[[ repeatIn(objects,'o') ]][[ setLang(o.partner_id.lang) ]] Shipping address : [[ o.partner_id.title or '' ]][[ o.partner_id.name ]] [[ o.partner_shipping_id.title or '' ]][[ o.partner_shipping_id.name ]] [[ o.partner_shipping_id.street ]] [[ o.partner_shipping_id.street2 or '' ]] [[ o.partner_shipping_id.city or '' ]][[ o.partner_shipping_id.zip or '' ]] [[ o.partner_shipping_id.state_id and o.partner_shipping_id.state_id.name or '' ]][[ o.partner_shipping_id.country_id and o.partner_shipping_id.country_id.name or '' ]] Invoice address : [[ o.partner_invoice_id.street ]][[ o.partner_invoice_id.street2 and (', %s' % o.partner_invoice_id.street2 or '') ]] [[ o.partner_invoice_id.zip or '' ]][[ o.partner_invoice_id.city or '' ]][[ o.partner_invoice_id.country_id and (', %s' % (o.partner_invoice_id.country_id and o.partner_invoice_id.country_id.name or '')) ]] [[ o.partner_id.title or '' ]][[ o.partner_id.name ]] [[ o.partner_order_id.title or '' ]][[ o.partner_order_id.name ]] [[ o.partner_order_id.street ]] [[ o.partner_order_id.street2 or '' ]] [[ o.partner_order_id.zip or '' ]][[ o.partner_order_id.city or '' ]] [[ o.partner_order_id.state_id and o.partner_order_id.state_id.name or '' ]][[ o.partner_order_id.country_id and o.partner_order_id.country_id.name or '' ]] Tel. : [[ o.partner_order_id.phone or removeParentNode('para') ]] Fax : [[ o.partner_order_id.fax or removeParentNode('para') ]] VAT :[[ o.partner_id.vat or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ o.state<>'draft' and removeParentNode('para') ]] Quotation N° : [[ o.name ]] [[ o.state=='draft' and removeParentNode('para') ]] Order N° : [[ o.name ]] Your Reference Date Ordered Our Salesman Payment Terms [[ o.client_order_ref ]] [[ o.date_order ]] [[ o.user_id.name ]] [[ o.client_ref and o.client_ref.property_payment_term and o.client_ref.property_payment_term[0] and o.client_ref.property_payment_term[0].name ]] Description VAT Quantity Unit Price Disc.(%) Price
[[ repeatIn(o.order_line,'line') ]] [[ line.name ]] [[ ', '.join(map(lambda x: x.name, line.tax_id)) ]] [[ line.product_uos and line.product_uos_qty or line.product_uom_qty ]] [[ line.product_uos and line.product_uos.name or line.product_uom.name ]] [[ line.price_unit ]] [[ line.discount and str(line.discount) or '' ]] [[ line.price_subtotal ]] [[ repeatIn((line.notes and line.notes.splitlines()) or [], 'l') ]] [[ l or removeParentNode('table') ]]
Net Total : [[ o.amount_untaxed ]] [[ o.pricelist_id.currency_id.name ]] Taxes : [[ o.amount_tax ]] [[ o.pricelist_id.currency_id.name ]] Total : [[ o.amount_total ]] [[ o.pricelist_id.currency_id.name ]] [[ format(o.note or '') ]] [[ format((o.partner_id.property_payment_term and o.partner_id.property_payment_term.note) or '') ]]