product.product search product.product.tree product.product tree product.normal.form product.product form
Products ir.actions.act_window product.product form You must define a Product for everything you buy or sell. They can be raw materials, stockable products, consumables or services. The Product form contains a detailed information of your products related to procurement logistics, sales price, product category, suppliers and so on. Products ir.actions.act_window product.product form [('purchase_ok','=',1)] Products can be purchased and/or sold. They can be raw materials, stockable products, consumables or services. The Product form contains a detailed information on your products related to procurement logistics, sales price, product category, suppliers and so on. product.category.form product.category form
product.category.list product.category tree 1 product.category.tree product.category tree child_id Products by Category ir.actions.act_window product.category [('parent_id','=',False)] tree Create and manage product categories you want to be maintained in the system. This allows you to classify your products according to your needs. Products Categories ir.actions.act_window product.category form Products ir.actions.act_window product.product form tree,form [('categ_id','child_of',[active_id])] {'categ_id':active_id} Products by Categories product.uom.tree product.uom tree product.uom.form product.uom form
Units of Measure ir.actions.act_window product.uom form Create and manage the units of measure you want to be used in your system. You can define a conversion rate to be used between the several Unit of Measure within the same category. product.uom.categ.form product.uom.categ form
Units of Measure Categories ir.actions.act_window product.uom.categ form tree,form Create and manage the units of measure categories you want to be used in your system. If several units of measures are in the same category, they can be converted within each other. For example, in the unit of measure category "Time", you will have the following UoM: Hours, Days. product.ul.form.view product.ul form
product.ul.tree product.ul tree Packaging ir.actions.act_window product.ul form tree,form Create and manage your packaging dimensions and types you want to be maintained in your system. product.packaging.tree.view product.packaging tree product.packaging.form.view product.packaging form
product.supplierinfo.form.view product.supplierinfo form
product.supplierinfo.tree.view product.supplierinfo tree product.variant.form product.product form
product.variant.tree product.product tree product.template.product.tree product.template tree product.template.product.form product.template form
Product Templates ir.actions.act_window product.template form Products