openerp.base = function(instance) { instance.base.apps_remote = null; instance.base.apps_client = null; var _t = instance.web._t; instance.base.Apps = instance.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'EmptyComponent', remote_action_id: 'loempia.action_embed', failback_action_id: 'base.open_module_tree', init: function(parent, action) { this._super(parent, action); var options = action.params || {}; if (options.apps_user) { sessionStorage.setItem('apps.login', options.apps_user); } if (options.apps_access_token) { sessionStorage.setItem('apps.access_token', options.apps_access_token); } this.params = options; // NOTE read by embedded client action }, get_client: function() { // return the client via a deferred, resolved or rejected depending if the remote host is available or not. var check_client_available = function(client) { var d = $.Deferred(); var i = new Image(); i.onerror = function() { d.reject(client); }; i.onload = function() { client.session.session_bind(client.origin).then(function() { // check if client can authenticate client.authenticate().then( function() { /* done */ d.resolve(client); }, function() { /* fail */ if (client.login === 'anonymous') { d.reject(client); } else { sessionStorage.removeItem('apps.login'); sessionStorage.removeItem('apps.access_token'); client.bind_credentials(client.dbname, 'anonymous', 'anonymous'); client.authenticate().then( function() { /* done */ d.resolve(client); }, function() { /* fail */ d.reject(client); }); } }); }); }; var ts = new Date().getTime(); i.src = _.str.sprintf('%s/web/static/src/img/sep-a.gif?%s', client.origin, ts); return d.promise(); }; if (instance.base.apps_client) { return check_client_available(instance.base.apps_client); } else { var ICP = new instance.web.Model('ir.config_parameter'); return'get_param', ['apps.server', '']).then(function(u) { var link = $(_.str.sprintf('', u))[0]; var host = _.str.sprintf('%s//%s', link.protocol,; var dbname = link.pathname; if (dbname[0] === '/') { dbname = dbname.substr(1); } var login = (sessionStorage ? sessionStorage.getItem('apps.login') : null) || 'anonymous'; var passwd = (sessionStorage ? sessionStorage.getItem('apps.access_token') : null) || 'anonymous'; if (_.isNull(instance.base.apps_remote)) { instance.base.apps_remote = new openerp.init(); } var client = new instance.base.apps_remote.web.EmbeddedClient(null, host, dbname, login, passwd); instance.base.apps_client = client; return check_client_available(client); }); } }, destroy: function() { if (instance.base.apps_client) { instance.base.apps_client.destroy(); } return this._super(); }, start: function() { var self = this; // desactivated for now because apps does not work anyway due to changes in the framework /*return self.get_client(). done(function(client) { client.replace(self.$el). done(function() { client.$el.removeClass('openerp'); client.do_action(self.remote_action_id, {hide_breadcrumb: true}); }); }). fail(function(client) {*/ self.do_warn(_t('OpenERP Apps Unreachable'), _t('Showing locally available modules'), true); self.rpc('/web/action/load', {action_id: self.failback_action_id}).done(function(action) { self.do_action(action);; }); //}); }, }); instance.base.AppsUpdates = instance.base.Apps.extend({ remote_action_id: 'loempia.action_embed_updates' }); instance.web.client_actions.add("apps", "instance.base.Apps"); instance.web.client_actions.add("apps.updates", "instance.base.AppsUpdates"); };