# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-today OpenERP SA () # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, osv from openerp.tools.translate import _ from base_calendar import get_real_ids, base_calendar_id2real_id from openerp.addons.base_status.base_state import base_state # # crm.meeting is defined here so that it may be used by modules other than crm, # without forcing the installation of crm. # class crm_meeting_type(osv.Model): _name = 'crm.meeting.type' _description = 'Meeting Type' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Name', size=64, required=True, translate=True), } class crm_meeting(base_state, osv.Model): """ Model for CRM meetings """ _name = 'crm.meeting' _description = "Meeting" _order = "id desc" _inherit = ["calendar.event", "mail.thread", "ir.needaction_mixin"] _columns = { # base_state required fields 'create_date': fields.datetime('Creation Date', readonly=True), 'write_date': fields.datetime('Write Date', readonly=True), 'date_open': fields.datetime('Confirmed', readonly=True), 'date_closed': fields.datetime('Closed', readonly=True), 'partner_ids': fields.many2many('res.partner', 'crm_meeting_partner_rel', 'meeting_id', 'partner_id', string='Attendees', states={'done': [('readonly', True)]}), 'state': fields.selection( [('draft', 'Unconfirmed'), ('open', 'Confirmed')], string='Status', size=16, readonly=True, track_visibility=1), # Meeting fields 'name': fields.char('Meeting Subject', size=128, required=True, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]}), 'categ_ids': fields.many2many('crm.meeting.type', 'meeting_category_rel', 'event_id', 'type_id', 'Tags'), 'attendee_ids': fields.many2many('calendar.attendee', 'meeting_attendee_rel',\ 'event_id', 'attendee_id', 'Attendees', states={'done': [('readonly', True)]}), } _defaults = { 'state': 'open', } def message_get_subscription_data(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): res = {} for virtual_id in ids: real_id = base_calendar_id2real_id(virtual_id) result = super(crm_meeting, self).message_get_subscription_data(cr, uid, [real_id], context=context) res[virtual_id] = result[real_id] return res def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None): default = default or {} default['attendee_ids'] = False return super(crm_meeting, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context) def onchange_partner_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, value, context=None): """ The basic purpose of this method is to check that destination partners effectively have email addresses. Otherwise a warning is thrown. :param value: value format: [[6, 0, [3, 4]]] """ res = {'value': {}} if not value or not value[0] or not value[0][0] == 6: return res.update(self.check_partners_email(cr, uid, value[0][2], context=context)) return res def check_partners_email(self, cr, uid, partner_ids, context=None): """ Verify that selected partner_ids have an email_address defined. Otherwise throw a warning. """ partner_wo_email_lst = [] for partner in self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr, uid, partner_ids, context=context): if not partner.email: partner_wo_email_lst.append(partner) if not partner_wo_email_lst: return {} warning_msg = _('The following contacts have no email address :') for partner in partner_wo_email_lst: warning_msg += '\n- %s' % (partner.name) return {'warning': { 'title': _('Email addresses not found'), 'message': warning_msg, } } # ---------------------------------------- # OpenChatter # ---------------------------------------- # shows events of the day for this user def needaction_domain_get(self, cr, uid, domain=[], context={}): return [('date','<=',time.strftime('%Y-%M-%D 23:59:59')), ('date_deadline','>=', time.strftime('%Y-%M-%D 00:00:00')), ('user_id','=',uid)] def message_post(self, cr, uid, thread_id, body='', subject=None, type='notification', subtype=None, parent_id=False, attachments=None, context=None, **kwargs): cal_event_pool = self.pool.get('calendar.event') if isinstance(thread_id, str): thread_id = get_real_ids(thread_id) return super(crm_meeting, self).message_post(cr, uid, thread_id, body=body, subject=subject, type=type, subtype=subtype, parent_id=parent_id, attachments=attachments, context=context, **kwargs) class mail_message(osv.osv): _inherit = "mail.message" def search(self, cr, uid, args, offset=0, limit=0, order=None, context=None, count=False): ''' convert the search on real ids in the case it was asked on virtual ids, then call super() ''' for index in range(len(args)): if args[index][0] == "res_id" and isinstance(args[index][2], str): args[index][2] = get_real_ids(args[index][2]) return super(mail_message, self).search(cr, uid, args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, context=context, count=count) def _find_allowed_model_wise(self, cr, uid, doc_model, doc_dict, context=None): if doc_model == 'crm.meeting': for virtual_id in self.pool.get(doc_model).get_recurrent_ids(cr, uid, doc_dict.keys(), [], context=context): doc_dict.setdefault(virtual_id, doc_dict[get_real_ids(virtual_id)]) return super(mail_message, self)._find_allowed_model_wise(cr, uid, doc_model, doc_dict, context=context) class ir_attachment(osv.osv): _inherit = "ir.attachment" def search(self, cr, uid, args, offset=0, limit=0, order=None, context=None, count=False): ''' convert the search on real ids in the case it was asked on virtual ids, then call super() ''' for index in range(len(args)): if args[index][0] == "res_id" and isinstance(args[index][2], str): args[index][2] = get_real_ids(args[index][2]) return super(ir_attachment, self).search(cr, uid, args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, context=context, count=count) def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None): ''' when posting an attachment (new or not), convert the virtual ids in real ids. ''' if isinstance(vals.get('res_id'), str): vals['res_id'] = get_real_ids(vals.get('res_id')) return super(ir_attachment, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context) class invite_wizard(osv.osv_memory): _inherit = 'mail.wizard.invite' def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None): ''' in case someone clicked on 'invite others' wizard in the followers widget, transform virtual ids in real ids ''' result = super(invite_wizard, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context) if 'res_id' in result: result['res_id'] = get_real_ids(result['res_id']) return result