Olivier Dony f579acf02f
[FIX] hw_scale: update driver for rs232_devices map and support AdamAZExtra scale
This commit fixes the driver to respect the new device
registration mechanism via hw_proxy.rs232_devices.

It also refactors the code to more easily support multiple
scale protocols, and introduces support for the ADAM Equipment
AZExtra scale protocol. (Might be compatible with other ADAM
Equipment scales)

Support for th AZExtra scale is experimental at the moment,
especially given two annoying problems with this model:
 -  they do not support proper probing (stays mute until a
    non-zero weight is measured), so they have to be probed
    last and *assumed* to work
 -  the scale beeps when a read attempt is made and the
    weight is not stable yet, or the weight has been already
    read previously. This constant beeping during operation
    is mitigated by extra delays between readings, but might
    still prove to be a major issue for supporting this scale.
2016-11-14 17:11:57 +01:00
controllers [FIX] hw_scale: update driver for rs232_devices map and support AdamAZExtra scale 2016-11-14 17:11:57 +01:00
__init__.py [IMP] point_of_sale, hw_scale: first commit for the hw_scale module, which handles scale connections for the POS 2014-04-24 19:12:59 +02:00
__openerp__.py [FIX] hw_*: enforce Python dependencies + disable if missing dependency 2015-05-08 12:49:19 +02:00