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In order to test the module with OpenERP, I will make products with No auto-picking
to allow an intermediate picking process to provide raw materials to production orders.
I create product category for measuring the liquid products. Say Litre.
!record {model: product.uom, id: product_uom_litre0}:
category_id: product.product_uom_categ_kgm
factor: 1.0
name: Litre
rounding: 0.01
I create a record for product Tea.
!record {model: product.product, id: product_product_tea0}:
categ_id: product.cat1
name: Tea
procure_method: make_to_stock
supply_method: buy
type: product
uom_id: product.product_uom_kgm
uom_po_id: product.product_uom_kgm
property_stock_inventory: stock.location_inventory
property_stock_procurement: stock.location_procurement
property_stock_production: stock.location_production
auto_pick: True
I create a record for product Sugar.
!record {model: product.product, id: product_product_sugar0}:
categ_id: product.cat1
name: Sugar
procure_method: make_to_stock
supply_method: buy
type: product
uom_id: product.product_uom_kgm
uom_po_id: product.product_uom_kgm
property_stock_inventory: stock.location_inventory
property_stock_procurement: stock.location_procurement
property_stock_production: stock.location_production
auto_pick: True
I create a record for product Milk.
!record {model: product.product, id: product_product_milk0}:
categ_id: product.cat1
name: Milk
procure_method: make_to_order
supply_method: buy
type: consu
uom_id: product_uom_litre0
uom_po_id: product_uom_litre0
property_stock_inventory: stock.location_inventory
property_stock_procurement: stock.location_procurement
property_stock_production: stock.location_production
auto_pick: True
I create a record for product Cup of tea.
!record {model: product.product, id: product_product_cupoftea0}:
categ_id: product.cat1
name: Cup of Tea
procure_method: make_to_order
supply_method: produce
type: product
uom_id: product_uom_litre0
uom_po_id: product_uom_litre0
property_stock_inventory: stock.location_inventory
property_stock_procurement: stock.location_procurement
property_stock_production: stock.location_production
auto_pick: False
I create a record for Workcenter.
!record {model: mrp.workcenter, id: mrp_workcenter_production0}:
costs_cycle: 0.0
costs_hour: 0.0
name: Production Workcenter
resource_type: material
time_cycle: 0.0
time_efficiency: 1.0
time_start: 0.0
time_stop: 0.0
I create a routing.
!record {model: mrp.routing, id: mrp_routing_productionrouting0}:
name: Production Routing
location_id: stock.stock_location_stock
- cycle_nbr: 1.0
hour_nbr: 0.5
sequence: 0.0
name: Production
workcenter_id: mrp_workcenter_production0
I create a Bill of material for the product Cup of tea.
!record {model: mrp.bom, id: mrp_bom_cupoftea0}:
company_id: base.main_company
name: Cup of Tea
product_efficiency: 1.0
product_id: product_product_cupoftea0
product_qty: 1.0
product_uom: product_uom_litre0
type: normal
routing_id: mrp_routing_productionrouting0
- company_id: base.main_company
name: Tea
product_efficiency: 1.0
product_id: product_product_tea0
product_qty: 200.0
product_uom: product.product_uom_gram
type: normal
- company_id: base.main_company
name: Sugar
product_efficiency: 1.0
product_id: product_product_sugar0
product_qty: 200.0
product_uom: product.product_uom_gram
type: normal
- company_id: base.main_company
name: Water
product_efficiency: 1.0
product_id: product_product_milk0
product_qty: 0.5
product_uom: product_uom_litre0
type: normal
I make the production order for the product Cup of Tea.
!record {model: mrp.production, id: mrp_production_mo0}:
product_id: product_product_cupoftea0
product_qty: 5.0
product_uom: product_uom_litre0
product_uos_qty: 0.0
bom_id: mrp_bom_cupoftea0
routing_id: mrp_routing_productionrouting0
company_id: base.main_company
date_planned: '2010-08-03 15:12:32'
location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
location_src_id: stock.stock_location_stock
name: MO/00002
I compute the data of production order.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
self.action_compute(cr, uid, [ref("mrp_production_mo0")], {"lang": "en_US", "tz": False, "search_default_Current":
1, "active_model": "ir.ui.menu", "active_ids": [ref("mrp.menu_mrp_production_action")],
"active_id": ref("mrp.menu_mrp_production_action"), })
I confirm the production order.
!workflow {model: mrp.production, action: button_confirm, ref: mrp_production_mo0}
I check that all three stock moves have the destination location which is set in routing instead of the default one.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
production = self.browse(cr, uid, [ref("mrp_production_mo0")])
route_location_id = production[0].routing_id.location_id.id
for move in production[0].move_lines:
assert (move.location_id.id == route_location_id),'Wrong Move !'