product.template product.template.product.tree product.template product.template.common.form product.template primary product.product primary variants.template.tree product.attribute.value Variant Values ir.actions.act_window product.attribute.value tree form [('product_ids.product_tmpl_id', '=', active_id)] {'default_product_tmpl_id': active_id} Product Variants ir.actions.act_window product.product tree,form,kanban form

Click to define a new product.

You must define a product for everything you buy or sell, whether it's a physical product, a consumable or service.

Product Variants ir.actions.act_window product.product tree,form,kanban form {'search_default_product_tmpl_id': [active_id], 'default_product_tmpl_id': active_id}

Click to define a new product.

You must define a product for everything you buy or sell, whether it's a physical product, a consumable or service.

product.template.product.form product.template primary Product Template
Product.template.product.kanban product.template
Products ir.actions.act_window product.template kanban,tree,form form {"search_default_filter_to_sell":1} product.product.tree product.product product.product.form product.product primary
Product Variant
Product Kanban product.product

  • Price:
product.attribute.tree product.attribute Attributes ir.actions.act_window product.attribute tree form product.attribute.value.tree product.attribute.value Attribute Values ir.actions.act_window product.attribute.value tree form Product Variants ir.actions.act_window product.product kanban,tree,form form {"search_default_filter_to_sell":1}

Click to define a new product.

You must define a product for everything you sell, whether it's a physical product, a consumable or a service you offer to customers.

The product form contains information to simplify the sale process: price, notes in the quotation, accounting data, procurement methods, etc. product.category product.category.form product.category
product.category.list product.category 1 product.category.tree product.category child_id Products by Category ir.actions.act_window product.category [('parent_id','=',False)] tree

Here is a list of all your products classified by category. You can click a category to get the list of all products linked to this category or to a child of this category.

Product Categories ir.actions.act_window product.category form Product Variants ir.actions.act_window product.product form tree,form,kanban {'categ_id':active_id, 'search_default_categ_id':active_id} Products by Categories product.uom.tree product.uom product.uom.form product.uom
Units of Measure ir.actions.act_window product.uom form

Click to add a new unit of measure.

You must define a conversion rate between several Units of Measure within the same category.

product.uom.categ.form product.uom.categ
Unit of Measure Categories ir.actions.act_window product.uom.categ form tree,form

Click to add a new unit of measure category.

Units of measure belonging to the same category can be converted between each others. For example, in the category 'Time', you will have the following units of measure: Hours, Days.

product.ul.form.view product.ul
product.ul.tree product.ul Logistic Units ir.actions.act_window product.ul form tree,form

Click to add a new Logistic Unit

The logistic unit defines the container used for the package. It has a type (e.g. pallet, box, ...) and you can specify its size.

product.packaging.tree.view product.packaging product.packaging.tree.view.product product.packaging product.packaging.form.view product.packaging
product.packaging.form.view.without.product product.packaging
product.supplierinfo.form.view product.supplierinfo

The prices below will only be taken into account when your pricelist is set as based on supplier prices.

product.supplierinfo.tree.view product.supplierinfo