
185 lines
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function openerp_pos_keyboard(instance, module){ //module is instance.point_of_sale
// ---------- OnScreen Keyboard Widget ----------
// A Widget that displays an onscreen keyboard.
// There are two options when creating the widget :
// * 'keyboard_model' : 'simple' | 'full' (default)
// The 'full' emulates a PC keyboard, while 'simple' emulates an 'android' one.
// * 'input_selector : (default: '.searchbox input')
// defines the dom element that the keyboard will write to.
// The widget is initially hidden. It can be shown with this.show(), and is
// automatically shown when the input_selector gets focused.
module.OnscreenKeyboardWidget = instance.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'OnscreenKeyboardSimple',
init: function(parent, options){
var self = this;
options = options || {};
this.keyboard_model = options.keyboard_model || 'full';
if(this.keyboard_model === 'full'){
this.template = 'OnscreenKeyboardFull';
this.input_selector = options.input_selector || '.searchbox input';
this.$target = null;
//Keyboard state
this.capslock = false;
this.shift = false;
this.numlock = false;
connect : function($target){
var self = this;
this.$target = $target;
// Write a character to the input zone
writeCharacter: function(character){
var $input = this.$target
$input[0].value += character;
// Sends a 'return' character to the input zone. TODO
sendReturn: function(){
// Removes the last character from the input zone.
deleteCharacter: function(){
var $input = this.$target;
var input_value = $input[0].value;
$input[0].value = input_value.substr(0, input_value.length - 1);
// Clears the content of the input zone.
deleteAllCharacters: function(){
var $input = this.$target;
$input[0].value = "";
// Makes the keyboard show and slide from the bottom of the screen.
show: function(){
$('.keyboard_frame').show().animate({'height':'235px'}, 500, 'swing');
// Makes the keyboard hide by sliding to the bottom of the screen.
hide: function(){
var self = this;
var frame = $('.keyboard_frame');
frame.animate({'height':'0'}, 500, 'swing', function(){ frame.hide(); self.reset(); });
//What happens when the shift key is pressed : toggle case, remove capslock
toggleShift: function(){
$('.symbol span').toggle();
self.shift = (self.shift === true) ? false : true;
self.capslock = false;
//what happens when capslock is pressed : toggle case, set capslock
toggleCapsLock: function(){
self.capslock = true;
//What happens when numlock is pressed : toggle symbols and numlock label
toggleNumLock: function(){
$('.symbol span').toggle();
$('.numlock span').toggle();
self.numlock = (self.numlock === true ) ? false : true;
//After a key is pressed, shift is disabled.
removeShift: function(){
if (self.shift === true) {
$('.symbol span').toggle();
if (this.capslock === false) $('.letter').toggleClass('uppercase');
self.shift = false;
// Resets the keyboard to its original state; capslock: false, shift: false, numlock: false
reset: function(){
//called after the keyboard is in the DOM, sets up the key bindings.
start: function(){
var self = this;
// Keyboard key click handling
$('.keyboard li').click(function(){
var $this = $(this),
character = $this.html(); // If it's a lowercase letter, nothing happens to this variable
if ($this.hasClass('left-shift') || $this.hasClass('right-shift')) {
return false;
if ($this.hasClass('capslock')) {
return false;
if ($this.hasClass('delete')) {
return false;
if ($this.hasClass('numlock')){
return false;
// Special characters
if ($this.hasClass('symbol')) character = $('span:visible', $this).html();
if ($this.hasClass('space')) character = ' ';
if ($this.hasClass('tab')) character = "\t";
if ($this.hasClass('return')) character = "\n";
// Uppercase letter
if ($this.hasClass('uppercase')) character = character.toUpperCase();
// Remove shift once a key is clicked.