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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Business Applications
# Copyright (C) 2012 OpenERP S.A. (<http://openerp.com>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from tools.translate import _
class mail_alias(osv.Model):
"""A Mail Alias is a mapping of an email address with a given OpenERP Document
model. It is used by OpenERP's mail gateway when processing incoming emails
sent to the system. If the recipient address (To) of the message matches
a Mail Alias, the message will be either processed following the rules
of that alias. If the message is a reply it will be attached to the
existing discussion on the corresponding record, otherwise a new
record of the corresponding model will be created.
This is meant to be used in combination with a catch-all email configuration
on the company's mail server, so that as soon as a new mail.alias is
created, it becomes immediately usable and OpenERP will accept email for it.
_name = 'mail.alias'
_description = "Mail Alias"
_rec_name = 'alias_name'
def _get_alias_domain(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
res = {}
config_parameter_pool = self.pool.get("ir.config_parameter")
domain = config_parameter_pool.get_param(cr, uid, "mail.catchall.domain", context=context)
for alias in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res[alias.id] = domain or ""
return res
_columns = {
'alias_name': fields.char('Mailbox Alias', size=255, required=True,
help="The name of the mailbox alias, e.g. 'jobs' "
"if you want to catch emails for <jobs@example.my.openerp.com>",),
'alias_model_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Aliased Model', required=True,
help="The model (OpenERP Document Kind) to which this alias "
"corresponds. Any incoming email that does not reply to an "
"existing record will cause the creation of a new record "
"of this model (e.g. a Project Task)",
# only allow selecting mail_thread models!
#TODO kept doamin temporarily in comment, need to redefine domain
#domain="[('field_id', 'in', 'message_ids')]"
'alias_user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Owner',
help="The owner of records created upon receiving emails on this alias. "
"If this field is kept empty the system will attempt to find the right owner "
"based on the sender (From) address, or will use the Administrator account "
"if no system user is found for that address."),
'alias_defaults': fields.text('Default Values', required=True,
help="The representation of a Python dictionary that will be evaluated to provide "
"default values when creating new records."),
'alias_force_thread_id': fields.integer('Record Thread ID',
help="Optional ID of the thread (record) to which all "
"messages will be attached, even if they did not reply to it. "
"If set, this will disable the creation of new records completely."),
'alias_domain': fields.function(_get_alias_domain, string="Alias Doamin", type='char', size=None),
_defaults = {
'alias_defaults': '{}',
'alias_user_id': lambda self,cr,uid, context: uid
_sql_constraints = [
('mailbox_uniq', 'UNIQUE(alias_name)', 'Unfortunately this mail alias is already used, please choose a unique one')
def _check_alias_defaults(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Strick constraints checking for the alias defaults values.
it must follow the python dict format. So message_catachall
will not face any issue.
for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
except Exception:
return False
return True
_constraints = [
(_check_alias_defaults, '''Invalid expression, it must be a literal python dictionary definition e.g. "{'field': 'value'}"''', ['alias_defaults']),
def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Return the mail alias display alias_name, inclusing the Implicit and dynamic
Email Alias Domain from config.
e.g. `jobs@openerp.my.openerp.com` or `sales@openerp.my.openerp.com`
res = []
for record in self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['alias_name', 'alias_domain'], context=context):
domain_alias = "%s@%s"%(record['alias_name'], record['alias_domain'])
res.append((record['id'], domain_alias))
return res
def _generate_alias(self, cr, uid, name, sequence=1 ,context=None):
If alias is existing then this method will create a new unique alias name
by appending n sequence integer number.
new_name = "%s%s"%(name, sequence)
search_alias = self.search(cr, uid, [('alias_name', '=', new_name)])
if search_alias:
new_name = self._generate_alias(cr, uid, name, sequence+1 ,context=None)
if not self.search(cr, uid, [('alias_name', '=', new_name)]):
return new_name
return new_name
def create_unique_alias(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
Methods accepts the vals param in dict format and create new alias record
@vals : dict accept {alias_name: '', alias_model_id: '',...}
@return int: New alias_id
model_pool = self.pool.get('ir.model')
alias_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '_', vals['alias_name']).lower()
values = {'alias_name': alias_name}
#Find for the mail alias exist or not if exit then get new mail address.
saids = self.search(cr, uid, [('alias_name', '=',alias_name)])
if saids:
alias_name = self._generate_alias(cr, uid, alias_name, sequence=1, context=context)
values.update({'alias_name': alias_name})
#Set the model fo rhte mail alias
model_sids = model_pool.search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', vals['alias_model_id'])])
values.update({'alias_model_id': model_sids[0]})
return self.create(cr, uid, values, context=context)