#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004 #see license.txt for license details #history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/docs/userguide/ch9_future.py from reportlab.tools.docco.rl_doc_utils import * heading1("Future Directions") disc("""We have a very long list of things we plan to do and what we do first will most likely be inspired by customer or user interest. """) disc(""" We plan to provide a large number of pre-designed Platypus example document types -- brochure, newsletter, business letter, thesis, memo, etcetera, to give our users a better boost towards the solutions they desire. """) disc(""" We plan to fully support adding fonts and internationalization, which are not well supported in the current release.""") disc(""" We plan to fully support some of the more obscure features of PDF such as general hyperlinks, which are not yet well supported. """) disc(""" We are also open for suggestions. Please let us know what you think is missing. You can also offer patches or contributions. Please look to $http://www.reportlab.com$ for the latest mailing list and contact information.""") # this comment is a trivial test of SF checkin rights - delete it some time! AR 2001-04-17