
1103 lines
35 KiB

# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * hr_holidays
# Translators:
# Olivier Lenoir <olivier.lenoir@free.fr>, 2015
# Richard Mathot <rim@odoo.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 8.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-01-21 14:07+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-14 20:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Olivier Lenoir <olivier.lenoir@free.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.com/odoo/odoo-8/language/fr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: fr\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:hr_holidays.open_ask_holidays
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to create a new leave request.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" Once you have recorded your leave request, it will be sent\n"
" to a manager for validation. Be sure to set the right leave\n"
" type (recuperation, legal holidays, sickness) and the exact\n"
" number of open days related to your leave.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n Cliquer pour créer une nouvelle demande de congés.\n </p><p>\n Une fois votre demande enregistrée, elle sera envoyée\n à un responsable pour validation. Merci de vous assurer d'avoir bien saisi le bon\n type de congés (récupération, maladie, ...) et le nombre exact\n de jours ouvrés correspondant à votre demande.\n </p>\n "
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:hr_holidays.hr_holidays_leaves_assign_legal
msgid ""
" You can assign remaining Legal Leaves for each employee, Odoo\n"
" will automatically create and validate allocation requests.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p>\nVous pouvez attribuer les congés légaux restants pour chaque employé, Odoo\ncréra et validera automatiquement les demandes d'allocation.\n</p>\n "
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.status,active:0
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Actif"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Active Types"
msgstr "Types Actifs"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.allocation_company_new
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
msgid "Add a reason..."
msgstr "Ajouter un motif..."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.hr_holidays_leaves_assign_legal
msgid "Allocate Leaves for Employees"
msgstr "Allouer des congés pour les employés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday_allocation_tree
msgid "Allocated Days"
msgstr "Jours attribués"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,number_of_days_temp:0
msgid "Allocation"
msgstr "Attribution"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,holiday_type:0
msgid "Allocation Mode"
msgstr "Mode d'allocation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays,type:0
msgid "Allocation Request"
msgstr "Demande d'attribution"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday_allocation_tree
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.open_allocation_holidays
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:hr_holidays.menu_open_allocation_holidays
msgid "Allocation Requests"
msgstr "Demandes d'attribution"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.request_approve_allocation
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:hr_holidays.menu_request_approve_allocation
msgid "Allocation Requests to Approve"
msgstr "Demandes d'attribution de congés à approuver"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:508
#, python-format
msgid "Allocation for %s"
msgstr "Allocation pour %s"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.status,limit:0
msgid "Allow to Override Limit"
msgstr "Dépassement de limite autorisé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: xsl:holidays.summary:0
msgid "Analyze from"
msgstr "Analyser depuis"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,double_validation:0
#: field:hr.holidays.status,double_validation:0
msgid "Apply Double Validation"
msgstr "Appliquer la double validation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_evaluation_report_graph
msgid "Appraisal Analysis"
msgstr "Analyse des évaluations"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.allocation_company_new
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Approuver"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.employee,current_leave_state:0 selection:hr.holidays,state:0
#: selection:hr.holidays.summary.dept,holiday_type:0
#: selection:hr.holidays.summary.employee,holiday_type:0
#: model:mail.message.subtype,name:hr_holidays.mt_holidays_approved
msgid "Approved"
msgstr "Approuvée"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.employee:hr_holidays.hr_holidays_leaves_assign_tree_view
msgid "Assign Leaves"
msgstr "Assigner des congés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Black"
msgstr "Noir"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Bleu"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.summary.dept,holiday_type:0
#: selection:hr.holidays.summary.employee,holiday_type:0
msgid "Both Approved and Confirmed"
msgstr "Approuvés et confirmés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Brown"
msgstr "Marron"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays,holiday_type:0
msgid "By Employee"
msgstr "Par employé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays,holiday_type:0
msgid "By Employee Tag"
msgstr "Par catégorie d'employé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,holiday_type:0
msgid ""
"By Employee: Allocation/Request for individual Employee, By Employee Tag: "
"Allocation/Request for group of employees in category"
msgstr "Par employé: Attribution/Demande par employée, par catégorie d'employée: Attribution/Demande pour le groupe d'employé de la catégorie"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.summary.dept:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_summary_dept
#: view:hr.holidays.summary.employee:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_summary_employee
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.employee,current_leave_state:0 selection:hr.holidays,state:0
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Annulé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Catégorie"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,category_id:0
msgid "Category of Employee"
msgstr "Catégorie d'employé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,type:0
msgid ""
"Choose 'Leave Request' if someone wants to take an off-day. \n"
"Choose 'Allocation Request' if you want to increase the number of leaves available for someone"
msgstr "Choisissez 'Demande de Congés' pour poser un jour de congé. \nChoisissez 'Attribution de Congés' pour créditer le nombre de jours de congés d'un employé."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: xsl:holidays.summary:0
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Couleur"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Color in Report"
msgstr "Couleur sur le rapport"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:hr.holidays.status,name:hr_holidays.holiday_status_comp
msgid "Compensatory Days"
msgstr "Jours de compensation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.summary.dept,holiday_type:0
#: selection:hr.holidays.summary.employee,holiday_type:0
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Confirmé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,create_uid:0 field:hr.holidays.status,create_uid:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.dept,create_uid:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.employee,create_uid:0
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Créé par"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,create_date:0 field:hr.holidays.status,create_date:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.dept,create_date:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.employee,create_date:0
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Créé le"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.employee,current_leave_state:0
msgid "Current Leave Status"
msgstr "Statut du congés courant"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.employee,current_leave_id:0
msgid "Current Leave Type"
msgstr "Type d'absence"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Current Year Leaves"
msgstr "Congés de l'année courante"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,message_last_post:0
msgid "Date of the last message posted on the record."
msgstr "Date du dernier message enregistré sur cet enregistrement"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,department_id:0
msgid "Department"
msgstr "Département"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.dept,depts:0
msgid "Department(s)"
msgstr "Département(s)"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
#: field:hr.holidays,name:0
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_status_form
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Détails"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Durée"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.employee:hr_holidays.hr_holidays_leaves_assign_tree_view
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
#: field:hr.holidays,employee_id:0
#: field:hr.holidays.remaining.leaves.user,name:0
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_holidays.model_hr_employee
msgid "Employee"
msgstr "Employé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,category_id:0
msgid "Employee Tag"
msgstr "Étiquette d'employé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.employee,emp:0
msgid "Employee(s)"
msgstr "Employé(s)"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,date_to:0
msgid "End Date"
msgstr "Date de fin"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/wizard/hr_holidays_summary_department.py:44
#, python-format
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Erreur !"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid ""
"Filters only on allocations and requests that belong to an holiday type that"
" is 'active' (active field is True)"
msgstr "Filtrer uniquement les demandes et les attributions qui ont un type de congés 'actif' (champ actif est vrai)"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,manager_id:0
msgid "First Approval"
msgstr "Première approbation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,message_follower_ids:0
msgid "Followers"
msgstr "Abonnés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.dept,date_from:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.employee,date_from:0
msgid "From"
msgstr "À partir de"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.employee,leave_date_from:0
msgid "From Date"
msgstr "Date de début"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Group By"
msgstr "Regrouper par"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_holidays.model_hr_holidays_summary_dept
msgid "HR Leaves Summary Report By Department"
msgstr "RH Rapport récapitualatif des congés par département"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_holidays.model_hr_holidays_summary_employee
msgid "HR Leaves Summary Report By Employee"
msgstr "RH Rapport récapitulatif des congés par employé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,message_summary:0
msgid ""
"Holds the Chatter summary (number of messages, ...). This summary is "
"directly in html format in order to be inserted in kanban views."
msgstr "Contient le résumé de la discussion (nombre de messages, ...). Ce résumé est au format HTML pour permettre son utilisation dans la vue kanban."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,id:0 field:hr.holidays.remaining.leaves.user,id:0
#: field:hr.holidays.status,id:0 field:hr.holidays.summary.dept,id:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.employee,id:0
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,message_unread:0
msgid "If checked new messages require your attention."
msgstr "Si coché, de nouveaux messages demandent votre attention."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays.status,active:0
msgid ""
"If the active field is set to false, it will allow you to hide the leave "
"type without removing it."
msgstr "Si la case 'Actif' est décochée, ce type de congé sera caché sans être supprimé."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays.status,limit:0
msgid ""
"If you select this check box, the system allows the employees to take more "
"leaves than the available ones for this type and will not take them into "
"account for the \"Remaining Legal Leaves\" defined on the employee form."
msgstr "Si vous cochez cette case, le système autorisera les employés à demander plus de congés de ce type que le nombre disponible et ne les prendra pas en compte dans le calcul du \"Nombre de congés légaux restants\" du formulaire employé."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,message_is_follower:0
msgid "Is a Follower"
msgstr "Est abonné"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Ivory"
msgstr "Ivoire"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,message_last_post:0
msgid "Last Message Date"
msgstr "Date du dernier message"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,write_uid:0 field:hr.holidays.status,write_uid:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.dept,write_uid:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.employee,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "Dernière modification par"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,write_date:0 field:hr.holidays.status,write_date:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.dept,write_date:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.employee,write_date:0
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "Dernière mise à jour le"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Lavender"
msgstr "Lavande"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_holidays.model_hr_holidays
msgid "Leave"
msgstr "Congé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_holidays.model_resource_calendar_leaves
msgid "Leave Detail"
msgstr "Détail du congé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.act_hr_leave_request_to_meeting
msgid "Leave Meetings"
msgstr "Congés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:374
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday_new_calendar
#: selection:hr.holidays,type:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.open_ask_holidays
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:hr_holidays.menu_open_ask_holidays_new
#: field:resource.calendar.leaves,holiday_id:0
#, python-format
msgid "Leave Request"
msgstr "Demande de congé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday
msgid "Leave Requests"
msgstr "Demandes de congé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:hr_holidays.menu_request_approve_holidays
msgid "Leave Requests to Approve"
msgstr "Demandes de congés à valider"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: xsl:holidays.summary:0 field:hr.holidays,holiday_status_id:0
#: field:hr.holidays.remaining.leaves.user,leave_type:0
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_status_form
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.view_holiday_status_normal_tree
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.view_holiday_status_tree
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_status_search
#: field:hr.holidays.status,name:0
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.dept,holiday_type:0
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_holidays.model_hr_holidays_status
msgid "Leave Type"
msgstr "Type de congé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.view_holidays_status_filter
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_status_search
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.open_view_holiday_status
msgid "Leave Types"
msgstr "Type de congé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.employee:hr_holidays.view_employee_form_leave_inherit
#: field:hr.employee,leaves_count:0
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.act_hr_employee_holiday_request
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:hr_holidays.menu_open_ask_holidays
msgid "Leaves"
msgstr "Congés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.status,leaves_taken:0
msgid "Leaves Already Taken"
msgstr "Congés déjà pris"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.action_hr_available_holidays_report
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:hr_holidays.menu_hr_available_holidays_report_tree
msgid "Leaves Analysis"
msgstr "Analyse des congés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.allocation_company_new
msgid "Leaves Management"
msgstr "Gestion des congés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: xsl:holidays.summary:0 view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday_graph
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday_simple
#: view:hr.holidays.summary.employee:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_summary_employee
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.action_hr_holidays_summary_employee
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.open_company_allocation
#: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:hr_holidays.report_holidays_summary
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:hr_holidays.menu_open_company_allocation
msgid "Leaves Summary"
msgstr "Résumé des congés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:hr_holidays.menu_open_view_holiday_status
msgid "Leaves Types"
msgstr "Types de congés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.summary.dept:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_summary_dept
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.action_hr_holidays_summary_dept
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:hr_holidays.menu_account_central_journal
msgid "Leaves by Department"
msgstr "Congés par département"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.remaining.leaves.user:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_remaining_leaves_user_graph
#: view:hr.holidays.remaining.leaves.user:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_remaining_leaves_user_tree
msgid "Leaves by Type"
msgstr "Congés par type"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:hr.holidays.status,name:hr_holidays.holiday_status_cl
msgid "Legal Leaves 2015"
msgstr "Congés légaux 2015"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Light Blue"
msgstr "Bleu clair"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Light Coral"
msgstr "Corail clair"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Light Cyan"
msgstr "Cyan clair"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Light Green"
msgstr "Vert clair"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Light Pink"
msgstr "Rose clair"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Light Salmon"
msgstr "Saumon clair"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Light Yellow"
msgstr "Jaune clair"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,linked_request_ids:0
msgid "Linked Requests"
msgstr "Demandes associées"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Magenta"
msgstr "Magenta"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Responsable"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.status,max_leaves:0
msgid "Maximum Allowed"
msgstr "Maximum permis"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays.status,remaining_leaves:0
msgid "Maximum Leaves Allowed - Leaves Already Taken"
msgstr "Congés maximum autorisés - Congés déjà pris"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays.status,virtual_remaining_leaves:0
msgid ""
"Maximum Leaves Allowed - Leaves Already Taken - Leaves Waiting Approval"
msgstr "Congés maximum autorisés - Congés déjà pris - Congés en attente d'approbation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,meeting_id:0
msgid "Meeting"
msgstr "Rendez-vous"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.status,categ_id:0
msgid "Meeting Type"
msgstr "Type de réunion"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,message_ids:0
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Messages"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,message_ids:0
msgid "Messages and communication history"
msgstr "Historique des messages et des communications"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_status_form
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Divers"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: xsl:holidays.summary:0
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Mois"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "My Department Leaves"
msgstr "Les congés de mon département"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "My Leave Requests"
msgstr "Mes demandes de congés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "My Requests"
msgstr "Mes demandes"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.employee,current_leave_state:0
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday_simple
#: field:hr.holidays,number_of_days:0
msgid "Number of Days"
msgstr "Nombre de jours"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays.status,categ_id:0
msgid ""
"Once a leave is validated, Odoo will create a corresponding meeting of this "
"type in the calendar."
msgstr "Une fois la demande validée, Odoo créera un rendez-vous de ce type dans le calendrier."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,parent_id:0
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Parent"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.summary.dept:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_summary_dept
#: view:hr.holidays.summary.employee:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_summary_employee
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Imprimer"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,notes:0
msgid "Reasons"
msgstr "Raisons"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Rouge"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.allocation_company_new
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
msgid "Refuse"
msgstr "Refuser"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.employee,current_leave_state:0 selection:hr.holidays,state:0
#: model:mail.message.subtype,name:hr_holidays.mt_holidays_refused
msgid "Refused"
msgstr "Refusée"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday_allocation_tree
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_holiday_simple
msgid "Remaining Days"
msgstr "Jours restants"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.status,remaining_leaves:0
msgid "Remaining Leaves"
msgstr "Congés restants"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.employee:hr_holidays.hr_holidays_leaves_assign_tree_view
#: field:hr.employee,remaining_leaves:0
msgid "Remaining Legal Leaves"
msgstr "Jours de congés restants"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.remaining.leaves.user,no_of_leaves:0
msgid "Remaining leaves"
msgstr "Congés restants"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,type:0
msgid "Request Type"
msgstr "Type de demande"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:mail.message.subtype,description:hr_holidays.mt_holidays_approved
msgid "Request approved"
msgstr "Demande approuvée"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:473
#, python-format
msgid "Request approved, waiting second validation."
msgstr "Demande approuvée, en attente d'une seconde validation."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:mail.message.subtype,description:hr_holidays.mt_holidays_confirmed
msgid "Request confirmed and waiting approval"
msgstr "Demande confirmée et en attente de validation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:mail.message.subtype,description:hr_holidays.mt_holidays_refused
msgid "Request refused"
msgstr "Demande refusée"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:hr_holidays.request_approve_holidays
msgid "Requests to Approve"
msgstr "Demandes à approuver"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.allocation_company_new
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
msgid "Reset to Draft"
msgstr "Remettre en brouillon"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Search Leave"
msgstr "Recherche de congé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.view_holidays_status_filter
msgid "Search Leave Type"
msgstr "Rechercher un type d'absence"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,manager_id2:0 selection:hr.holidays,state:0
msgid "Second Approval"
msgstr "Deuxième approbation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.summary.employee,holiday_type:0
msgid "Select Leave Type"
msgstr "Choisir le type de congés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:hr.holidays.status,name:hr_holidays.holiday_status_sl
msgid "Sick Leaves"
msgstr "Arrêts maladie"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,date_from:0
msgid "Start Date"
msgstr "Date de début"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Start Month"
msgstr "Mois de départ"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,state:0
msgid "Status"
msgstr "État"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.allocation_company_new
msgid "Submit to Manager"
msgstr "Soumettre au responsable"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: xsl:holidays.summary:0
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Total"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,message_summary:0
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Résumé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: sql_constraint:hr.holidays:0
msgid ""
"The employee or employee category of this request is missing. Please make "
"sure that your user login is linked to an employee."
msgstr "L'employé ou la catégorie d'employé de cette demande est manquant. Assurez vous que votre utilisateur est lié à un employé."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:503
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The feature behind the field 'Remaining Legal Leaves' can only be used when there is only one leave type with the option 'Allow to Override Limit' unchecked. (%s Found). Otherwise, the update is ambiguous as we cannot decide on which leave type the update has to be done. \n"
"You may prefer to use the classic menus 'Leave Requests' and 'Allocation Requests' located in 'Human Resources \\ Leaves' to manage the leave days of the employees if the configuration does not allow to use this field."
msgstr "Le champ \"Jours de congés restants\" ne peut être utilisé que si il n'existe qu' un seul type de congés et que l'option 'Autoriser à outrepasser la limite' est décochée. (% s trouvé). Sinon, la mise à jour est ambigu, car le système ne peut pas décider quel type de congés doit être mis à jour.\nDans ce cas, il est préférable d' utiliser les menus classiques des demandes de congés et les demandes d'allocation situés dans le menu des ressources humaines \\ Congés pour gérer les congés des employés si la configuration ne permet pas d'utiliser le champ précité."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: sql_constraint:hr.holidays:0
msgid "The number of days must be greater than 0."
msgstr "Le nombre de jours doit être supérieur à 0."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: constraint:hr.holidays:0
msgid "The number of remaining leaves is not sufficient for this leave type"
msgstr "Le nombre de congés restant est insuffisant pour ce type de congés."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:453
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The number of remaining leaves is not sufficient for this leave type.\n"
"Please verify also the leaves waiting for validation."
msgstr "Le nombre de congés restant est insuffisant pour ce type de congés.\nVérifez aussi les congés en attente de validation."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:286
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:311 sql_constraint:hr.holidays:0
#, python-format
msgid "The start date must be anterior to the end date."
msgstr "La date de début doit être antérieure à la date de fin."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,state:0
msgid ""
"The status is set to 'To Submit', when a holiday request is created. \n"
"The status is 'To Approve', when holiday request is confirmed by user. \n"
"The status is 'Refused', when holiday request is refused by manager. \n"
"The status is 'Approved', when holiday request is approved by manager."
msgstr "L'état est 'À soumettre', quand la demande de congés est créée. \nL'état est 'À approuver', quand la demande de congés est confirmée par l'utilisateur. \nL'état est 'Refusée', quand la demande de congés est refusé par le responsable. \nL'état est 'Approuvée', quand la demande de congés est approuvée par le responsable."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,manager_id:0
msgid "This area is automatically filled by the user who validate the leave"
msgstr "Cette partie est automatiquement remplie par l'utilisateur qui valide la demande"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays,manager_id2:0
msgid ""
"This area is automaticly filled by the user who validate the leave with "
"second level (If Leave type need second validation)"
msgstr "Cet espace est rempli automatiquement par l'utilisateur qui valide les congés au deuxième niveau (si les congés ont besoin d'une deuxième validation)"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid ""
"This color will be used in the leaves summary located in Reporting\\Leaves "
"by Department."
msgstr "Cette couleur sera utilisée dans le rapport récapitulatif des congés accessible dans Suivi d'activité/Rapports/Congés par départements."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays.status,leaves_taken:0
msgid ""
"This value is given by the sum of all holidays requests with a negative "
msgstr "Cette valeur est donnée par la somme des demandes de vacances avec une valeur négative."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays.status,max_leaves:0
msgid ""
"This value is given by the sum of all holidays requests with a positive "
msgstr "Cette valeur représente la somme des demandes de vacances ayant une valeur positive."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
#: selection:hr.holidays,state:0
#: model:mail.message.subtype,name:hr_holidays.mt_holidays_confirmed
msgid "To Approve"
msgstr "À approuver"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "To Confirm"
msgstr "À confirmer"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.employee,leave_date_to:0
msgid "To Date"
msgstr "Date de fin"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays,state:0
msgid "To Submit"
msgstr "À soumettre"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:ir.model,name:hr_holidays.model_hr_holidays_remaining_leaves_user
msgid "Total holidays by type"
msgstr "Total des congés par type"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.employee,remaining_leaves:0
msgid ""
"Total number of legal leaves allocated to this employee, change this value "
"to create allocation/leave request. Total based on all the leave types "
"without overriding limit."
msgstr "Le nombre total de congés attribués à cet employé, pour modifier cette valeur créer une demande d'attribution de congés. Le total se base sur l'ensemble des types de congé sans limite."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: model:hr.holidays.status,name:hr_holidays.holiday_status_unpaid
msgid "Unpaid"
msgstr "Impayé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,message_unread:0
msgid "Unread Messages"
msgstr "Messages non lus"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,user_id:0
#: field:hr.holidays.remaining.leaves.user,user_id:0
msgid "User"
msgstr "Utilisateur"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Valider"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Validated"
msgstr "Validé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.status:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_status_form
msgid "Validation"
msgstr "Validation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Violet"
msgstr "Violet"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays.status,virtual_remaining_leaves:0
msgid "Virtual Remaining Leaves"
msgstr "Congés restants estimés"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.employee,current_leave_state:0
msgid "Waiting Approval"
msgstr "En attente d'approbation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.employee,current_leave_state:0
msgid "Waiting Second Approval"
msgstr "En attente d'une deuxième approbation"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:275
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:286
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:311
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:330
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:335
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:503
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:510
#, python-format
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Avertissement !"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: selection:hr.holidays.status,color_name:0
msgid "Wheat"
msgstr "Blé"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: help:hr.holidays.status,double_validation:0
msgid ""
"When selected, the Allocation/Leave Requests for this type require a second "
"validation to be approved."
msgstr "Si coché, la demande de congés/attribution de ce type nécéssitera une seconde validation pour être approuvée."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_filter
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Année"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: constraint:hr.holidays:0
msgid "You can not have 2 leaves that overlaps on same day!"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas avoir 2 demandes de congés qui se chevauchent dans la même journée."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:275
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot delete a leave which is in %s state."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer des congés qui sont dans l'état %s."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:510
#, python-format
msgid "You cannot reduce validated allocation requests"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas réduire une demande d'allocation validée."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:330
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/hr_holidays.py:335
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot set a leave request as '%s'. Contact a human resource manager."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas entrer une demande de congés en tant que '%s'. Contactez un responsable des ressources humaines."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: code:addons/hr_holidays/wizard/hr_holidays_summary_department.py:44
#, python-format
msgid "You have to select at least one Department. And try again."
msgstr "Vous devez sélectionner au moins un département et essayer de nouveau."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.employee:hr_holidays.view_employee_form_leave_inherit
#: view:hr.holidays:hr_holidays.edit_holiday_new
msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: xsl:holidays.summary:0
msgid "leaves."
msgstr "congés."
#. module: hr_holidays
#: xsl:holidays.summary:0
msgid "of the"
msgstr "du"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: view:hr.holidays.summary.dept:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_summary_dept
#: view:hr.holidays.summary.employee:hr_holidays.view_hr_holidays_summary_employee
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: xsl:holidays.summary:0
msgid "to"
msgstr "au"
#. module: hr_holidays
#: field:hr.holidays,can_reset:0
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "inconnu"