
392 lines
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"""Test TrueType font subsetting & embedding code.
This test uses a sample font (luxiserif.ttf) taken from XFree86 which is called Luxi
Serif Regular and is covered under the license in ../fonts/luxiserif_licence.txt.
import string
from cStringIO import StringIO
from reportlab.test import unittest
from reportlab.test.utils import makeSuiteForClasses, outputfile, printLocation
from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfdoc import PDFDocument, PDFError
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont, TTFontFace, TTFontFile, TTFOpenFile, \
TTFontParser, TTFontMaker, TTFError, \
parse_utf8, makeToUnicodeCMap, \
calcChecksum, add32, _L2U32
def utf8(code):
"Convert a given UCS character index into UTF-8"
if code < 0 or code > 0x7FFFFFFF:
raise ValueError, 'Invalid UCS character 0x%x' % code
elif code < 0x00000080:
return chr(code)
elif code < 0x00000800:
return '%c%c' % \
(0xC0 + (code >> 6),
0x80 + (code & 0x3F))
elif code < 0x00010000:
return '%c%c%c' % \
(0xE0 + (code >> 12),
0x80 + ((code >> 6) & 0x3F),
0x80 + (code & 0x3F))
elif code < 0x00200000:
return '%c%c%c%c' % \
(0xF0 + (code >> 18),
0x80 + ((code >> 12) & 0x3F),
0x80 + ((code >> 6) & 0x3F),
0x80 + (code & 0x3F))
elif code < 0x04000000:
return '%c%c%c%c%c' % \
(0xF8 + (code >> 24),
0x80 + ((code >> 18) & 0x3F),
0x80 + ((code >> 12) & 0x3F),
0x80 + ((code >> 6) & 0x3F),
0x80 + (code & 0x3F))
return '%c%c%c%c%c%c' % \
(0xFC + (code >> 30),
0x80 + ((code >> 24) & 0x3F),
0x80 + ((code >> 18) & 0x3F),
0x80 + ((code >> 12) & 0x3F),
0x80 + ((code >> 6) & 0x3F),
0x80 + (code & 0x3F))
def _simple_subset_generation(fn,npages,alter=0):
c = Canvas(outputfile(fn))
c.setFont('Helvetica', 30)
c.drawString(100,700, 'Unicode TrueType Font Test %d pages' % npages)
# Draw a table of Unicode characters
for p in xrange(npages):
for fontName in ('TestFont','RinaFont'):
c.setFont(fontName, 10)
for i in xrange(32):
for j in xrange(32):
ch = utf8(i * 32 + j+p*alter)
c.drawString(80 + j * 13 + int(j / 16) * 4, 600 - i * 13 - int(i / 8) * 8, ch)
class TTFontsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"Make documents with TrueType fonts"
def testTTF(self):
"Test PDF generation with TrueType fonts"
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont("TestFont", "luxiserif.ttf"))
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont("RinaFont", "rina.ttf"))
# Do it twice with the same font object
c = Canvas(outputfile('test_pdfbase_ttfontsadditional.pdf'))
# Draw a table of Unicode characters
c.setFont('TestFont', 10)
c.drawString(100, 700, 'Hello, ' + utf8(0xffee))
class TTFontFileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"Tests TTFontFile, TTFontParser and TTFontMaker classes"
def testFontFileFailures(self):
"Tests TTFontFile constructor error checks"
self.assertRaises(TTFError, TTFontFile, "nonexistent file")
self.assertRaises(TTFError, TTFontFile, StringIO(""))
self.assertRaises(TTFError, TTFontFile, StringIO("invalid signature"))
self.assertRaises(TTFError, TTFontFile, StringIO("OTTO - OpenType not supported yet"))
self.assertRaises(TTFError, TTFontFile, StringIO("\0\1\0\0"))
def testFontFileReads(self):
"Tests TTFontParset.read_xxx"
class FakeTTFontFile(TTFontParser):
def __init__(self, data):
self._ttf_data = data
self._pos = 0
ttf = FakeTTFontFile("\x81\x02\x03\x04" "\x85\x06" "ABCD" "\x7F\xFF" "\x80\x00" "\xFF\xFF")
self.assertEquals(ttf.read_ulong(), _L2U32(0x81020304L)) # big-endian
self.assertEquals(ttf._pos, 4)
self.assertEquals(ttf.read_ushort(), 0x8506)
self.assertEquals(ttf._pos, 6)
self.assertEquals(ttf.read_tag(), 'ABCD')
self.assertEquals(ttf._pos, 10)
self.assertEquals(ttf.read_short(), 0x7FFF)
self.assertEquals(ttf.read_short(), -0x8000)
self.assertEquals(ttf.read_short(), -1)
def testFontFile(self):
"Tests TTFontFile and TTF parsing code"
ttf = TTFontFile("luxiserif.ttf")
self.assertEquals(ttf.name, "LuxiSerif")
self.assertEquals(ttf.flags, FF_SYMBOLIC)
self.assertEquals(ttf.italicAngle, 0.0)
self.assertEquals(ttf.ascent, 783) # FIXME: or 992?
self.assertEquals(ttf.descent, -206) # FIXME: or -210?
self.assertEquals(ttf.capHeight, 0)
self.assertEquals(ttf.bbox, [-204, -211, 983, 992])
self.assertEquals(ttf.stemV, 87)
self.assertEquals(ttf.defaultWidth, 250)
def testAdd32(self):
"Test add32"
self.assertEquals(add32(10, -6), 4)
self.assertEquals(add32(6, -10), -4)
self.assertEquals(add32(_L2U32(0x80000000L), -1), 0x7FFFFFFF)
self.assertEquals(add32(0x7FFFFFFF, 1), _L2U32(0x80000000L))
def testChecksum(self):
"Test calcChecksum function"
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum(""), 0)
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\1"), 0x01000000)
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x10\x20\x30\x40"), 0x11223344)
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\x81"), _L2U32(0x81000000L))
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\x81\x02"), _L2U32(0x81020000L))
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\x81\x02\x03"), _L2U32(0x81020300L))
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\x81\x02\x03\x04"), _L2U32(0x81020304L))
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\x81\x02\x03\x04\x05"), _L2U32(0x86020304L))
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\x41\x02\x03\x04\xD0\x20\x30\x40"), 0x11223344)
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\xD1\x02\x03\x04\x40\x20\x30\x40"), 0x11223344)
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\x81\x02\x03\x04\x90\x20\x30\x40"), 0x11223344)
self.assertEquals(calcChecksum("\x7F\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x01"), _L2U32(0x80000000L))
def testFontFileChecksum(self):
"Tests TTFontFile and TTF parsing code"
file = TTFOpenFile("luxiserif.ttf")[1].read()
TTFontFile(StringIO(file), validate=1) # should not fail
file1 = file[:12345] + "\xFF" + file[12346:] # change one byte
self.assertRaises(TTFError, TTFontFile, StringIO(file1), validate=1)
file1 = file[:8] + "\xFF" + file[9:] # change one byte
self.assertRaises(TTFError, TTFontFile, StringIO(file1), validate=1)
def testSubsetting(self):
"Tests TTFontFile and TTF parsing code"
ttf = TTFontFile("luxiserif.ttf")
subset = ttf.makeSubset([0x41, 0x42])
subset = TTFontFile(StringIO(subset), 0)
for tag in ('cmap', 'head', 'hhea', 'hmtx', 'maxp', 'name', 'OS/2',
'post', 'cvt ', 'fpgm', 'glyf', 'loca', 'prep'):
for n in range(4):
pos = subset.read_ushort() # this is actually offset / 2
self.failIf(pos % 2 != 0, "glyph %d at +%d should be long aligned" % (n, pos * 2))
self.assertEquals(subset.name, "LuxiSerif")
self.assertEquals(subset.flags, FF_SYMBOLIC)
self.assertEquals(subset.italicAngle, 0.0)
self.assertEquals(subset.ascent, 783) # FIXME: or 992?
self.assertEquals(subset.descent, -206) # FIXME: or -210?
self.assertEquals(subset.capHeight, 0)
self.assertEquals(subset.bbox, [-204, -211, 983, 992])
self.assertEquals(subset.stemV, 87)
def testFontMaker(self):
"Tests TTFontMaker class"
ttf = TTFontMaker()
ttf.add("ABCD", "xyzzy")
ttf.add("QUUX", "123")
ttf.add("head", "12345678xxxx")
stm = ttf.makeStream()
ttf = TTFontParser(StringIO(stm), 0)
self.assertEquals(ttf.get_table("ABCD"), "xyzzy")
self.assertEquals(ttf.get_table("QUUX"), "123")
class TTFontFaceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"Tests TTFontFace class"
def testAddSubsetObjects(self):
"Tests TTFontFace.addSubsetObjects"
face = TTFontFace("luxiserif.ttf")
doc = PDFDocument()
fontDescriptor = face.addSubsetObjects(doc, "TestFont", [ 0x78, 0x2017 ])
fontDescriptor = doc.idToObject[fontDescriptor.name].dict
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor['Type'], '/FontDescriptor')
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor['Ascent'], face.ascent)
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor['CapHeight'], face.capHeight)
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor['Descent'], face.descent)
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor['Flags'], (face.flags & ~FF_NONSYMBOLIC) | FF_SYMBOLIC)
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor['FontName'], "/TestFont")
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor['FontBBox'].sequence, face.bbox)
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor['ItalicAngle'], face.italicAngle)
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor['StemV'], face.stemV)
fontFile = fontDescriptor['FontFile2']
fontFile = doc.idToObject[fontFile.name]
self.assert_(fontFile.content != "")
class TTFontTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"Tests TTFont class"
def testParseUTF8(self):
"Tests parse_utf8"
self.assertEquals(parse_utf8(""), [])
for i in range(0, 0x80):
self.assertEquals(parse_utf8(chr(i)), [i])
for i in range(0x80, 0xA0):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_utf8, chr(i))
self.assertEquals(parse_utf8("abc"), [0x61, 0x62, 0x63])
self.assertEquals(parse_utf8("\xC2\xA9x"), [0xA9, 0x78])
self.assertEquals(parse_utf8("\xE2\x89\xA0x"), [0x2260, 0x78])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_utf8, "\xE2\x89x")
# for i in range(0, 0xFFFF): - overkill
for i in range(0x80, 0x200) + range(0x300, 0x400) + [0xFFFE, 0xFFFF]:
self.assertEquals(parse_utf8(utf8(i)), [i])
def testStringWidth(self):
"Test TTFont.stringWidth"
font = TTFont("TestFont", "luxiserif.ttf")
self.assert_(font.stringWidth("test", 10) > 0)
width = font.stringWidth(utf8(0x2260) * 2, 1000)
expected = font.face.getCharWidth(0x2260) * 2
self.assert_(abs(width - expected) < 0.01, "%g != %g" % (width, expected))
def testSplitString(self):
"Tests TTFont.splitString"
doc = PDFDocument()
font = TTFont("TestFont", "luxiserif.ttf")
text = string.join(map(utf8, xrange(0, 511)), "")
allchars = string.join(map(chr, xrange(0, 256)), "")
nospace = allchars[:32] + allchars[33:]
chunks = [(0, allchars), (1, nospace)]
self.assertEquals(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)
# Do it twice
self.assertEquals(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)
text = string.join(map(utf8, range(510, -1, -1)), "")
allchars = string.join(map(chr, range(255, -1, -1)), "")
nospace = allchars[:223] + allchars[224:]
chunks = [(1, nospace), (0, allchars)]
self.assertEquals(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)
def testSplitStringSpaces(self):
# In order for justification (word spacing) to work, the space
# glyph must have a code 32, and no other character should have
# that code in any subset, or word spacing will be applied to it.
doc = PDFDocument()
font = TTFont("TestFont", "luxiserif.ttf")
text = string.join(map(utf8, range(512, -1, -1)), "")
chunks = font.splitString(text, doc)
state = font.state[doc]
self.assertEquals(state.assignments[32], 32)
self.assertEquals(state.subsets[0][32], 32)
self.assertEquals(state.subsets[1][32], 32)
def testSubsetInternalName(self):
"Tests TTFont.getSubsetInternalName"
doc = PDFDocument()
font = TTFont("TestFont", "luxiserif.ttf")
# Actually generate some subsets
text = string.join(map(utf8, range(0, 513)), "")
font.splitString(text, doc)
self.assertRaises(IndexError, font.getSubsetInternalName, -1, doc)
self.assertRaises(IndexError, font.getSubsetInternalName, 3, doc)
self.assertEquals(font.getSubsetInternalName(0, doc), "/F1+0")
self.assertEquals(font.getSubsetInternalName(1, doc), "/F1+1")
self.assertEquals(font.getSubsetInternalName(2, doc), "/F1+2")
self.assertEquals(doc.delayedFonts, [font])
def testAddObjectsEmpty(self):
"TTFont.addObjects should not fail when no characters were used"
font = TTFont("TestFont", "luxiserif.ttf")
doc = PDFDocument()
def no_longer_testAddObjectsResets(self):
"Test that TTFont.addObjects resets the font"
# Actually generate some subsets
doc = PDFDocument()
font = TTFont("TestFont", "luxiserif.ttf")
font.splitString('a', doc) # create some subset
doc = PDFDocument()
self.assertEquals(font.frozen, 0)
self.assertEquals(font.nextCode, 0)
self.assertEquals(font.subsets, [])
self.assertEquals(font.assignments, {})
font.splitString('ba', doc) # should work
def testParallelConstruction(self):
"Test that TTFont can be used for different documents at the same time"
doc1 = PDFDocument()
doc2 = PDFDocument()
font = TTFont("TestFont", "luxiserif.ttf")
self.assertEquals(font.splitString(u'hello ', doc1), [(0, 'hello ')])
self.assertEquals(font.splitString(u'hello ', doc2), [(0, 'hello ')])
self.assertEquals(font.splitString(u'\u0410\u0411'.encode('UTF-8'), doc1), [(0, '\x80\x81')])
self.assertEquals(font.splitString(u'\u0412'.encode('UTF-8'), doc2), [(0, '\x80')])
self.assertEquals(font.splitString(u'\u0413'.encode('UTF-8'), doc2), [(0, '\x81')])
def testAddObjects(self):
"Test TTFont.addObjects"
# Actually generate some subsets
doc = PDFDocument()
font = TTFont("TestFont", "luxiserif.ttf")
font.splitString('a', doc) # create some subset
internalName = font.getSubsetInternalName(0, doc)[1:]
pdfFont = doc.idToObject[internalName]
self.assertEquals(doc.idToObject['BasicFonts'].dict[internalName], pdfFont)
self.assertEquals(pdfFont.Name, internalName)
self.assertEquals(pdfFont.BaseFont, "AAAAAA+LuxiSerif")
self.assertEquals(pdfFont.FirstChar, 0)
self.assertEquals(pdfFont.LastChar, 127)
self.assertEquals(len(pdfFont.Widths.sequence), 128)
toUnicode = doc.idToObject[pdfFont.ToUnicode.name]
self.assert_(toUnicode.content != "")
fontDescriptor = doc.idToObject[pdfFont.FontDescriptor.name]
self.assertEquals(fontDescriptor.dict['Type'], '/FontDescriptor')
def testMakeToUnicodeCMap(self):
"Test makeToUnicodeCMap"
self.assertEquals(makeToUnicodeCMap("TestFont", [ 0x1234, 0x4321, 0x4242 ]),
"""/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
12 dict begin
<< /Registry (TestFont)
/Ordering (TestFont)
/Supplement 0
>> def
/CMapName /TestFont def
/CMapType 2 def
1 begincodespacerange
<00> <02>
3 beginbfchar
<00> <1234>
<01> <4321>
<02> <4242>
CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop
def makeSuite():
suite = makeSuiteForClasses(
return suite
if __name__ == "__main__":