/* This software is allowed to use under GPL or you need to obtain Commercial or Enterise License to use it in not GPL project. Please contact sales@dhtmlx.com for details */ /* %e Day of the month without leading zeros (01..31) %d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros (01..31) %j Day of the year, 3 digits with leading zeros (001..366) %a A textual representation of a day, two letters %W A full textual representation of the day of the week %c Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros (0..12) %m Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros (00..12) %b A short textual representation of a month, three letters (Jan..Dec) %M A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March (January..December) %y A two digit representation of a year (93..03) %Y A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits (1993..03) */ scheduler.config={ default_date: "%j %M %Y", month_date: "%F %Y", load_date: "%Y-%m-%d", week_date: "%l", day_date: "%D, %F %j", hour_date: "%H:%i", month_day : "%d", xml_date:"%m/%d/%Y %H:%i", api_date:"%d-%m-%Y %H:%i", hour_size_px:42, time_step:5, start_on_monday:1, first_hour:0, last_hour:24, readonly:false, drag_resize:1, drag_move:1, drag_create:1, dblclick_create:1, edit_on_create:1, details_on_create:0, click_form_details:0, cascade_event_display: false, cascade_event_count:4, cascade_event_margin: 30, drag_lightbox:true, preserve_scroll:true, server_utc:false, positive_closing:false, icons_edit:["icon_save","icon_cancel"], icons_select:["icon_details","icon_edit","icon_delete"], buttons_left:["dhx_save_btn","dhx_cancel_btn"], buttons_right:["dhx_delete_btn"], lightbox:{ sections:[ {name:"description", height:200, map_to:"text", type:"textarea" , focus:true}, {name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"} ] }, repeat_date_of_end: "01.01.2010" }; scheduler.templates={}; scheduler.init_templates=function(){ var d=scheduler.date.date_to_str; var c=scheduler.config; var f = function(a,b){ for (var c in b) if (!a[c]) a[c]=b[c]; }; f(scheduler.templates,{ day_date:d(c.default_date), month_date:d(c.month_date), week_date:function(d1,d2){ return scheduler.templates.day_date(d1)+" – "+scheduler.templates.day_date(scheduler.date.add(d2,-1,"day")); }, day_scale_date:d(c.default_date), month_scale_date:d(c.week_date), week_scale_date:d(c.day_date), hour_scale:d(c.hour_date), time_picker:d(c.hour_date), event_date:d(c.hour_date), month_day:d(c.month_day), xml_date:scheduler.date.str_to_date(c.xml_date,c.server_utc), load_format:d(c.load_date,c.server_utc), xml_format:d(c.xml_date,c.server_utc), api_date:scheduler.date.str_to_date(c.api_date), event_header:function(start,end,ev){ return scheduler.templates.event_date(start)+" - "+scheduler.templates.event_date(end); }, event_text:function(start,end,ev){ return ev.text; }, event_class:function(start,end,ev){ return ""; }, month_date_class:function(d){ return ""; }, week_date_class:function(d){ return ""; }, event_bar_date:function(start,end,ev){ return scheduler.templates.event_date(start)+" "; }, event_bar_text:function(start,end,ev){ return ev.text; } }); this.callEvent("onTemplatesReady",[]); };