Total Invoiced sum True [('state','!=','cancel'),('user_id','=',,('type','=','out_invoice')] New Leads Based on the creation date count leads [('user_id','=',, '|', ('type', '=', 'lead'), ('type', '=', 'opportunity')] Time to Qualify a Lead The average number of days to open the case (lower than) sum lower days [('user_id','=',,('type', '=', 'lead')] Days to Close a Deal The average number of days to close the case (lower than) sum lower days [('user_id','=',] Logged Calls Log a certain number of calls to reach this goal count calls [('user_id','=',,('state','=','done')] New Opportunities Based on the opening date count opportunities [('user_id','=',,('type','=','opportunity')] New Sales Orders Based on the creation date count orders [('user_id','=',,('state','not in',('draft', 'sent', 'cancel'))] Paid Sales Orders Based on the invoice date count orders [('state','=','paid'),('user_id','=',,('type','=','out_invoice')] Total Paid Sales Orders Based on the invoice date count True [('state','=','paid'),('user_id','=',,('type','=','out_invoice')] Customer Refunds Refund the least customers (lower than) count lower invoices [('state','!=','cancel'),('user_id','=',,('type','=','out_refund')] Total Customer Refunds The total refunded value is a negative value. Validated when higher (min refunded). sum higher True [('state','!=','cancel'),('user_id','=',,('type','=','out_refund')] Monthly Sales Targets monthly ranking weekly Lead Acquisition monthly ranking weekly 20000 7 1 15 2 5 3