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# OpenERP, Open Source Business Applications
# Copyright (c) 2012-TODAY OpenERP S.A. <http://openerp.com>
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from openerp.tests import common
import tools
MAIL_TEMPLATE = """Return-Path: <whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com>
To: {to}
Received: by mail1.openerp.com (Postfix, from userid 10002)
id 5DF9ABFB2A; Fri, 10 Aug 2012 16:16:39 +0200 (CEST)
From: Sylvie Lelitre <sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com>
Subject: {subject}
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 14:16:26 +0000
Message-ID: <1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon!
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8" />
<body style=3D"margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #ffffff;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">=20
<p>Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon!</p>
class test_mail(common.TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
super(test_mail, self).setUp()
self.ir_model = self.registry('ir.model')
self.mail_alias = self.registry('mail.alias')
self.mail_thread = self.registry('mail.thread')
self.mail_group = self.registry('mail.group')
self.mail_mail = self.registry('mail.mail')
self.mail_message = self.registry('mail.message')
self.mail_notification = self.registry('mail.notification')
self.mail_followers = self.registry('mail.followers')
self.res_users = self.registry('res.users')
self.res_partner = self.registry('res.partner')
# Install mock SMTP gateway
self.registry('ir.mail_server').send_email = lambda *a,**kwargs: True
# groups@.. will cause the creation of new mail groups
self.mail_group_model_id = self.ir_model.search(self.cr, self.uid, [('model','=', 'mail.group')])[0]
self.mail_alias.create(self.cr, self.uid, {'alias_name': 'groups',
'alias_model_id': self.mail_group_model_id})
# create a 'pigs' group that will be used through the various tests
self.group_pigs_id = self.mail_group.create(self.cr, self.uid, {'name': 'pigs'})
def test_00_message_process(self):
cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
# Incoming mail creates a new mail_group "frogs"
self.assertEqual(self.mail_group.search(cr, uid, [('name','=','frogs')]), [])
mail_frogs = MAIL_TEMPLATE.format(to='groups@example.com, other@gmail.com', subject='frogs', extra='')
self.mail_thread.message_process(cr, uid, None, mail_frogs)
frog_groups = self.mail_group.search(cr, uid, [('name','=','frogs')])
self.assertTrue(len(frog_groups) == 1)
# Previously-created group can be emailed now - it should have an implicit alias group+frogs@...
frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0])
group_messages = frog_group.message_ids
self.assertTrue(len(group_messages) == 1, 'New group should only have the original message')
mail_frog_news = MAIL_TEMPLATE.format(to='Friendly Frogs <group+frogs@example.com>', subject='news', extra='')
self.mail_thread.message_process(cr, uid, None, mail_frog_news)
self.assertTrue(len(frog_group.message_ids) == 2, 'Group should contain 2 messages now')
# Even with a wrong destination, a reply should end up in the correct thread
mail_reply = MAIL_TEMPLATE.format(to='erroneous@example.com>', subject='Re: news',
extra='In-Reply-To: <12321321-openerp-%d-mail.group@example.com>\n'%frog_group.id)
self.mail_thread.message_process(cr, uid, None, mail_reply)
self.assertTrue(len(frog_group.message_ids) == 3, 'Group should contain 3 messages now')
# No model passed and no matching alias must raise
mail_spam = MAIL_TEMPLATE.format(to='noone@example.com', subject='spam', extra='')
cr, uid, None, mail_spam)
def test_10_many2many_reference_field(self):
""" Tests designed for the many2many_reference field (follower_ids).
We will test to perform writes using the many2many commands 0, 3, 4,
5 and 6. """
cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
user_admin = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, uid)
group_pigs = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, self.group_pigs_id)
# Create partner Bert Poilu
partner_bert_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Bert Poilu'})
# Create 'disturbing' values in mail.followers: same res_id, other res_model; same res_model, other res_id
group_dummy_id = self.mail_group.create(cr, uid,
{'name': 'Dummy group'})
self.mail_followers.create(cr, uid,
{'res_model': 'mail.thread', 'res_id': self.group_pigs_id, 'partner_id': partner_bert_id})
self.mail_followers.create(cr, uid,
{'res_model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_dummy_id, 'partner_id': partner_bert_id})
# Pigs just created: should be only Admin as follower
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 1,
'Newly created group should have only 1 follower')
self.assertTrue(user_admin.partner_id.id in follower_ids,
'Admin should be the only Pigs group follower')
# Subscribe Bert through a '4' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(4, partner_bert_id)]})
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 2,
'Pigs group should have 2 followers after linking Bert')
self.assertTrue(all(id in follower_ids for id in [partner_bert_id, user_admin.partner_id.id]),
'Bert and Admin should be the 2 Pigs group followers')
# Unsubscribe Bert through a '3' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(3, partner_bert_id)]})
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 1,
'Pigs group should have 1 follower after unlinking Bert')
self.assertTrue(all(id in follower_ids for id in [user_admin.partner_id.id]),
'Admin should be the only Pigs group follower')
# Set followers through a '6' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(6, 0, [partner_bert_id])]})
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 1,
'Pigs group should have 1 follower after replacing followers')
self.assertTrue(follower_ids == [partner_bert_id],
'Bert should be the only Pigs group follower')
# Add a follower created on the fly through a '0' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'Patrick Fiori'})]})
partner_patrick_id = self.res_partner.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Patrick Fiori')])[0]
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 2,
'Pigs group should have 2 followers after linking to new partner')
self.assertTrue(all(id in follower_ids for id in [partner_bert_id, partner_patrick_id]),
'Bert and Patrick should be Pigs group followers')
# Finally, unlink through a '5' command
group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(5, 0)]})
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 0,
'Pigs group should not have followers anymore')
# Test dummy data has not been altered
fol_obj_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'mail.thread'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)])
follower_ids = [follower.partner_id.id for follower in self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_obj_ids)]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 1,
'mail.thread dummy data should have 1 follower')
self.assertTrue(follower_ids[0] == partner_bert_id,
'Bert should be the follower of dummy mail.thread data')
fol_obj_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', group_dummy_id)])
follower_ids = [follower.partner_id.id for follower in self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_obj_ids)]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 2,
'mail.group dummy data should have 2 followers')
self.assertTrue(all(id in follower_ids for id in [partner_bert_id, user_admin.partner_id.id]),
'Bert and Admin should be the followers of dummy mail.group data')
def test_11_message_followers(self):
""" Tests designed for the subscriber API. """
cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
user_admin = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, uid)
group_pigs = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, self.group_pigs_id)
# Create user Raoul
user_raoul_id = self.res_users.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Raoul Grosbedon', 'login': 'raoul'})
user_raoul = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, user_raoul_id)
# Subscribe Raoul twice (niak niak) through message_subscribe_users
group_pigs.message_subscribe_users([user_raoul_id, user_raoul_id])
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 2,
'Pigs group should have 2 followers after having subscribed Raoul. Subscribing twice '\
'the same user should create only one follower.')
self.assertTrue(all(id in follower_ids for id in [user_raoul.partner_id.id, user_admin.partner_id.id]),
'Admin and Raoul should be the 2 Pigs group followers')
# Unsubscribe Raoul twice through message_unsubscribe_users
group_pigs.message_unsubscribe_users([user_raoul_id, user_raoul_id])
follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]
self.assertTrue(len(follower_ids) == 1,
'Pigs group should have 1 follower after unsubscribing Raoul')
self.assertTrue(all(id in follower_ids for id in [user_admin.partner_id.id]),
'Admin the only Pigs group followers')
def test_20_message_post_and_compose(self):
""" Tests designed for message_post and the mail.compose.message wizard. """
cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
mail_compose = self.registry('mail.compose.message')
user_admin = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, uid)
self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [uid], {'signature': 'Admin'})
group_pigs = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, self.group_pigs_id)
# Mail data
_subject = 'Pigs'
_mail_subject = '%s posted a comment on %s' % (user_admin.name, group_pigs.name)
_body_text = 'Pigs rules'
_body_html = '<b>Pigs</b> rules'
# Create partners
# 0 - Create an email address for Admin, to check email sending
self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [uid], {'email': 'a@a'})
# 1 - Bert Tartopoils, with email, should receive emails for comments and emails
partner_bert_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Bert Tartopoils', 'email': 'b@b'})
# 2 - Raoul Grosbedon, without email, to test email verification; should receive emails for every message
partner_raoul_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Raoul Grosbedon', 'notification_email_pref': 'all'})
# 3 - Roger Poilvache, with email, should never receive emails
partner_roger_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Roger Poilvache', 'email': 'r@r', 'notification_email_pref': 'none'})
# Create a new comment on group_pigs
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, uid,
{'subject': _subject, 'body_text': _body_text, 'partner_ids': [(4, partner_bert_id), (4, partner_raoul_id), (4, partner_roger_id)]},
{'mail.compose.message': 'comment', 'default_model': 'mail.group', 'default_res_id': self.group_pigs_id})
compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id)
self.assertTrue(compose.model == 'mail.group' and compose.res_id == self.group_pigs_id,
'Wizard message has model %s and res_id %s; should be mail.group and %s' % (compose.model, compose.res_id, self.group_pigs_id))
# Post the comment, get created message
mail_compose.send_mail(cr, uid, [compose_id])
first_com = group_pigs.message_ids[0]
# Check message content
self.assertTrue(first_com.subject == False and first_com.body == _body_text,
'Posted comment subject is %s and body is %s; should be False and %s' % (first_com.subject, first_com.body, _body_text))
# Message partners = notified people = writer + partner_ids
first_com_pids = [partner.id for partner in first_com.partner_ids]
notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [('message_id', '=', first_com.id)])
self.assertTrue(len(first_com_pids) == 4, 'There are %s partners linked to the newly posted comment; should be 4' % (len(first_com_pids)))
self.assertTrue(len(notif_ids) == 4, 'There are %s entries in mail_notification: should be 4' % (len(notif_ids)))
self.assertTrue(all(id in [user_admin.partner_id.id, partner_bert_id, partner_raoul_id, partner_roger_id] for id in first_com_pids),
'Admin, Bert Raoul and Roger should be the 4 partners of the newly created message')
# Fetch latest created email, that should be the email send to partners
mail_ids = self.mail_mail.search(cr, uid, [], limit=1)
mail = self.mail_mail.browse(cr, uid, mail_ids[0])
mail_emails = tools.email_split(mail.email_to)
# Check email subject, body, and email_to
expected_emails = ['a@a', 'b@b']
self.assertTrue(mail.subject == _mail_subject and _body_text in mail.body,
'Send email subject is \'%s\' and should be %s; body is %s and should contain %s' % (mail.subject, _mail_subject, mail.body, _body_text))
self.assertTrue(all(email in mail_emails for email in expected_emails) and len(mail_emails) == 2,
'Send email emails are %s; should be %s' % (mail_emails, expected_emails))
# Create a reply to the last comment
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, uid,
{}, {'mail.compose.message.mode': 'reply', 'default_model': 'mail.thread', 'default_res_id': self.group_pigs_id,
'active_id': first_com.id})
compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id)
self.assertTrue(compose.model == 'mail.group' and compose.res_id == self.group_pigs_id,
'Wizard message has model: %s and res_id:%s; should be mail.group and %s' % (compose.model, compose.res_id, self.group_pigs_id))
self.assertTrue(compose.parent_id.id == first_com.id,
'Wizard parent_id is %d; should be %d' % (compose.parent_id.id, first_com.id))
def test_30_message_read(self):
""" Tests designed for message_read. """
def _simplify_struct(read_dict):
res = []
for val in read_dict:
current = {'_id': val['id']}
if val.get('child_ids'):
current['child_ids'] = _flatten(val.get('child_ids'))
return res
# TDE NOTE: this test is not finished, as the message_read method is not fully specified.
# It wil be updated as soon as we have fixed specs !
cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
group_pigs = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, self.group_pigs_id)
# Add a few messages to pigs group
msgid1 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='1', parent_id=False)
msgid2 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='1-1', parent_id=msgid1)
msgid3 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='1-2', parent_id=msgid1)
msgid4 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='2', parent_id=False)
msgid5 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='1-1-1', parent_id=msgid2)
# msgid6 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='2-1', parent_id=msgid4)
# msgid7 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='1-3', parent_id=msgid1)
# msgid8 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='1-3-1', parent_id=msgid7)
# First try: read flat
# first_try_ids = [msgid8, msgid7, msgid6, msgid5, msgid4, msgid3, msgid2, msgid1]
# res = self.mail_message.message_read(cr, uid, ids=False, domain=[('model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)], thread_level=0)
# Second try: read with thread_level 1
res = self.mail_message.message_read(cr, uid, ids=False, domain=[('model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)], thread_level=1)
# print res
self.assertTrue(len(res) == 2, 'Incorrect number of child in message_read')
self.assertTrue(len(res[0]['child_ids']) == 2, 'Incorrect number of child in message_read')
self.assertTrue(len(res[0]['child_ids'][0]['child_ids']) == 1, 'Incorrect number of child in message_read')
# trees = self.mail_message.message_read_tree_flatten_main(cr, uid, res, thread_level=0)
# print trees
def test_40_needaction(self):
""" Tests for mail.message needaction. """
cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
group_pigs = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, self.group_pigs_id)
user_admin = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, uid)
# Demo values: check unread notification = needaction on mail.message
notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [
('partner_id', '=', user_admin.partner_id.id),
('read', '=', False)
na_count = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain = [])
self.assertTrue(len(notif_ids) == na_count,
'Number of unread notifications (%s) does not match the needaction count (%s)' % (len(notif_ids), na_count))
# Post 4 message on group_pigs
msgid1 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body')
msgid2 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body')
msgid3 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body')
msgid4 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body')
# Check there are 4 new needaction on mail.message
notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [
('partner_id', '=', user_admin.partner_id.id),
('read', '=', False)
na_count = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain = [])
self.assertTrue(len(notif_ids) == na_count,
'Number of unread notifications after posting messages (%s) does not match the needaction count (%s)' % (len(notif_ids), na_count))
# Check there are 4 needaction on mail.message with particular domain
na_count = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain = [('model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)])
self.assertTrue(na_count == 4,
'Number of posted message (4) does not match the needaction count with domain mail.group - group pigs (%s)' % (na_count))