
304 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File

* Wiky.js - Javascript library to converts Wiki MarkUp language to HTML.
* You can do whatever with it. Please give me some credits (Apache License)
* - Tanin Na Nakorn
var wiky = {};
wiky.process = function(wikitext) {
var lines = wikitext.split(/\r?\n/);
var start;
var html = "";
for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++)
var line = lines[i];
if (line.match(/^===/)!=null && line.match(/===$/)!=null)
html += "<h2>"+line.substring(3,line.length-3)+"</h2>";
else if (line.match(/^==/)!=null && line.match(/==$/)!=null)
html += "<h3>"+line.substring(2,line.length-2)+"</h3>";
else if (line.match(/^:+/)!=null)
// find start line and ending line
start = i;
while (i < lines.length && lines[i].match(/^:+/)!=null) i++;
html += wiky.process_indent(lines,start,i);
else if (line.match(/^----+(\s*)$/)!=null)
html += "<hr/>";
else if (line.match(/^(\*+) /)!=null)
// find start line and ending line
start = i;
while (i < lines.length && lines[i].match(/^(\*+|##+):? /)!=null) i++;
html += wiky.process_bullet_point(lines,start,i);
else if (line.match(/^(#+) /)!=null)
// find start line and ending line
start = i;
while (i < lines.length && lines[i].match(/^(#+|\*\*+):? /)!=null) i++;
html += wiky.process_bullet_point(lines,start,i);
html += wiky.process_normal(line);
html += "<br/>\n";
return html;
wiky.process_indent = function(lines,start,end) {
var html = "<dl>";
for(var i=start;i<=end;i++) {
html += "<dd>";
var this_count = lines[i].match(/^(:+)/)[1].length;
html += wiky.process_normal(lines[i].substring(this_count));
var nested_end = i;
for (var j=i+1;j<=end;j++) {
var nested_count = lines[j].match(/^(:+)/)[1].length;
if (nested_count <= this_count) break;
else nested_end = j;
if (nested_end > i) {
html += wiky.process_indent(lines,i+1,nested_end);
i = nested_end;
html += "</dd>";
html += "</dl>";
return html;
wiky.process_bullet_point = function(lines,start,end) {
var html = (lines[start].charAt(0)=='*')?"<ul>":"<ol>";
for(var i=start;i<=end;i++) {
html += "<li>";
var this_count = lines[i].match(/^(\*+|#+) /)[1].length;
html += wiky.process_normal(lines[i].substring(this_count+1));
// continue previous with #:
var nested_end = i;
for (var j = i + 1; j <= end; j++) {
var nested_count = lines[j].match(/^(\*+|#+):? /)[1].length;
if (nested_count < this_count)
else {
if (lines[j].charAt(nested_count) == ':') {
html += "<br/>" + wiky.process_normal(lines[j].substring(nested_count + 2));
nested_end = j;
} else {
i = nested_end;
// nested bullet point
var nested_end = i;
for (var j = i + 1; j <= end; j++) {
var nested_count = lines[j].match(/^(\*+|#+):? /)[1].length;
if (nested_count <= this_count)
nested_end = j;
if (nested_end > i) {
html += wiky.process_bullet_point(lines, i + 1, nested_end);
i = nested_end;
// continue previous with #:
var nested_end = i;
for (var j = i + 1; j <= end; j++) {
var nested_count = lines[j].match(/^(\*+|#+):? /)[1].length;
if (nested_count < this_count)
else {
if (lines[j].charAt(nested_count) == ':') {
html += wiky.process_normal(lines[j].substring(nested_count + 2));
nested_end = j;
} else {
i = nested_end;
html += "</li>";
html += (lines[start].charAt(0)=='*')?"</ul>":"</ol>";
return html;
wiky.process_url = function(txt) {
var index = txt.indexOf(" ");
if (index == -1)
return "<a target='"+txt+"' href='"+txt+"' style='background: url(\"\") no-repeat scroll right center transparent;padding-right: 13px;'></a>";
var url = txt.substring(0,index);
var label = txt.substring(index+1);
return "<a target='"+url+"' href='"+url+"' style='background: url(\"\") no-repeat scroll right center transparent;padding-right: 13px;'>"+label+"</a>";
wiky.process_image = function(txt) {
var index = txt.indexOf(" ");
var url = txt;
var label = "";
if (index > -1)
url = txt.substring(0,index);
label = txt.substring(index+1);
return "<img src='"+url+"' alt=\""+label+"\" />";
wiky.process_video = function(url) {
if (url.match(/^(https?:\/\/)?(www.)?youtube.com\//) == null)
return "<b>"+url+" is an invalid YouTube URL</b>";
var result;
if ((result = url.match(/^(https?:\/\/)?(www.)?youtube.com\/watch\?(.*)v=([^&]+)/)) != null)
url = "http://www.youtube.com/embed/"+result[4];
return '<iframe width="480" height="390" src="'+url+'" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
wiky.process_normal = function(wikitext) {
// Image
var index = wikitext.indexOf("[[File:");
var end_index = wikitext.indexOf("]]", index + 7);
while (index > -1 && end_index > -1) {
wikitext = wikitext.substring(0,index)
+ wiky.process_image(wikitext.substring(index+7,end_index))
+ wikitext.substring(end_index+2);
index = wikitext.indexOf("[[File:");
end_index = wikitext.indexOf("]]", index + 7);
// Video
var index = wikitext.indexOf("[[Video:");
var end_index = wikitext.indexOf("]]", index + 8);
while (index > -1 && end_index > -1) {
wikitext = wikitext.substring(0,index)
+ wiky.process_video(wikitext.substring(index+8,end_index))
+ wikitext.substring(end_index+2);
index = wikitext.indexOf("[[Video:");
end_index = wikitext.indexOf("]]", index + 8);
// URL
var protocols = ["http","ftp","news"];
for (var i=0;i<protocols.length;i++)
var index = wikitext.indexOf("["+protocols[i]+"://");
var end_index = wikitext.indexOf("]", index + 1);
while (index > -1 && end_index > -1) {
wikitext = wikitext.substring(0,index)
+ wiky.process_url(wikitext.substring(index+1,end_index))
+ wikitext.substring(end_index+1);
index = wikitext.indexOf("["+protocols[i]+"://",end_index+1);
end_index = wikitext.indexOf("]", index + 1);
var count_b = 0;
var index = wikitext.indexOf("'''");
while(index > -1) {
if ((count_b%2)==0) wikitext = wikitext.replace(/'''/,"<b>");
else wikitext = wikitext.replace(/'''/,"</b>");
index = wikitext.indexOf("'''",index);
var count_i = 0;
var index = wikitext.indexOf("''");
while(index > -1) {
if ((count_i%2)==0) wikitext = wikitext.replace(/''/,"<i>");
else wikitext = wikitext.replace(/''/,"</i>");
index = wikitext.indexOf("''",index);
wikitext = wikitext.replace(/<\/b><\/i>/g,"</i></b>");
return wikitext;