import urllib2 import simplejson import openerp from openerp.osv import osv, fields class res_users(osv.Model): _inherit = 'res.users' _columns = { 'oauth_provider': fields.char('OAuth Provider', size=1024), 'oauth_uid': fields.char('OAuth User ID', size=256, help="Used for disambiguation in case of a shared OpenID URL"), 'oauth_access_token': fields.char('OAuth Token', readonly=True), } def auth_oauth_rpc(self, cr, uid, endpoint, access_token, context=None): url = endpoint + access_token f = urllib2.urlopen(url) response = return simplejson.loads(response) def auth_oauth_fetch_user_validation(self, cr, uid, access_token, context=None): endpoint = '' return self.auth_oauth_rpc(cr, uid, endpoint, access_token) def auth_oauth_fetch_user_data(self, cr, uid, access_token, context=None): endpoint = '' return self.auth_oauth_rpc(cr, uid, endpoint, access_token) def auth_oauth(self, cr, uid, params, context=None): # Advice by Google (to avoid Confused Deputy Problem) # if validation.audience != OUR_CLIENT_ID: # abort() # else: # continue with the process access_token = params.get('access_token') validation = self.auth_oauth_fetch_user_validation(cr, uid, access_token, context=context) if validation.get("error"): raise openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied login = validation['email'] oauth_uid = validation['user_id'] name = self.auth_oauth_fetch_user_data(cr, uid, params)['name'] r = (cr.dbname, login, access_token) res =, uid, [("oauth_uid", "=", oauth_uid)]) if res: self.write(cr, uid, res[0]['id'], {'oauth_access_token':access_token}) else: # New user new_user = { 'name': name, 'login': login, 'user_email': login, 'oauth_provider': 'Google', 'oauth_uid': oauth_uid, 'oauth_access_token': access_token, 'active': True, } self.auth_signup_create(cr, uid, new_user) return r def check(self, db, uid, passwd): try: return super(res_users, self).check(db, uid, passwd) except openerp.exceptions.AccesDenied: if not passwd: raise try: registry = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(db) cr = registry.db.cursor() cr.execute('''SELECT COUNT(1) FROM res_users WHERE id=%s AND oauth_access_token=%s AND active=%s''', (int(uid), passwd, True)) if not cr.fetchone()[0]: raise self._uid_cache.setdefault(db, {})[uid] = passwd finally: cr.close() #