# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import operator import simplejson import urllib2 import openerp from openerp import tools from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID from openerp.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT from openerp.tools.translate import _ from openerp.http import request from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dateutil import parser import pytz from openerp.osv import fields, osv import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def status_response(status, substr=False): if substr: return int(str(status)[0]) else: return status_response(status, substr=True) == 2 class Meta(type): """ This Meta class allow to define class as a structure, and so instancied variable in __init__ to avoid to have side effect alike 'static' variable """ def __new__(typ, name, parents, attrs): methods = dict((k, v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems() if callable(v)) attrs = dict((k, v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems() if not callable(v)) def init(self, **kw): for k, v in attrs.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) for k, v in kw.iteritems(): assert k in attrs setattr(self, k, v) methods['__init__'] = init methods['__getitem__'] = getattr return type.__new__(typ, name, parents, methods) class Struct(object): __metaclass__ = Meta class OpenerpEvent(Struct): event = False found = False event_id = False isRecurrence = False isInstance = False update = False status = False attendee_id = False synchro = False class GmailEvent(Struct): event = False found = False isRecurrence = False isInstance = False update = False status = False class SyncEvent(object): def __init__(self): self.OE = OpenerpEvent() self.GG = GmailEvent() self.OP = None def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def compute_OP(self, modeFull=True): #If event are already in Gmail and in OpenERP if self.OE.found and self.GG.found: #If the event has been deleted from one side, we delete on other side ! if self.OE.status != self.GG.status: self.OP = Delete((self.OE.status and "OE") or (self.GG.status and "GG"), 'The event has been deleted from one side, we delete on other side !') #If event is not deleted ! elif self.OE.status and self.GG.status: if self.OE.update.split('.')[0] != self.GG.update.split('.')[0]: if self.OE.update < self.GG.update: tmpSrc = 'GG' elif self.OE.update > self.GG.update: tmpSrc = 'OE' assert tmpSrc in ['GG', 'OE'] #if self.OP.action == None: if self[tmpSrc].isRecurrence: if self[tmpSrc].status: self.OP = Update(tmpSrc, 'Only need to update, because i\'m active') else: self.OP = Exclude(tmpSrc, 'Need to Exclude (Me = First event from recurrence) from recurrence') elif self[tmpSrc].isInstance: self.OP = Update(tmpSrc, 'Only need to update, because already an exclu') else: self.OP = Update(tmpSrc, 'Simply Update... I\'m a single event') else: if not self.OE.synchro or self.OE.synchro.split('.')[0] < self.OE.update.split('.')[0]: self.OP = Update('OE', 'Event already updated by another user, but not synchro with my google calendar') else: self.OP = NothingToDo("", 'Not update needed') else: self.OP = NothingToDo("", "Both are already deleted") # New in openERP... Create on create_events of synchronize function elif self.OE.found and not self.GG.found: if self.OE.status: self.OP = Delete('OE', 'Update or delete from GOOGLE') else: if not modeFull: self.OP = Delete('GG', 'Deleted from Odoo, need to delete it from Gmail if already created') else: self.OP = NothingToDo("", "Already Deleted in gmail and unlinked in Odoo") elif self.GG.found and not self.OE.found: tmpSrc = 'GG' if not self.GG.status and not self.GG.isInstance: # don't need to make something... because event has been created and deleted before the synchronization self.OP = NothingToDo("", 'Nothing to do... Create and Delete directly') else: if self.GG.isInstance: if self[tmpSrc].status: self.OP = Exclude(tmpSrc, 'Need to create the new exclu') else: self.OP = Exclude(tmpSrc, 'Need to copy and Exclude') else: self.OP = Create(tmpSrc, 'New EVENT CREATE from GMAIL') def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): myPrint = "\n\n---- A SYNC EVENT ---" myPrint += "\n ID OE: %s " % (self.OE.event and self.OE.event.id) myPrint += "\n ID GG: %s " % (self.GG.event and self.GG.event.get('id', False)) myPrint += "\n Name OE: %s " % (self.OE.event and self.OE.event.name.encode('utf8')) myPrint += "\n Name GG: %s " % (self.GG.event and self.GG.event.get('summary', '').encode('utf8')) myPrint += "\n Found OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (self.OE.found, self.GG.found) myPrint += "\n Recurrence OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (self.OE.isRecurrence, self.GG.isRecurrence) myPrint += "\n Instance OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (self.OE.isInstance, self.GG.isInstance) myPrint += "\n Synchro OE: %10s " % (self.OE.synchro) myPrint += "\n Update OE: %10s " % (self.OE.update) myPrint += "\n Update GG: %10s " % (self.GG.update) myPrint += "\n Status OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (self.OE.status, self.GG.status) if (self.OP is None): myPrint += "\n Action %s" % "---!!!---NONE---!!!---" else: myPrint += "\n Action %s" % type(self.OP).__name__ myPrint += "\n Source %s" % (self.OP.src) myPrint += "\n comment %s" % (self.OP.info) return myPrint class SyncOperation(object): def __init__(self, src, info, **kw): self.src = src self.info = info for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def __str__(self): return 'in__STR__' class Create(SyncOperation): pass class Update(SyncOperation): pass class Delete(SyncOperation): pass class NothingToDo(SyncOperation): pass class Exclude(SyncOperation): pass class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel): STR_SERVICE = 'calendar' _name = 'google.%s' % STR_SERVICE def generate_data(self, cr, uid, event, isCreating=False, context=None): if event.allday: start_date = fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, datetime.strptime(event.start, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), context=context).isoformat('T').split('T')[0] final_date = fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, datetime.strptime(event.start, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) + timedelta(hours=event.duration) + timedelta(days=isCreating and 1 or 0), context=context).isoformat('T').split('T')[0] type = 'date' vstype = 'dateTime' else: start_date = fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, datetime.strptime(event.start, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), context=context).isoformat('T') final_date = fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, datetime.strptime(event.stop, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), context=context).isoformat('T') type = 'dateTime' vstype = 'date' attendee_list = [] for attendee in event.attendee_ids: attendee_list.append({ 'email': attendee.email or 'NoEmail@mail.com', 'displayName': attendee.partner_id.name, 'responseStatus': attendee.state or 'needsAction', }) data = { "summary": event.name or '', "description": event.description or '', "start": { type: start_date, vstype: None, 'timeZone': 'UTC' }, "end": { type: final_date, vstype: None, 'timeZone': 'UTC' }, "attendees": attendee_list, "location": event.location or '', "visibility": event['class'] or 'public', } if event.recurrency and event.rrule: data["recurrence"] = ["RRULE:" + event.rrule] if not event.active: data["state"] = "cancelled" if not self.get_need_synchro_attendee(cr, uid, context=context): data.pop("attendees") return data def create_an_event(self, cr, uid, event, context=None): gs_pool = self.pool['google.service'] data = self.generate_data(cr, uid, event, isCreating=True, context=context) url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/%s/events?fields=%s&access_token=%s" % ('primary', urllib2.quote('id,updated'), self.get_token(cr, uid, context)) headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'} data_json = simplejson.dumps(data) return gs_pool._do_request(cr, uid, url, data_json, headers, type='POST', context=context) def delete_an_event(self, cr, uid, event_id, context=None): gs_pool = self.pool['google.service'] params = { 'access_token': self.get_token(cr, uid, context) } headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'} url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/%s/events/%s" % ('primary', event_id) return gs_pool._do_request(cr, uid, url, params, headers, type='DELETE', context=context) def get_calendar_primary_id(self, cr, uid, context=None): params = { 'fields': 'id', 'access_token': self.get_token(cr, uid, context) } headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'} url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/primary" try: st, content, ask_time = self.pool['google.service']._do_request(cr, uid, url, params, headers, type='GET', context=context) except Exception, e: if (e.code == 401): # Token invalid / Acces unauthorized error_msg = "Your token is invalid or has been revoked !" registry = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(request.session.db) with registry.cursor() as cur: self.pool['res.users'].write(cur, uid, [uid], {'google_calendar_token': False, 'google_calendar_token_validity': False}, context=context) raise self.pool.get('res.config.settings').get_config_warning(cr, _(error_msg), context=context) raise return (status_response(st), content['id'] or False, ask_time) def get_event_synchro_dict(self, cr, uid, lastSync=False, token=False, nextPageToken=False, context=None): if not token: token = self.get_token(cr, uid, context) params = { 'fields': 'items,nextPageToken', 'access_token': token, 'maxResults': 1000, #'timeMin': self.get_minTime(cr, uid, context=context).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz"), } if lastSync: params['updatedMin'] = lastSync.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz") params['showDeleted'] = True else: params['timeMin'] = self.get_minTime(cr, uid, context=context).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz") headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'} url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/%s/events" % 'primary' if nextPageToken: params['pageToken'] = nextPageToken status, content, ask_time = self.pool['google.service']._do_request(cr, uid, url, params, headers, type='GET', context=context) google_events_dict = {} for google_event in content['items']: google_events_dict[google_event['id']] = google_event if content.get('nextPageToken'): google_events_dict.update( self.get_event_synchro_dict(cr, uid, lastSync=lastSync, token=token, nextPageToken=content['nextPageToken'], context=context) ) return google_events_dict def get_one_event_synchro(self, cr, uid, google_id, context=None): token = self.get_token(cr, uid, context) params = { 'access_token': token, 'maxResults': 1000, 'showDeleted': True, } headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'} url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/%s/events/%s" % ('primary', google_id) try: status, content, ask_time = self.pool['google.service']._do_request(cr, uid, url, params, headers, type='GET', context=context) except: _logger.info("Calendar Synchro - In except of get_one_event_synchro") pass return status_response(status) and content or False def update_to_google(self, cr, uid, oe_event, google_event, context): calendar_event = self.pool['calendar.event'] url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/%s/events/%s?fields=%s&access_token=%s" % ('primary', google_event['id'], 'id,updated', self.get_token(cr, uid, context)) headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'} data = self.generate_data(cr, uid, oe_event, context) data['sequence'] = google_event.get('sequence', 0) data_json = simplejson.dumps(data) status, content, ask_time = self.pool['google.service']._do_request(cr, uid, url, data_json, headers, type='PATCH', context=context) update_date = datetime.strptime(content['updated'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz") calendar_event.write(cr, uid, [oe_event.id], {'oe_update_date': update_date}) if context['curr_attendee']: self.pool['calendar.attendee'].write(cr, uid, [context['curr_attendee']], {'oe_synchro_date': update_date}, context) def update_an_event(self, cr, uid, event, context=None): data = self.generate_data(cr, uid, event, context=context) url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/%s/events/%s" % ('primary', event.google_internal_event_id) headers = {} data['access_token'] = self.get_token(cr, uid, context) status, response, ask_time = self.pool['google.service']._do_request(cr, uid, url, data, headers, type='GET', context=context) #TO_CHECK : , if http fail, no event, do DELETE ? return response def update_recurrent_event_exclu(self, cr, uid, instance_id, event_ori_google_id, event_new, context=None): gs_pool = self.pool['google.service'] data = self.generate_data(cr, uid, event_new, context=context) data['recurringEventId'] = event_ori_google_id data['originalStartTime'] = event_new.recurrent_id_date url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/%s/events/%s?access_token=%s" % ('primary', instance_id, self.get_token(cr, uid, context)) headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} data['sequence'] = self.get_sequence(cr, uid, instance_id, context) data_json = simplejson.dumps(data) return gs_pool._do_request(cr, uid, url, data_json, headers, type='PUT', context=context) def update_from_google(self, cr, uid, event, single_event_dict, type, context): if context is None: context = [] calendar_event = self.pool['calendar.event'] res_partner_obj = self.pool['res.partner'] calendar_attendee_obj = self.pool['calendar.attendee'] user_obj = self.pool['res.users'] myPartnerID = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context).partner_id.id attendee_record = [] partner_record = [(4, myPartnerID)] result = {} if single_event_dict.get('attendees', False): for google_attendee in single_event_dict['attendees']: if type == "write": for oe_attendee in event['attendee_ids']: if oe_attendee.email == google_attendee['email']: calendar_attendee_obj.write(cr, uid, [oe_attendee.id], {'state': google_attendee['responseStatus']}, context=context) google_attendee['found'] = True continue if google_attendee.get('found', False): continue if self.get_need_synchro_attendee(cr, uid, context=context): attendee_id = res_partner_obj.search(cr, uid, [('email', '=', google_attendee['email'])], context=context) if not attendee_id: data = { 'email': google_attendee['email'], 'customer': False, 'name': google_attendee.get("displayName", False) or google_attendee['email'] } attendee_id = [res_partner_obj.create(cr, uid, data, context=context)] attendee = res_partner_obj.read(cr, uid, attendee_id[0], ['email'], context=context) partner_record.append((4, attendee.get('id'))) attendee['partner_id'] = attendee.pop('id') attendee['state'] = google_attendee['responseStatus'] attendee_record.append((0, 0, attendee)) UTC = pytz.timezone('UTC') if single_event_dict.get('start') and single_event_dict.get('end'): # If not cancelled if single_event_dict['start'].get('dateTime', False) and single_event_dict['end'].get('dateTime', False): date = parser.parse(single_event_dict['start']['dateTime']) stop = parser.parse(single_event_dict['end']['dateTime']) date = str(date.astimezone(UTC))[:-6] stop = str(stop.astimezone(UTC))[:-6] allday = False else: date = (single_event_dict['start']['date']) stop = (single_event_dict['end']['date']) d_end = datetime.strptime(stop, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) allday = True d_end = d_end + timedelta(days=-1) stop = d_end.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) update_date = datetime.strptime(single_event_dict['updated'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz") result.update({ 'start': date, 'stop': stop, 'allday': allday }) result.update({ 'attendee_ids': attendee_record, 'partner_ids': list(set(partner_record)), 'name': single_event_dict.get('summary', 'Event'), 'description': single_event_dict.get('description', False), 'location': single_event_dict.get('location', False), 'class': single_event_dict.get('visibility', 'public'), 'oe_update_date': update_date, }) if single_event_dict.get("recurrence", False): rrule = [rule for rule in single_event_dict["recurrence"] if rule.startswith("RRULE:")][0][6:] result['rrule'] = rrule if type == "write": res = calendar_event.write(cr, uid, event['id'], result, context=context) elif type == "copy": result['recurrence'] = True res = calendar_event.write(cr, uid, [event['id']], result, context=context) elif type == "create": res = calendar_event.create(cr, uid, result, context=context) if context['curr_attendee']: self.pool['calendar.attendee'].write(cr, uid, [context['curr_attendee']], {'oe_synchro_date': update_date, 'google_internal_event_id': single_event_dict.get('id', False)}, context) return res def remove_references(self, cr, uid, context=None): current_user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) reset_data = { 'google_calendar_rtoken': False, 'google_calendar_token': False, 'google_calendar_token_validity': False, 'google_calendar_last_sync_date': False, 'google_calendar_cal_id': False, } all_my_attendees = self.pool['calendar.attendee'].search(cr, uid, [('partner_id', '=', current_user.partner_id.id)], context=context) self.pool['calendar.attendee'].write(cr, uid, all_my_attendees, {'oe_synchro_date': False, 'google_internal_event_id': False}, context=context) current_user.write(reset_data, context=context) return True def synchronize_events(self, cr, uid, ids, lastSync=True, context=None): if context is None: context = {} # def isValidSync(syncToken): # gs_pool = self.pool['google.service'] # params = { # 'maxResults': 1, # 'fields': 'id', # 'access_token': self.get_token(cr, uid, context), # 'syncToken': syncToken, # } # url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events" # status, response = gs_pool._do_request(cr, uid, url, params, type='GET', context=context) # return int(status) != 410 current_user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) st, current_google, ask_time = self.get_calendar_primary_id(cr, uid, context=context) if current_user.google_calendar_cal_id: if current_google != current_user.google_calendar_cal_id: return { "status": "need_reset", "info": { "old_name": current_user.google_calendar_cal_id, "new_name": current_google }, "url": '' } if lastSync and self.get_last_sync_date(cr, uid, context=context) and not self.get_disable_since_synchro(cr, uid, context=context): lastSync = self.get_last_sync_date(cr, uid, context) _logger.info("Calendar Synchro - MODE SINCE_MODIFIED : %s !" % lastSync.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)) else: lastSync = False _logger.info("Calendar Synchro - MODE FULL SYNCHRO FORCED") else: current_user.write({'google_calendar_cal_id': current_google}, context=context) lastSync = False _logger.info("Calendar Synchro - MODE FULL SYNCHRO - NEW CAL ID") new_ids = [] new_ids += self.create_new_events(cr, uid, context=context) new_ids += self.bind_recurring_events_to_google(cr, uid, context) res = self.update_events(cr, uid, lastSync, context) current_user.write({'google_calendar_last_sync_date': ask_time}, context=context) return { "status": res and "need_refresh" or "no_new_event_form_google", "url": '' } def create_new_events(self, cr, uid, context=None): if context is None: context = {} new_ids = [] ev_obj = self.pool['calendar.event'] att_obj = self.pool['calendar.attendee'] user_obj = self.pool['res.users'] myPartnerID = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).partner_id.id context_norecurrent = context.copy() context_norecurrent['virtual_id'] = False my_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID), ('google_internal_event_id', '=', False), '|', ('event_id.stop', '>', self.get_minTime(cr, uid, context=context).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)), ('event_id.final_date', '>', self.get_minTime(cr, uid, context=context).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)), ], context=context_norecurrent) for att in att_obj.browse(cr, uid, my_att_ids, context=context): if not att.event_id.recurrent_id or att.event_id.recurrent_id == 0: st, response, ask_time = self.create_an_event(cr, uid, att.event_id, context=context) if status_response(st): update_date = datetime.strptime(response['updated'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz") ev_obj.write(cr, uid, att.event_id.id, {'oe_update_date': update_date}) new_ids.append(response['id']) att_obj.write(cr, uid, [att.id], {'google_internal_event_id': response['id'], 'oe_synchro_date': update_date}) cr.commit() else: _logger.warning("Impossible to create event %s. [%s]" % (att.event_id.id, st)) _logger.warning("Response : %s" % response) return new_ids def get_context_no_virtual(self, context): context_norecurrent = context.copy() context_norecurrent['virtual_id'] = False context_norecurrent['active_test'] = False return context_norecurrent def bind_recurring_events_to_google(self, cr, uid, context=None): if context is None: context = {} new_ids = [] ev_obj = self.pool['calendar.event'] att_obj = self.pool['calendar.attendee'] user_obj = self.pool['res.users'] myPartnerID = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).partner_id.id context_norecurrent = self.get_context_no_virtual(context) my_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID), ('google_internal_event_id', '=', False)], context=context_norecurrent) for att in att_obj.browse(cr, uid, my_att_ids, context=context): if att.event_id.recurrent_id and att.event_id.recurrent_id > 0: new_google_internal_event_id = False source_event_record = ev_obj.browse(cr, uid, att.event_id.recurrent_id, context) source_attendee_record_id = att_obj.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID), ('event_id', '=', source_event_record.id)], context=context) source_attendee_record = att_obj.browse(cr, uid, source_attendee_record_id, context)[0] if att.event_id.recurrent_id_date and source_event_record.allday and source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id: new_google_internal_event_id = source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id + '_' + att.event_id.recurrent_id_date.split(' ')[0].replace('-', '') elif att.event_id.recurrent_id_date and source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id: new_google_internal_event_id = source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id + '_' + att.event_id.recurrent_id_date.replace('-', '').replace(' ', 'T').replace(':', '') + 'Z' if new_google_internal_event_id: #TODO WARNING, NEED TO CHECK THAT EVENT and ALL instance NOT DELETE IN GMAIL BEFORE ! try: st, response, ask_time = self.update_recurrent_event_exclu(cr, uid, new_google_internal_event_id, source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id, att.event_id, context=context) if status_response(st): att_obj.write(cr, uid, [att.id], {'google_internal_event_id': new_google_internal_event_id}, context=context) new_ids.append(new_google_internal_event_id) cr.commit() else: _logger.warning("Impossible to create event %s. [%s]" % (att.event_id.id, st)) _logger.warning("Response : %s" % response) except: pass return new_ids def update_events(self, cr, uid, lastSync=False, context=None): context = dict(context or {}) calendar_event = self.pool['calendar.event'] user_obj = self.pool['res.users'] att_obj = self.pool['calendar.attendee'] myPartnerID = user_obj.browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).partner_id.id context_novirtual = self.get_context_no_virtual(context) if lastSync: try: all_event_from_google = self.get_event_synchro_dict(cr, uid, lastSync=lastSync, context=context) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.code == 410: # GONE, Google is lost. # we need to force the rollback from this cursor, because it locks my res_users but I need to write in this tuple before to raise. cr.rollback() registry = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(request.session.db) with registry.cursor() as cur: self.pool['res.users'].write(cur, uid, [uid], {'google_calendar_last_sync_date': False}, context=context) error_key = simplejson.loads(e.read()) error_key = error_key.get('error', {}).get('message', 'nc') error_msg = "Google are lost... the next synchro will be a full synchro. \n\n %s" % error_key raise self.pool.get('res.config.settings').get_config_warning(cr, _(error_msg), context=context) my_google_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid, [ ('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID), ('google_internal_event_id', 'in', all_event_from_google.keys()) ], context=context_novirtual) my_openerp_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid, [ ('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID), ('event_id.oe_update_date', '>', lastSync and lastSync.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) or self.get_minTime(cr, uid, context).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)), ('google_internal_event_id', '!=', False), ], context=context_novirtual) my_openerp_googleinternal_ids = att_obj.read(cr, uid, my_openerp_att_ids, ['google_internal_event_id', 'event_id'], context=context_novirtual) if self.get_print_log(cr, uid, context=context): _logger.info("Calendar Synchro - \n\nUPDATE IN GOOGLE\n%s\n\nRETRIEVE FROM OE\n%s\n\nUPDATE IN OE\n%s\n\nRETRIEVE FROM GG\n%s\n\n" % (all_event_from_google, my_google_att_ids, my_openerp_att_ids, my_openerp_googleinternal_ids)) for giid in my_openerp_googleinternal_ids: active = True # if not sure, we request google if giid.get('event_id'): active = calendar_event.browse(cr, uid, int(giid.get('event_id')[0]), context=context_novirtual).active if giid.get('google_internal_event_id') and not all_event_from_google.get(giid.get('google_internal_event_id')) and active: one_event = self.get_one_event_synchro(cr, uid, giid.get('google_internal_event_id'), context=context) if one_event: all_event_from_google[one_event['id']] = one_event my_att_ids = list(set(my_google_att_ids + my_openerp_att_ids)) else: domain = [ ('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID), ('google_internal_event_id', '!=', False), '|', ('event_id.stop', '>', self.get_minTime(cr, uid, context).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)), ('event_id.final_date', '>', self.get_minTime(cr, uid, context).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)), ] # Select all events from OpenERP which have been already synchronized in gmail my_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid, domain, context=context_novirtual) all_event_from_google = self.get_event_synchro_dict(cr, uid, lastSync=False, context=context) event_to_synchronize = {} for att in att_obj.browse(cr, uid, my_att_ids, context=context): event = att.event_id base_event_id = att.google_internal_event_id.rsplit('_', 1)[0] if base_event_id not in event_to_synchronize: event_to_synchronize[base_event_id] = {} if att.google_internal_event_id not in event_to_synchronize[base_event_id]: event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id] = SyncEvent() ev_to_sync = event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id] ev_to_sync.OE.attendee_id = att.id ev_to_sync.OE.event = event ev_to_sync.OE.found = True ev_to_sync.OE.event_id = event.id ev_to_sync.OE.isRecurrence = event.recurrency ev_to_sync.OE.isInstance = bool(event.recurrent_id and event.recurrent_id > 0) ev_to_sync.OE.update = event.oe_update_date ev_to_sync.OE.status = event.active ev_to_sync.OE.synchro = att.oe_synchro_date for event in all_event_from_google.values(): event_id = event.get('id') base_event_id = event_id.rsplit('_', 1)[0] if base_event_id not in event_to_synchronize: event_to_synchronize[base_event_id] = {} if event_id not in event_to_synchronize[base_event_id]: event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id] = SyncEvent() ev_to_sync = event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id] ev_to_sync.GG.event = event ev_to_sync.GG.found = True ev_to_sync.GG.isRecurrence = bool(event.get('recurrence', '')) ev_to_sync.GG.isInstance = bool(event.get('recurringEventId', 0)) ev_to_sync.GG.update = event.get('updated', None) # if deleted, no date without browse event if ev_to_sync.GG.update: ev_to_sync.GG.update = ev_to_sync.GG.update.replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', '') ev_to_sync.GG.status = (event.get('status') != 'cancelled') ###################### # PRE-PROCESSING # ###################### for base_event in event_to_synchronize: for current_event in event_to_synchronize[base_event]: event_to_synchronize[base_event][current_event].compute_OP(modeFull=not lastSync) if self.get_print_log(cr, uid, context=context): if not isinstance(event_to_synchronize[base_event][current_event].OP, NothingToDo): _logger.info(event_to_synchronize[base_event]) ###################### # DO ACTION # ###################### for base_event in event_to_synchronize: event_to_synchronize[base_event] = sorted(event_to_synchronize[base_event].iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) for current_event in event_to_synchronize[base_event]: cr.commit() event = current_event[1] # event is an Sync Event ! actToDo = event.OP actSrc = event.OP.src context['curr_attendee'] = event.OE.attendee_id if isinstance(actToDo, NothingToDo): continue elif isinstance(actToDo, Create): context_tmp = context.copy() context_tmp['NewMeeting'] = True if actSrc == 'GG': res = self.update_from_google(cr, uid, False, event.GG.event, "create", context=context_tmp) event.OE.event_id = res meeting = calendar_event.browse(cr, uid, res, context=context) attendee_record_id = att_obj.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID), ('event_id', '=', res)], context=context) self.pool['calendar.attendee'].write(cr, uid, attendee_record_id, {'oe_synchro_date': meeting.oe_update_date, 'google_internal_event_id': event.GG.event['id']}, context=context_tmp) elif actSrc == 'OE': raise "Should be never here, creation for OE is done before update !" #TODO Add to batch elif isinstance(actToDo, Update): if actSrc == 'GG': self.update_from_google(cr, uid, event.OE.event, event.GG.event, 'write', context) elif actSrc == 'OE': self.update_to_google(cr, uid, event.OE.event, event.GG.event, context) elif isinstance(actToDo, Exclude): if actSrc == 'OE': self.delete_an_event(cr, uid, current_event[0], context=context) elif actSrc == 'GG': new_google_event_id = event.GG.event['id'].rsplit('_', 1)[1] if 'T' in new_google_event_id: new_google_event_id = new_google_event_id.replace('T', '')[:-1] else: new_google_event_id = new_google_event_id + "000000" if event.GG.status: parent_event = {} if not event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].OE.event_id: main_ev = att_obj.search_read(cr, uid, [('google_internal_event_id', '=', event.GG.event['id'].rsplit('_', 1)[0])], fields=['event_id'], context=context_novirtual) event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].OE.event_id = main_ev[0].get('event_id')[0] parent_event['id'] = "%s-%s" % (event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].OE.event_id, new_google_event_id) res = self.update_from_google(cr, uid, parent_event, event.GG.event, "copy", context) else: parent_oe_id = event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].OE.event_id calendar_event.unlink(cr, uid, "%s-%s" % (parent_oe_id, new_google_event_id), can_be_deleted=True, context=context) elif isinstance(actToDo, Delete): if actSrc == 'GG': try: self.delete_an_event(cr, uid, current_event[0], context=context) except Exception, e: error = simplejson.loads(e.read()) error_nr = error.get('error', {}).get('code') # if already deleted from gmail or never created if error_nr in (404, 410,): pass else: raise e elif actSrc == 'OE': calendar_event.unlink(cr, uid, event.OE.event_id, can_be_deleted=False, context=context) return True def check_and_sync(self, cr, uid, oe_event, google_event, context): if datetime.strptime(oe_event.oe_update_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") > datetime.strptime(google_event['updated'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz"): self.update_to_google(cr, uid, oe_event, google_event, context) elif datetime.strptime(oe_event.oe_update_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") < datetime.strptime(google_event['updated'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz"): self.update_from_google(cr, uid, oe_event, google_event, 'write', context) def get_sequence(self, cr, uid, instance_id, context=None): gs_pool = self.pool['google.service'] params = { 'fields': 'sequence', 'access_token': self.get_token(cr, uid, context) } headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/%s/events/%s" % ('primary', instance_id) st, content, ask_time = gs_pool._do_request(cr, uid, url, params, headers, type='GET', context=context) return content.get('sequence', 0) ################################# ## MANAGE CONNEXION TO GMAIL ## ################################# def get_token(self, cr, uid, context=None): current_user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) if not current_user.google_calendar_token_validity or \ datetime.strptime(current_user.google_calendar_token_validity.split('.')[0], DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) < (datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=1)): self.do_refresh_token(cr, uid, context=context) current_user.refresh() return current_user.google_calendar_token def get_last_sync_date(self, cr, uid, context=None): current_user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) return current_user.google_calendar_last_sync_date and datetime.strptime(current_user.google_calendar_last_sync_date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) + timedelta(minutes=0) or False def do_refresh_token(self, cr, uid, context=None): current_user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) gs_pool = self.pool['google.service'] all_token = gs_pool._refresh_google_token_json(cr, uid, current_user.google_calendar_rtoken, self.STR_SERVICE, context=context) vals = {} vals['google_%s_token_validity' % self.STR_SERVICE] = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=all_token.get('expires_in')) vals['google_%s_token' % self.STR_SERVICE] = all_token.get('access_token') self.pool['res.users'].write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid, vals, context=context) def need_authorize(self, cr, uid, context=None): current_user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context) return current_user.google_calendar_rtoken is False def get_calendar_scope(self, RO=False): readonly = RO and '.readonly' or '' return 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar%s' % (readonly) def authorize_google_uri(self, cr, uid, from_url='http://www.openerp.com', context=None): url = self.pool['google.service']._get_authorize_uri(cr, uid, from_url, self.STR_SERVICE, scope=self.get_calendar_scope(), context=context) return url def can_authorize_google(self, cr, uid, context=None): return self.pool['res.users'].has_group(cr, uid, 'base.group_erp_manager') def set_all_tokens(self, cr, uid, authorization_code, context=None): gs_pool = self.pool['google.service'] all_token = gs_pool._get_google_token_json(cr, uid, authorization_code, self.STR_SERVICE, context=context) vals = {} vals['google_%s_rtoken' % self.STR_SERVICE] = all_token.get('refresh_token') vals['google_%s_token_validity' % self.STR_SERVICE] = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=all_token.get('expires_in')) vals['google_%s_token' % self.STR_SERVICE] = all_token.get('access_token') self.pool['res.users'].write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid, vals, context=context) def get_minTime(self, cr, uid, context=None): number_of_week = self.pool['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(cr, uid, 'calendar.week_synchro', default=13) return datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=number_of_week) def get_need_synchro_attendee(self, cr, uid, context=None): return self.pool['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(cr, uid, 'calendar.block_synchro_attendee', default=True) def get_disable_since_synchro(self, cr, uid, context=None): return self.pool['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(cr, uid, 'calendar.block_since_synchro', default=False) def get_print_log(self, cr, uid, context=None): return self.pool['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(cr, uid, 'calendar.debug_print', default=False) class res_users(osv.Model): _inherit = 'res.users' _columns = { 'google_calendar_rtoken': fields.char('Refresh Token'), 'google_calendar_token': fields.char('User token'), 'google_calendar_token_validity': fields.datetime('Token Validity'), 'google_calendar_last_sync_date': fields.datetime('Last synchro date'), 'google_calendar_cal_id': fields.char('Calendar ID', help='Last Calendar ID who has been synchronized. If it is changed, we remove \ all links between GoogleID and Odoo Google Internal ID') } class calendar_event(osv.Model): _inherit = "calendar.event" def get_fields_need_update_google(self, cr, uid, context=None): return ['name', 'description', 'allday', 'date', 'date_end', 'stop', 'attendee_ids', 'location', 'class', 'active'] def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None): if context is None: context = {} sync_fields = set(self.get_fields_need_update_google(cr, uid, context)) if (set(vals.keys()) & sync_fields) and 'oe_update_date' not in vals.keys() and 'NewMeeting' not in context: vals['oe_update_date'] = datetime.now() return super(calendar_event, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context) def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None): default = default or {} if default.get('write_type', False): del default['write_type'] elif default.get('recurrent_id', False): default['oe_update_date'] = datetime.now() else: default['oe_update_date'] = False return super(calendar_event, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context) def unlink(self, cr, uid, ids, can_be_deleted=False, context=None): return super(calendar_event, self).unlink(cr, uid, ids, can_be_deleted=can_be_deleted, context=context) _columns = { 'oe_update_date': fields.datetime('Odoo Update Date'), } class calendar_attendee(osv.Model): _inherit = 'calendar.attendee' _columns = { 'google_internal_event_id': fields.char('Google Calendar Event Id'), 'oe_synchro_date': fields.datetime('Odoo Synchro Date'), } _sql_constraints = [('google_id_uniq', 'unique(google_internal_event_id,partner_id,event_id)', 'Google ID should be unique!')] def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None): if context is None: context = {} for id in ids: ref = vals.get('event_id', self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context).event_id.id) # If attendees are updated, we need to specify that next synchro need an action # Except if it come from an update_from_google if not context.get('curr_attendee', False) and not context.get('NewMeeting', False): self.pool['calendar.event'].write(cr, uid, ref, {'oe_update_date': datetime.now()}, context) return super(calendar_attendee, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)