/* This file must compile in EcmaScript 3 and work in IE7. Prerequisites to use this module: - load the im_common.xml qweb template into openerp.qweb - implement all the stuff defined later */ (function() { function declare($, _, openerp) { /* jshint es3: true */ "use strict"; var im_common = {}; /* All of this must be defined to use this module */ _.extend(im_common, { notification: function(message) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, connection: null }); var _t = openerp._t; var im_common = {}; var ERROR_DELAY = 5000; im_common.ImUser = openerp.Class.extend(openerp.PropertiesMixin, { init: function(parent, user_rec) { openerp.PropertiesMixin.init.call(this, parent); user_rec.image_url = im_common.connection.url("/im/static/src/img/avatar/avatar.jpeg"); // TODO : check it works correctly if (user_rec.user) user_rec.image_url = im_common.connection.url('/web/binary/image', {model:'res.users', field: 'image_small', id: user_rec.user[0]}); /*if (user_rec.image) user_rec.image_url = "data:image/png;base64," + user_rec.image;*/ this.set(user_rec); this.set("watcher_count", 0); this.on("change:watcher_count", this, function() { if (this.get("watcher_count") === 0) this.destroy(); }); }, destroy: function() { this.trigger("destroyed"); openerp.PropertiesMixin.destroy.call(this); }, add_watcher: function() { this.set("watcher_count", this.get("watcher_count") + 1); }, remove_watcher: function() { this.set("watcher_count", this.get("watcher_count") - 1); } }); im_common.ConversationManager = openerp.Class.extend(openerp.PropertiesMixin, { init: function(parent, options) { openerp.PropertiesMixin.init.call(this, parent); this.options = _.clone(options) || {}; _.defaults(this.options, { inputPlaceholder: _t("Say something..."), defaultMessage: null, userName: _t("Anonymous"), anonymous_mode: false }); this.set("right_offset", 0); this.conversations = []; this.users = {}; this.on("change:right_offset", this, this.calc_positions); this.set("window_focus", true); this.set("waiting_messages", 0); this.focus_hdl = _.bind(function() { this.set("window_focus", true); }, this); $(window).bind("focus", this.focus_hdl); this.blur_hdl = _.bind(function() { this.set("window_focus", false); }, this); $(window).bind("blur", this.blur_hdl); this.on("change:window_focus", this, this.window_focus_change); this.window_focus_change(); this.on("change:waiting_messages", this, this.messages_change); this.messages_change(); this.create_ting(); this.activated = false; this.users_cache = {}; this.last = null; this.unload_event_handler = _.bind(this.unload, this); }, start_polling: function() { var self = this; var auth_def = null; var user_id = null; if (this.options.anonymous_mode) { var uuid = localStorage["oe_livesupport_uuid"]; var def = $.when(uuid); if (! uuid) { def = im_common.connection.rpc("/longpolling/im/gen_uuid", {}); } var anonymous_user_id = null; auth_def = def.then(function(uuid) { localStorage["oe_livesupport_uuid"] = uuid; return im_common.connection.model("im.user").call("get_by_user_id", [uuid]); }).then(function(my_id) { user_id = my_id["id"]; return im_common.connection.model("im.user").call("assign_name", [uuid, self.options.userName]); }); } else { auth_def = im_common.connection.model("im.user").call("get_by_user_id", [im_common.connection.uid]).then(function(my_id) { user_id = my_id["id"]; }); } return auth_def.then(function() { self.my_id = user_id; return self.ensure_users([self.my_id]); }).then(function() { var me = self.users_cache[self.my_id]; delete self.users_cache[self.my_id]; self.me = me; me.set("name", _t("You")); return im_common.connection.rpc("/longpolling/im/activated", {}, {shadow: true}); }).then(function(activated) { if (activated) { self.activated = true; $(window).on("unload", self.unload_event_handler); self.poll(); } else { return $.Deferred().reject(); } }, function(a, e) { e.preventDefault(); }); }, unload: function() { return im_common.connection.model("im.user").call("im_disconnect", [], {uuid: this.me.get("uuid"), context: {}}); }, ensure_users: function(user_ids) { var no_cache = {}; _.each(user_ids, function(el) { if (! this.users_cache[el]) no_cache[el] = el; }, this); var self = this; if (_.size(no_cache) === 0) return $.when(); else return im_common.connection.model("im.user").call("read", [_.values(no_cache), []]).then(function(users) { self.add_to_user_cache(users); }); }, add_to_user_cache: function(user_recs) { _.each(user_recs, function(user_rec) { if (! this.users_cache[user_rec.id]) { var user = new im_common.ImUser(this, user_rec); this.users_cache[user_rec.id] = user; user.on("destroyed", this, function() { delete this.users_cache[user_rec.id]; }); } }, this); }, get_user: function(user_id) { return this.users_cache[user_id]; }, poll: function() { var self = this; var user_ids = _.map(this.users_cache, function(el) { return el.get("id"); }); im_common.connection.rpc("/longpolling/im/poll", { last: this.last, users_watch: user_ids, uuid: self.me.get("uuid") }, {shadow: true}).then(function(result) { _.each(result.users_status, function(el) { if (self.get_user(el.id)) self.get_user(el.id).set(el); }); self.last = result.last; var user_ids = _.pluck(_.pluck(result.res, "from_id"), 0); self.ensure_users(user_ids).then(function() { _.each(result.res, function(mes) { var user = self.get_user(mes.from_id[0]); self.received_message(mes, user); }); self.poll(); }); }, function(unused, e) { e.preventDefault(); setTimeout(_.bind(self.poll, self), ERROR_DELAY); }); }, get_activated: function() { return this.activated; }, create_ting: function() { if (typeof(Audio) === "undefined") { this.ting = {play: function() {}}; return; } var kitten = jQuery.deparam !== undefined && jQuery.deparam(jQuery.param.querystring()).kitten !== undefined; this.ting = new Audio(im_common.connection.url( "/im/static/src/audio/" + (kitten ? "purr" : "Ting") + (new Audio().canPlayType("audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis") ? ".ogg": ".mp3") )); }, window_focus_change: function() { if (this.get("window_focus")) { this.set("waiting_messages", 0); } }, messages_change: function() { if (! openerp.webclient || !openerp.webclient.set_title_part) return; openerp.webclient.set_title_part("im_messages", this.get("waiting_messages") === 0 ? undefined : _.str.sprintf(_t("%d Messages"), this.get("waiting_messages"))); }, activate_user: function(user, focus) { var conv = this.users[user.get('id')]; if (! conv) { conv = new im_common.Conversation(this, user, this.me, this.options); conv.appendTo($("body")); conv.on("destroyed", this, function() { this.conversations = _.without(this.conversations, conv); delete this.users[conv.user.get('id')]; this.calc_positions(); }); this.conversations.push(conv); this.users[user.get('id')] = conv; this.calc_positions(); } if (focus) conv.focus(); return conv; }, received_message: function(message, user) { if (! this.get("window_focus")) { this.set("waiting_messages", this.get("waiting_messages") + 1); this.ting.play(); this.create_ting(); } var conv = this.activate_user(user); conv.received_message(message); }, calc_positions: function() { var current = this.get("right_offset"); _.each(_.range(this.conversations.length), function(i) { this.conversations[i].set("right_position", current); current += this.conversations[i].$().outerWidth(true); }, this); }, destroy: function() { $(window).off("unload", this.unload_event_handler); $(window).unbind("blur", this.blur_hdl); $(window).unbind("focus", this.focus_hdl); openerp.PropertiesMixin.destroy.call(this); } }); im_common.Conversation = openerp.Widget.extend({ className: "openerp_style oe_im_chatview", events: { "keydown input": "send_message", "click .oe_im_chatview_close": "destroy", "click .oe_im_chatview_header": "show_hide" }, init: function(parent, user, me, options) { this._super(parent); this.options = options this.me = me; this.user = user; this.user.add_watcher(); this.set("right_position", 0); this.shown = true; this.set("pending", 0); this.inputPlaceholder = this.options.defaultInputPlaceholder; }, start: function() { this.$().append(openerp.qweb.render("im_common.conversation", {widget: this, to_url: _.bind(im_common.connection.url, im_common.connection)})); var change_status = function() { this.$().toggleClass("oe_im_chatview_disconnected_status", this.user.get("im_status") === false); this.$(".oe_im_chatview_online").toggle(this.user.get("im_status") === true); this._go_bottom(); }; this.user.on("change:im_status", this, change_status); change_status.call(this); this.on("change:right_position", this, this.calc_pos); this.full_height = this.$().height(); this.calc_pos(); this.on("change:pending", this, _.bind(function() { if (this.get("pending") === 0) { this.$(".oe_im_chatview_nbr_messages").text(""); } else { this.$(".oe_im_chatview_nbr_messages").text("(" + this.get("pending") + ")"); } }, this)); }, show_hide: function() { if (this.shown) { this.$().animate({ height: this.$(".oe_im_chatview_header").outerHeight() }); } else { this.$().animate({ height: this.full_height }); } this.shown = ! this.shown; if (this.shown) { this.set("pending", 0); } }, calc_pos: function() { this.$().css("right", this.get("right_position")); }, received_message: function(message) { if (this.shown) { this.set("pending", 0); } else { this.set("pending", this.get("pending") + 1); } this._add_bubble(this.user, message.message, openerp.str_to_datetime(message.date)); }, send_message: function(e) { if(e && e.which !== 13) { return; } var mes = this.$("input").val(); if (! mes.trim()) { return; } this.$("input").val(""); var send_it = _.bind(function() { var model = im_common.connection.model("im.message"); return model.call("post", [mes, this.user.get('id')], {uuid: this.me.get("uuid"), context: {}}); }, this); var tries = 0; send_it().then(_.bind(function() { this._add_bubble(this.me, mes, new Date()); }, this), function(error, e) { e.preventDefault(); tries += 1; if (tries < 3) return send_it(); }); }, _add_bubble: function(user, item, date) { var items = [item]; if (user === this.last_user) { this.last_bubble.remove(); items = this.last_items.concat(items); } this.last_user = user; this.last_items = items; var zpad = function(str, size) { str = "" + str; return new Array(size - str.length + 1).join('0') + str; }; date = "" + zpad(date.getHours(), 2) + ":" + zpad(date.getMinutes(), 2); this.last_bubble = $(openerp.qweb.render("im_common.conversation_bubble", {"items": items, "user": user, "time": date})); $(this.$(".oe_im_chatview_content").children()[0]).append(this.last_bubble); this._go_bottom(); }, _go_bottom: function() { this.$(".oe_im_chatview_content").scrollTop($(this.$(".oe_im_chatview_content").children()[0]).height()); }, focus: function() { this.$(".oe_im_chatview_input").focus(); if (! this.shown) this.show_hide(); }, destroy: function() { this.user.remove_watcher(); this.trigger("destroyed"); return this._super(); } }); return im_common; } if (typeof(define) !== "undefined") { define(["jquery", "underscore", "openerp"], declare); } else { window.im_common = declare($, _, openerp); } })();