[[ repeatIn(objects,'voucher') ]] [[ get_title(voucher.type) ]] Journal: [[ voucher.type ]] Number: [[ voucher.number ]] State: PRO-FORMA [[ ((voucher.state == 'proforma') or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] Draft[[ ((voucher.state == 'draft') or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] Canceled [[ ((voucher.state == 'cancel') or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] Posted [[ ((voucher.state == 'posted') or removeParentNode('para')) and '' ]] Ref. : [[ voucher.reference or '' ]] Date: [[ formatLang(voucher.date , date=True) or '' ]] Particulars Debit Credit
[[ repeatIn(voucher.move_ids,'move_ids') ]] [[ (move_ids.partner_id and move_ids.partner_id.name) or 'Account']] [[ formatLang(move_ids.debit) ]] [[ formatLang(move_ids.credit) ]] [[ move_ids.account_id.name ]] [[ move_ids.name ]] - [[ get_ref(voucher.id,move_ids) ]]
Through : [[ voucher.narration or '']] On Account of : [[ voucher.name ]] Amount (in words) : [[ convert(voucher.amount,voucher.currency_id.name) ]] [[ debit(voucher.move_ids)]] [[ credit(voucher.move_ids) ]] Receiver's Signature Authorised Signatory