eLBati c9d5117a2d [FIX] l10n_it: account types.
Without this, balance sheet and profit & loss do not display parent accounts

Closes #8925
2015-10-12 09:53:01 +02:00
account.account.template.csv [FIX] l10n_it: account types. 2015-10-12 09:53:01 +02:00
account.fiscal.position.template.csv merged with trunk 2010-12-30 15:28:09 +05:30
account.tax.code.template.csv [add] l10n_it: add new 22% tax 2013-10-04 13:39:56 +02:00
account.tax.template.csv [FIX] l10n_it: tax code for Iva al 10% indetraibile 2015-09-21 17:35:01 +02:00