############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Tiny SPRL (http://tiny.be) All Rights Reserved. # # $Id$ # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ############################################################################### import os from os.path import join import fnmatch import csv, xml.dom, re import osv, tools, pooler import ir import netsvc from tools.misc import UpdateableStr class TINY(csv.excel): lineterminator = '\n' csv.register_dialect("TINY", TINY) # # TODO: a caching method # def translate(cr, uid, name, source_type, lang, source=None): if source and name: cr.execute('select value from ir_translation where lang=%s and type=%s and name=%s and src=%s', (lang, source_type, str(name), source)) elif name: cr.execute('select value from ir_translation where lang=%s and type=%s and name=%s', (lang, source_type, str(name))) elif source: cr.execute('select value from ir_translation where lang=%s and type=%s and src=%s', (lang, source_type, source)) res_trans = cr.fetchone() res = res_trans and res_trans[0] or False return res def translate_code(cr, uid, source, context): lang = context.get('lang', False) if lang: return translate(cr, uid, None, 'code', lang, source) else: return source _ = lambda source: translate_code(cr, uid, source, context) # Methods to export the translation file def trans_parse_xsl(de): res = [] for n in [i for i in de.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE)]: if n.hasAttribute("t"): for m in [j for j in n.childNodes if (j.nodeType == j.TEXT_NODE)]: l = m.data.strip().replace('\n',' ') if len(l): res.append(l.encode("utf8")) res.extend(trans_parse_xsl(n)) return res def trans_parse_rml(de): res = [] for n in [i for i in de.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE)]: for m in [j for j in n.childNodes if (j.nodeType == j.TEXT_NODE)]: string_list = [s.replace('\n', ' ').strip() for s in re.split('\[\[.+?\]\]', m.data)] for s in string_list: if s: res.append(s.encode("utf8")) res.extend(trans_parse_rml(n)) return res def trans_parse_view(de): res = [] if de.hasAttribute("string"): s = de.getAttribute('string') if s: res.append(s.encode("utf8")) if de.hasAttribute("sum"): s = de.getAttribute('sum') if s: res.append(s.encode("utf8")) for n in [i for i in de.childNodes if (i.nodeType == i.ELEMENT_NODE)]: res.extend(trans_parse_view(n)) return res # tests whether an object is in a list of modules def in_modules(object_name, modules): if 'all' in modules: return True module_dict = { 'ir': 'base', 'res': 'base', 'workflow': 'base', } module = object_name.split('.')[0] module = module_dict.get(module, module) return module in modules def trans_generate(lang, modules, dbname=None): logger = netsvc.Logger() if not dbname: dbname=tools.config['db_name'] pool = pooler.get_pool(dbname) trans_obj = pool.get('ir.translation') model_data_obj = pool.get('ir.model.data') cr = pooler.get_db(dbname).cursor() uid = 1 l = pool.obj_pool.items() l.sort() out = [["type","name","res_id","src","value"]] #TODO: do everything through to_translate, for that, we'll probably need to change its #format and have records = list of tuples (id, name, source) instead of just source to_translate = [] # object fields for obj_name, obj in l: if in_modules(obj_name, modules): for field_name, field_def in obj._columns.iteritems(): name = obj_name + "," + field_name value = "" if lang: cr.execute("SELECT * FROM ir_translation WHERE type='field' AND name=%s AND lang=%s", (name,lang)) res = cr.dictfetchall() if len(res): value = res[0]['value'] out.append(["field", name, "0", field_def.string.encode('utf8'), value]) if field_def.help: value = '' if lang: cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_translation ' \ 'WHERE type=\'help\' ' \ 'AND name = %s ' \ 'AND lang = %s', (name, lang)) res = cr.dictfetchall() if res: value = res[0]['value'] out.append(['help', name, '0', field_def.help.encode('utf8'), value]) if field_def.translate: ids = osv.orm.orm.search(obj, cr, uid, []) obj_values = obj.read(cr, uid, ids, [field_name]) for obj_value in obj_values: trans = "" if lang: cr.execute("SELECT * " \ "FROM ir_translation " \ "WHERE type='model' " \ "AND name=%s AND res_id=%d AND lang=%s", (name, obj_value['id'], lang)) res = cr.dictfetchall() if len(res): trans = res[0]['value'] res_id = obj_value['id'] if obj_name in ('ir.model', 'ir.ui.menu'): res_id = 0 model_data_ids = model_data_obj.search(cr, uid, [ ('model', '=', obj_name), ('res_id', '=', obj_value['id']), ]) if model_data_ids: model_data = model_data_obj.browse(cr, uid, model_data_ids[0]) res_id = model_data.module + '.' + model_data.name out.append(["model", name, res_id, obj_value[field_name], trans]) if hasattr(field_def, 'selection') and isinstance(field_def.selection, (list, tuple)): for key, val in field_def.selection: to_translate.append(["selection", name, [val.encode('utf8')]]) # reports (xsl and rml) obj = pool.get("ir.actions.report.xml") for i in obj.read(cr, uid, osv.orm.orm.search(obj, cr, uid, [])): if in_modules(i["model"], modules): name = i["report_name"] fname = "" if i["report_rml"]: fname = i["report_rml"] parse_func = trans_parse_rml report_type = "rml" elif i["report_xsl"]: fname = i["report_xsl"] parse_func = trans_parse_xsl report_type = "xsl" try: xmlstr = tools.file_open(fname).read() d = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr) to_translate.append([report_type, name, parse_func(d.documentElement)]) except IOError: if fname: logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_WARNING, "couldn't export translation for report %s %s %s" % (name, report_type, fname)) # views obj = pool.get("ir.ui.view") for i in obj.read(cr, uid, osv.orm.orm.search(obj, cr, uid, [])): if in_modules(i["model"], modules): d = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(i['arch']) to_translate.append(["view", i['model'], trans_parse_view(d.documentElement)]) # wizards for service_name, obj in netsvc._service.iteritems(): if service_name.startswith('wizard.'): for state_name, state_def in obj.states.iteritems(): if 'result' in state_def: result = state_def['result'] if result['type'] != 'form': continue name = obj.wiz_name + ',' + state_name # export fields for field_name, field_def in result['fields'].iteritems(): if 'string' in field_def: source = field_def['string'] res_name = name + ',' + field_name to_translate.append(["wizard_field", res_name, [source]]) # export arch arch = result['arch'] if not isinstance(arch, UpdateableStr): d = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(arch) to_translate.append(["wizard_view", name, trans_parse_view(d.documentElement)]) # export button labels for but_args in result['state']: button_name = but_args[0] button_label = but_args[1] res_name = name + ',' + button_name to_translate.append(["wizard_button", res_name, [button_label]]) # code for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tools.config['root_path']): for fname in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.py'): frelativepath = join(root, fname) code_string = tools.file_open(frelativepath, subdir='').read() # TODO: add support for """ and '''... These should use the DOTALL flag # DOTALL # Make the "." special character match any character at all, including a # newline; without this flag, "." will match anything except a newline. # *? is the non-greedy version of the * qualifier iter = re.finditer( '[^a-zA-Z0-9_]_\([\s]*["\'](.*?)["\'][\s]*\)', code_string) for i in iter: source = i.group(1).encode('utf8') # TODO: check whether the same string has already been exported res = trans_obj._get_source(cr, uid, frelativepath, 'code', lang, source) or '' out.append(["code", frelativepath, "0", source, res]) # translate strings marked as to be translated for type, name, sources in to_translate: for source in sources: trans = trans_obj._get_source(cr, uid, name, type, lang, source) out.append([type, name, "0", source, trans or '']) cr.close() return out def trans_load(db_name, filename, lang, strict=False): logger = netsvc.Logger() data='' try: data=file(filename,'r').read().split('\n') except IOError: logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_ERROR, "couldn't read file") return trans_load_data(db_name, data, lang, strict=False) def trans_load_data(db_name, data, lang, strict=False, lang_name=None): logger = netsvc.Logger() logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'loading translation file for language %s' % (lang)) pool = pooler.get_pool(db_name) lang_obj = pool.get('res.lang') trans_obj = pool.get('ir.translation') model_data_obj = pool.get('ir.model.data') try: uid = 1 cr = pooler.get_db(db_name).cursor() ids = lang_obj.search(cr, uid, [('code','=',lang)]) if not ids: if not lang_name: lang_name=lang languages=tools.get_languages() if lang in languages: lang_name=languages[lang] ids = lang_obj.create(cr, uid, { 'code': lang, 'name': lang_name, 'translatable': 1, }) else: lang_obj.write(cr, uid, ids, {'translatable':1}) lang_ids = lang_obj.search(cr, uid, []) langs = lang_obj.read(cr, uid, lang_ids) ls = map(lambda x: (x['code'],x['name']), langs) reader = csv.reader(data) # read the first line of the file (it contains columns titles) for row in reader: f = row break # read the rest of the file line = 1 for row in reader: line += 1 try: # skip empty rows and rows where the translation field is empty if (not row) or (not row[4]): continue # dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file # {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ..., # 'src': ..., 'value': ...} dic = {'lang': lang} for i in range(len(f)): # if trans_obj._columns[f[i]]._type == 'integer': # row[i] = row[i] and int(row[i]) or False dic[f[i]] = row[i] try: dic['res_id'] = int(dic['res_id']) except: model_data_ids = model_data_obj.search(cr, uid, [ ('model', '=', dic['name'].split(',')[0]), ('module', '=', dic['res_id'].split('.', 1)[0]), ('name', '=', dic['res_id'].split('.', 1)[1]), ]) if model_data_ids: dic['res_id'] = model_data_obj.browse(cr, uid, model_data_ids[0]).res_id else: dic['res_id'] = False if dic['type'] == 'model' and not strict: (model, field) = dic['name'].split(',') # get the ids of the resources of this model which share # the same source obj = pool.get(model) if obj: ids = obj.search(cr, uid, [(field, '=', dic['src'])]) # if the resource id (res_id) is in that list, use it, # otherwise use the whole list ids = (dic['res_id'] in ids) and [dic['res_id']] or ids for id in ids: dic['res_id'] = id ids = trans_obj.search(cr, uid, [ ('lang', '=', lang), ('type', '=', dic['type']), ('name', '=', dic['name']), ('src', '=', dic['src']), ('res_id', '=', dic['res_id']) ]) if ids: trans_obj.write(cr, uid, ids, {'value': dic['value']}) else: trans_obj.create(cr, uid, dic) else: ids = trans_obj.search(cr, uid, [ ('lang', '=', lang), ('type', '=', dic['type']), ('name', '=', dic['name']), ('src', '=', dic['src']) ]) if ids: trans_obj.write(cr, uid, ids, {'value': dic['value']}) else: trans_obj.create(cr, uid, dic) cr.commit() except Exception, e: logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Import error: %s on line %d: %s!' % (str(e), line, row)) cr.rollback() cr.close() cr = pooler.get_db(db_name).cursor() cr.close() logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_INFO, "translation file loaded succesfully") except IOError: logger.notifyChannel("init", netsvc.LOG_ERROR, "couldn't read file")