# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## """ Fields: - simple - relations (one2many, many2one, many2many) - function Fields Attributes: * _classic_read: is a classic sql fields * _type : field type * readonly * required * size """ import datetime as DT import string import sys import warnings import xmlrpclib from psycopg2 import Binary import openerp.netsvc as netsvc import openerp.tools as tools from openerp.tools.translate import _ def _symbol_set(symb): if symb == None or symb == False: return None elif isinstance(symb, unicode): return symb.encode('utf-8') return str(symb) class _column(object): """ Base of all fields, a database column An instance of this object is a *description* of a database column. It will not hold any data, but only provide the methods to manipulate data of an ORM record or even prepare/update the database to hold such a field of data. """ _classic_read = True _classic_write = True _prefetch = True _properties = False _type = 'unknown' _obj = None _multi = False _symbol_c = '%s' _symbol_f = _symbol_set _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f) _symbol_get = None def __init__(self, string='unknown', required=False, readonly=False, domain=None, context=None, states=None, priority=0, change_default=False, size=None, ondelete="set null", translate=False, select=False, manual=False, **args): """ The 'manual' keyword argument specifies if the field is a custom one. It corresponds to the 'state' column in ir_model_fields. """ if domain is None: domain = [] if context is None: context = {} self.states = states or {} self.string = string self.readonly = readonly self.required = required self.size = size self.help = args.get('help', '') self.priority = priority self.change_default = change_default self.ondelete = ondelete self.translate = translate self._domain = domain self._context = context self.write = False self.read = False self.view_load = 0 self.select = select self.manual = manual self.selectable = True self.group_operator = args.get('group_operator', False) for a in args: if args[a]: setattr(self, a, args[a]) def restart(self): pass def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context=None): cr.execute('update '+obj._table+' set '+name+'='+self._symbol_set[0]+' where id=%s', (self._symbol_set[1](value), id)) def set_memory(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context=None): raise Exception(_('Not implemented set_memory method !')) def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context=None, values=None): raise Exception(_('Not implemented get_memory method !')) def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None): raise Exception(_('undefined get method !')) def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, context=None): ids = obj.search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[(name, 'ilike', value)], offset, limit, context=context) res = obj.read(cr, uid, ids, [name], context=context) return [x[name] for x in res] def search_memory(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, context=None): raise Exception(_('Not implemented search_memory method !')) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Simple fields # --------------------------------------------------------- class boolean(_column): _type = 'boolean' _symbol_c = '%s' _symbol_f = lambda x: x and 'True' or 'False' _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f) class integer(_column): _type = 'integer' _symbol_c = '%s' _symbol_f = lambda x: int(x or 0) _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f) _symbol_get = lambda self,x: x or 0 class integer_big(_column): _type = 'integer_big' # do not reference the _symbol_* of integer class, as that would possibly # unbind the lambda functions _symbol_c = '%s' _symbol_f = lambda x: int(x or 0) _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f) _symbol_get = lambda self,x: x or 0 class reference(_column): _type = 'reference' def __init__(self, string, selection, size, **args): _column.__init__(self, string=string, size=size, selection=selection, **args) class char(_column): _type = 'char' def __init__(self, string, size, **args): _column.__init__(self, string=string, size=size, **args) self._symbol_set = (self._symbol_c, self._symbol_set_char) # takes a string (encoded in utf8) and returns a string (encoded in utf8) def _symbol_set_char(self, symb): #TODO: # * we need to remove the "symb==False" from the next line BUT # for now too many things rely on this broken behavior # * the symb==None test should be common to all data types if symb == None or symb == False: return None # we need to convert the string to a unicode object to be able # to evaluate its length (and possibly truncate it) reliably u_symb = tools.ustr(symb) return u_symb[:self.size].encode('utf8') class text(_column): _type = 'text' import __builtin__ class float(_column): _type = 'float' _symbol_c = '%s' _symbol_f = lambda x: __builtin__.float(x or 0.0) _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f) _symbol_get = lambda self,x: x or 0.0 def __init__(self, string='unknown', digits=None, digits_compute=None, **args): _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args) self.digits = digits self.digits_compute = digits_compute def digits_change(self, cr): if self.digits_compute: t = self.digits_compute(cr) self._symbol_set=('%s', lambda x: ('%.'+str(t[1])+'f') % (__builtin__.float(x or 0.0),)) self.digits = t class date(_column): _type = 'date' @staticmethod def today(*args): """ Returns the current date in a format fit for being a default value to a ``date`` field. This method should be provided as is to the _defaults dict, it should not be called. """ return DT.date.today().strftime( tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) class datetime(_column): _type = 'datetime' @staticmethod def now(*args): """ Returns the current datetime in a format fit for being a default value to a ``datetime`` field. This method should be provided as is to the _defaults dict, it should not be called. """ return DT.datetime.now().strftime( tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) class time(_column): _type = 'time' @staticmethod def now( *args): """ Returns the current time in a format fit for being a default value to a ``time`` field. This method should be proivided as is to the _defaults dict, it should not be called. """ return DT.datetime.now().strftime( tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT) class binary(_column): _type = 'binary' _symbol_c = '%s' _symbol_f = lambda symb: symb and Binary(symb) or None _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f) _symbol_get = lambda self, x: x and str(x) _classic_read = False _prefetch = False def __init__(self, string='unknown', filters=None, **args): _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args) self.filters = filters def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context=None, values=None): if not context: context = {} if not values: values = [] res = {} for i in ids: val = None for v in values: if v['id'] == i: val = v[name] break # If client is requesting only the size of the field, we return it instead # of the content. Presumably a separate request will be done to read the actual # content if it's needed at some point. # TODO: after 6.0 we should consider returning a dict with size and content instead of # having an implicit convention for the value if val and context.get('bin_size_%s' % name, context.get('bin_size')): res[i] = tools.human_size(long(val)) else: res[i] = val return res get = get_memory class selection(_column): _type = 'selection' def __init__(self, selection, string='unknown', **args): _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args) self.selection = selection # --------------------------------------------------------- # Relationals fields # --------------------------------------------------------- # # Values: (0, 0, { fields }) create # (1, ID, { fields }) update # (2, ID) remove (delete) # (3, ID) unlink one (target id or target of relation) # (4, ID) link # (5) unlink all (only valid for one2many) # #CHECKME: dans la pratique c'est quoi la syntaxe utilisee pour le 5? (5) ou (5, 0)? class one2one(_column): _classic_read = False _classic_write = True _type = 'one2one' def __init__(self, obj, string='unknown', **args): warnings.warn("The one2one field doesn't work anymore", DeprecationWarning) _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args) self._obj = obj def set(self, cr, obj_src, id, field, act, user=None, context=None): if not context: context = {} obj = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj) self._table = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)._table if act[0] == 0: id_new = obj.create(cr, user, act[1]) cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%s where id=%s', (id_new, id)) else: cr.execute('select '+field+' from '+obj_src._table+' where id=%s', (act[0],)) id = cr.fetchone()[0] obj.write(cr, user, [id], act[1], context=context) def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, context=None): return obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[('name', 'like', value)], offset, limit, context=context) class many2one(_column): _classic_read = False _classic_write = True _type = 'many2one' _symbol_c = '%s' _symbol_f = lambda x: x or None _symbol_set = (_symbol_c, _symbol_f) def __init__(self, obj, string='unknown', **args): _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args) self._obj = obj def set_memory(self, cr, obj, id, field, values, user=None, context=None): obj.datas.setdefault(id, {}) obj.datas[id][field] = values def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context=None, values=None): result = {} for id in ids: result[id] = obj.datas[id].get(name, False) # build a dictionary of the form {'id_of_distant_resource': name_of_distant_resource} # we use uid=1 because the visibility of a many2one field value (just id and name) # must be the access right of the parent form and not the linked object itself. obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj) records = dict(obj.name_get(cr, 1, list(set([x for x in result.values() if x and isinstance(x, (int,long))])), context=context)) for id in ids: if result[id] in records: result[id] = (result[id], records[result[id]]) else: result[id] = False return result def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, context=None, values=None): if context is None: context = {} if values is None: values = {} res = {} for r in values: res[r['id']] = r[name] for id in ids: res.setdefault(id, '') obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj) # build a dictionary of the form {'id_of_distant_resource': name_of_distant_resource} # we use uid=1 because the visibility of a many2one field value (just id and name) # must be the access right of the parent form and not the linked object itself. records = dict(obj.name_get(cr, 1, list(set([x for x in res.values() if isinstance(x, (int,long))])), context=context)) for id in res: if res[id] in records: res[id] = (res[id], records[res[id]]) else: res[id] = False return res def set(self, cr, obj_src, id, field, values, user=None, context=None): if not context: context = {} obj = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj) self._table = obj_src.pool.get(self._obj)._table if type(values) == type([]): for act in values: if act[0] == 0: id_new = obj.create(cr, act[2]) cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%s where id=%s', (id_new, id)) elif act[0] == 1: obj.write(cr, [act[1]], act[2], context=context) elif act[0] == 2: cr.execute('delete from '+self._table+' where id=%s', (act[1],)) elif act[0] == 3 or act[0] == 5: cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=null where id=%s', (id,)) elif act[0] == 4: cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%s where id=%s', (act[1], id)) else: if values: cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=%s where id=%s', (values, id)) else: cr.execute('update '+obj_src._table+' set '+field+'=null where id=%s', (id,)) def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, context=None): return obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[('name', 'like', value)], offset, limit, context=context) class one2many(_column): _classic_read = False _classic_write = False _prefetch = False _type = 'one2many' def __init__(self, obj, fields_id, string='unknown', limit=None, **args): _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args) self._obj = obj self._fields_id = fields_id self._limit = limit #one2many can't be used as condition for defaults assert(self.change_default != True) def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None): if context is None: context = {} if self._context: context = context.copy() context.update(self._context) if not values: values = {} res = {} for id in ids: res[id] = [] ids2 = obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, user, [(self._fields_id, 'in', ids)], limit=self._limit, context=context) for r in obj.pool.get(self._obj).read(cr, user, ids2, [self._fields_id], context=context, load='_classic_write'): if r[self._fields_id] in res: res[r[self._fields_id]].append(r['id']) return res def set_memory(self, cr, obj, id, field, values, user=None, context=None): if not context: context = {} if self._context: context = context.copy() context.update(self._context) if not values: return obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj) for act in values: if act[0] == 0: act[2][self._fields_id] = id obj.create(cr, user, act[2], context=context) elif act[0] == 1: obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], act[2], context=context) elif act[0] == 2: obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context) elif act[0] == 3: obj.datas[act[1]][self._fields_id] = False elif act[0] == 4: obj.datas[act[1]][self._fields_id] = id elif act[0] == 5: for o in obj.datas.values(): if o[self._fields_id] == id: o[self._fields_id] = False elif act[0] == 6: for id2 in (act[2] or []): obj.datas[id2][self._fields_id] = id def search_memory(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, operator='like', context=None): raise _('Not Implemented') def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None): if context is None: context = {} if self._context: context = context.copy() context.update(self._context) if values is None: values = {} res = {} for id in ids: res[id] = [] ids2 = obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, user, self._domain + [(self._fields_id, 'in', ids)], limit=self._limit, context=context) for r in obj.pool.get(self._obj)._read_flat(cr, user, ids2, [self._fields_id], context=context, load='_classic_write'): if r[self._fields_id] in res: res[r[self._fields_id]].append(r['id']) return res def set(self, cr, obj, id, field, values, user=None, context=None): result = [] if not context: context = {} if self._context: context = context.copy() context.update(self._context) context['no_store_function'] = True if not values: return _table = obj.pool.get(self._obj)._table obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj) for act in values: if act[0] == 0: act[2][self._fields_id] = id id_new = obj.create(cr, user, act[2], context=context) result += obj._store_get_values(cr, user, [id_new], act[2].keys(), context) elif act[0] == 1: obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], act[2], context=context) elif act[0] == 2: obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context) elif act[0] == 3: reverse_rel = obj._all_columns.get(self._fields_id) assert reverse_rel, 'Trying to unlink the content of a o2m but the pointed model does not have a m2o' # if the model has on delete cascade, just delete the row if reverse_rel.column.ondelete == "cascade": obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context) else: cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=null where id=%s', (act[1],)) elif act[0] == 4: # Must use write() to recompute parent_store structure if needed obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], {self._fields_id:id}, context=context or {}) elif act[0] == 5: reverse_rel = obj._all_columns.get(self._fields_id) assert reverse_rel, 'Trying to unlink the content of a o2m but the pointed model does not have a m2o' # if the model has on delete cascade, just delete the rows if reverse_rel.column.ondelete == "cascade": obj.unlink(cr, user, obj.search(cr, user, [(self._fields_id,'=',id)], context=context), context=context) else: cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=null where '+self._fields_id+'=%s', (id,)) elif act[0] == 6: # Must use write() to recompute parent_store structure if needed obj.write(cr, user, act[2], {self._fields_id:id}, context=context or {}) ids2 = act[2] or [0] cr.execute('select id from '+_table+' where '+self._fields_id+'=%s and id <> ALL (%s)', (id,ids2)) ids3 = map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()) obj.write(cr, user, ids3, {self._fields_id:False}, context=context or {}) return result def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, operator='like', context=None): return obj.pool.get(self._obj).name_search(cr, uid, value, self._domain, operator, context=context,limit=limit) # # Values: (0, 0, { fields }) create # (1, ID, { fields }) update (write fields to ID) # (2, ID) remove (calls unlink on ID, that will also delete the relationship because of the ondelete) # (3, ID) unlink (delete the relationship between the two objects but does not delete ID) # (4, ID) link (add a relationship) # (5, ID) unlink all # (6, ?, ids) set a list of links # class many2many(_column): _classic_read = False _classic_write = False _prefetch = False _type = 'many2many' def __init__(self, obj, rel, id1, id2, string='unknown', limit=None, **args): _column.__init__(self, string=string, **args) self._obj = obj if '.' in rel: raise Exception(_('The second argument of the many2many field %s must be a SQL table !'\ 'You used %s, which is not a valid SQL table name.')% (string,rel)) self._rel = rel self._id1 = id1 self._id2 = id2 self._limit = limit def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None): if not context: context = {} if not values: values = {} res = {} if not ids: return res for id in ids: res[id] = [] if offset: warnings.warn("Specifying offset at a many2many.get() may produce unpredictable results.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj) # static domains are lists, and are evaluated both here and on client-side, while string # domains supposed by dynamic and evaluated on client-side only (thus ignored here) # FIXME: make this distinction explicit in API! domain = isinstance(self._domain, list) and self._domain or [] wquery = obj._where_calc(cr, user, domain, context=context) obj._apply_ir_rules(cr, user, wquery, 'read', context=context) from_c, where_c, where_params = wquery.get_sql() if where_c: where_c = ' AND ' + where_c if offset or self._limit: order_by = ' ORDER BY "%s".%s' %(obj._table, obj._order.split(',')[0]) else: order_by = '' limit_str = '' if self._limit is not None: limit_str = ' LIMIT %d' % self._limit query = 'SELECT %(rel)s.%(id2)s, %(rel)s.%(id1)s \ FROM %(rel)s, %(from_c)s \ WHERE %(rel)s.%(id1)s IN %%s \ AND %(rel)s.%(id2)s = %(tbl)s.id \ %(where_c)s \ %(order_by)s \ %(limit)s \ OFFSET %(offset)d' \ % {'rel': self._rel, 'from_c': from_c, 'tbl': obj._table, 'id1': self._id1, 'id2': self._id2, 'where_c': where_c, 'limit': limit_str, 'order_by': order_by, 'offset': offset, } cr.execute(query, [tuple(ids),] + where_params) for r in cr.fetchall(): res[r[1]].append(r[0]) return res def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, values, user=None, context=None): if not context: context = {} if not values: return obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj) for act in values: if not (isinstance(act, list) or isinstance(act, tuple)) or not act: continue if act[0] == 0: idnew = obj.create(cr, user, act[2], context=context) cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%s,%s)', (id, idnew)) elif act[0] == 1: obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], act[2], context=context) elif act[0] == 2: obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context) elif act[0] == 3: cr.execute('delete from '+self._rel+' where ' + self._id1 + '=%s and '+ self._id2 + '=%s', (id, act[1])) elif act[0] == 4: # following queries are in the same transaction - so should be relatively safe cr.execute('SELECT 1 FROM '+self._rel+' WHERE '+self._id1+' = %s and '+self._id2+' = %s', (id, act[1])) if not cr.fetchone(): cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%s,%s)', (id, act[1])) elif act[0] == 5: cr.execute('update '+self._rel+' set '+self._id2+'=null where '+self._id2+'=%s', (id,)) elif act[0] == 6: d1, d2,tables = obj.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, user, obj._name, context=context) if d1: d1 = ' and ' + ' and '.join(d1) else: d1 = '' cr.execute('delete from '+self._rel+' where '+self._id1+'=%s AND '+self._id2+' IN (SELECT '+self._rel+'.'+self._id2+' FROM '+self._rel+', '+','.join(tables)+' WHERE '+self._rel+'.'+self._id1+'=%s AND '+self._rel+'.'+self._id2+' = '+obj._table+'.id '+ d1 +')', [id, id]+d2) for act_nbr in act[2]: cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%s, %s)', (id, act_nbr)) # # TODO: use a name_search # def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, operator='like', context=None): return obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, uid, args+self._domain+[('name', operator, value)], offset, limit, context=context) def get_memory(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None): result = {} for id in ids: result[id] = obj.datas[id].get(name, []) return result def set_memory(self, cr, obj, id, name, values, user=None, context=None): if not values: return for act in values: # TODO: use constants instead of these magic numbers if act[0] == 0: raise _('Not Implemented') elif act[0] == 1: raise _('Not Implemented') elif act[0] == 2: raise _('Not Implemented') elif act[0] == 3: raise _('Not Implemented') elif act[0] == 4: raise _('Not Implemented') elif act[0] == 5: raise _('Not Implemented') elif act[0] == 6: obj.datas[id][name] = act[2] def get_nice_size(value): size = 0 if isinstance(value, (int,long)): size = value elif value: # this is supposed to be a string size = len(value) return tools.human_size(size) def sanitize_binary_value(value): # binary fields should be 7-bit ASCII base64-encoded data, # but we do additional sanity checks to make sure the values # are not something else that won't pass via xmlrpc if isinstance(value, (xmlrpclib.Binary, tuple, list, dict)): # these builtin types are meant to pass untouched return value # For all other cases, handle the value as a binary string: # it could be a 7-bit ASCII string (e.g base64 data), but also # any 8-bit content from files, with byte values that cannot # be passed inside XML! # See for more info: # - http://bugs.python.org/issue10066 # - http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#NT-Char # # One solution is to convert the byte-string to unicode, # so it gets serialized as utf-8 encoded data (always valid XML) # If invalid XML byte values were present, tools.ustr() uses # the Latin-1 codec as fallback, which converts any 8-bit # byte value, resulting in valid utf-8-encoded bytes # in the end: # >>> unicode('\xe1','latin1').encode('utf8') == '\xc3\xa1' # Note: when this happens, decoding on the other endpoint # is not likely to produce the expected output, but this is # just a safety mechanism (in these cases base64 data or # xmlrpc.Binary values should be used instead) return tools.ustr(value) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Function fields # --------------------------------------------------------- class function(_column): """ A field whose value is computed by a function (rather than being read from the database). :param fnct: the callable that will compute the field value. :param arg: arbitrary value to be passed to ``fnct`` when computing the value. :param fnct_inv: the callable that will allow writing values in that field (if not provided, the field is read-only). :param fnct_inv_arg: arbitrary value to be passed to ``fnct_inv`` when writing a value. :param str type: type of the field simulated by the function field :param fnct_search: the callable that allows searching on the field (if not provided, search will not return any result). :param store: store computed value in database (see :ref:`The *store* parameter `). :type store: True or dict specifying triggers for field computation :param multi: name of batch for batch computation of function fields. All fields with the same batch name will be computed by a single function call. This changes the signature of the ``fnct`` callable. .. _field-function-fnct: The ``fnct`` parameter .. rubric:: The ``fnct`` parameter The callable implementing the function field must have the following signature: .. function:: fnct(model, cr, uid, ids, field_name(s), arg, context) Implements the function field. :param orm_template model: model to which the field belongs (should be ``self`` for a model method) :param field_name(s): name of the field to compute, or if ``multi`` is provided, list of field names to compute. :type field_name(s): str | [str] :param arg: arbitrary value passed when declaring the function field :rtype: dict :return: mapping of ``ids`` to computed values, or if multi is provided, to a map of field_names to computed values The values in the returned dictionary must be of the type specified by the type argument in the field declaration. Here is an example with a simple function ``char`` function field:: # declarations def compute(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context): result = {} # ... return result _columns['my_char'] = fields.function(compute, type='char', size=50) # when called with ``ids=[1,2,3]``, ``compute`` could return: { 1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: False # null values should be returned explicitly too } If ``multi`` is set, then ``field_name`` is replaced by ``field_names``: a list of the field names that should be computed. Each value in the returned dictionary must then be a dictionary mapping field names to values. Here is an example where two function fields (``name`` and ``age``) are both computed by a single function field:: # declarations def compute(self, cr, uid, ids, field_names, arg, context): result = {} # ... return result _columns['name'] = fields.function(compute_person_data, type='char',\ size=50, multi='person_data') _columns[''age'] = fields.function(compute_person_data, type='integer',\ multi='person_data') # when called with ``ids=[1,2,3]``, ``compute_person_data`` could return: { 1: {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 23}, 2: {'name': 'Sally', 'age': 19}, 3: {'name': 'unknown', 'age': False} } .. _field-function-fnct-inv: .. rubric:: The ``fnct_inv`` parameter This callable implements the write operation for the function field and must have the following signature: .. function:: fnct_inv(model, cr, uid, ids, field_name, field_value, fnct_inv_arg, context) Callable that implements the ``write`` operation for the function field. :param orm_template model: model to which the field belongs (should be ``self`` for a model method) :param str field_name: name of the field to set :param fnct_inv_arg: arbitrary value passed when declaring the function field :return: True When writing values for a function field, the ``multi`` parameter is ignored. .. _field-function-fnct-search: .. rubric:: The ``fnct_search`` parameter This callable implements the search operation for the function field and must have the following signature: .. function:: fnct_search(model, cr, uid, model_again, field_name, criterion, context) Callable that implements the ``search`` operation for the function field by expanding a search criterion based on the function field into a new domain based only on columns that are stored in the database. :param orm_template model: model to which the field belongs (should be ``self`` for a model method) :param orm_template model_again: same value as ``model`` (seriously! this is for backwards compatibility) :param str field_name: name of the field to search on :param list criterion: domain component specifying the search criterion on the field. :rtype: list :return: domain to use instead of ``criterion`` when performing the search. This new domain must be based only on columns stored in the database, as it will be used directly without any translation. The returned value must be a domain, that is, a list of the form [(field_name, operator, operand)]. The most generic way to implement ``fnct_search`` is to directly search for the records that match the given ``criterion``, and return their ``ids`` wrapped in a domain, such as ``[('id','in',[1,3,5])]``. .. _field-function-store: .. rubric:: The ``store`` parameter The ``store`` parameter allows caching the result of the field computation in the database, and defining the triggers that will invalidate that cache and force a recomputation of the function field. When not provided, the field is computed every time its value is read. The value of ``store`` may be either ``True`` (to recompute the field value whenever any field in the same record is modified), or a dictionary specifying a more flexible set of recomputation triggers. A trigger specification is a dictionary that maps the names of the models that will trigger the computation, to a tuple describing the trigger rule, in the following form:: store = { 'trigger_model': (mapping_function, ['trigger_field1', 'trigger_field2'], priority), } A trigger rule is defined by a 3-item tuple where: * The ``mapping_function`` is defined as follows: .. function:: mapping_function(trigger_model, cr, uid, trigger_ids, context) Callable that maps record ids of a trigger model to ids of the corresponding records in the source model (whose field values need to be recomputed). :param orm_template model: trigger_model :param list trigger_ids: ids of the records of trigger_model that were modified :rtype: list :return: list of ids of the source model whose function field values need to be recomputed * The second item is a list of the fields who should act as triggers for the computation. If an empty list is given, all fields will act as triggers. * The last item is the priority, used to order the triggers when processing them after any write operation on a model that has function field triggers. The default priority is 10. In fact, setting store = True is the same as using the following trigger dict:: store = { 'model_itself': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, context: ids, [], 10) } """ _classic_read = False _classic_write = False _prefetch = False _type = 'function' _properties = True # # multi: compute several fields in one call # def __init__(self, fnct, arg=None, fnct_inv=None, fnct_inv_arg=None, type='float', fnct_search=None, obj=None, store=False, multi=False, **args): _column.__init__(self, **args) self._obj = obj self._fnct = fnct self._fnct_inv = fnct_inv self._arg = arg self._multi = multi if 'relation' in args: self._obj = args['relation'] self.digits = args.get('digits', (16,2)) self.digits_compute = args.get('digits_compute', None) self._fnct_inv_arg = fnct_inv_arg if not fnct_inv: self.readonly = 1 self._type = type self._fnct_search = fnct_search self.store = store if not fnct_search and not store: self.selectable = False if store: if self._type != 'many2one': # m2o fields need to return tuples with name_get, not just foreign keys self._classic_read = True self._classic_write = True if type=='binary': self._symbol_get=lambda x:x and str(x) if type == 'float': self._symbol_c = float._symbol_c self._symbol_f = float._symbol_f self._symbol_set = float._symbol_set if type == 'boolean': self._symbol_c = boolean._symbol_c self._symbol_f = boolean._symbol_f self._symbol_set = boolean._symbol_set if type in ['integer','integer_big']: self._symbol_c = integer._symbol_c self._symbol_f = integer._symbol_f self._symbol_set = integer._symbol_set def digits_change(self, cr): if self.digits_compute: t = self.digits_compute(cr) self._symbol_set=('%s', lambda x: ('%.'+str(t[1])+'f') % (__builtin__.float(x or 0.0),)) self.digits = t def search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context=None): if not self._fnct_search: #CHECKME: should raise an exception return [] return self._fnct_search(obj, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context=context) def postprocess(self, cr, uid, obj, field, value=None, context=None): if context is None: context = {} result = value field_type = obj._columns[field]._type if field_type == "many2one": # make the result a tuple if it is not already one if isinstance(value, (int,long)) and hasattr(obj._columns[field], 'relation'): obj_model = obj.pool.get(obj._columns[field].relation) dict_names = dict(obj_model.name_get(cr, uid, [value], context)) result = (value, dict_names[value]) if field_type == 'binary': if context.get('bin_size', False): # client requests only the size of binary fields result = get_nice_size(value) else: result = sanitize_binary_value(value) if field_type == "integer": result = tools.ustr(value) return result def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, uid=False, context=None, values=None): result = self._fnct(obj, cr, uid, ids, name, self._arg, context) for id in ids: if self._multi and id in result: for field, value in result[id].iteritems(): if value: result[id][field] = self.postprocess(cr, uid, obj, field, value, context) elif result.get(id): result[id] = self.postprocess(cr, uid, obj, name, result[id], context) return result get_memory = get def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, value, user=None, context=None): if not context: context = {} if self._fnct_inv: self._fnct_inv(obj, cr, user, id, name, value, self._fnct_inv_arg, context) set_memory = set # --------------------------------------------------------- # Related fields # --------------------------------------------------------- class related(function): """Field that points to some data inside another field of the current record. Example:: _columns = { 'foo_id': fields.many2one('my.foo', 'Foo'), 'bar': fields.related('frol', 'foo_id', type='char', string='Frol of Foo'), } """ def _fnct_search(self, tobj, cr, uid, obj=None, name=None, domain=None, context=None): self._field_get2(cr, uid, obj, context) i = len(self._arg)-1 sarg = name while i>0: if type(sarg) in [type([]), type( (1,) )]: where = [(self._arg[i], 'in', sarg)] else: where = [(self._arg[i], '=', sarg)] if domain: where = map(lambda x: (self._arg[i],x[1], x[2]), domain) domain = [] sarg = obj.pool.get(self._relations[i]['object']).search(cr, uid, where, context=context) i -= 1 return [(self._arg[0], 'in', sarg)] def _fnct_write(self,obj,cr, uid, ids, field_name, values, args, context=None): self._field_get2(cr, uid, obj, context=context) if type(ids) != type([]): ids=[ids] objlst = obj.browse(cr, uid, ids) for data in objlst: t_id = data.id t_data = data for i in range(len(self.arg)): if not t_data: break field_detail = self._relations[i] if not t_data[self.arg[i]]: if self._type not in ('one2many', 'many2many'): t_id = t_data['id'] t_data = False elif field_detail['type'] in ('one2many', 'many2many'): if self._type != "many2one": t_id = t_data.id t_data = t_data[self.arg[i]][0] else: t_data = False else: t_id = t_data['id'] t_data = t_data[self.arg[i]] else: model = obj.pool.get(self._relations[-1]['object']) model.write(cr, uid, [t_id], {args[-1]: values}, context=context) def _fnct_read(self, obj, cr, uid, ids, field_name, args, context=None): self._field_get2(cr, uid, obj, context) if not ids: return {} relation = obj._name if self._type in ('one2many', 'many2many'): res = dict([(i, []) for i in ids]) else: res = {}.fromkeys(ids, False) objlst = obj.browse(cr, 1, ids, context=context) for data in objlst: if not data: continue t_data = data relation = obj._name for i in range(len(self.arg)): field_detail = self._relations[i] relation = field_detail['object'] try: if not t_data[self.arg[i]]: t_data = False break except: t_data = False break if field_detail['type'] in ('one2many', 'many2many') and i != len(self.arg) - 1: t_data = t_data[self.arg[i]][0] elif t_data: t_data = t_data[self.arg[i]] if type(t_data) == type(objlst[0]): res[data.id] = t_data.id elif t_data: res[data.id] = t_data if self._type=='many2one': ids = filter(None, res.values()) if ids: # name_get as root, as seeing the name of a related # object depends on access right of source document, # not target, so user may not have access. ng = dict(obj.pool.get(self._obj).name_get(cr, 1, ids, context=context)) for r in res: if res[r]: res[r] = (res[r], ng[res[r]]) elif self._type in ('one2many', 'many2many'): for r in res: if res[r]: res[r] = [x.id for x in res[r]] return res def __init__(self, *arg, **args): self.arg = arg self._relations = [] super(related, self).__init__(self._fnct_read, arg, self._fnct_write, fnct_inv_arg=arg, fnct_search=self._fnct_search, **args) if self.store is True: # TODO: improve here to change self.store = {...} according to related objects pass def _field_get2(self, cr, uid, obj, context=None): if self._relations: return obj_name = obj._name for i in range(len(self._arg)): f = obj.pool.get(obj_name).fields_get(cr, uid, [self._arg[i]], context=context)[self._arg[i]] self._relations.append({ 'object': obj_name, 'type': f['type'] }) if f.get('relation',False): obj_name = f['relation'] self._relations[-1]['relation'] = f['relation'] # --------------------------------------------------------- # Dummy fields # --------------------------------------------------------- class dummy(function): def _fnct_search(self, tobj, cr, uid, obj=None, name=None, domain=None, context=None): return [] def _fnct_write(self, obj, cr, uid, ids, field_name, values, args, context=None): return False def _fnct_read(self, obj, cr, uid, ids, field_name, args, context=None): return {} def __init__(self, *arg, **args): self.arg = arg self._relations = [] super(dummy, self).__init__(self._fnct_read, arg, self._fnct_write, fnct_inv_arg=arg, fnct_search=None, **args) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Serialized fields # --------------------------------------------------------- class serialized(_column): def __init__(self, string='unknown', serialize_func=repr, deserialize_func=eval, type='text', **args): self._serialize_func = serialize_func self._deserialize_func = deserialize_func self._type = type self._symbol_set = (self._symbol_c, self._serialize_func) self._symbol_get = self._deserialize_func super(serialized, self).__init__(string=string, **args) import orm # TODO: review completly this class for speed improvement class property(function): def _get_default(self, obj, cr, uid, prop_name, context=None): return self._get_defaults(obj, cr, uid, [prop_name], context=None)[prop_name] def _get_defaults(self, obj, cr, uid, prop_names, context=None): """Get the default values for ``prop_names´´ property fields (result of ir.property.get() function for res_id = False). :param list of string prop_names: list of name of property fields for those we want the default value :return: map of property field names to their default value :rtype: dict """ prop = obj.pool.get('ir.property') for prop_name in prop_names: default_value[prop_name] = prop.get(cr, uid, prop_name, obj._name, context=context) return default_value def _get_by_id(self, obj, cr, uid, prop_name, ids, context=None): prop = obj.pool.get('ir.property') vids = [obj._name + ',' + str(oid) for oid in ids] domain = [('fields_id.model', '=', obj._name), ('fields_id.name', 'in', prop_name)] #domain = prop._get_domain(cr, uid, prop_name, obj._name, context) if vids: domain = [('res_id', 'in', vids)] + domain return prop.search(cr, uid, domain, context=context) # TODO: to rewrite more clean def _fnct_write(self, obj, cr, uid, id, prop_name, id_val, obj_dest, context=None): if context is None: context = {} nids = self._get_by_id(obj, cr, uid, [prop_name], [id], context) if nids: cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_property WHERE id IN %s', (tuple(nids),)) default_val = self._get_default(obj, cr, uid, prop_name, context) if id_val is not default_val: def_id = self._field_get(cr, uid, obj._name, prop_name) company = obj.pool.get('res.company') cid = company._company_default_get(cr, uid, obj._name, def_id, context=context) propdef = obj.pool.get('ir.model.fields').browse(cr, uid, def_id, context=context) prop = obj.pool.get('ir.property') return prop.create(cr, uid, { 'name': propdef.name, 'value': id_val, 'res_id': obj._name+','+str(id), 'company_id': cid, 'fields_id': def_id, 'type': self._type, }, context=context) return False def _fnct_read(self, obj, cr, uid, ids, prop_names, obj_dest, context=None): prop = obj.pool.get('ir.property') # get the default values (for res_id = False) for the property fields default_val = self._get_defaults(obj, cr, uid, prop_names, context) # build the dictionary that will be returned res = {} for id in ids: res[id] = default_val.copy() for prop_name in prop_names: property_field = obj._all_columns.get(prop_name).column property_field_type = property_field.type property_destination_obj = property_field.relation # false if type is not a many2one # If the property field is a m2o field, we will append the id of the value to name_get_list_ids # in order to make a name_get in batch for all the ids needed. name_get_list_ids = [] for id in ids: # get the result of ir.property.get() for this res_id and save it in res if it's existing obj_reference = obj._name + ',' + str(id) value = prop.get(cr, uid, prop_name, obj._name, res_id=obj_reference, context=context) if value: res[id][prop_name] = value # Check existence as root (as seeing the name of a related # object depends on access right of source document, # not target, so user may not have access) in order to avoid # pointing on an unexisting record. if property_destination_obj: if res[id][prop_name] and obj.pool.get(property_destination_obj).exists(cr, 1, res[id][prop_name].id): name_get_list_ids.append(res[id][prop_name].id) else: res[id][prop_name] = False if property_destination_obj: # name_get as root (as seeing the name of a related # object depends on access right of source document, # not target, so user may not have access.) name_get_values = dict(obj.pool.get(property_destination_obj).name_get(cr, 1, name_get_list_ids, context=context)) # the property field is a m2o, we need to return a tuple with (id, name) for id in name_get_values.keys(): res[id][prop_name] = (res[id][prop_name].id , name_get_values.get(res[id][prop_name].id)) return res def _field_get(self, cr, uid, model_name, prop): if not self.field_id.get(cr.dbname): cr.execute('SELECT id \ FROM ir_model_fields \ WHERE name=%s AND model=%s', (prop, model_name)) res = cr.fetchone() self.field_id[cr.dbname] = res and res[0] return self.field_id[cr.dbname] def __init__(self, obj_prop, **args): # TODO remove obj_prop parameter (use many2one type) self.field_id = {} function.__init__(self, self._fnct_read, False, self._fnct_write, obj_prop, multi='properties', **args) def restart(self): self.field_id = {} def field_to_dict(self, cr, user, context, field): """ Return a dictionary representation of a field. The string, help, and selection attributes (if any) are untranslated. This representation is the one returned by fields_get() (fields_get() will do the translation). """ res = {'type': field._type} # This additional attributes for M2M and function field is added # because we need to display tooltip with this additional information # when client is started in debug mode. if isinstance(field, function): res['function'] = field._fnct and field._fnct.func_name or False res['store'] = field.store if isinstance(field.store, dict): res['store'] = str(field.store) res['fnct_search'] = field._fnct_search and field._fnct_search.func_name or False res['fnct_inv'] = field._fnct_inv and field._fnct_inv.func_name or False res['fnct_inv_arg'] = field._fnct_inv_arg or False res['func_obj'] = field._obj or False if isinstance(field, many2many): res['related_columns'] = list((field._id1, field._id2)) res['third_table'] = field._rel for arg in ('string', 'readonly', 'states', 'size', 'required', 'group_operator', 'change_default', 'translate', 'help', 'select', 'selectable'): if getattr(field, arg): res[arg] = getattr(field, arg) for arg in ('digits', 'invisible', 'filters'): if getattr(field, arg, None): res[arg] = getattr(field, arg) if field.string: res['string'] = field.string if field.help: res['help'] = field.help if hasattr(field, 'selection'): if isinstance(field.selection, (tuple, list)): res['selection'] = field.selection else: # call the 'dynamic selection' function res['selection'] = field.selection(self, cr, user, context) if res['type'] in ('one2many', 'many2many', 'many2one', 'one2one'): res['relation'] = field._obj res['domain'] = field._domain res['context'] = field._context return res class column_info(object): """Struct containing details about an osv column, either one local to its model, or one inherited via _inherits. :attr name: name of the column :attr column: column instance, subclass of osv.fields._column :attr parent_model: if the column is inherited, name of the model that contains it, None for local columns. :attr parent_column: the name of the column containing the m2o relationship to the parent model that contains this column, None for local columns. """ def __init__(self, name, column, parent_model=None, parent_column=None): self.name = name self.column = column self.parent_model = parent_model self.parent_column = parent_column # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: