/* This file must compile in EcmaScript 3 and work in IE7. */ define(["openerp", "im_common", "underscore", "require", "jquery", "jquery.achtung"], function(openerp, im_common, _, require, $) { /* jshint es3: true */ "use strict"; var _t = openerp._t; var livesupport = {}; livesupport.main = function(server_url, db, login, password, channel, options) { var defs = []; options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, { buttonText: _t("Chat with one of our collaborators"), inputPlaceholder: _t("How may I help you?"), defaultMessage: null, auto: false, userName: _t("Anonymous") }); im_common.notification = notification; im_common.to_url = require.toUrl; defs.push(add_css("im/static/src/css/im_common.css")); defs.push(add_css("im_livechat/static/ext/static/lib/jquery-achtung/src/ui.achtung.css")); return $.when.apply($, defs).then(function() { console.log("starting live support customer app"); im_common.connection = new openerp.Session(null, server_url, { override_session: true }); return im_common.connection.session_authenticate(db, login, password); }).then(function() { return im_common.connection.rpc('/web/proxy/load', {path: '/im_livechat/static/ext/static/js/livechat.xml'}).then(function(xml) { openerp.qweb.add_template(xml); }); }).then(function() { return im_common.connection.rpc('/web/proxy/load', {path: '/im/static/src/xml/im_common.xml'}).then(function(xml) { openerp.qweb.add_template(xml); }); }).then(function() { return im_common.connection.rpc("/im_livechat/available", {db: db, channel: channel}).then(function(activated) { if (! activated & ! options.auto) return; var button = new im_common.ChatButton(null, channel, options); button.appendTo($("body")); if (options.auto) button.click(); }); }); }; var add_css = function(relative_file_name) { var css_def = $.Deferred(); $('') .appendTo($("head")).ready(function() { css_def.resolve(); }); return css_def.promise(); }; var notification = function(message) { $.achtung({message: message, timeout: 0, showEffects: false, hideEffects: false}); }; im_common.ChatButton = openerp.Widget.extend({ className: "openerp_style oe_chat_button", events: { "click": "click" }, init: function(parent, channel, options) { this._super(parent); this.channel = channel; this.options = options; this.text = options.buttonText; }, start: function() { this.$().append(openerp.qweb.render("chatButton", {widget: this})); }, click: function() { if (! this.manager) { this.manager = new im_common.ConversationManager(this, this.options); this.activated_def = this.manager.start_polling(); } var def = $.Deferred(); $.when(this.activated_def).then(function() { def.resolve(); }, function() { def.reject(); }); setTimeout(function() { def.reject(); }, 5000); def.then(_.bind(this.chat, this), function() { im_common.notification(_t("It seems the connection to the server is encountering problems, please try again later.")); }); }, chat: function() { var self = this; if (this.manager.conversations.length > 0) return; im_common.connection.model("im_livechat.channel").call("get_available_user", [this.channel]).then(function(user_id) { if (! user_id) { im_common.notification(_t("None of our collaborators seems to be available, please try again later.")); return; } self.manager.ensure_users([user_id]).then(function() { var conv = self.manager.activate_user(self.manager.get_user(user_id), true); if (self.options.defaultMessage) { conv.received_message({message: self.options.defaultMessage, date: openerp.datetime_to_str(new Date())}); } }); }); } }); return livesupport; });