/* jshint undef: false */ (function () { 'use strict'; var QWeb = openerp.web.qweb; var _lt = openerp.web._lt; var _t = openerp.web._t; nv.dev = false; // sets nvd3 library in production mode openerp.web_graph.Graph = openerp.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'GraphWidget', // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Init stuff // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- init: function(parent, model, domain, options) { this._super(parent); this.model = model; this.domain = domain; this.mode = options.mode || 'pivot'; // pivot, bar, pie, line this.heatmap_mode = options.heatmap_mode || 'none'; this.visible_ui = options.visible_ui || true; this.bar_ui = options.bar_ui || 'group'; this.graph_view = options.graph_view || null; this.pivot_options = options; this.title = options.title || 'Data'; }, start: function() { var self = this; this.table = $(''); this.$('.graph_main_content').append(this.table); var indexes = {'pivot': 0, 'bar': 1, 'line': 2, 'chart': 3}; this.$('.graph_mode_selection label').eq(indexes[this.mode]).addClass('active'); if (this.mode !== 'pivot') { this.$('.graph_heatmap label').addClass('disabled'); this.$('.graph_main_content').addClass('graph_chart_mode'); } else { this.$('.graph_main_content').addClass('graph_pivot_mode'); } // get search view var parent = this.getParent(); while (!(parent instanceof openerp.web.ViewManager)) { parent = parent.getParent(); } this.search_view = parent.searchview; openerp.session.rpc('/web_graph/check_xlwt').then(function (result) { self.$('.graph_options_selection label').last().toggle(result); }); return this.model.call('fields_get', []).then(function (f) { self.fields = f; self.fields.__count = {field:'__count', type: 'integer', string:_t('Quantity')}; self.important_fields = self.get_search_fields(); self.measure_list = self.get_measures(); self.add_measures_to_options(); self.pivot_options.row_groupby = self.create_field_values(self.pivot_options.row_groupby || []); self.pivot_options.col_groupby = self.create_field_values(self.pivot_options.col_groupby || []); self.pivot_options.measures = self.create_field_values(self.pivot_options.measures || [{field:'__count', type: 'integer', string:'Quantity'}]); self.pivot = new openerp.web_graph.PivotTable(self.model, self.domain, self.fields, self.pivot_options); self.pivot.update_data().then(function () { self.display_data(); if (self.graph_view) { self.graph_view.register_groupby(self.pivot.rows.groupby, self.pivot.cols.groupby); } }); openerp.web.bus.on('click', self, function (event) { if (self.dropdown) { self.$row_clicked = $(event.target).closest('tr'); self.dropdown.remove(); self.dropdown = null; } }); self.put_measure_checkmarks(); }); }, // this method gets the fields that appear in the search view, under the // 'Groupby' heading get_search_fields: function () { var self = this; var groupbygroups = _(this.search_view.inputs).select(function (g) { return g instanceof openerp.web.search.GroupbyGroup; }); var filters = _.flatten(_.pluck(groupbygroups, 'filters'), true), groupbys = _.flatten(_.map(filters, function (filter) { var groupby = py.eval(filter.attrs.context).group_by; if (!(groupby instanceof Array)) { groupby = [groupby]; } return _.map(groupby, function(g) { return {field: g, filter: filter}; }); })); return _.uniq(_.map(groupbys, function (groupby) { var field = groupby.field, filter = groupby.filter, raw_field = field.split(':')[0], string = (field === raw_field) ? filter.attrs.string : self.fields[raw_field].string; filter = (field === raw_field) ? filter : undefined; return { field: raw_field, string: string, filter: filter }; }), false, function (filter) {return filter.field;}); }, // Extracts the integer/float fields which are not 'id' get_measures: function() { return _.compact(_.map(this.fields, function (f, id) { if (((f.type === 'integer') || (f.type === 'float')) && (id !== 'id')) { return {field:id, type: f.type, string: f.string}; } })); }, add_measures_to_options: function() { this.$('.graph_measure_selection').append( _.map(this.measure_list, function (measure) { return $('
  • ').append($('').attr('data-choice', measure.field) .attr('href', '#') .text(measure.string)); })); }, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- set: function (domain, row_groupby, col_groupby) { if (!this.pivot) { this.pivot_options.domain = domain; this.pivot_options.row_groupby = row_groupby; this.pivot_options.col_groupby = col_groupby; return; } var row_gbs = this.create_field_values(row_groupby), col_gbs = this.create_field_values(col_groupby), dom_changed = !_.isEqual(this.pivot.domain, domain), row_gb_changed = !_.isEqual(row_gbs, this.pivot.rows.groupby), col_gb_changed = !_.isEqual(col_gbs, this.pivot.cols.groupby), row_reduced = is_strict_beginning_of(row_gbs, this.pivot.rows.groupby), col_reduced = is_strict_beginning_of(col_gbs, this.pivot.cols.groupby); if (!dom_changed && row_reduced && !col_gb_changed) { this.pivot.fold_with_depth(this.pivot.rows, row_gbs.length); this.display_data(); return; } if (!dom_changed && col_reduced && !row_gb_changed) { this.pivot.fold_with_depth(this.pivot.cols, col_gbs.length); this.display_data(); return; } if (!dom_changed && col_reduced && row_reduced) { this.pivot.fold_with_depth(this.pivot.rows, row_gbs.length); this.pivot.fold_with_depth(this.pivot.cols, col_gbs.length); this.display_data(); return; } if (dom_changed || row_gb_changed || col_gb_changed) { this.pivot.set(domain, row_gbs, col_gbs).then(this.proxy('display_data')); } }, set_mode: function (mode) { this.mode = mode; if (mode === 'pivot') { this.$('.graph_heatmap label').removeClass('disabled'); this.$('.graph_main_content').removeClass('graph_chart_mode').addClass('graph_pivot_mode'); } else { this.$('.graph_heatmap label').addClass('disabled'); this.$('.graph_main_content').removeClass('graph_pivot_mode').addClass('graph_chart_mode'); } this.display_data(); }, set_heatmap_mode: function (mode) { // none, row, col, all this.heatmap_mode = mode; if (mode === 'none') { this.$('.graph_heatmap label').removeClass('disabled'); this.$('.graph_heatmap label').removeClass('active'); } this.display_data(); }, create_field_value: function (f) { var field = (_.contains(f, ':')) ? f.split(':')[0] : f, groupby_field = _.findWhere(this.important_fields, {field:field}), string = groupby_field ? groupby_field.string : this.fields[field].string, result = {field: f, string: string, type: this.fields[field].type }; if (groupby_field) { result.filter = groupby_field.filter; } return result; }, create_field_values: function (field_ids) { return _.map(field_ids, this.proxy('create_field_value')); }, get_col_groupbys: function () { return _.pluck(this.pivot.cols.groupby, 'field'); }, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // UI code // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- events: { 'click .graph_mode_selection label' : 'mode_selection', 'click .graph_measure_selection li' : 'measure_selection', 'click .graph_options_selection label' : 'option_selection', 'click .graph_heatmap label' : 'heatmap_mode_selection', 'click .web_graph_click' : 'header_cell_clicked', 'click a.field-selection' : 'field_selection', }, mode_selection: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var mode = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-mode'); this.set_mode(mode); }, measure_selection: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var measure_field = event.target.getAttribute('data-choice'); var measure = { field: measure_field, type: this.fields[measure_field].type, string: this.fields[measure_field].string }; this.pivot.toggle_measure(measure).then(this.proxy('display_data')); this.put_measure_checkmarks(); }, put_measure_checkmarks: function () { var self = this, measures_li = this.$('.graph_measure_selection a'); measures_li.removeClass('oe_selected'); _.each(this.measure_list, function (measure, index) { if (_.findWhere(self.pivot.measures, measure)) { measures_li.eq(index).addClass('oe_selected'); } }); }, option_selection: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); switch (event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-choice')) { case 'swap_axis': this.swap_axis(); break; case 'expand_all': this.pivot.expand_all().then(this.proxy('display_data')); break; case 'update_values': this.pivot.update_data().then(this.proxy('display_data')); break; case 'export_data': this.export_xls(); break; } }, heatmap_mode_selection: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var mode = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-mode'); if (this.heatmap_mode === mode) { event.stopPropagation(); this.set_heatmap_mode('none'); } else { this.set_heatmap_mode(mode); } }, header_cell_clicked: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var id = event.target.getAttribute('data-id'), header = this.pivot.get_header(id), self = this; if (header.expanded) { if (header.root === this.pivot.rows) { this.fold_row(header, event); } else { this.fold_col(header); } return; } if (header.path.length < header.root.groupby.length) { this.$row_clicked = $(event.target).closest('tr'); this.expand(id); return; } if (!this.important_fields.length) { return; } var fields = _.map(this.important_fields, function (field) { return {id: field.field, value: field.string, type:self.fields[field.field.split(':')[0]].type}; }); if (this.dropdown) { this.dropdown.remove(); } this.dropdown = $(QWeb.render('field_selection', {fields:fields, header_id:id})); $(event.target).after(this.dropdown); this.dropdown.css({position:'absolute', left:event.pageX, top:event.pageY}); this.$('.field-selection').next('.dropdown-menu').toggle(); }, field_selection: function (event) { var id = event.target.getAttribute('data-id'), field_id = event.target.getAttribute('data-field-id'), interval, groupby = this.create_field_value(field_id); event.preventDefault(); if (this.fields[field_id].type === 'date' || this.fields[field_id].type === 'datetime') { interval = event.target.getAttribute('data-interval'); groupby.field = groupby.field + ':' + interval; } this.expand(id, groupby); }, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pivot Table integration // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- expand: function (header_id, groupby) { var self = this, header = this.pivot.get_header(header_id), update_groupby = !!groupby; groupby = groupby || header.root.groupby[header.path.length]; this.pivot.expand(header_id, groupby).then(function () { if (header.root === self.pivot.rows) { // expanding rows can be done by only inserting in the dom // console.log(event.target); var rows = self.build_rows(header.children); var doc_fragment = $(document.createDocumentFragment()); rows.map(function (row) { doc_fragment.append(self.draw_row(row)); }); self.$row_clicked.after(doc_fragment); } else { // expanding cols will redraw the full table self.display_data(); } if (update_groupby && self.graph_view) { self.graph_view.register_groupby(self.pivot.rows.groupby, self.pivot.cols.groupby); } }); }, fold_row: function (header, event) { var rows_before = this.pivot.rows.headers.length, update_groupby = this.pivot.fold(header), rows_after = this.pivot.rows.headers.length, rows_removed = rows_before - rows_after; if (rows_after === 1) { // probably faster to redraw the unique row instead of removing everything this.display_data(); } else { var $row = $(event.target).parent().parent(); $row.nextAll().slice(0,rows_removed).remove(); } if (update_groupby && this.graph_view) { this.graph_view.register_groupby(this.pivot.rows.groupby, this.pivot.cols.groupby); } }, fold_col: function (header) { var update_groupby = this.pivot.fold(header); this.display_data(); if (update_groupby && this.graph_view) { this.graph_view.register_groupby(this.pivot.rows.groupby, this.pivot.cols.groupby); } }, swap_axis: function () { this.pivot.swap_axis(); this.display_data(); this.graph_view.register_groupby(this.pivot.rows.groupby, this.pivot.cols.groupby); }, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert Pivot data structure into table structure : // compute rows, cols, colors, cell width, cell height, ... // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- build_table: function(raw) { return { headers: this.build_headers(), measure_row: this.build_measure_row(), rows: this.build_rows(this.pivot.rows.headers,raw), nbr_measures: this.pivot.measures.length, title: this.title, }; }, build_headers: function () { var pivot = this.pivot, nbr_measures = pivot.measures.length, height = _.max(_.map(pivot.cols.headers, function(g) {return g.path.length;})), rows = []; _.each(pivot.cols.headers, function (col) { if (col.path.length === 0) { return;} var cell_width = nbr_measures * (col.expanded ? pivot.get_ancestor_leaves(col).length : 1), cell_height = col.expanded ? 1 : height - col.path.length + 1, cell = {width: cell_width, height: cell_height, title: col.title, id: col.id, expanded: col.expanded}; if (rows[col.path.length - 1]) { rows[col.path.length - 1].push(cell); } else { rows[col.path.length - 1] = [cell]; } }); if (pivot.get_cols_leaves().length > 1) { rows[0].push({width: nbr_measures, height: height, title: _t('Total'), id: pivot.main_col().id }); } if (pivot.cols.headers.length === 1) { rows = [[{width: nbr_measures, height: 1, title: _t('Total'), id: pivot.main_col().id, expanded: false}]]; } return rows; }, build_measure_row: function () { var nbr_leaves = this.pivot.get_cols_leaves().length, nbr_cols = nbr_leaves + ((nbr_leaves > 1) ? 1 : 0), result = [], add_total = this.pivot.get_cols_leaves().length > 1, i, m; for (i = 0; i < nbr_cols; i++) { for (m = 0; m < this.pivot.measures.length; m++) { result.push({ text:this.pivot.measures[m].string, is_bold: add_total && (i === nbr_cols - 1) }); } } return result; }, make_cell: function (row, col, value, index, raw) { var formatted_value = raw && !_.isUndefined(value) ? value : openerp.web.format_value(value, {type:this.pivot.measures[index].type}), cell = {value:formatted_value}; if (this.heatmap_mode === 'none') { return cell; } var total = (this.heatmap_mode === 'both') ? this.pivot.get_total()[index] : (this.heatmap_mode === 'row') ? this.pivot.get_total(row)[index] : this.pivot.get_total(col)[index]; var color = Math.floor(90 + 165*(total - Math.abs(value))/total); if (color < 255) { cell.color = color; } return cell; }, build_rows: function (headers, raw) { var self = this, pivot = this.pivot, m, i, j, k, cell, row; var rows = []; var cells, pivot_cells, values; var nbr_of_rows = headers.length; var col_headers = pivot.get_cols_leaves(); for (i = 0; i < nbr_of_rows; i++) { row = headers[i]; cells = []; pivot_cells = []; for (j = 0; j < pivot.cells.length; j++) { if (pivot.cells[j].x == row.id || pivot.cells[j].y == row.id) { pivot_cells.push(pivot.cells[j]); } } for (j = 0; j < col_headers.length; j++) { values = undefined; for (k = 0; k < pivot_cells.length; k++) { if (pivot_cells[k].x == col_headers[j].id || pivot_cells[k].y == col_headers[j].id) { values = pivot_cells[k].values; break; } } if (!values) { values = new Array(pivot.measures.length);} for (m = 0; m < pivot.measures.length; m++) { cells.push(self.make_cell(row,col_headers[j],values[m], m, raw)); } } if (col_headers.length > 1) { var totals = pivot.get_total(row); for (m = 0; m < pivot.measures.length; m++) { cell = self.make_cell(row, pivot.cols.headers[0], totals[m], m, raw); cell.is_bold = 'true'; cells.push(cell); } } rows.push({ id: row.id, indent: row.path.length, title: row.title, expanded: row.expanded, cells: cells, }); } return rows; }, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main display method // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- display_data: function () { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); this.$('.graph_main_content svg').remove(); this.$('.graph_main_content div').remove(); this.table.empty(); this.table.toggleClass('heatmap', this.heatmap_mode !== 'none'); this.$('.graph_options_selection label').last().toggleClass('disabled', this.pivot.no_data); this.width = this.$el.width(); this.height = Math.min(Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight - 116 - 60, 250), Math.round(0.8*this.$el.width())); this.$('.graph_header').toggle(this.visible_ui); if (this.pivot.no_data) { this.$('.graph_main_content').append($(QWeb.render('graph_no_data'))); } else { if (this.mode === 'pivot') { this.draw_table(); $(window).scrollTop(scroll); } else { this.$('.graph_main_content').append($('
    ')); this.svg = this.$('.graph_main_content svg')[0]; this[this.mode](); } } }, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Drawing the table // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- draw_table: function () { var table = this.build_table(); var doc_fragment = $(document.createDocumentFragment()); this.draw_headers(table.headers, doc_fragment); this.draw_measure_row(table.measure_row, doc_fragment); this.draw_rows(table.rows, doc_fragment); this.table.append(doc_fragment); }, make_header_cell: function (header) { var cell = (_.has(header, 'cells') ? $('') : $('')) .addClass('graph_border') .attr('rowspan', header.height) .attr('colspan', header.width); var $content = $('').addClass('web_graph_click') .attr('href','#') .text(' ' + (header.title || _t('Undefined'))) .css('margin-left', header.indent*30 + 'px') .attr('data-id', header.id); if (_.has(header, 'expanded')) { $content.addClass(header.expanded ? 'fa fa-minus-square' : 'fa fa-plus-square'); } else { $content.css('font-weight', 'bold'); } return cell.append($content); }, draw_headers: function (headers, doc_fragment) { var make_cell = this.make_header_cell, $empty_cell = $('
  • '); _.each(headers, function (row) { var $row = $(''); _.each(row, function (header) { $row.append(make_cell(header)); }); $thead.append($row); }); $thead.children(':first').prepend($empty_cell); doc_fragment.append($thead); this.$thead = $thead; }, draw_measure_row: function (measure_row) { if (this.pivot.measures.length === 1) { return; } var $row = $('').append('') .attr('data-indent', row.indent) .append(this.make_header_cell(row)); var cells_length = row.cells.length; var cells_list = []; var cell, hcell; for (var j = 0; j < cells_length; j++) { cell = row.cells[j]; hcell = ''; cells_list[j] = hcell; } return $row.append(cells_list.join('')); }, draw_rows: function (rows, doc_fragment) { var rows_length = rows.length, $tbody = $(''); doc_fragment.append($tbody); for (var i = 0; i < rows_length; i++) { $tbody.append(this.draw_row(rows[i])); } }, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Drawing charts code // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bar: function () { var self = this, dim_x = this.pivot.rows.groupby.length, dim_y = this.pivot.cols.groupby.length, show_controls = (this.width > 400 && this.height > 300 && dim_x + dim_y >=2), data; // No groupby if ((dim_x === 0) && (dim_y === 0)) { data = [{key: _t('Total'), values:[{ x: _t('Total'), y: this.pivot.get_total()[0], }]}]; // Only column groupbys } else if ((dim_x === 0) && (dim_y >= 1)){ data = _.map(this.pivot.get_cols_with_depth(1), function (header) { return { key: header.title, values: [{x:header.title, y: self.pivot.get_total(header)[0]}] }; }); // Just 1 row groupby } else if ((dim_x === 1) && (dim_y === 0)) { data = _.map(this.pivot.main_row().children, function (pt) { var value = self.pivot.get_total(pt)[0], title = (pt.title !== undefined) ? pt.title : _t('Undefined'); return {x: title, y: value}; }); data = [{key: self.pivot.measures[0].string, values:data}]; // 1 row groupby and some col groupbys } else if ((dim_x === 1) && (dim_y >= 1)) { data = _.map(this.pivot.get_cols_with_depth(1), function (colhdr) { var values = _.map(self.pivot.get_rows_with_depth(1), function (header) { return { x: header.title || _t('Undefined'), y: self.pivot.get_values(header.id, colhdr.id)[0] || 0 }; }); return {key: colhdr.title || _t('Undefined'), values: values}; }); // At least two row groupby } else { var keys = _.uniq(_.map(this.pivot.get_rows_with_depth(2), function (hdr) { return hdr.title || _t('Undefined'); })); data = _.map(keys, function (key) { var values = _.map(self.pivot.get_rows_with_depth(1), function (hdr) { var subhdr = _.find(hdr.children, function (child) { return ((child.title === key) || ((child.title === undefined) && (key === _t('Undefined')))); }); return { x: hdr.title || _t('Undefined'), y: (subhdr) ? self.pivot.get_total(subhdr)[0] : 0 }; }); return {key:key, values: values}; }); } nv.addGraph(function () { var chart = nv.models.multiBarChart() .reduceXTicks(false) .stacked(self.bar_ui === 'stack') .showControls(show_controls); if (self.width / data[0].values.length < 80) { chart.rotateLabels(-15); chart.reduceXTicks(true); chart.margin({bottom:40}); } d3.select(self.svg) .datum(data) .attr('width', self.width) .attr('height', self.height) .call(chart); nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); return chart; }); }, line: function () { var self = this, dim_x = this.pivot.rows.groupby.length, dim_y = this.pivot.cols.groupby.length; var rows = this.pivot.get_rows_with_depth(dim_x), labels = _.pluck(rows, 'title'); var data = _.map(this.pivot.get_cols_leaves(), function (col) { var values = _.map(rows, function (row, index) { return {x: index, y: self.pivot.get_values(row.id,col.id)[0] || 0}; }); var title = _.map(col.path, function (p) { return p || _t('Undefined'); }).join('/'); if (dim_y === 0) { title = self.pivot.measures[0].string; } return {values: values, key: title}; }); nv.addGraph(function () { var chart = nv.models.lineChart() .x(function (d,u) { return u; }); chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function (d,u) {return labels[d];}); d3.select(self.svg) .attr('width', self.width) .attr('height', self.height) .datum(data) .call(chart); return chart; }); }, pie: function () { var self = this, dim_x = this.pivot.rows.groupby.length; var data = _.map(this.pivot.get_rows_leaves(), function (row) { var title = _.map(row.path, function (p) { return p || _t('Undefined'); }).join('/'); if (dim_x === 0) { title = self.measure_label; } return {x: title, y: self.pivot.get_total(row)[0]}; }); nv.addGraph(function () { var chart = nv.models.pieChart() .width(self.width) .height(self.height) .color(d3.scale.category10().range()); d3.select(self.svg) .datum(data) .transition().duration(1200) .attr('width', self.width) .attr('height', self.height) .call(chart); nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); return chart; }); }, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Controller stuff... // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- export_xls: function() { var c = openerp.webclient.crashmanager; openerp.web.blockUI(); this.session.get_file({ url: '/web_graph/export_xls', data: {data: JSON.stringify(this.build_table(true))}, complete: openerp.web.unblockUI, error: c.rpc_error.bind(c) }); }, }); // Utility function: returns true if the beginning of array2 is array1 and // if array1 is not array2 function is_strict_beginning_of (array1, array2) { if (array1.length >= array2.length) { return false; } var result = true; for (var i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { if (!_.isEqual(array1[i], array2[i])) { return false;} } return result; } })();
    ').attr('rowspan', headers.length), $thead = $('
    '); _.each(measure_row, function (cell) { var $cell = $('').addClass('measure_row').text(cell.text); if (cell.is_bold) {$cell.css('font-weight', 'bold');} $row.append($cell); }); this.$thead.append($row); }, draw_row: function (row) { var $row = $('