Views and Events ================ Introduction to Views --------------------- As all data of the program is stored in objects, as explained in the Objects section, how are these objects exposed to the user ? We will try to answer this question in this section. First of all, let's note that every resource type uses its own interface. For example, the screen to modify a partner's data is not the same as the one to modify an invoice. Then, you have to know that the OpenERP user interface is dynamic, it means that it is not described "statically" by some code, but dynamically built from XML descriptions of the client screens. From now on, we will call these screen descriptions views. A notable characteristic of these views is that they can be edited at any moment (even during the program execution). After a modification to a displayed view has occurred, you simply need to close the tab corresponding to that 'view' and re-open it for the changes to appear. Views principles ++++++++++++++++ Views describe how each object (type of resource) is displayed. More precisely, for each object, we can define one (or several) view(s) to describe which fields should be drawn and how. There are two types of views: #. form views #. tree views .. note:: Since OpenERP 4.1, form views can also contain graphs. Form views ---------- The field disposition in a form view always follows the same principle. Fields are distributed on the screen following the rules below: * By default, each field is preceded by a label, with its name. * Fields are placed on the screen from left to right, and from top to bottom, according to the order in which they are declared in the view. * Every screen is divided into 4 columns, each column being able to contain either a label, or an "edition" field. As every edition field is preceded (by default) by a label with its name, there will be two fields (and their respective labels) on each line of the screen. The green and red zones on the screen-shot below, illustrate those 4 columns. They designate respectively the labels and their corresponding fields. .. figure:: images/sale_order.png :scale: 50 :align: center Views also support more advanced placement options: * A view field can use several columns. For example, on the screen-shot below, the zone in the blue frame is, in fact, the only field of a "one to many". We will come back later on this note, but let's note that it uses the whole width of the screen and not only one column. .. figure:: images/sale_order_sale_order_lines.png :scale: 50 :align: center * We can also make the opposite operation: take a columns group and divide it in as many columns as desired. The surrounded green zones of the screen above are good examples. Precisely, the green framework up and on the right side takes the place of two columns, but contains 4 columns. As we can see below in the purple zone of the screen, there is also a way to distribute the fields of an object on different tabs. .. figure:: images/sale_order_notebook.png :scale: 50 :align: center On Change +++++++++ The on_change attribute defines a method that is called when the content of a view field has changed. This method takes at least arguments: cr, uid, ids, which are the three classical arguments and also the context dictionary. You can add parameters to the method. They must correspond to other fields defined in the view, and must also be defined in the XML with fields defined this way:: The example below is from the sale order view. You can use the 'context' keyword to access data in the context that can be used as params of the function.:: .. code-block:: python def onchange_shop_id(self, cr, uid, ids, shop_id): v={} if shop_id: shop=self.pool.get('').browse(cr,uid,shop_id) v['project_id'] if v['pricelist_id'] v['payment_default_id'] return {'value':v} When editing the shop_id form field, the onchange_shop_id method of the sale_order object is called and returns a dictionary where the 'value' key contains a dictionary of the new value to use in the 'project_id', 'pricelist_id' and 'payment_default_id' fields. Note that it is possible to change more than just the values of fields. For example, it is possible to change the value of some fields and the domain of other fields by returning a value of the form: return {'domain': d, 'value': value} :returns: a dictionary with any mix of the following keys: ``domain`` A mapping of ``{field: domain}``. The returned domains should be set on the fields instead of the default ones. ``value`` A mapping of ``{field: value}}``, the values will be set on the corresponding fields and may trigger new onchanges or attrs changes ``warning`` A dict with the keys ``title`` and ``message``. Both are mandatory. Indicate that an error message should be displayed to the user. Tree views ---------- These views are used when we work in list mode (in order to visualize several resources at once) and in the search screen. These views are simpler than the form views and thus have less options. .. figure:: images/tree_view.png :scale: 50 :align: center Search views -------------- Search views are a new feature of OpenERP supported as of version 6.0 It creates a customized search panel, and is declared quite similarly to a form view, except that the view type and root element change to ``search`` instead of ``form``. .. image:: images/search.png :scale: 50 :align: center Following is the list of new elements and features supported in search views. Group tag +++++++++ Unlike form group elements, search view groups support unlimited number of widget(fields or filters) in a row (no automatic line wrapping), and only use the following attributes: + ``expand``: turns on the expander icon on the group (1 for expanded by default, 0 for collapsed) + ``string``: label for the group .. code-block:: xml In the screenshot above the green area is an expandable group. Filter tag +++++++++++ Filters are displayed as a toggle button on search panel Filter elements can add new values in the current domain or context of the search view. Filters can be added as a child element of field too, to indicate that they apply specifically to that field (in this case the button's icon will smaller) In the picture above the red area contains filters at the top of the form while the blue area highlights a field and it's child filter. .. code-block:: xml Group By ++++++++ .. code-block:: xml Above filters groups records sharing the same ``project_id`` value. Groups are loaded lazily, so the inner records are only loaded when the group is expanded. The group header lines contain the common values for all records in that group, and all numeric fields currently displayed in the view are replaced by the sum of the values in that group. It is also possible to group on multiple values by specifying a list of fields instead of a single string. In this case nested groups will be displayed:: Fields ++++++ Field elements in search views are used to get user-provided values for searches. As a result, as for group elements, they are quite different than form view's fields: * a search field can contain filters, which generally indicate that both field and filter manage the same field and are related. Those inner filters are rendered as smaller buttons, right next to the field, and *must not* have a ``string`` attribute. * a search field really builds a domain composed of ``[(field_name, operator, field_value)]``. This domain can be overridden in two ways: * ``@operator`` replaces the default operator for the field (which depends on its type) * ``@filter_domain`` lets you provide a fully custom domain, which will replace the default domain creation * a search field does not create a context by default, but you can provide an ``@context`` which will be evaluated and merged into the wider context (as with a ``filter`` element). To get the value of the field in your ``@context`` or ``@filter_domain``, you can use the variable ``self``: .. code-block:: xml or .. code-block:: xml Range fields (date, datetime, time) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The range fields are composed of two input widgets (from and two) instead of just one. This leads to peculiarities (compared to non-range search fields): * It is not possible to override the operator of a range field via ``@operator``, as the domain is built of two sections and each section uses a different operator. * Instead of being a simple value (integer, string, float) ``self`` for use in ``@filter_domain`` and ``@context`` is a ``dict``. Because each input widget of a range field can be empty (and the field itself will still be valid), care must be taken when using ``self``: it has two string keys ``"from"`` and ``"to"``, but any of these keys can be either missing entirely or set to the value ``False``. Actions for Search view +++++++++++++++++++++++ After declaring a search view, it will be used automatically for all tree views on the same model. If several search views exist for a single model, the one with the highest priority (lowest sequence) will be used. Another option is to explicitly select the search view you want to use, by setting the ``search_view_id`` field of the action. In addition to being able to pass default form values in the context of the action, OpenERP 6.0 now supports passing initial values for search views too, via the context. The context keys need to match the ``search_default_XXX`` format. ``XXX`` may refer to the ``name`` of a ```` or ```` in the search view (as the ``name`` attribute is not required on filters, this only works for filters that have an explicit ``name`` set). The value should be either the initial value for search fields, or simply a boolean value for filters, to toggle them .. code-block:: xml Tasks project.task form tree,form,calendar,gantt,graph {"search_default_current":1,"search_default_user_id":uid} Custom Filters ++++++++++++++ As of v6.0, all search views also features custom search filters, as show below. Users can define their own custom filters using any of the fields available on the current model, combining them with AND/OR operators. It is also possible to save any search context (the combination of all currently applied domain and context values) as a personal filter, which can be recalled at any time. Filters can also be turned into Shortcuts directly available in the User's homepage. .. image:: images/filter.png :scale: 50 :align: center In above screenshot we filter Partner where Salesman = Demo user and Country = Belgium, We can save this search criteria as a Shortcut or save as Filter. Filters are user specific and can be modified via the Manage Filters option in the filters drop-down. Graph views ----------- A graph is a new mode of view for all views of type form. If, for example, a sale order line must be visible as list or as graph, define it like this in the action that open this sale order line. Do not set the view mode as "tree,form,graph" or "form,graph" - it must be "graph,tree" to show the graph first or "tree,graph" to show the list first. (This view mode is extra to your "form,tree" view and should have a separate menu item): .. code-block:: xml form tree,graph view_type:: tree = (tree with shortcuts at the left), form = (switchable view form/list) view_mode:: tree,graph : sequences of the views when switching Then, the user will be able to switch from one view to the other. Unlike forms and trees, OpenERP is not able to automatically create a view on demand for the graph type. So, you must define a view for this graph: .. code-block:: xml sale.order.line.graph sale.order.line graph The graph view A view of type graph is just a list of fields for the graph. Graph tag ++++++++++ The default type of the graph is a pie chart - to change it to a barchart change **** to **** You also may change the orientation. :Example : .. code-block:: xml Field tag +++++++++ The first field is the X axis. The second one is the Y axis and the optional third one is the Z axis for 3 dimensional graphs. You can apply a few attributes to each field/axis: * **group**: if set to true, the client will group all item of the same value for this field. For each other field, it will apply an operator * **operator**: the operator to apply is another field is grouped. By default it's '+'. Allowed values are: + +: addition + \*: multiply + \**: exponent + min: minimum of the list + max: maximum of the list :Defining real statistics on objects: The easiest method to compute real statistics on objects is: 1. Define a statistic object which is a postgresql view 2. Create a tree view and a graph view on this object You can get en example in all modules of the form: report\_.... Example: report_crm. Calendar Views -------------- Calendar view provides timeline/schedule view for the data. View Specification ++++++++++++++++++ Here is an example view: .. code-block:: xml Here is the list of supported attributes for ``calendar`` tag: ``string`` The title string for the view. ``date_start`` A ``datetime`` field to specify the starting date for the calendar item. This attribute is required. ``date_stop`` A ``datetime`` field to specify the end date. Ignored if ``date_delay`` attribute is specified. ``date_delay`` A ``numeric`` field to specify time in hours for a record. This attribute will get preference over ``date_stop`` and ``date_stop`` will be ignored. ``day_length`` An ``integer`` value to specify working day length. Default is ``8`` hours. ``color`` A field, generally ``many2one``, to colorize calendar/gantt items. ``mode`` A string value to set default view/zoom mode. For ``calendar`` view, this can be one of following (default is ``month``): * ``day`` * ``week`` * ``month`` Screenshots +++++++++++ Month Calendar: .. figure:: images/calendar_month.png :scale: 50% :align: center Week Calendar: .. figure:: images/calendar_week.png :scale: 50% :align: center Gantt Views ----------- Gantt view provides timeline view for the data. Generally, it can be used to display project tasks and resource allocation. A Gantt chart is a graphical display of all the tasks that a project is composed of. Each bar on the chart is a graphical representation of the length of time the task is planned to take. A resource allocation summary bar is shown on top of all the grouped tasks, representing how effectively the resources are allocated among the tasks. Color coding of the summary bar is as follows: * `Gray` shows that the resource is not allocated to any task at that time * `Blue` shows that the resource is fully allocated at that time. * `Red` shows that the resource is overallocated View Specification ++++++++++++++++++ Here is an example view: .. code-block:: xml The ``attributes`` accepted by the ``gantt`` tag are similar to ``calendar`` view tag. The ``level`` tag is used to group the records by some ``many2one`` field. Currently, only one level is supported. Here is the list of supported attributes for ``gantt`` tag: ``string`` The title string for the view. ``date_start`` A ``datetime`` field to specify the starting date for the gantt item. This attribute is required. ``date_stop`` A ``datetime`` field to specify the end date. Ignored if ``date_delay`` attribute is specified. ``date_delay`` A ``numeric`` field to specify time in hours for a record. This attribute will get preference over ``date_stop`` and ``date_stop`` will be ignored. ``day_length`` An ``integer`` value to specify working day length. Default is ``8`` hours. ``color`` A field, generally ``many2one``, to colorize calendar/gantt items. ``mode`` A string value to set default view/zoom mode. For ``gantt`` view, this can be one of following (default is ``month``): * ``day`` * ``3days`` * ``week`` * ``3weeks`` * ``month`` * ``3months`` * ``year`` * ``3years`` * ``5years`` The ``level`` tag supports following attributes: ``object`` An openerp object having many2one relationship with view object. ``link`` The field name in current object that links to the given ``object``. ``domain`` The domain to be used to filter the given ``object`` records. Drag and Drop +++++++++++++ The left side pane displays list of the tasks grouped by the given ``level`` field. You can reorder or change the group of any records by dragging them. The main content pane displays horizontal bars plotted on a timeline grid. A group of bars are summarized with a top summary bar displaying resource allocation of all the underlying tasks. You can change the task start time by dragging the tasks horizontally. While end time can be changed by dragging right end of a bar. .. note:: The time is calculated considering ``day_length`` so a bar will span more then one day if total time for a task is greater then ``day_length`` value. Screenshots +++++++++++ .. figure:: images/gantt.png :scale: 50% :align: center Design Elements --------------- The files describing the views are of the form: :Example: .. code-block:: xml [view definitions] The view definitions contain mainly three types of tags: * **** tags with the attribute model="ir.ui.view", which contain the view definitions themselves * **** tags with the attribute model="ir.actions.act_window", which link actions to these views * **** tags, which create entries in the menu, and link them with actions New : You can specify groups for whom the menu is accessible using the groups attribute in the `menuitem` tag. New : You can now add shortcut using the `shortcut` tag. :Example: .. code-block:: xml Note that you should add an id attribute on the `menuitem` which is referred by menu attribute. .. code-block:: xml sale.order.form sale.order
Default value for the priority field : 16. When not specified the system will use the view with the lower priority. View Types ++++++++++ Tree View """"""""" You can specify the columns to include in the list, along with some details of the list's appearance. The search fields aren't specified here, they're specified by the `select` attribute in the form view fields. .. code-block:: xml stock.location.tree stock.location tree That example is just a flat list, but you can also display a real tree structure by specifying a `field_parent`. The name is a bit misleading, though; the field you specify must contain a list of all **child** entries. .. code-block:: xml stock.location.tree stock.location tree child_ids On the `tree` element, the following attributes are supported: colors Conditions for applying different colors to items in the list. The default is black. toolbar Set this to 1 if you want a tree structure to list the top level entries in a separate toolbar area. When you click on an entry in the toolbar, all its descendants will be displayed in the main tree. The value is ignored for flat lists. Grouping Elements +++++++++++++++++ Separator """"""""" Adds a separator line :Example: .. code-block:: xml The string attribute defines its label and the colspan attribute defines his horizontal size (in number of columns). Notebook """""""" : With notebooks you can distribute the view fields on different tabs (each one defined by a page tag). You can use the tabpos properties to set tab at: up, down, left, right. :Example: .. code-block:: xml .... Group """"" : groups several columns and split the group in as many columns as desired. * **colspan**: the number of columns to use * **rowspan**: the number of rows to use * **expand**: if we should expand the group or not * **col**: the number of columns to provide (to its children) * **string**: (optional) If set, a frame will be drawn around the group of fields, with a label containing the string. Otherwise, the frame will be invisible. :Example: .. code-block:: xml