by.split(','), function (el) { return { group_by: el }; }); } this.filter_data = { domains: [filter.domain], contexts: [filter.context], groupbys: groupbys }; this.do_search(); }, this)); } else { select.val(''); } }, on_add_to_dashboard: function() { this.$element.find(".oe_search-view-filters-management")[0].selectedIndex = 0; var self = this, menu =, $dialog = $(QWeb.render("SearchView.add_to_dashboard", { dashboards :, selected_menu_id : menu.$element.find('').data('menu') })); $dialog.find('input').val(; instance.web.dialog($dialog, { modal: true, title: _t("Add to Dashboard"), buttons: [ {text: _t("Cancel"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }}, {text: _t("OK"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); var menu_id = $(this).find("select").val(), title = $(this).find("input").val(), data = self.build_search_data(), context = new instance.web.CompoundContext(), domain = new instance.web.CompoundDomain(); _.each(data.contexts, function(x) { context.add(x); }); _.each(, function(x) { domain.add(x); }); self.rpc('/web/searchview/add_to_dashboard', { menu_id: menu_id, action_id: self.getParent(), context_to_save: context, domain: domain, view_mode: self.getParent().active_view, name: title }, function(r) { if (r === false) { self.do_warn("Could not add filter to dashboard"); } else { self.do_notify("Filter added to dashboard", ''); } }); }} ] }); }, /** * Performs the search view collection of widget data. * * If the collection went well (all fields are valid), then triggers * :js:func:`instance.web.SearchView.on_search`. * * If at least one field failed its validation, triggers * :js:func:`instance.web.SearchView.on_invalid` instead. * * @param e jQuery event object coming from the "Search" button */ do_search: function () { var domains = [], contexts = [], groupbys = [], errors = []; this.query.each(function (facet) { var field = facet.get('field'); try { var domain = field.get_domain(facet); if (domain) { domains.push(domain); } var context = field.get_context(facet); if (context) { contexts.push(context); } var group_by = field.get_groupby(facet); if (group_by) { groupbys.push.apply(groupbys, group_by); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof { errors.push(e); } else { throw e; } } }); if (!_.isEmpty(errors)) { this.on_invalid(errors); return; } return this.on_search(domains, contexts, groupbys); }, /** * Triggered after the SearchView has collected all relevant domains and * contexts. * * It is provided with an Array of domains and an Array of contexts, which * may or may not be evaluated (each item can be either a valid domain or * context, or a string to evaluate in order in the sequence) * * It is also passed an array of contexts used for group_by (they are in * the correct order for group_by evaluation, which contexts may not be) * * @event * @param {Array} domains an array of literal domains or domain references * @param {Array} contexts an array of literal contexts or context refs * @param {Array} groupbys ordered contexts which may or may not have group_by keys */ on_search: function (domains, contexts, groupbys) { }, /** * Triggered after a validation error in the SearchView fields. * * Error objects have three keys: * * ``field`` is the name of the invalid field * * ``value`` is the invalid value * * ``message`` is the (in)validation message provided by the field * * @event * @param {Array} errors a never-empty array of error objects */ on_invalid: function (errors) { this.do_notify(_t("Invalid Search"), _t("triggered from search view")); } }); /** * Registry of search fields, called by :js:class:`instance.web.SearchView` to * find and instantiate its field widgets. */ = new instance.web.Registry({ 'char': '', 'text': '', 'boolean': '', 'integer': '', 'id': '', 'float': '', 'selection': '', 'datetime': '', 'date': '', 'many2one': '', 'many2many': '', 'one2many': '' }); = instance.web.Class.extend( /** @lends */{ /** * Exception thrown by search widgets when they hold invalid values, * which they can not return when asked. * * @constructs * @extends instance.web.Class * * @param field the name of the field holding an invalid value * @param value the invalid value * @param message validation failure message */ init: function (field, value, message) { this.field = field; this.value = value; this.message = message; }, toString: function () { return _.str.sprintf( _t("Incorrect value for field %(fieldname)s: [%(value)s] is %(message)s"), {fieldname: this.field, value: this.value, message: this.message} ); } }); = instance.web.OldWidget.extend( /** @lends */{ template: null, /** * Root class of all search widgets * * @constructs * @extends instance.web.OldWidget * * @param view the ancestor view of this widget */ init: function (view) { this._super(view); this.view = view; } }); = function($root) { $root.find('a.searchview_group_string').click(function (e) { $root.toggleClass('folded expanded'); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); }; ={ template: '', init: function (view_section, view, fields) { this._super(view); this.attrs = view_section.attrs; this.lines = view.make_widgets( view_section.children, fields); } }); = /** @lends */{ _in_drawer: false, /** * @constructs * @extends * * @param view */ init: function (view) { this._super(view); this.view.inputs.push(this); = undefined; }, /** * Fetch auto-completion values for the widget. * * The completion values should be an array of objects with keys category, * label, value prefixed with an object with keys type=section and label * * @param {String} value value to complete * @returns {jQuery.Deferred} */ complete: function (value) { return $.when(null) }, /** * Returns a Facet instance for the provided defaults if they apply to * this widget, or null if they don't. * * This default implementation will try calling * :js:func:`` if the widget's name * matches the input key * * @param {Object} defaults * @returns {jQuery.Deferred} */ facet_for_defaults: function (defaults) { if (!this.attrs || !( in defaults && defaults[])) { return $.when(null); } return this.facet_for(defaults[]); }, in_drawer: function () { return !!this._in_drawer; }, get_context: function () { throw new Error( "get_context not implemented for widget " + this.attrs.type); }, get_groupby: function () { throw new Error( "get_groupby not implemented for widget " + this.attrs.type); }, get_domain: function () { throw new Error( "get_domain not implemented for widget " + this.attrs.type); }, load_attrs: function (attrs) { if (attrs.modifiers) { attrs.modifiers = JSON.parse(attrs.modifiers); attrs.invisible = attrs.modifiers.invisible || false; if (attrs.invisible) { = 'display: none;' } } this.attrs = attrs; } }); =** @lends */{ template: 'SearchView.filters', /** * Inclusive group of filters, creates a continuous "button" with clickable * sections (the normal display for filters is to be a self-contained button) * * @constructs * @extends * * @param {Array} filters elements of the group * @param {instance.web.SearchView} view view in which the filters are contained */ init: function (filters, view) { this._super(view); this.filters = filters; }, start: function () { this.$element.on('click', 'li', this.proxy('toggle_filter')); return $.when(null); }, facet_for_defaults: function (defaults) { var fs = _(this.filters).chain() .filter(function (f) { return f.attrs && && !!defaults[]; }).map(function (f) { return {label: f.attrs.string ||, value: f}; }).value(); if (_.isEmpty(fs)) { return $.when(null); } return $.when({ category: _t("Filter"), values: fs, field: this }); }, /** * Fetches contexts for all enabled filters in the group * * @param {} facet * @return {*} combined contexts of the enabled filters in this group */ get_context: function (facet) { var contexts = facet.values.chain() .map(function (f) { return f.get('value').attrs.context; }) .reject(_.isEmpty) .value(); if (!contexts.length) { return; } if (contexts.length === 1) { return contexts[0]; } return _.extend(new instance.web.CompoundContext, { __contexts: contexts }); }, /** * Fetches group_by sequence for all enabled filters in the group * * @param {VS.model.SearchFacet} facet * @return {Array} enabled filters in this group */ get_groupby: function (facet) { return facet.values.chain() .map(function (f) { return f.get('value').attrs.context; }) .reject(_.isEmpty) .value(); }, /** * Handles domains-fetching for all the filters within it: groups them. * * @param {VS.model.SearchFacet} facet * @return {*} combined domains of the enabled filters in this group */ get_domain: function (facet) { var domains = facet.values.chain() .map(function (f) { return f.get('value').attrs.domain; }) .reject(_.isEmpty) .value(); if (!domains.length) { return; } if (domains.length === 1) { return domains[0]; } for (var i=domains.length; --i;) { domains.unshift(['|']); } return _.extend(new instance.web.CompoundDomain(), { __domains: domains }); }, toggle_filter: function (e) { this.toggle(this.filters[$(]); }, toggle: function (filter) { this.view.query.toggle({ category: _t("Filter"), field: this, values: [{ label: filter.attrs.string ||, value: filter }] }); } }); =** @lends */{ template: 'SearchView.filter', /** * Implementation of the OpenERP filters (button with a context and/or * a domain sent as-is to the search view) * * Filters are only attributes holder, the actual work (compositing * domains and contexts, converting between facets and filters) is * performed by the filter group. * * @constructs * @extends * * @param node * @param view */ init: function (node, view) { this._super(view); this.load_attrs(node.attrs); }, facet_for: function () { return $.when(null); }, get_context: function () { }, get_domain: function () { }, }); = /** @lends */ { template: 'SearchView.field', default_operator: '=', /** * @constructs * @extends * * @param view_section * @param field * @param view */ init: function (view_section, field, view) { this._super(view); this.load_attrs(_.extend({}, field, view_section.attrs)); }, facet_for: function (value) { return $.when({ field: this, category: this.attrs.string ||, values: [{label: String(value), value: value}] }); }, value_from: function (facetValue) { return facetValue.get('value'); }, get_context: function (facet) { var self = this; // A field needs a context to send when active var context = this.attrs.context; if (!context || !facet.values.length) { return; } var contexts = (facetValue) { return new instance.web.CompoundContext(context) .set_eval_context({self: self.value_from(facetValue)}); }); if (contexts.length === 1) { return contexts[0]; } return _.extend(new instance.web.CompoundContext, { __contexts: contexts }); }, get_groupby: function () { }, /** * Function creating the returned domain for the field, override this * methods in children if you only need to customize the field's domain * without more complex alterations or tests (and without the need to * change override the handling of filter_domain) * * @param {String} name the field's name * @param {String} operator the field's operator (either attribute-specified or default operator for the field * @param {Number|String} value parsed value for the field * @returns {Array} domain to include in the resulting search */ make_domain: function (name, operator, facet) { return [[name, operator, this.value_from(facet)]]; }, get_domain: function (facet) { if (!facet.values.length) { return; } var value_to_domain; var self = this; var domain = this.attrs['filter_domain']; if (domain) { value_to_domain = function (facetValue) { return new instance.web.CompoundDomain(domain) .set_eval_context({self: self.value_from(facetValue)}); }; } else { value_to_domain = function (facetValue) { return self.make_domain(, self.attrs.operator || self.default_operator, facetValue); }; } var domains =; if (domains.length === 1) { return domains[0]; } for (var i = domains.length; --i;) { domains.unshift(['|']); } return _.extend(new instance.web.CompoundDomain, { __domains: domains }); } }); /** * Implementation of the ``char`` OpenERP field type: * * * Default operator is ``ilike`` rather than ``=`` * * * The Javascript and the HTML values are identical (strings) * * @class * @extends */ = /** @lends */ { default_operator: 'ilike', complete: function (value) { if (_.isEmpty(value)) { return $.when(null); } var label = _.str.sprintf(_.str.escapeHTML( _t("Search %(field)s for: %(value)s")), { field: '' + this.attrs.string + '', value: '' + _.str.escapeHTML(value) + ''}); return $.when([{ label: label, facet: { category: this.attrs.string, field: this, values: [{label: value, value: value}] } }]); } }); =** @lends */{ value_from: function () { if (!this.$element.val()) { return null; } var val = this.parse(this.$element.val()), check = Number(this.$element.val()); if (isNaN(val) || val !== check) { this.$element.addClass('error'); throw new, this.$element.val(), this.error_message); } this.$element.removeClass('error'); return val; } }); /** * @class * @extends */ =** @lends */{ error_message: _t("not a valid integer"), parse: function (value) { try { return instance.web.parse_value(value, {'widget': 'integer'}); } catch (e) { return NaN; } } }); /** * @class * @extends */ =** @lends */{ error_message: _t("not a valid number"), parse: function (value) { try { return instance.web.parse_value(value, {'widget': 'float'}); } catch (e) { return NaN; } } }); /** * Utility function for m2o & selection fields taking a selection/name_get pair * (value, name) and converting it to a Facet descriptor * * @param {} field holder field * @param {Array} pair pair value to convert */ function facet_from(field, pair) { return { field: field, category: field['attrs'].string, values: [{label: pair[1], value: pair[0]}] }; } /** * @class * @extends */ =** @lends */{ // This implementation is a basic