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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- edited with XMLSPY v2004 rel. 3 U (http://www.xmlspy.com) by Andy Robinson (ReportLab Europe Ltd.) -->
<!DOCTYPE presentation SYSTEM "../pythonpoint.dtd">
<presentation filename="figures.xml" pageDuration="10">
<stylesheet module="standard" function="getParagraphStyles"/>
<title>New Feature Tests</title>
Andy Robinson
Reportlab Sample Applications
<section name="Main">
<!-- any graphics in the section go on all its pages as a backdrop -->
<rectangle height="555" fill="ReportLabBlue" x="20" width="96" y="20"/>
<!--fixedimage height="64" filename="leftlogo.gif" x="20" width="96" y="510"/-->
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<!--infostring size="14" align="right" x="800" y="36">
&#187;%(title)s, page %(page)s&#171;
<!-- Now for the slides -->
<slide title="Introduction" id="Slide001" effectname="Box" effectduration="2">
<frame height="468" x="120" y="72" rightmargin="36" width="700" leftmargin="36">
<para style="Heading1">
New Feature Test Cases - Figures, Drawings and Included Pages
<para style="BodyText">
especially images and pagecatcher stuff...
<para style="BodyText">
lets you create attractive and consistent presentation slides
on any platform. It is a demo app built on top of the PDFgen PDF library
and the PLATYPUS Page Layout library. Essentially, it converts slides
in an XML format to PDF.
<para style="BodyText">
It can be used right now to create slide shows, but will
undoubtedly change and evolve. Read on for a tutorial...
<slide title="Test Drawing Tag" id="Slide002" effectname="Dissolve" effectduration="2">
<frame height="468" x="120" y="72" rightmargin="36" width="700" leftmargin="36" border="true">
<para style="Heading1">
Drawing Tag In Action within story context
<para style="BodyText">
especially images and pagecatcher stuff...
<para style="BodyText">Hope that came out right-aligned with a box around it...</para>
<drawing module="slidebox" constructor="SlideBoxDrawing" showBoundary="1" hAlign="CENTER"/>
<slide title="Test PageFigure Tag" id="Slide002" effectname="Glitter" effectduration="2">
<frame height="468" x="120" y="72" rightmargin="36" width="300" leftmargin="36" border="true">
<para style="Heading1">PageFigure</para>
<para style="BodyText">This imports a page and displays it. Since this will typically be used to show
A4/Letter pages, it does a 'shrink to fit' based on frame width. The scaleFactor attribute can override this,
as I did below...
<pageCatcherFigure filename="../../../../rlextra/pageCatcher/test/ir684.pdf" pageNo="0" caption="IR684 - Authorizing your Agent" scaleFactor="0.1"/>
<frame height="468" x="450" y="72" width="325" border="true">
<pageCatcherFigure filename="../../../rlextra/pageCatcher/test/ir684.pdf" pageNo="0" caption="IR684 - Authorizing your Agent"/>