
147 lines
5.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
from lxml import etree, html
from openerp.osv import osv, fields
class view(osv.osv):
_inherit = "ir.ui.view"
_columns = {
'inherit_option_id': fields.many2one('ir.ui.view','Optional Inheritancy'),
'inherited_option_ids': fields.one2many('ir.ui.view','inherit_option_id','Optional Inheritancies'),
'page': fields.boolean("Whether this view is a web page template (complete)"),
'website_meta_title': fields.char("Website meta title", size=70, translate=True),
'website_meta_description': fields.text("Website meta description", size=160, translate=True),
'website_meta_keywords': fields.char("Website meta keywords", translate=True),
_defaults = {
'page': False,
# Returns all views (called and inherited) related to a view
# Used by translation mechanism, SEO and optional templates
def _views_get(self, cr, uid, view, options=True, context=None, root=True, stack_result=None):
if not context:
context = {}
if not stack_result:
stack_result = []
def view_obj(view):
if isinstance(view, basestring):
mod_obj = self.pool.get("ir.model.data")
m, n = view.split('.')
view = mod_obj.get_object(cr, uid, m, n, context=context)
elif isinstance(view, (int, long)):
view = self.pool.get("ir.ui.view").browse(cr, uid, view, context=context)
return view
view = view_obj(view)
except ValueError:
# Shall we log that ?
return []
while root and view.inherit_id:
view = view.inherit_id
result = [view]
node = etree.fromstring(view.arch)
for child in node.xpath("//t[@t-call]"):
call_view = view_obj(child.get('t-call'))
except ValueError:
if call_view not in result:
result += self._views_get(cr, uid, call_view, options=options, context=context, stack_result=result)
todo = view.inherit_children_ids
if options:
todo += filter(lambda x: not x.inherit_id, view.inherited_option_ids)
# Keep options in a determinitic order whatever their enabled disabled status
todo.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(x.id,y.id))
for child_view in todo:
for r in self._views_get(cr, uid, child_view, options=bool(child_view.inherit_id), context=context, root=False, stack_result=result):
if r not in result:
return result
def extract_embedded_fields(self, cr, uid, arch, context=None):
return arch.xpath('//*[@data-oe-model != "ir.ui.view"]')
def save_embedded_field(self, cr, uid, el, context=None):
Model = self.pool[el.get('data-oe-model')]
field = el.get('data-oe-field')
column = Model._all_columns[field].column
converter = self.pool['website.qweb'].get_converter_for(
value = converter.from_html(cr, uid, Model, column, el)
if value is not None:
# TODO: batch writes?
Model.write(cr, uid, [int(el.get('data-oe-id'))], {
field: value
}, context=context)
def to_field_ref(self, cr, uid, el, context=None):
# filter out meta-information inserted in the document
attributes = dict((k, v) for k, v in el.items()
if not k.startswith('data-oe-'))
attributes['t-field'] = el.get('data-oe-expression')
out = html.html_parser.makeelement(el.tag, attrib=attributes)
out.tail = el.tail
return out
def replace_arch_section(self, cr, uid, view_id, section_xpath, replacement, context=None):
# the root of the arch section shouldn't actually be replaced as it's
# not really editable itself, only the content truly is editable.
[view] = self.browse(cr, uid, [view_id], context=context)
arch = etree.fromstring(view.arch.encode('utf-8'))
# => get the replacement root
if not section_xpath:
root = arch
# ensure there's only one match
[root] = arch.xpath(section_xpath)
root.text = replacement.text
root.tail = replacement.tail
# replace all children
del root[:]
for child in replacement:
return arch
def save(self, cr, uid, res_id, value, xpath=None, context=None):
""" Update a view section. The view section may embed fields to write
:param str model:
:param int res_id:
:param str xpath: valid xpath to the tag to replace
res_id = int(res_id)
arch_section = html.fromstring(
value, parser=html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8'))
if xpath is None:
# value is an embedded field on its own, not a view section
self.save_embedded_field(cr, uid, arch_section, context=context)
for el in self.extract_embedded_fields(cr, uid, arch_section, context=context):
self.save_embedded_field(cr, uid, el, context=context)
# transform embedded field back to t-field
el.getparent().replace(el, self.to_field_ref(cr, uid, el, context=context))
arch = self.replace_arch_section(cr, uid, res_id, xpath, arch_section, context=context)
self.write(cr, uid, res_id, {
'arch': etree.tostring(arch, encoding='utf-8').decode('utf-8')
}, context=context)