
772 lines
28 KiB

openerp.base.data = function(openerp) {
* Serializes the sort criterion array of a dataset into a form which can be
* consumed by OpenERP's RPC APIs.
* @param {Array} criterion array of fields, from first to last criteria, prefixed with '-' for reverse sorting
* @returns {String} SQL-like sorting string (``ORDER BY``) clause
openerp.base.serialize_sort = function (criterion) {
return _.map(criterion,
function (criteria) {
if (criteria[0] === '-') {
return criteria.slice(1) + ' DESC';
return criteria + ' ASC';
}).join(', ');
openerp.base.DataGroup = openerp.base.Widget.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.DataGroup# */{
* Management interface between views and grouped collections of OpenERP
* records.
* The root DataGroup is instantiated with the relevant information
* (a session, a model, a domain, a context and a group_by sequence), the
* domain and context may be empty. It is then interacted with via
* :js:func:`~openerp.base.DataGroup.list`, which is used to read the
* content of the current grouping level.
* @constructs
* @extends openerp.base.Widget
* @param {openerp.base.Session} session Current OpenERP session
* @param {String} model name of the model managed by this DataGroup
* @param {Array} domain search domain for this DataGroup
* @param {Object} context context of the DataGroup's searches
* @param {Array} group_by sequence of fields by which to group
* @param {Number} [level=0] nesting level of the group
init: function(parent, model, domain, context, group_by, level) {
this._super(parent, null);
if (group_by) {
if (group_by.length || context['group_by_no_leaf']) {
return new openerp.base.ContainerDataGroup( this, model, domain, context, group_by, level);
} else {
return new openerp.base.GrouplessDataGroup( this, model, domain, context, level);
this.model = model;
this.context = context;
this.domain = domain;
this.level = level || 0;
cls: 'DataGroup'
openerp.base.ContainerDataGroup = openerp.base.DataGroup.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.ContainerDataGroup# */ {
* @constructs
* @extends openerp.base.DataGroup
* @param session
* @param model
* @param domain
* @param context
* @param group_by
* @param level
init: function (parent, model, domain, context, group_by, level) {
this._super(parent, model, domain, context, null, level);
this.group_by = group_by;
* The format returned by ``read_group`` is absolutely dreadful:
* * A ``__context`` key provides future grouping levels
* * A ``__domain`` key provides the domain for the next search
* * The current grouping value is provided through the name of the
* current grouping name e.g. if currently grouping on ``user_id``, then
* the ``user_id`` value for this group will be provided through the
* ``user_id`` key.
* * Similarly, the number of items in the group (not necessarily direct)
* is provided via ``${current_field}_count``
* * Other aggregate fields are just dumped there
* This function slightly improves the grouping records by:
* * Adding a ``grouped_on`` property providing the current grouping field
* * Adding a ``value`` and a ``length`` properties which replace the
* ``$current_field`` and ``${current_field}_count`` ones
* * Moving aggregate values into an ``aggregates`` property object
* Context and domain keys remain as-is, they should not be used externally
* but in case they're needed...
* @param {Object} group ``read_group`` record
transform_group: function (group) {
var field_name = this.group_by[0];
// In cases where group_by_no_leaf and no group_by, the result of
// read_group has aggregate fields but no __context or __domain.
// Create default (empty) values for those so that things don't break
var fixed_group = _.extend(
{__context: {group_by: []}, __domain: []},
var aggregates = {};
_(fixed_group).each(function (value, key) {
if (key.indexOf('__') === 0
|| key === field_name
|| key === field_name + '_count') {
aggregates[key] = value || 0;
return {
__context: fixed_group.__context,
__domain: fixed_group.__domain,
grouped_on: field_name,
// if terminal group (or no group) and group_by_no_leaf => use group.__count
length: fixed_group[field_name + '_count'] || fixed_group.__count,
value: fixed_group[field_name],
openable: !(this.context['group_by_no_leaf']
&& fixed_group.__context.group_by.length === 0),
aggregates: aggregates
fetch: function (fields) {
// internal method
var d = new $.Deferred();
var self = this;
this.rpc('/base/group/read', {
model: this.model,
context: this.context,
domain: this.domain,
fields: _.uniq(this.group_by.concat(fields)),
group_by_fields: this.group_by,
sort: openerp.base.serialize_sort(this.sort)
}, function () { }).then(function (response) {
var data_groups = _(response).map(
_.bind(self.transform_group, self));
self.groups = data_groups;
d.resolveWith(self, [data_groups]);
}, function () {
d.rejectWith.apply(d, [self, arguments]);
return d.promise();
* The items of a list have the following properties:
* ``length``
* the number of records contained in the group (and all of its
* sub-groups). This does *not* provide the size of the "next level"
* of the group, unless the group is terminal (no more groups within
* it).
* ``grouped_on``
* the name of the field this level was grouped on, this is mostly
* used for display purposes, in order to know the name of the current
* level of grouping. The ``grouped_on`` should be the same for all
* objects of the list.
* ``value``
* the value which led to this group (this is the value all contained
* records have for the current ``grouped_on`` field name).
* ``aggregates``
* a mapping of other aggregation fields provided by ``read_group``
* @param {Array} fields the list of fields to aggregate in each group, can be empty
* @param {Function} ifGroups function executed if any group is found (DataGroup.group_by is non-null and non-empty), called with a (potentially empty) list of groups as parameters.
* @param {Function} ifRecords function executed if there is no grouping left to perform, called with a DataSet instance as parameter
list: function (fields, ifGroups, ifRecords) {
var self = this;
this.fetch(fields).then(function (group_records) {
ifGroups(_(group_records).map(function (group) {
var child_context = _.extend({}, self.context, group.__context);
return _.extend(
new openerp.base.DataGroup(
self, self.model, group.__domain,
child_context, child_context.group_by,
self.level + 1),
group, {sort: self.sort});
openerp.base.GrouplessDataGroup = openerp.base.DataGroup.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.GrouplessDataGroup# */ {
* @constructs
* @extends openerp.base.DataGroup
* @param session
* @param model
* @param domain
* @param context
* @param level
init: function (parent, model, domain, context, level) {
this._super(parent, model, domain, context, null, level);
list: function (fields, ifGroups, ifRecords) {
new openerp.base.DataSetSearch(this, this.model),
{domain: this.domain, context: this.context, _sort: this.sort}));
openerp.base.StaticDataGroup = openerp.base.GrouplessDataGroup.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.StaticDataGroup# */ {
* A specialization of groupless data groups, relying on a single static
* dataset as its records provider.
* @constructs
* @extends openerp.base.GrouplessDataGroup
* @param {openep.base.DataSetStatic} dataset a static dataset backing the groups
init: function (dataset) {
this.dataset = dataset;
list: function (fields, ifGroups, ifRecords) {
openerp.base.DataSet = openerp.base.Widget.extend( /** @lends openerp.base.DataSet# */{
* DateaManagement interface between views and the collection of selected
* OpenERP records (represents the view's state?)
* @constructs
* @extends openerp.base.Widget
* @param {String} model the OpenERP model this dataset will manage
init: function(source_controller, model, context) {
// we don't want the dataset to be a child of anything!
this.session = source_controller ? source_controller.session : undefined;
this.model = model;
this.context = context || {};
this.index = null;
start: function() {
previous: function () {
this.index -= 1;
if (this.index < 0) {
this.index = this.ids.length - 1;
return this;
next: function () {
this.index += 1;
if (this.index >= this.ids.length) {
this.index = 0;
return this;
* Read records.
* @param {Array} ids identifiers of the records to read
* @param {Array} fields fields to read and return, by default all fields are returned
* @param {Function} callback function called with read result
* @returns {$.Deferred}
read_ids: function (ids, fields, callback) {
return this.rpc('/base/dataset/get', {
model: this.model,
ids: ids,
fields: fields,
context: this.get_context()
}, callback);
* Read a slice of the records represented by this DataSet, based on its
* domain and context.
* @params {Object} options
* @param {Array} [options.fields] fields to read and return, by default all fields are returned
* @param {Number} [options.offset=0] The index from which selected records should be returned
* @param {Number} [options.limit=null] The maximum number of records to return
* @param {Function} callback function called with read_slice result
* @returns {$.Deferred}
read_slice: function (options, callback) { return null; },
* Reads the current dataset record (from its index)
* @params {Array} [fields] fields to read and return, by default all fields are returned
* @params {Function} callback function called with read_index result
* @returns {$.Deferred}
read_index: function (fields, callback) {
var def = $.Deferred().then(callback);
if (_.isEmpty(this.ids)) {
} else {
fields = fields || false;
return this.read_ids([this.ids[this.index]], fields).then(function(records) {
}, function() {
def.reject.apply(def, arguments);
return def.promise();
* Reads default values for the current model
* @param {Array} [fields] fields to get default values for, by default all defaults are read
* @param {Function} callback function called with default_get result
* @returns {$.Deferred}
default_get: function(fields, callback) {
return this.rpc('/base/dataset/default_get', {
model: this.model,
fields: fields,
context: this.get_context()
}, callback);
* Creates a new record in db
* @param {Object} data field values to set on the new record
* @param {Function} callback function called with operation result
* @param {Function} error_callback function called in case of creation error
* @returns {$.Deferred}
create: function(data, callback, error_callback) {
return this.rpc('/base/dataset/create', {
model: this.model,
data: data,
context: this.get_context()
}, callback, error_callback);
* Saves the provided data in an existing db record
* @param {Number|String} id identifier for the record to alter
* @param {Object} data field values to write into the record
* @param {Function} callback function called with operation result
* @param {Function} error_callback function called in case of write error
* @returns {$.Deferred}
write: function (id, data, callback, error_callback) {
return this.rpc('/base/dataset/save', {
model: this.model,
id: id,
data: data,
context: this.get_context()
}, callback, error_callback);
* Deletes an existing record from the database
* @param {Number|String} ids identifier of the record to delete
* @param {Function} callback function called with operation result
* @param {Function} error_callback function called in case of deletion error
unlink: function(ids, callback, error_callback) {
var self = this;
return this.call_and_eval("unlink", [ids, this.get_context()], null, 1,
callback, error_callback);
* Calls an arbitrary RPC method
* @param {String} method name of the method (on the current model) to call
* @param {Array} [args] arguments to pass to the method
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Function} error_callback
* @returns {$.Deferred}
call: function (method, args, callback, error_callback) {
return this.rpc('/base/dataset/call', {
model: this.model,
method: method,
args: args || []
}, callback, error_callback);
* Calls an arbitrary method, with more crazy
* @param {String} method
* @param {Array} [args]
* @param {Number} [domain_id] index of a domain to evaluate in the args array
* @param {Number} [context_id] index of a context to evaluate in the args array
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Function }error_callback
* @returns {$.Deferred}
call_and_eval: function (method, args, domain_id, context_id, callback, error_callback) {
return this.rpc('/base/dataset/call', {
model: this.model,
method: method,
domain_id: domain_id || null,
context_id: context_id || null,
args: args || []
}, callback, error_callback);
* Calls a button method, usually returning some sort of action
* @param {String} method
* @param {Array} [args]
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Function} error_callback
* @returns {$.Deferred}
call_button: function (method, args, callback, error_callback) {
return this.rpc('/base/dataset/call_button', {
model: this.model,
method: method,
domain_id: null,
context_id: 1,
args: args || []
}, callback, error_callback);
* Fetches the "readable name" for records, based on intrinsic rules
* @param {Array} ids
* @param {Function} callback
* @returns {$.Deferred}
name_get: function(ids, callback) {
return this.call_and_eval('name_get', [ids, this.get_context()], null, 1, callback);
* @param {String} name name to perform a search for/on
* @param {Array} [domain=[]] filters for the objects returned, OpenERP domain
* @param {String} [operator='ilike'] matching operator to use with the provided name value
* @param {Number} [limit=100] maximum number of matches to return
* @param {Function} callback function to call with name_search result
* @returns {$.Deferred}
name_search: function (name, domain, operator, limit, callback) {
return this.call_and_eval('name_search',
[name || '', domain || false, operator || 'ilike', this.get_context(), limit || 100],
1, 3, callback);
* @param name
* @param callback
name_create: function(name, callback) {
return this.call_and_eval('name_create', [name, this.get_context()], null, 1, callback);
exec_workflow: function (id, signal, callback) {
return this.rpc('/base/dataset/exec_workflow', {
model: this.model,
id: id,
signal: signal
}, callback);
get_context: function() {
return this.context;
openerp.base.DataSetStatic = openerp.base.DataSet.extend({
init: function(parent, model, context, ids) {
this._super(parent, model, context);
// all local records
this.ids = ids || [];
read_slice: function (options, callback) {
var self = this,
offset = options.offset || 0,
limit = options.limit || false,
fields = options.fields || false;
var end_pos = limit && limit !== -1 ? offset + limit : undefined;
return this.read_ids(this.ids.slice(offset, end_pos), fields, callback);
set_ids: function (ids) {
this.ids = ids;
if (this.index !== null) {
this.index = this.index <= this.ids.length - 1 ?
this.index : (this.ids.length > 0 ? this.length - 1 : 0);
unlink: function(ids) {
return $.Deferred().resolve({result: true});
on_unlink: function(ids) {
this.set_ids(_.without.apply(null, [this.ids].concat(ids)));
openerp.base.DataSetSearch = openerp.base.DataSet.extend({
* @constructs
* @param {Object} parent
* @param {String} model
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Array} domain
init: function(parent, model, context, domain) {
this._super(parent, model, context);
this.domain = domain || [];
this._sort = [];
this.offset = 0;
// subset records[offset:offset+limit]
// is it necessary ?
this.ids = [];
* Read a slice of the records represented by this DataSet, based on its
* domain and context.
* @params {Object} options
* @param {Array} [options.fields] fields to read and return, by default all fields are returned
* @param {Number} [options.offset=0] The index from which selected records should be returned
* @param {Number} [options.limit=null] The maximum number of records to return
* @param {Function} callback function called with read_slice result
* @returns {$.Deferred}
read_slice: function (options, callback) {
var self = this;
var offset = options.offset || 0;
return this.rpc('/base/dataset/search_read', {
model: this.model,
fields: options.fields || false,
domain: this.domain,
context: this.get_context(),
sort: this.sort(),
offset: offset,
limit: options.limit || false
}, function (result) {
self.ids = result.ids;
self.offset = offset;
if (callback) {
* Reads or changes sort criteria on the dataset.
* If not provided with any argument, serializes the sort criteria to
* an SQL-like form usable by OpenERP's ORM.
* If given a field, will set that field as first sorting criteria or,
* if the field is already the first sorting criteria, will reverse it.
* @param {String} [field] field to sort on, reverses it (toggle from ASC to DESC) if already the main sort criteria
* @param {Boolean} [force_reverse=false] forces inserting the field as DESC
* @returns {String|undefined}
sort: function (field, force_reverse) {
if (!field) {
return openerp.base.serialize_sort(this._sort);
var reverse = force_reverse || (this._sort[0] === field);
this._sort, [0, this._sort.length].concat(
_.without(this._sort, field, '-' + field)));
this._sort.unshift((reverse ? '-' : '') + field);
return undefined;
unlink: function(ids, callback, error_callback) {
var self = this;
return this._super(ids, function(result) {
self.ids = _.without.apply(_, [self.ids].concat(ids));
if (this.index !== null) {
self.index = self.index <= self.ids.length - 1 ?
self.index : (self.ids.length > 0 ? self.ids.length -1 : 0);
if (callback)
}, error_callback);
openerp.base.BufferedDataSet = openerp.base.DataSetStatic.extend({
virtual_id_prefix: "one2many_v_id_",
virtual_id_regex: /one2many_v_id_.*/,
debug_mode: true,
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
create: function(data, callback, error_callback) {
var cached = {id:_.uniqueId(this.virtual_id_prefix), values: data};
var to_return = $.Deferred().then(callback);
to_return.resolve({result: cached.id});
return to_return.promise();
write: function (id, data, callback) {
var self = this;
var record = _.detect(this.to_create, function(x) {return x.id === id;});
record = record || _.detect(this.to_write, function(x) {return x.id === id;});
var dirty = false;
if (record) {
for (k in data) {
if (record.values[k] === undefined || record.values[k] !== data[k]) {
dirty = true;
$.extend(record.values, data);
} else {
dirty = true;
record = {id: id, values: data};
var cached = _.detect(this.cache, function(x) {return x.id === id;});
$.extend(cached.values, record.values);
if (dirty)
var to_return = $.Deferred().then(callback);
to_return.resolve({result: true});
return to_return.promise();
unlink: function(ids, callback, error_callback) {
var self = this;
_.each(ids, function(id) {
if (! _.detect(self.to_create, function(x) { return x.id === id; })) {
self.to_delete.push({id: id})
this.to_create = _.reject(this.to_create, function(x) { return _.include(ids, x.id);});
this.to_write = _.reject(this.to_write, function(x) { return _.include(ids, x.id);});
this.cache = _.reject(this.cache, function(x) { return _.include(ids, x.id);});
this.set_ids(_.without.apply(_, [this.ids].concat(ids)));
var to_return = $.Deferred().then(callback);
setTimeout(function () {to_return.resolve({result: true});}, 0);
return to_return.promise();
reset_ids: function(ids) {
this.to_delete = [];
this.to_create = [];
this.to_write = [];
this.cache = [];
this.delete_all = false;
on_change: function() {},
read_ids: function (ids, fields, callback) {
var self = this;
var to_get = [];
_.each(ids, function(id) {
var cached = _.detect(self.cache, function(x) {return x.id === id;});
var created = _.detect(self.to_create, function(x) {return x.id === id;});
if (created) {
_.each(fields, function(x) {if (cached.values[x] === undefined) cached.values[x] = false;});
} else {
if (!cached || !_.all(fields, function(x) {return cached.values[x] !== undefined}))
var completion = $.Deferred().then(callback);
var return_records = function() {
var records = _.map(ids, function(id) {
return _.extend({}, _.detect(self.cache, function(c) {return c.id === id;}).values, {"id": id});
if (self.debug_mode) {
if (_.include(records, undefined)) {
throw "Record not correctly loaded";
setTimeout(function () {completion.resolve(records);}, 0);
if(to_get.length > 0) {
var rpc_promise = this._super(to_get, fields, function(records) {
_.each(records, function(record, index) {
var id = to_get[index];
var cached = _.detect(self.cache, function(x) {return x.id === id;});
if (!cached) {
self.cache.push({id: id, values: record});
} else {
// I assume cache value is prioritary
_.defaults(cached.values, record);
$.when(rpc_promise).fail(function() {completion.reject();});
} else {
return completion.promise();
openerp.base.ReadOnlyDataSetSearch = openerp.base.DataSetSearch.extend({
create: function(data, callback, error_callback) {
var to_return = $.Deferred().then(callback);
setTimeout(function () {to_return.resolve({"result": undefined});}, 0);
return to_return.promise();
on_create: function(data) {},
write: function (id, data, callback) {
this.on_write(id, data);
var to_return = $.Deferred().then(callback);
setTimeout(function () {to_return.resolve({"result": true});}, 0);
return to_return.promise();
on_write: function(id, data) {},
unlink: function(ids, callback, error_callback) {
var to_return = $.Deferred().then(callback);
setTimeout(function () {to_return.resolve({"result": true});}, 0);
return to_return.promise();
on_unlink: function(ids) {}
openerp.base.CompoundContext = openerp.base.Class.extend({
init: function () {
this.__ref = "compound_context";
this.__contexts = [];
this.__eval_context = null;
var self = this;
_.each(arguments, function(x) {
add: function (context) {
return this;
set_eval_context: function (eval_context) {
this.__eval_context = eval_context;
return this;
get_eval_context: function () {
return this.__eval_context;
openerp.base.CompoundDomain = openerp.base.Class.extend({
init: function () {
this.__ref = "compound_domain";
this.__domains = [];
this.__eval_context = null;
var self = this;
_.each(arguments, function(x) {
add: function(domain) {
return this;
set_eval_context: function(eval_context) {
this.__eval_context = eval_context;
return this;
get_eval_context: function() {
return this.__eval_context;
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: