var py = require('../lib/py.js'), expect = require('expect.js'); var ev = function (str, context) { return py.evaluate(py.parse(py.tokenize(str)), context); }; describe('Literals', function () { describe('Number', function () { it('should have the right type', function () { expect(ev('1')); }); it('should yield the corresponding JS value', function () { expect(py.eval('1')); expect(py.eval('42')); expect(py.eval('9999')); }); it('should correctly handle negative literals', function () { expect(py.eval('-1')); expect(py.eval('-42')); expect(py.eval('-9999')); }); it('should correctly handle float literals', function () { expect(py.eval('.42')); expect(py.eval('1.2')); }); }); describe('Booleans', function () { it('should have the right type', function () { expect(ev('False')); expect(ev('True')); }); it('should yield the corresponding JS value', function () { expect(py.eval('False')); expect(py.eval('True')); }); }); describe('None', function () { it('should have the right type', function () { expect(ev('None')) }); it('should yield a JS null', function () { expect(py.eval('None')); }); }); describe('String', function () { it('should have the right type', function () { expect(ev('"foo"')); expect(ev("'foo'")); }); it('should yield the corresponding JS string', function () { expect(py.eval('"somestring"'))'somestring'); expect(py.eval("'somestring'"))'somestring'); }); }); describe('Tuple', function () { it('shoud have the right type', function () { expect(ev('()')); }); it('should map to a JS array', function () { expect(py.eval('()')).to.eql([]); expect(py.eval('(1, 2, 3)')).to.eql([1, 2, 3]); }); }); describe('List', function () { it('shoud have the right type', function () { expect(ev('[]')); }); it('should map to a JS array', function () { expect(py.eval('[]')).to.eql([]); expect(py.eval('[1, 2, 3]')).to.eql([1, 2, 3]); }); }); describe('Dict', function () { it('shoud have the right type', function () { expect(ev('{}')); }); it('should map to a JS object', function () { expect(py.eval("{}")).to.eql({}); expect(py.eval("{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}")) .to.eql({foo: 1, bar: 2}); }); }); }); describe('Free variables', function () { it('should return its identity', function () { expect(py.eval('foo', {foo: 1})); expect(py.eval('foo', {foo: true})); expect(py.eval('foo', {foo: false})); expect(py.eval('foo', {foo: null})); expect(py.eval('foo', {foo: 'bar'}))'bar'); }); }); describe('Comparisons', function () { describe('equality', function () { it('should work with literals', function () { expect(py.eval('1 == 1')); expect(py.eval('"foo" == "foo"')); expect(py.eval('"foo" == "bar"')); }); it('should work with free variables', function () { expect(py.eval('1 == a', {a: 1})); expect(py.eval('foo == "bar"', {foo: 'bar'})); expect(py.eval('foo == "bar"', {foo: 'qux'})); }); }); describe('inequality', function () { it('should work with literals', function () { expect(py.eval('1 != 2')); expect(py.eval('"foo" != "foo"')); expect(py.eval('"foo" != "bar"')); }); it('should work with free variables', function () { expect(py.eval('1 != a', {a: 42})); expect(py.eval('foo != "bar"', {foo: 'bar'})); expect(py.eval('foo != "bar"', {foo: 'qux'})); expect(py.eval('foo != bar', {foo: 'qux', bar: 'quux'})); }); }); describe('rich comparisons', function () { it('should work with numbers', function () { expect(py.eval('3 < 5')); expect(py.eval('5 >= 3')); expect(py.eval('3 >= 3')); expect(py.eval('3 > 5')); }); it('should support comparison chains', function () { expect(py.eval('1 < 3 < 5')); expect(py.eval('5 > 3 > 1')); expect(py.eval('1 < 3 > 2 == 2 > -2')); }); it('should compare strings', function () { expect(py.eval('date >= current', {date: '2010-06-08', current: '2010-06-05'})); expect(py.eval('state == "cancel"', {state: 'cancel'})); expect(py.eval('state == "cancel"', {state: 'open'})); }); }); describe('missing eq/neq', function () { it('should fall back on identity', function () { var typ = new py.type(function MyType() {}); expect(py.eval('MyType() == MyType()', {MyType: typ})); }); }); describe('un-comparable types', function () { it('should default to type-name ordering', function () { var t1 = new py.type(function Type1() {}); var t2 = new py.type(function Type2() {}); expect(py.eval('T1() < T2()', {T1: t1, T2: t2})); expect(py.eval('T1() > T2()', {T1: t1, T2: t2})); }); it('should handle native stuff', function () { expect(py.eval('None < 42')); expect(py.eval('42 > None')); expect(py.eval('None > 42')); expect(py.eval('None < False')); expect(py.eval('None < True')); expect(py.eval('False > None')); expect(py.eval('True > None')); expect(py.eval('None > False')); expect(py.eval('None > True')); expect(py.eval('False < ""')); expect(py.eval('"" > False')); expect(py.eval('False > ""')); }); }); }); describe('Boolean operators', function () { it('should work', function () { expect(py.eval("foo == 'foo' or foo == 'bar'", {foo: 'bar'}));; expect(py.eval("foo == 'foo' and bar == 'bar'", {foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'}));; }); it('should be lazy', function () { // second clause should nameerror if evaluated expect(py.eval("foo == 'foo' or bar == 'bar'", {foo: 'foo'}));; expect(py.eval("foo == 'foo' and bar == 'bar'", {foo: 'bar'}));; }); it('should return the actual object', function () { expect(py.eval('"foo" or "bar"'))'foo'); expect(py.eval('None or "bar"'))'bar'); expect(py.eval('False or None')); expect(py.eval('0 or 1')); }); }); describe('Containment', function () { describe('in sequences', function () { it('should match collection items', function () { expect(py.eval("'bar' in ('foo', 'bar')")); expect(py.eval('1 in (1, 2, 3, 4)'));; expect(py.eval('1 in (2, 3, 4)'));; expect(py.eval('"url" in ("url",)')); expect(py.eval('"foo" in ["foo", "bar"]')); }); it('should not be recursive', function () { expect(py.eval('"ur" in ("url",)'));; }); it('should be negatable', function () { expect(py.eval('1 not in (2, 3, 4)')); expect(py.eval('"ur" not in ("url",)')); expect(py.eval('-2 not in (1, 2, 3)')); }); }); describe('in dict', function () { // TODO }); describe('in strings', function () { it('should match the whole string', function () { expect(py.eval('"view" in "view"')); expect(py.eval('"bob" in "view"')); }); it('should match substrings', function () { expect(py.eval('"ur" in "url"')); }); }); }); describe('Conversions', function () { describe('to bool', function () { describe('strings', function () { it('should be true if non-empty', function () { expect(py.eval('bool(date_deadline)', {date_deadline: '2008'})); }); it('should be false if empty', function () { expect(py.eval('bool(s)', {s: ''})); }); }); }); }); describe('Attribute access', function () { it("should return the attribute's value", function () { var o = new py.object(); = py.True; expect(py.eval('', {foo: o})); = py.False; expect(py.eval('', {foo: o})); }); it("should work with functions", function () { var o = new py.object(); = new py.def(function () { return new py.str("ok"); }); expect(py.eval('', {foo: o}))'ok'); }); it('should not convert function attributes into methods', function () { var o = new py.object(); = new py.type(function bar() {}); = function () { return; } = py.True; expect(py.eval('', {foo: o})); }); it('should work on instance attributes', function () { var typ = py.type(function MyType() { this.attr = new py.float(3); }, py.object, {}); expect(py.eval('MyType().attr', {MyType: typ})); }); it('should work on class attributes', function () { var typ = py.type(function MyType() {}, py.object, { attr: new py.float(3) }); expect(py.eval('MyType().attr', {MyType: typ})); }); it('should work with methods', function () { var typ = py.type(function MyType() { this.attr = new py.float(3); }, py.object, { some_method: function () { return new py.str('ok'); }, get_attr: function () { return this.attr; } }); expect(py.eval('MyType().some_method()', {MyType: typ}))'ok'); expect(py.eval('MyType().get_attr()', {MyType: typ})); }); }); describe('Callables', function () { it('should wrap JS functions', function () { expect(py.eval('foo()', {foo: function foo() { return new py.float(3); }})); }); it('should work on custom types', function () { var typ = py.type(function MyType() {}, py.object, { toJSON: function () { return true; } }); expect(py.eval('MyType()', {MyType: typ})); }); it('should accept kwargs', function () { expect(py.eval('foo(ok=True)', { foo: function foo() { return py.True; } })); }); it('should be able to get its kwargs', function () { expect(py.eval('foo(ok=True)', { foo: function foo(args, kwargs) { return kwargs.ok; } })); }); it('should be able to have both args and kwargs', function () { expect(py.eval('foo(1, 2, 3, ok=True, nok=False)', { foo: function (args, kwargs) { expect(args).to.have.length(3); expect(args[0].toJSON()); expect(kwargs).to.only.have.keys('ok', 'nok') expect(kwargs.nok.toJSON()); return kwargs.ok; } })); }); }); describe('issubclass', function () { it('should say a type is its own subclass', function () { expect(py.issubclass.__call__([py.dict, py.dict]).toJSON()); expect(py.eval('issubclass(dict, dict)')); }); it('should work with subtypes', function () { expect(py.issubclass.__call__([py.bool, py.object]).toJSON()); }); }); describe('builtins', function () { it('should aways be available', function () { expect(py.eval('bool("foo")')); }); }); describe('numerical protocols', function () { describe('True numbers (float)', function () { describe('Basic arithmetic', function () { it('can be added', function () { expect(py.eval('1 + 1')); expect(py.eval('1.5 + 2')); expect(py.eval('1 + -1')); }); it('can be subtracted', function () { expect(py.eval('1 - 1')); expect(py.eval('1.5 - 2')); expect(py.eval('2 - 1.5')); }); it('can be multiplied', function () { expect(py.eval('1 * 3')); expect(py.eval('0 * 5')); expect(py.eval('42 * -2')); }); it('can be divided', function () { expect(py.eval('1 / 2')); expect(py.eval('2 / 1')); }); }); }); describe('Strings', function () { describe('Basic arithmetics operators', function () { it('can be added (concatenation)', function () { expect(py.eval('"foo" + "bar"'))'foobar'); }); }); }); }); describe('Type converter', function () { it('should convert bare objects to objects', function () { expect(py.eval('', {foo: {bar: 3}})); }); it('should convert arrays to lists', function () { expect(py.eval('foo[3]', {foo: [9, 8, 7, 6, 5]})); }); });